64 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. This is an anglo-quebecer complaining about all the money his bitch province receives from the Alberta oil sands via the feds.
    Go! Leave us! We don’t need no stinking wanking Quebec province. Be an independant and impoverished socialist state. We shall spit on you as you go.
    Imagine! No more Albertan money!

  2. Mon cher M. Aubin:
    J’imagine que vous ne souvenez pas du NEP, la petite cadeau que le Québec et l’Ontario nous ont donnés au fin des années soixante-dix. C’était nous que avons ‘congelés au noir’ pendant que la reste du Canada ‘dansaient’ avec les prix bon-marché des produit pétroliers provenant de l’Alberta.
    Now it is your turn, pal.
    “To claim, as some skeptics do, that a few climate-change scientists’ dishonesty invalidates the idea of human-caused global warming is as silly as to suggest that the Bernard Madoffs and Vincent Lacroixes of this world delegitimize capitalism.”
    … or as silly as saying Conrad Black delegitimizes your own industry, hé?

  3. What Hank doesn’t understand is that it would actually be a good thing if the atmosphereic CO2 concentration went up by a factor of two to four, and the biosphere heat content went up by an generalized effective two to four degrees of temperature. Unfortunately, of course, we humans are not able to cause that to happen. At least not with today’s technologies. Still, there’s always hope for the future. Meanwhile, at least we in Alberta and Saskatchewan are trying to help raise the atmospheric CO2 and temperature levels, while you in Quebec are doing nothing but playing bongos and whining, like some clapped-out beatniks.
    Still, I must say that this CO2 sequestration bull-crap we’re
    screwing around with in Alberta is criminal. We need to get
    than danm stuff up into the atmosphere, where it belongs.

  4. Aislin is the only thing worth seeing/reading in The Gazette.
    That column is part of the proof.

  5. Thing is, Vitruvius, there is no leading relationship between CO2 concentration and “planetary” temperature; it goes the other way around.

  6. “I benefit from these payments but, yes,”
    But, yes, I accidentally write truthful sentences that completely contradict my entire disingenuous editorial…

  7. That rig sure is a beautiful beacon on light in the dark.
    “I benefit from these payments but, yes, in return for substantial emission cuts I’d take a loss in payments.”
    He seems to think that Quebec still holds cards in this game.

  8. Of course, RW. And the Beer-Lambert law hasn’t been rescinded. We agree. CO2 does not cause temperature. Temperature causes CO2. Thus, if we could in crease the temperature we could effect more CO2, but effecting more CO2 does not increase the temperature.
    But what does that have to do with what I wrote?
    The point is: more CO2 and higher temperature
    would be a good thing. Why are we fighting that?

  9. Isn’t Quebec some silly nation within a nation now?
    Ah yes, now I remember!
    Something about cake and eating it too is their new national motto if I’m not mistaken.
    I suppose Henry Aubin is more up on these things than the rest of us are — obviously.

  10. Vitruvius, I was writing without thinkingsh … to a certain extensht. I’ve had a longsh hard and dispirational day at work, and willing to shay anyshingsh atsh a dropsh of an oppshortunity.
    Otherwise, on re-reading, I agree with you 🙂

  11. The united Canada, Wingwalker, is composed of about 650 nations, of which Quebec is one. Alberta isn’t one.
    You are being contraversial here, Vitty.
    I say no more :^)

  12. I see no controversy there, RW. The House passed a motion stating that “The Québécois is a nation within a united Canada” (which was a brilliant move by Prime Minister Harper to defeat an alternative motion that would have been devastating had it passed), thus adding Quebec to the list of about 650 Indian nations, which is irrelevant, and yet they didn’t pass a motion stating that “The Alberta- yippie- kay-oh- yippie- kay-eigh is a nation within a united Canada”. I mean, unless I missed an announcement in Hansard. Ergo: no controversy.

  13. I think the line “How much additional wealth does a wealthy province need” pretty much sums up what his real problem is. Sort of a financial penis envy.

  14. Co2 accelerates three growth. (This is a verifiable scientific fact unlike global warming )
    Threes absorb co2.
    More threes growing faster to absorb more co2 means less co2 ( from tar sands oil ) and more threes (for threes huggers).
    Circle complete.
    It’s a win win situation for both oil producers and tree huggers.

  15. Oh, no, the Aye, Aye club rides again! You do
    realize that our patron saints are James Clerk
    Maxwell and John Stuart Mill, don’t you 😉

  16. Vit “I must say that this CO2 sequestration bull-crap we’re screwing around with in Alberta is criminal”
    I am more or less o.k. with the sequestration bull-crap. I look at it as a kind of make-work project — similar to the way Russians used to employ people to pass tins of peas to customers in stores. (Nobody needed this, but it kept people employed.) Plus you get to claim you are doing “something” for the environment. It may not accomplish much, but it is better then sending money out of the country as carbon offsets.

  17. Lets give credit where credit is due…at least he can admit Quebec is an unproductive parasite living off Alberta.

  18. I’d play that hand differently, Linda. I think we should be building nuclear plant to provide heat to steam instead of burning natural gas for that (what a stupid waste of feed-stock), and we should be building a modern efficient medium-high-speed passenger and freight railway from Calgary through Edmonton to the hydrocarbon mines. We need those hydrocarbon mines. Never mind for energy, that’s temporary, but for feed-stock. We’ll be mining oil and coal to make plastics and chemicals for millenia.

  19. Caught the end of a propaganda piece on the Ceeb, where latte-drinking Wendy Mesley was talking to some femi-econazi from Alberta, trying to make a case for meeting some kind of ceiling of reducing CO2 emissions.
    Her way was to buy out 25 oil companies from Alberta, in order to cease their operations, and freeze any oil sands work.
    Of course, she never stated where the billions of dollars would come from to buy them out, nor a solution for the instant unemployment and welfare state that would be created. All she gave was a flippant answer that ‘it was worth the sacrifice’.
    These watermelons really don’t care what they do to peoples lives. This would render Northern Alberta a wasteland.

  20. “Alberta puts billions into the coffers of Canada’s oilsands bashers’ – headline
    “Canada’s position (on GHG emssions) needs to be much more ambitious” Ontario’s Environment Minister Gerretson told a Toronto newspaper……..
    “Our biggest fear is that the feds may try to use the good work that’s been done by us as part of the their overall goal, and thereby allow the tar sands development to proceed without hesitation.”
    Well if its a level playing field they (central Canada) want, let’s have one. But why limit the discussion to carbon emissions?
    Under the current system of wealth redistribution in Canada, Albertans paid an estimated $21.1 billion – or $5742 per person – more to the feds than they got back in federal services in 2009, according to Ab financial stats.” – Edmonton Journal Dec 05 2009
    Quoted from a column by a vg business writer, Gary Lamphier,in the Edmonton Journal.
    Gee, I wonder who gets hurt if the feds suddenly had their cash tarsands cow cut off from the tax revenue from Alberta?

  21. I agree with Vitruvius on both the nuclear plant, and the rail line. In fact, I’ve often told people I’d like to see two parallel rail lines from Nisku to Ft. Mac, passing through Ft. Saskatchewan along the way. Parallel lines about 20 meters apart, and set up so that very large loads, like giant shovels, pressure vessels and the like, could be toted on special platforms carried by two trains running in tandem. When oversize loads are not being carried, the two lines could be operated as a conventional double-track railway.
    With fast rail travel to and from Ft. Mac, people could work there, and live in the Edmonton area, or in towns along the rail line. That should drive costs down, as wages would no longer have to reflect the high cost of living in Ft. Mac.
    But if political realities require that we do something stupid to “combat global warming”, the recently-announced carbon sequestration boondoggle is probably the least-worst option. At least a portion of the money will go into the pockets of Alberta pipeliners, and truckers, and operators, and drillers. Hey! maybe they will even need wellsite geologists to sit some of those CO2 injection wells. Beats just sending it overseas to enrich some carbon-offset scammer.

  22. And here’s another thing. Say we, for some value of we, make a gallon of something, and we make it for you, I mean, at your request, on the open market; and say we make it using best practices: we’re not cutting corners in the name of greed. Now, who is responsible for the overall total costs of that gallon of something we made for you (for some value of overall total costs)? We, the producer, or you, the consumer?

  23. I wonder how long before Quebec goes dark?
    At least we won’t have to hear from them again. Living like the Amish won’t leave em a lot of time for forcing everyone else to be French.
    When the electricity goes & they are left with the horse only. Except the the Politicians with minions have power, health care & whats left of Education in Eastern Canada.
    I say Eastern because it will be an ice storm in Hell before Westerner go alone with this insanity.

  24. On ‘carbon sequesteration’….the reality is, many oil companies use a ‘CO2 miscible flood’ as an enhanced oil recovery procedure….this predates the current AGW hysteria by a long shot…this technique has been in use since the 70s. An oil company that has a CO2 miscible flood operation, or can benefit from one, will sign up for Fast Eddies c-sequester bullcrap fund, get part of their bottom line funded by gov. They get more oil out of ground via CO2 injection & the dumbass ecomentalists & politicians will think this ‘CO2 sequestering’ is so wonderful & ‘green’.

  25. Aubin plays the last card in the climate-alarmists hand. The `moral card`.
    10 The science is settled. Science is settled !!
    Nope. Proven to be a fraud.
    20 Ok, the earth is still warming unnaturally. Unnaturally !!
    Nope. Has warmed on it`s own, many times in the past.
    30 Ok, carbon dioxide is a pollutant. A pollutant !!
    Nope. CO2 is an essential gas. More would be better. Any less and we all die because plants stop growing at about 200ppm.
    40 Ok, it is a moral issue. Mother earth will heat up. She won`t like that !!
    50 GO TO 10

  26. His e-mail is at the bottom of the article. I saw this earlier and wrote him, particularly pointing out the glaring lack of insight as to where all the money comes from that supports his socialist, utopian lifestyle. I suggest you do the same.

  27. m. aubin – that gifted writer and well of humanity, suffers from delusio del lunatos perditio an acute form of headus unto ignoranus. i cannot make any apologies for him.
    i don’t know if he is francophone, anglophone or any fun at all – but as montreal’s first brush of snow is expected tomorrow, i endorse (with no small sense of urgency) the warming of the planet by 2 degrees by the end of january.
    but to be honest, i have given up on the idea of palm trees in the garden, in montreal – for instance… for the meantime – and forseeable future.

  28. But…but…if you cut off our $8 Billion a year welfare fund, how do we pay for our $7.00 per day babysitters?
    It is about time that Stelmach grows a pair and puts Quebec in their place with no uncertain terms

  29. Maybe it’s time for a referendum in TROC whether we want Quebec to stay. I guess Aubin hasn’t gotten the news from the IPCC that hydroelectric power produces even more CO2 than coal. Say goodbye to all those James Bay projects Quebecers and enjoy the winters in the same fashion that your ancestors did in the 1600’s.
    The one concern I have about the oil sands is the huge amount of natural gas that is used to merely produce heat to get the tar liquified enough to process. This is an ideal job for nuclear plants in which close to 100% of the energy produced would be utilized in this particular application. If Stelmach had a brain there would be $2 billion being spent on building nuclear plants near Fort McMurray instead of Stelmach’s insane idea of capturing CO2. Unfortunately brain transplants are still not within the capabilities of medical science and you Albertans are stuck with Stelmach for now. Of course Vitruvius beat me in posting this idea.
    Using nuclear power to produce heat in the oil sands would cut the cost of producing oil significantly which would mean higher profits for the oil companies which means more expansion, more jobs and only an embittered easterner stuck on stupid could object to something like this.

  30. The idea of nuclear plants and the tar sands is an old idea, at least 20 years to my knowledge.

  31. A side link to the right of this immature squawk reads “BIG DUMP COMING”.
    It’s somehow fitting.

  32. Vit
    *** thus adding Quebec to the list of about 650 Indian nations, which is irrelevant***
    when we nasty europeans came to these shores, the Indian nations had not ventured to far from the caves mouth, and as it stands, Quebec fits right in with them in many ways, bitching about the advances that have been imposed on them is one of those:-))))

  33. Interestingly Vit, that no one has commented on your let it get warm, as soon as possible. I too wonder what the problem is with it getting warmer? None that I can see, other than the big players that started the Cap & Trade to recover their losses in the market crash might not “Git ‘er dun”

  34. Interestingly Vit, that no one has commented on your let it get warm, as soon as possible. I too wonder what the problem is with it getting warmer? None that I can see, other than the big players that started the Cap & Trade to recover their losses in the market crash might not “Git ‘er dun”

  35. I think we should ask the Prime Ministeer to end the quota/ price fixing for dairy products and beer – really get them howling then send in a batch of bagpipes, full throttle, – it would drown out the never ending whine that just grinds us down. We give them what they want to shut them up.

  36. “To claim, as some skeptics do, that a few climate-change scientists’ dishonesty invalidates the idea of human-caused global warming is as silly as to suggest that the Bernard Madoffs and Vincent Lacroixes of this world delegitimize capitalism.”
    Actually to claim the dishonest scientists as “a few” is dishonest. This “few” were the much publicized “concensus”. Those 42-43 are the very ones who actually ran not just CRU but also GISS, NOAA, and the IPCC.
    Purge their work from the record and CO2 AGW literally disappears.
    IOW the Climate-Gate revealed that “the science” is is SCIENCE FICTION.

  37. “… Premier Jean Charest has already committed Quebecers to cutting their greenhouse-gas emissions by a whopping 20 per cent from 1990 levels by 2020.”
    “…I’m perfectly willing to adjust my lifestyle accordingly.”
    Ah yes, because sacrificing that morning starbucks coffee should decrease your carbon footprint by at LEAST 10%, and buying organic produce makes up the other 10%! It’s all quite simple, people!! our planet is DIEING!!!

  38. “Time to Say Goodbye: Building a Better Canada without Quebec,” by Reed Scowen (former Quebec Liberal MNA), is possibly the best book ever written to explain all the reasons why nobody should give a damn what this article says.

  39. “How much additional wealth does a wealthy province need?”
    That statement is just s-o-o-o pathetic…
    (Proving, as ever, that lefties just can’t do math.
    BIG social programmes require BIG tax revenues.
    There’s only one way to get BIG tax revenues:
    BIG wealth.)
