69 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Aww, how sweet. The nice climate delegates are going to offset themselves elsewhere. It’ll be like they never were even there….
    Project in Bangladesh to offset climate conference emissions
    A climate project in Bangladesh, which involves replacing outdated brick kilns in Dhaka, is set to ensure the COP15 will be climate neutral.
    A climate project in Bangladesh, which involves replacing outdated brick kilns in Dhaka, is set to ensure the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) will be climate neutral.
    The project has been made possible through an agreement between Denmark, the World Bank and Bangladesh. It will see the heavily polluting, existing kilns replaced by 20 new energy efficient ones, which will cut more than 100,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year and improve air quality in one of the world’s most polluted cities….”
    Say – not to bee too much of a pain, but what happens when the kilns need replacing? I mean, if there was enough profit from the brickworks to finance capital, the business would purchase the new kilns, and everything would be tip top, no?
    More pointedly, what happens when they have to replace the capital that wears out? Do we need another climate conference?

  2. hb, I’ve long argued that these Climate Offsets are a complete farce, allowing “liberal progressives” to get away with doing whatever they want but not feeling guilty about it.
    Speaking of farces, the use of the term “progressive” is another one.

  3. Fred, thanks for the tip. When you see a grand total, if even just an estimate, then please drop me a comment on my blog piece and I’ll amend. If you can include a URL reference, that would be great.

  4. I am somewhat intrigued by who all goes to this thing. I noticed, for example, (atTyee http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2009/12/06/CopenhagenContradictions/) that many friends and students of a Professor M’Gonigle at U Vic are at Copenhagen. I am puzzled by the fact that a number of students are going. Aren’t students characteristically poor? How is it they can afford an expensive venture like this — oh, I get it, probably their way is being paid by NGO’s to ensure sufficient number of student dupes are on hand to “protest”. One of the strategies being used by organizers of the warmers is to take advantage of the mindless passion of youth. WE know this because at nearly all of the global warming protests everything is totally organized — professional signs, etc. I wonder at what point these youth will realize that they have been used.

  5. charles macdonald:
    Thanks for posting the article from the Wall Street Journal…one of the best i have seen yet. Follow the money!

  6. Neither surprises, nor news:
    # No meaningful attempt was made to de-escalate the situation.
    # No warning, visual or otherwise, was given to Dziekanski prior to him being hit by the conducted energy weapon (CEW).
    # Use of the CEW against Dziekanski was premature and inappropriate.
    # The CEW was used multiple times on Dziekanski without any significant effort made to determine the need for further use.
    Report slams RCMP in airport Taser death
    Last Updated: Tuesday, December 8, 2009 | 11:27 AM PT
    And an armed militia – deeply corrupted and irreversibly politicized – shuffles the papers, and moves on.

  7. Alberta sending delegation to Copenhagen
    Province wants position known
    By Shaun Polczer, With Files From Canwest News ServiceDecember 8, 2009
    CALGARY – Alberta will be sending representatives to the Copenhagen climate change talks after all, Environment Minister Rob Renner told the Herald on Monday.
    Renner is expected to call a news conference today to outline the delegation in a bid to strengthen Canada’s hand at the talks, which are expected to come down hard on Alberta’s oilsands as a culprit in global warming.
    Renner told the Herald’s editorial board that the number of world leaders attending the conference convinced him that a breakthrough agreement is likely and that Alberta needs to make its position on climate change known.
    “Clearly, with having all of the world’s leaders there, including (U. S.) President (Barack) Obama, there is the expectation, I think, that there will be an agreement,” he said. “There’s no way they’re going to walk away with nothing.”
    Might be time for Canadians to dig a hole in their yard, and hide their cash. It sounds like your governments need it.

  8. Hey, what’s the rush? Take your time, relax….
    Former Det.-Const. William McCormack, son of a former police chief, leaves University Ave. courthouse, after a judge stayed charges against him and two other police officers. The long, high-profile corruption case involved allegations of payoffs to police by nightclub owners, informants with mob ties and witness intimidation.
    Police corruption case killed by delays
    Published On Tue Dec 08 2009
    The lead investigator in one of Toronto’s major corruption trials is being blamed for much of the delay that led to charges being tossed Monday against two former high-profile police officers.
    After almost six years, Superior Court Justice Bonnie Croll stayed the charges against Det.-Const. William McCormack – son of a former Toronto police chief – and Const. Rick McIntosh, once the popular president of the Toronto police union, ruling that delays had breached their right to a fair trial.

  9. Goreacle Report: Be happy we warned you that AGW, aka global warming, will kill you.
    “Calgary perilously snowed-in
    Residents fear road blockages in emergency
    CALGARY — Northeast Calgarians say their lives are in greater peril should another massive fire or health emergency happen on snowed-in streets littered with stuck vehicles.
    Saddletree Dr. N.E., facing a north open field with no shield from high winds, has been impassable since Friday.”

  10. Islam is a cannibal.
    “Coordinated Bomb Attacks in Baghdad Kill Scores of People
    BAGHDAD – A series of devastating car bombings rocked Baghdad on Tuesday, killing at least 121 people and wounding hundreds more, according to preliminary accounts by witnesses, the police and hospital officials.” (nyslimes)

  11. Goreacle Report: How did dhimmi Nicholas get in here?
    “Big Winter Storm Slams Utah
    A strong winter storm brought snow and traffic problems across Utah early Tuesday morning with the lake effect kicking in for some extra powder in parts of the Salt Lake Valley. Drivers, businesses and families from Wendover to Vernal and Tremonton to St. George were having varying degrees of success coping with snow that was feet-deep in places. Forecaster Eric Schoening of the National Weather Service’s Salt Lake City office said he expected the storm to taper off Tuesday afternoon. Skies should clear for several days with another weaker storm expected to hit late Saturday and into Sunday. Temperatures will…
    Nicolas Sarkozy: Muslims Must Be Discreet About Faith [Keep “France’s Christian Heritage”]

  12. goings on in the world of Islam:

  13. Sorry, I don’t know where the word “British” come from in the previous post.
    Tom B.
