The Sound Of Settled Science

The Sun’s Great Conveyor Belt has slowed to a record-low crawl, according to research by NASA solar physicist David Hathaway. “It’s off the bottom of the charts,” he says. “This has important repercussions for future solar activity.”
The Great Conveyor Belt is a massive circulating current of fire (hot plasma) within the Sun. It has two branches, north and south, each taking about 40 years to perform one complete circuit. Researchers believe the turning of the belt controls the sunspot cycle, and that’s why the slowdown is important.
“Normally, the conveyor belt moves about 1 meter per second—walking pace,” says Hathaway. “That’s how it has been since the late 19th century.” In recent years, however, the belt has decelerated to 0.75 m/s in the north and 0.35 m/s in the south. “We’ve never seen speeds so low.”

He adds, “This is interesting news for astronauts.”
As in, “Honey, where did we put that window scraper? I’m going to be late for the launch.”
h/t Sylvan

41 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Well it was 15 dge’s at my home in WA state….
    Plus I live next to the Sound.
    Honey, throw another log on the fire…… QUICK!

  2. Obviously, this is George Bush’s and Stephen Harper’s fault. We need to do a lot of studies and pump a lot of money to a bunch of academics (who will not be at all affected by the money being thrown at them) to find that, indeed, it is George Bush’s and Stephen Harper’s fault. (No need to release any data)
    We will then effect the much needed solution by taxing North Americans and send the money to China through the UN as the Chinese are the innocenct victims of the centuries of Hubris that George W. Bush and Stephen Harper have perpetrated.

  3. And this will stall out the much hoped for, mythical global warming trend?
    Will it affect the price of polar bear meat?

  4. The price of polar bear meat has been at record lows ever since it started raining polar bears in London, as seen on youtube.
    You would think the climate scientists would be thrilled to have a new run of real world experiment to adjust their numbers. Alas, they are so certain that they are right that they just view new data as a distraction.

  5. Here’s a good site if you want to follow the current solar situation:
    Lots of data and charts to geek out with and an active message board with a solar section and a globull warming section.

  6. omg we’re like producing so much carbon that it’s like affecting the sun now? thank goodness for copenhagen!

  7. Ice age, we are overdue.
    Good thing our “leaders” are planning for the tropics world wide. idiots.

  8. Hmm…solar cycle 25 to be weakest.
    Coal stocks looks like they will be a 25 year winner. Buy em while they are hot!
    Ahhh…my hair is on fire, GLOW BALL warming…Thomas Malthus is upon me…
    Nahh…go soak your head.
    Global Warming Theory Not New, But Simple Reborn Malthusianism

    In some basic sense, the Global Warming movement resembles ancient paganism in that it presents a universe of great uncertainty and danger. The essential theory of ancient classical religion was the notion that mankind was caught in a volatile world under the oversight of capricious, and mysterious gods.

    Global Warming is presented as a cosmic morality play where mankind has taken advantage of paradise by wasting much of what was given us for selfish gains. Now, we must repent of our corporate sins by using less energy and resources so the globe can come back into order and harmony be reestablished. This work is a fundamentally atheistic undertaking where the human race, by our own guile and strategy, diagnose and cure the earth’s ills before Nature is forced to deliver the coup de grace, and cook us to a crisp.
    A lump of burning coal in the “glow ball warming” shoes!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  9. “The slowdown we see now means that Solar Cycle 25, peaking around the year 2022, could be one of the weakest in centuries,” says Hathaway.
    Centuries? We’ve had 2 deep minimums in the past 4 centuries!! I’d think that Copenhagen would be about buying coats not boats for the developing countries!

  10. Kate:
    Pardon being off topic but last week you took exception to comments I made about the gentleman who took down Wang, not with respect to the take down, which was admirable and in line with his expertise, but with him going one step further and offering his opinions about climate which I felt was outside his area of expertise.
    Yesterday on Climate Audit, Steve McIntyre had this to say in response to a commentor.
    “Before readers pile on, please keep in mind that I do not share the views of many, if not, most readers on the “big picture”. This does not mean that I don’t have strong views on proxy reconstructions and things like that – I obviously do. But these are only aspect of the “big picture” – one that I happen to specialize in though. I have never ventured an opinion on whether it is a big, medium-sized or little problem nor suggested that politicians modify any policy other than the improvement of due diligence and transparency.”
    Clearly, McIntyre has opinions on GW but only offers those on the narrow issues he feels qualified to comment on. That was the point I was trying to make about the guy who took down Wang. He was way out of his area of expertise beyond Wang. Anyway, the link;

  11. Ayn Rand was so right and absolutely prophetic. These people in developing nations deserve jobs and there aren’t any so we owe them jobs (in made-up, fake industries) because we are guilty. Guilty of making money and having profit so we owe them.
    Caught Paul Martin on BNN last night. Save the forest in Africa – they burn it for energy. His solution: Solar energy. But first we need to transfer the wealth of prosperous nations to the developing world so that we can all know poverty together!!

  12. Every time I hear Paul Martin speak, I truly wonder how he is able to tie his shoes and find his way home each night. I guess he was the perfect stooge for Chairman Mo

  13. bob @12:04
    Hah! shows what you know – cold is caused by warming. No, really, the warmists said so and they’d never lie.

  14. “Hah! shows what you know – cold is caused by warming. No, really, the warmists said so and they’d never lie.
    Posted by: Kathryn at December 8, 2009 12:28 PM
    Oh crap,Kathryn…now you’ve given them their out.
    Now we have to stop the warming,so the cold will stop,then the warming starts,which, will bring the cold,so stop the warming to kill the cold,but brings more warming,so stop the warming…..ARRRGGGHHHH

  15. Hey, what are you going to believe? The sun that gets in your eyes on the way to work every morning, or the rings from a single tree in Siberia?
    Everybody knows that the only thing which adversely affects climate is the stuff that comes out of the tailpipe of my truck.
    Its cold today and there’s global warming on my lawn, think I’ll go rev that thing up a bit.

  16. [During the Little Ice Age , average global temperatures were 1-1.5 degree Celsius (2-3 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler than they are today. The cooler temperatures were caused by a combination of less solar activity and large volcanic eruptions. Cooling caused glaciers to advance and stunted tree growth. Livestock died, harvests failed, and humans suffered from famine and disease.]
    During this time, The Hudson Bay Company made a killing shipping furs to freezing Europeans.
    If the sun really does go into a funk in the near future, what will they do?! They have banned furs. They have sworn off fossil fuels. They hug trees. They worship Al Gore.

  17. You would think a paper that was once considered “right wing” would perhaps view AGW with some scepticism. However today they have a story about Polar Bear cannabalism. Wow this is an alarming development. Polar Bears eating their young. Like this as never happened before. It is perhaps indicative of just how dumbded down the population in Britain is now that no one challenges this bs.

  18. LT:
    You’re quite right about bears. The reason the males and females separate after breeding is precisely because of things like this. No surprise here.

  19. So if I understand the article correctly, the sun burns by drawing hotter gases up the center and spilling them out the perimeter. The hotter the burn at the center the more sun spots we observe on the perimeter.
    Currently we are experiencing an unprecedented minimum in sun spots, which would seem to indicate a cooler burn in the center.
    Back here on earth we have a geophysical feature that we refer to as the oceans. They absorb the heat from the sun and amazingly enough begin to cycle heat energy in the same way the sun does.
    These have been identified as a number of different oscillation cycles in all our oceans.
    In a localized weather sense the formation of a thunderstorm follows the same pattern.
    BTW…carbon dioxide is not a catalyst in any of these processes.

  20. Jeffrey Simpson is a sad joke. His own readers at the Globe openly mock his global warming “science”.

  21. “If the sun really does go into a funk in the near future, what will they do?!”
    Start drilling gas wells, I hope. It’s bad enough I can see my toes, again. I jumped into my 4×4 without using the step, the other day. Next thing you know, I’ll have a six-pack, and the girls will be all over me. I can’t let that happen, one divorce was enough. I need to get back on the gravy train, and put on a few pounds.
    Actually, we’ll know what to do, Ron. We’ve adapted to this, already. It’s the people in Iowa, Kansas, and the like, that are about to suffer. Our crops are mostly genetically suited to short growing seasons. We will survive, with the help of grain driers, and so on.
    Also, some of these damn retailers better start selling wool clothing, again. This pansy-polyester just doesn’t do the job.

  22. If the sun really does go into a funk in the near future, what will they do?! They have banned furs. They have sworn off fossil fuels. They hug trees. They worship Al Gore.
    Posted by: ron in kelowna ∴ at December 8, 2009 12:49 PM
    And the Euro-weenies will get everything they deserve when the next little ice age arrives. Mark my words (and, I joke not), they’ll blame the cooling on … wait for it … Global Warming™.

  23. Excellent, we get to look at experiments in real time. I dont know what drives climate variance but we are about to get some nice tests of one of the major hypotheses, solar…..
    One way or another we should be able to verify or nullify a bunch of soalr climate hypotheses.

  24. Oh, Vitruvius! Any chance that our resident DJ can spin “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun”?

  25. Looked at your link to Little Ice Age. British people saw Eskimos paddling their canoes of the coast.
    The Englanders must have made flour out of Wheat infected with ergot, they had visions.

  26. Choo-Choo vs PeaceGreen.
    A two-holer report: > “the Greenpeace press officers soon realised that they could get in through the Gents toilets, which have two exits.”
    NB: “the Greenpeace press officers”.
    Yes, finally, the rats have surfaced.
    “Copenhagen Diary
    Rajendra Pachauri, the former railway engineer who is chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, attempted to shunt the “Climategate” affair into the sidings.
    He was widely reported last week to have ordered an investigation into the stolen emails. But yesterday he said “investigation” was the wrong word because the IPCC was merely “looking into” the affair. He said the “only issue that has to be dealt with” was who stole the emails and praised all those who wrote them as “outstanding scientists”.
    He added: “We are all human beings and we often say things we don’t mean.””
    The security at the Bella Centre is ferocious, with thousands of police and gun-carrying UN guards protecting the summit headquarters. Yet Greenpeace has already found the weak link. All PR people have been banned from the vast media centre, which is open only to accredited journalists. But the Greenpeace press officers soon realised that they could get in through the Gents toilets, which have two exits.”

  27. The ‘Climatologists” just consider the sun a ball of burning, with no effect on Earth.
    Its breathing thats killing the Earth , don’t yeah know stupid!!!
    Its a gas tree’s breath. Thats the enemy of mankind.

  28. The article that is quoted (and linked) is dated May 10, 2006!
    I wonder if Hathaway wants to “revise” his prediction that….”Cycle 24 will be strong. Cycle 25 will be weak. Both of these predictions are based on the observed behavior of the conveyor belt.”
    By strong, he meant “strong” in a weak way!!

  29. My husband’s astronomy group has been saying this for years!! There is a clear and distinct correlation between the number of sun spots and the temperature of the Earth. And these guys say cold, cold and more cold coming our way.
    It’s rather funny actually watching how excited they DO get when they see a sun spot … it’s an interesting spectacle!
