115 Replies to “The Al Gore Poetry Contest”

  1. Thanks for the laugh people!! Awesome talent!
    “Plummeting furrily” is going to stick in my head…might have to watch that WWF vid and read the poem out loud.
    These are keepers!
    Kate…do you know a publisher?

  2. Goodbye Gore
    Great green lies are Gore’s goldmine
    His fiction makes him rich
    But the CRU
    Has put the screws
    to the lying son of a b*tch.
    From solar flares to polar bears,
    He‘s lied about them all.
    Shove his hockey stick
    up the ar*e of this pr*ck.
    For his final curtain call.

  3. Kate,
    SDA might now be LDP (Large Dead Poets). I echo the accolades to the talent displayed in this thread. It’s been both fun and enjoyable! It’s brought a smile and a chuckle to my last 2 days.
    Thanx to all!

  4. O shepherd my shepherd (a.k.a., You tool)
    Al Gore is my shepherd
    He is only aware of what he wants
    He makes me lie down on park benches outside his mansion
    He leads me beside the polluted water of his strip mine
    He ‘nudges’ me into the path of Cap-N-Trade for his legacy sake
    He restores my doubt in politicians
    His jet emits only ‘getting the message out’ co2
    His ‘solutions summits’ doth make pockets light
    His movie makes children sleepless
    Yea, though I walk dark in my house his is comfortable lit
    Surely his neurosis for power will follow me all the days of my life
    And I will see votes held to the light on Thanksgiving forever

  5. To the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
    You know ‘Bama, and Michael, Suzuki and May
    Maurice and Layton, we all know they’re gay
    But do you recall, the most famous liar of all….
    Al Gore the bold-faced liar,
    Had a very big, long nose
    And every time he bullshit,
    You could see it grow and grow.
    All of the other lefties,
    Used to look at him with awe,
    They thought the world was ending,
    And that it was all our fault.
    Then one wet November night,
    CRU fell hard,
    All those e-mails they had sent,
    Showed the truth Al stretched and bent
    Then how the world loathed him,
    As we shouted out with glee,
    Al Gore the bold-faced liar,
    You’ll go down in history!

  6. To the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
    You know ‘Bama, and Michael, Suzuki and May
    Maurice and Layton, we all know they’re gay
    But do you recall, the most famous liar of all….
    Al Gore the bold-faced liar,
    Had a very big, long nose
    And every time he bullshit,
    You could see it grow and grow.
    All of the other lefties,
    Used to look at him with awe,
    They thought the world was ending,
    And that it was all our fault.
    Then one wet November night,
    CRU fell hard,
    All those e-mails they had sent,
    Showed the truth Al stretched and bent
    Then how the world loathed him,
    As we shouted out with glee,
    Al Gore the bold-faced liar,
    You’ll go down in history!

  7. To the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
    You know ‘Bama, and Michael, Suzuki and May
    Maurice and Layton, we all know they’re gay
    But do you recall, the most famous liar of all….
    Al Gore the bold-faced liar,
    Had a very big, long nose
    And every time he bullshit,
    You could see it grow and grow.
    All of the other lefties,
    Used to look at him with awe,
    They thought the world was ending,
    And that it was all our fault.
    Then one wet November night,
    CRU fell hard,
    All those e-mails they had sent,
    Showed the truth Al stretched and bent
    Then how the world loathed him,
    As we shouted out with glee,
    Al Gore the bold-faced liar,
    You’ll go down in history!

  8. Here’s a quick effort, bearing in mind, we are the Doggerel Party of Canada:
    Now hear ye the great Al Goracle,
    For now’s a time that’s quite historical.
    For every man, woman and youth,
    To heed an Inconvenient Truth.
    We’ve been burning fossil fuels,
    On which there are no free renewals.
    We filled the air with CO2,
    which you can’t see, but still it’s true.
    Listen to your new worlds master.
    You’re heading for climate disaster.
    There will be famine drought and flood,
    Wind and rain and streams of blood.
    The seas will rise oer seaside piers,
    And coastal towns will disappear.
    And all the streets y’all once walked on,
    Will be inhabited by plankton.
    There will be hotter, hotter days
    This is what the fruit fly says
    There will be killer bee attacks
    Unless you pay your carbon tax
    Now this we know and you’ll see later,
    It’s written in Phil Joness data.
    He reads the tree rings Briffa sees,
    And extrapolates his prophecies.
    But hidden from your eyes and mine,
    There’s tricks afoot to hide decline.
    And we find in shock and awe,
    A plot to circumvent the law.
    So wait! can it be really true?
    The planets baking me and you?
    Or is it just a cunning scheme,
    To realize socialisms dream?
    And so we found out just in time,
    The climate warmists dreadful crime.
    So please don’t sign that Danish treaty
    But turn the heat up, there’s a sweety.

  9. Oh for world without fear,
    Where no false prophets lay.
    Where opinions count, but facts remain
    The order of the day.

  10. There’s far more evidence to suggest that pot smoking causes adult onset psychosis, as demonstrated by Al Gore’s delusional poetry, than there is proof that global warming even exists.
    In 1971, I first encountered the GLOBAL WARMING CULT. Terry McAuliffe was pushing the fledgling global flooding ideology out of a cleverly named unisex-clothing shop called Hang-Ups, in a converted African American Baptist Church, acquired under false pretenses and wittily christened THE ARK, on South Patrick Street, in Alexandria, Virginia. THE ARK seemed poised to eclipse New York’s already famous Fillmore East, but folded a short time later due to corrupt business practices.
    Although persuasive, the global flooding argument didn’t ring true. I knew that NASA, the military and government agencies did extensive climate research, and said as much. If global warming could melt the polar ice caps thus causing global flooding by 1976, the alarm would come from the aforementioned sources. Terry McAuliffe, who probably named THE ARK himself, took me aside and explained, when it came to global warming; you couldn’t trust the government to tell the truth.
    As we know, 1976 came and went without global flooding. I still had that $45-dollar pair of striped slacks just like Hillary’s. I don’t know which was worse. I never regretted being booted from the cult (I was hardly ever in), and never expected to run into Terry or his people again, especially decades later in sunny California. Yet there they were on the Central Coast, singing the same old tune with some major new innovations. They had applied the global warming hysteria to higher education. Like global warming itself, education now became a massive fraud scheme designed to enrich the GLOBAL WARMING CULT. By 1995, The Brethren Of The Coast had grown exponentially. There would be much more to manmade global warming than mere water spotting: http://theseedsof9-11.com
