69 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Vitruvius-
    Some of us in the south might think that you’re asking us to step in frot of a train when you bring up the “T”. (Click on my name below, if you’re curious.)

  2. I think I failed the filter last time, I’ll try one more – Fox News calculated the carbon footprint of the Copenhagen Conference – about the same as Morocco’s output for a year.

  3. Are doom predictors ever wrong? How about Time and Newsweek from back in the mid 70’s?
    Then from Wikipedia
    On October 23, 2006, Newsweek issued a correction, over 31 years after the original article, stating that it had been “so spectacularly wrong about the near-term future” (though editor Jerry Adler claimed that ‘the story wasn’t “wrong” in the journalistic sense of “inaccurate.”‘)
    Don’t you just love that part about being wrong but not inaccurate.

  4. More info on the Fossil Fuel Awards
    Here’s the comment I left:
    Translation: The AGW zealots believe capitalism sucks and socialism (or more despotic) rules the day.
    If aliens were watching us right now they’d be shaking their heads in disbelief at such stupidity.

  5. Temp at Moose Jaw, Sk. at 11:00 PM CST, Dec 07-09.
    Do icebergs melt at -30°C? Keep in mind that in order to get down to -30°C on the plains of Western Canada, temp. has to be over -40° in the arctic!

  6. To: Robert W (Vancouver)
    One important number. How much fuel did they use to get to Copenhagen?

  7. I do a lot of reading of very old newspapers and occasionally, unrelated to my searches, come across weather information.
    Tonight was one of those occasions and I thought this might be of interest to some.
    So, in keeping with Robert’s ‘by the numbers’ theme, here are, as Joe Friday used to say…”Just the facts ma’am”:
    Los Angeles Herald. May 1, 1905. p.2 — Weather Conditions For Last 27 Years
    The United States weather bureau’s report from the Los Angeles station for the month of May shows an average temperature of 63 degrees, while the maximum of 103 degrees was registered May 25, 1896. The lowest was indicated May 16, 1883, and was 40 degrees. […]
    For what it’s worth, in descending order, the average temperature for LA during the month of May is now reportedly:
    LA Downtown 66.5 (Weather Channel)
    LA Civic Center 65.8 (LA Almanac)
    LA Downtown 65.5 (about.com)
    LA Airport 63.0 (Weather Channel)
    LA location n/s 62.7 (cityrating.com)
    LA location n/s 62.6 (BBC)

  8. Joe, I agree that would be a good number. If you’re reading any Copenhagen Summit articles and see numbers in it, please contact me directly or leave a comment on that blog item I posted and I will update.

  9. xiat, at 1:01 AM. Thanks for that. Very impressive country; Switzerland, and to repeat, only in a Free Country is self defense a Right.
    A most beautiful utube video I came across quite by accident. A 1952 movie starring Susan Hayward. Jane Froman supplied the voice.
    With a Song in My Heart

  10. From May 10, 2006! Interesting, since cycle 24 hasn’t managed to get going at all yet. We might really be in for a “climate catastrophe” – another Little Ice Age.
    Solar Cycle 25 peaking around 2022 could be one of the weakest in centuries
    The Sun’s Great Conveyor Belt has slowed to a record-low crawl, according to research by NASA solar physicist David Hathaway. “It’s off the bottom of the charts,” he says. “This has important repercussions for future solar activity.”
    If the trend holds, Solar Cycle 25 in 2022 could be, like the belt itself, “off the bottom of the charts.”

  11. The folks at hopenchangen have a web page where one can post greetings to the delegates. I suggest we let them all know what we think of this biggest scam in history. It’s hard to express all of my rage and disgust in 150 characters or less but here’s my first attempt:
    The people now know about this scientific fraud of the century. Freedom loving people everywhere will fight your unelected world government.
    The link to this site is:

  12. Thanks for that link, Loki. Here’s what I posted:
    “What’s the difference between Used Car Salesmen and Delegates in Copenhagen? The Used Car Salesmen know when they’re lying.”

  13. Amidst CLIMATEGATE…
    Now we’ve got H1N1GATE.
    WHO H1N1 Scientific Advisors $$-Tied To Vaccine PharmaCos

    Why didn’t the World Health Organization tell us that the “scientists” who advised them and who told us all that there was a “pandemic” of massively deadly swine flu and that we all must get vaccinated… are tied financially to the vaccine-manufacturing Big PharmaCos?
    Bear in mind that the pharmaceutical companies who manufacture the vaccines have profited massively to the tune of billions of dollars from this alleged “pandemic”.
    Bear, also, in mind, that ordinary flu seasons kill more Americans than the swine flu has. Many, many, many more.

    They also conveniently redefined “pandemic” so as to logically enable them to make the internationally-alarming declaration when otherwise there’d be no way they could logically make such a serious announcement. Apparently their science isn’t “sound”, either.
    Y’all know, the EPA’s declaration the other day that carbon dioxide is a deadly gas (when it’s actually essential to life on earth), well one can’t help but wonder about that, too…
    What else are we being lied to about, to scare the hell out of us, force us to submit to imposed control and hand over our money?

  14. Here is what I submitted…
    Enjoy the prostitutes! Hopefully you all end up in jail for this scam. Say no to taxation of CO2, essential for life on earth.
    Unfortunately…it said that it was being submitted to the editors…darn.

  15. Man…no disparaging comments allowed at Hopenchangen…maybe I’ll try writing “Harper is as bad as BushHitler SAVE THE ITCHY ALGAE AND STOP GLOBAL WARMING” and see if they will post that. Or maybe “Polar bears will fall out of the sky if you don’t STOP THE OILSANDS!” or, “I would be willing to pay 100% tax to SAVE THE PLANET!”
    What do you all think?

  16. Canadian Sentinel: “Why didn’t the World Health Organization tell us that the “scientists” who advised them and who told us all that there was a “pandemic” of massively deadly swine flu and that we all must get vaccinated… are tied financially to the vaccine-manufacturing Big PharmaCos?”
    I knew it! I knew it! ‘Smelled a rat from the beginning and said, “follow the money,” of course, leading directly to big pharmaceuticals.
    That’s largely what the se!ualization of our young people is about too: The pharmaceuticals make money on the pills, IUDs, condoms, spermicidal foams, diaphragms, etc., then on the medications to deal with the over 50 STDs (Se!ually Transmitted Diseases) out there, and then, on the medications to deal with post-abortion complications, and then, the myriad of medications the many cancers related to early se!ual activity require. It’s a never ending money machine, with very little concern for the actual health and well-being of the populace, even though that’s the spin: gargantuan profits under the veneer of cheap empathy.
    Discernment is required.

  17. Gore’s immolation vs Polar bear convicts.
    “*The cold snap is expected to continue all week with daytime highs ranging from -12 C on Thursday to a bitterly cold weekend that will see the high drop to -25 C. The normal high for this time of year is -6 C.”
    “UEA asks for local support over ‘Climategate’
    Bosses at the University of East Anglia insisted last night the under- fire institution could ride out the storm of the climategate scandal – but called on the support of people in Norfolk and Norwich to help them through the most damaging row in its history.”
    “*Alberta deep freeze saps power
    Record high energy usage in province as mercury plummets”
    “Hudson Bay jail upgraded for wayward polar bears
    Cnews ^ | December 8, 2009 | Canadian Press
    WINNIPEG — Manitoba is spending more money to upgrade a polar bear jail in Churchill. Conservation Minister Bill Blaikie says the province is spending $105,000 to improve the jail’s walls and main entrance.
    The compound is used to house wayward polar bears that get too close to the town or return to the community after being scared away.”

  18. CTV reports that 2009 is the warmest year EVER. Interesting how they can come to that conclusion when the year isn’t even over yet. All I know is that although got to golf into November, didn’t use the pool much – not hot enough.
    Certainly if they compared year over year without including December 2009, it would LOOK like it was the warmest ever. It must be that NEW science.

  19. Robert,
    I think the $money count is way low. Para 41 of the agreement calls for Annex 1 nations (the richies) to write am annual cheque for ‘a minimum of .7% of their GDP”. Canada alone would have to pay about $9.3 billion, the USA would be dinged for $115 Billion.
    Add in all the other rich nations . . . $big $Bucks.

  20. CTV has another ‘sky is falling’ story — http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20091208/warmest_decade_091208/20091208?hub=TopStoriesV2 This line shows the in-depth analysis—“The decade 2000-2009 “is very likely to be the warmest on record, warmer than the 1990s, than the 1980s and so on,” Jarraud said at a news conference, holding up a chart with a temperature curve pointing upward.”— Very likely means -‘As soon as we adjust the numbers,it will.’

  21. Batb,
    It was so obvious! First SARS, then bird flu, then swine flu, then guess what? Obama’s health plan.
    How naive and short-sighted people should be, how short should be their memory to not make a connection?
    But the next question you are going to ask – how come, Bush was in the office back then??? And I am going to ask you – why do you think it matters? China and Russia were just as complicit in spreading bird flu scare as any other country. This is global, dude. Connect the dots and you will see.

  22. A poll gone wrong,
    Will the Copenhagen Conference make a difference in fighting global warming?
    Yes 16%
    No 84%
    At CTV-Montreal

  23. My greeting to the Copenhagen crew went through. I thanked them for all the co2 they’re spitting out, by throwing such a big party. It’s -33 in Suthern Alberta this morning. Looks like it isn’t about to warm up, for at least a week.

  24. Nathan Hodge, Pearl Harbor Mystery Solved? Divers Claim Killer Sub Find
    Nearly seven decades after the attack on Pearl Harbor, researchers believe they have uncovered new evidence that a Japanese miniature submarine may have helped strike Battleship Row…
    This isn’t the only recent find. A National Geographic team has explored the depths off the island of Oahu to find the remains of Japan’s largest and fastest submarines, which were built to attack the U.S. mainland or attack the Panama Canal…

  25. http://en.cop15.dk/climate+greetings
    Just sent:
    “We need to reduce industrial destruction .Where I live we can trap rabbits for food, and use fur to keep warm. Enjoy the postcards; wear a glove!”
    You can select from 4 graphics to go with your 150 character note. I chose a swallow…..

  26. If your interested moonbattery.com just started with the registration thing for commenter’s. To bad, I don’t regi for anything, well it was fun while it lasted.

  27. More “leak” here:
    “Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after ‘Danish text’ leak
    Developing countries react furiously to leaked draft agreement that would hand more power to rich nations, sideline the UN’s negotiating role and abandon the Kyoto protocol
    The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN’s role in all future climate change negotiations.
    The document also sets unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and developing countries in 2050; meaning that people in rich countries would be permitted to emit nearly twice as much under the proposals.
    The so-called Danish text, a secret draft agreement worked on by a group of individuals known as “the circle of commitment” – but understood to include the UK, US and Denmark – has only been shown to a handful of countries since it was finalised this week.
    The agreement, leaked to the Guardian, is a departure from the Kyoto protocol’s principle that rich nations, which have emitted the bulk of the CO2, should take on firm and binding commitments to reduce greenhouse gases, while poorer nations were not compelled to act. The draft hands effective control of climate change finance to the World Bank; would abandon the Kyoto protocol – the only legally binding treaty that the world has on emissions reductions; and would make any money to help poor countries adapt to climate change dependent on them taking a range of actions.
    The document was described last night by one senior diplomat as “a very dangerous document for developing countries.
    (Excerpt) Read more at guardian.co.uk”

  28. And … besides all that it was a great video, not only for the music but the movement and expressions on T-Bone’s face are all part of the performance.

  29. Liberal Iffy/McGuinty’s IST: Iffy’s Sales Tax.
    An IST Xmas/AGW/CRU gifty from Taber: “the winters are cold up there”.
    “Not: HST and Hansard.
    Michael Ignatieff and his Liberals have internal frustrations with the harmonized sales tax – but for Claude Gravelle, the NDP MP for Nickel Belt in Northern Ontario, the policy hits home.
    His constituents are “not happy” about it, he said this morning in an interview, especially as the winters are cold up there and home heating oil will increase in price because of the controversial tax. As well, there’s a lot of territory to cover and residents need cars to get around. Gas prices will increase, too.
    “They can’t afford it,” he said.
    Speaking out against the tax in the House of Commons yesterday, Mr. Gravelle read a cheeky poem from one of his constituents. It is loosely set to the Lord’s Prayer and is called “Psalm 2009 – First Book of Government.”
    However, Mr. Gravelle was cut off before he was able to finish the poem. So, here, in bold, is what Hansard – the official record of the Commons – did not provide:
    “McGuinty is the shepherd I did not want;
    He leadeth me beside the still factories.
    He restoreth my faith in the Conservative Party.
    He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party’s sake.
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line,
    I shall fear no hunger, for his bailouts are with me.
    He has anointed my income with taxes …
    HST being the latest.
    My expenses runneth over.
    Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life.
    And I will live in a mortgaged home forever.
    I am glad to be a Canadian.
    I am glad that I am free.
    But I wish I was a dog …
    And McGuinty was a tree.””

  30. “Average electricity bills would rise $208 a year, gas costs would go up $83 a year and food expenses would increase by $68 a year”
    So, is Harper going to equalize his Carbon Tax, in harmonization with the harmonizing Ontario & BC – who are going to equalize for all the people who get screwed by higher taxes on food, warmth, and shelter?
    (whew! that’s alot of government needed just to do the equalizing! And Rudd doesn’t govern in an polar N49 climate. What do you think happens when food requires long distance transport? Or greenhouses that are fired by natural gas?* $ka-ching$ baby – it’ll make millions!)
    Rudd pledges to repay ETS rise
    FAMILIES will pay little or nothing for Labor’s emissions trading scheme, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd pledged yesterday.
    Full or partial compensation for rising costs would be available for couples with children on an income up to $160,000, as well as for singles on $30,000 a year or less.
    Read what the Climate Change experts have to say and tell us – What do you believe here?
    Mr Rudd acknowledged that the Government’s defeated ETS legislation, which will be brought back to Parliament in February, would add to household costs.
    Average electricity bills would rise $208 a year, gas costs would go up $83 a year and food expenses would increase by $68 a year, according to Treasury estimates prepared last month……”
    * – bet you didn’t know: all greenhouse operations rely on firing propane or natural gas to increase CO2 concentrations in their commercial greenhouses. You see, it increases yields by 30%. Now you know!

  31. Meanwhile, in unrelated news:
    HST will leave Ontario without need of 1,250 tax employees
    Canwest News Service Published: Tuesday, November 24, 2009
    More than 1,250 employees will no longer be needed once the tax is introduced, says a memo sent by Carol Layton, deputy minister of Revenue, to Ministry staff.
    The move toward the HST will see collection of Ontario’s sales taxes become the responsibility of the federal government. The memo says the provincial Ministry has a “commitment” from Ottawa to “maximize employment in other federal departments and agencies for a corresponding number of affected employees.”
    Read more: http://www.nationalpost.com/related/topics/story.html?id=2258235#ixzz0Z7GVXDLU
    Thank god those people and their jobs are safe! Now, get back to work so you can pay for them.

  32. Wall Street Journal, The Copenhagen Concoction
    The U.N.’s climate confab runs into the reality of costs and science.
    So what exactly is the point of Copenhagen? The question needs to be asked all the more insistently in the wake of last month’s disclosure of thousands of documents and emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU), long considered an authoritative center of temperature data, modeling and forecasts.
    At a minimum, the emails demonstrate the lengths some of the world’s leading climate scientists were prepared to go to manufacture the “consensus” they used to demand drastic steps against global warming. The emails are replete with talk of blacklisting dissenting scientists and journals, manipulating peer review and avoiding freedom of information requests.
    Nor can the emails be dismissed as a handful of scientists showing their petulant streak. Scientific research must be subject to testing, verification and, if necessary, disproof. Otherwise, its conclusions are worthless. That’s especially true if the basic data on which the climate records are based are deleted, as seems to have been the case with the CRU, or if the elaborate computer models used to forecast climate turn out to be poorly designed, as also seems to be the case.
    The core question raised by the emails is why their authors would behave this way if they are as privately convinced of the strength of their case as they claim in public…

  33. What else are we being lied to about, to scare the hell out of us, force us to submit to imposed control and hand over our money?
    Posted by: Canadian Sentinel at December 8, 2009 5:39 AM
    Ummm, most everything really. You are a debit card on legs there buddy, and your government and most of business is there to help liberate you of funds.
    The difference being is that government uses the force of law and the inertia of the state to forcibly extract funds from you.
