64 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. I wonder where Mr.Aubin plans on taking his vacation this winter.
    Stay home,sir, in Montreal,anything else will increase your carbon footprint,especially that nasty air travel.

  2. Mr. Aubin appears to lack a basic understanding of arithmetic. He says Alberta is responsible for half the 26% gain in Canada’s emissions since 1990. Well, since 1990, Alberta’s population has grown by 40% while Quebec’s has stagnated. Gee, a 40% increase in population; do ya think maybe, just maybe, that might account for a good chunk of that increase?

  3. Just another ‘asswipe’ joining the global warming bandwagon whine ‘give us more money’.

  4. Western Canadian- Ralph Klein was the roadblock to nuclear power in the oilsands. Twenty years ago would have been the time to start working on it. Now, the project may be too far advanced to benefit from it. Even so, it needs to be a part of future development.
    Vitruvius may seem to be making light of this, but he’s dead right about bringing carbon up from the deep. The climate was probably much more pleasant, before it was sequestered. All you have to do is look at fossil remains. There were lush plants, and a wealth of animal species, just roaming around, on what is, now, barren landscape.

  5. Well we just had a big storm (by GTA standards) here last night and this morning – although it is currently warming up and melting (must be GW….) and I’m headed to Rochester NY tomorrow morning where (more) snow, cold temps and 60 mph winds are in the forecast. Then Monday, I am off to Regina where I heard yesterday that it was -31c.
    Alberta, can I buy 10 bucks worth of CO2 from your tarsands?

  6. I for one will be writing shareholder relations at TransCanada to have the pipeline shut down for the winter months for maintenance.
    I personally think CO2 capture and storage is bunk. Not that it won’t work, just it only needs to work after you accept there is a high (very high) cost to CO2. But as someone who works on large compressors for a living I welcome it. If the government is hell bent on spending my money on some sort of carbon scheme it might as well be CC&S as the alternative is to send that money overseas for carbon credits.

  7. Integrity is defined not by ones words but by ones actions. If the province of Quebec and the author of the article had integrity they would refuse the billions of equalization dollars they receive from Alberta every year. Maybe the author will write an article on how he will no longer use Quebecs public health care system which is paid for in large part by Alberta dollars. Talk is cheap when there is no substace to the author.

  8. murray at December 9, 2009 10:56 PM said:
    Integrity is defined not by ones words but by ones actions.
    I tend to agree.
