31 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Hide The Decline!”

  1. They’re all just lying now. Once a liar gets caught, he usually tries to cover it with more lies. Sometimes the lies become more preposterous, as he becomes more desperate.
    They proclaimed, in Copenhagen, that 2009 is the warmest year on record. Where do they get this stuff? I’m almost compulsive about checking the weather forecast, online. It comes from years of working outdoors, all year round. For most of the year, the temperature has been below the line, as far as seasonal averages go. The only exception has been the late fall.
    Besides, 2009 is not over. These extreme lows we’re seeing, right now, will bring the average down considerably.
    They also proclaimed this to be the warmest decade on record. Didn’t they just get busted for cooking that data? Have they no shame?

  2. Yes, but we’re all crazy. And to top it off, it was mentioned that ‘only Canada/US saw cooler than average temperatures this last year.’ (Winnipeg, CJOB 680AM)
    So, we’re all crazy, and everyone else is melting…

  3. Heh – “historical perspective” eh? Perspective is the antithesis of panic science so popular today. If reasoned perspective were not bred out of the current generation of mass media consumers, the temp increases they are attempting to alarm us with would seem insignificant viewed from long range perspective.
    The fact the climate scare went this far is a damning indictment of the narrow perspective of the public.

  4. Historical perspective? Opening the frame to see what’s been excluded? Admitting that Vikings used to farm in Greenland?
    That’s so RACIST!!!!
    You know, if it was evidence supporting a -Leftist- cause that was being ignored this hard by the main stream media, they’d have started shooting people by now.
    That’s not a suggestion, just in case there are any exceptionally stupid people reading today. Its a statement about the difference between Leftists and Conservative/Normal people.

  5. I heard the MSM pushing the “only Canada/U.S. cooler” stuff today too, Hinchey’s Store. And recalled the stories for the past two Southern Hempisphere winters about record colds in South America (or, at least, the southern half of S.A.).
    BTW, for those using IE to view the linked site, cranking the magnification zoom tool up to 200% makes the graphs crystal clear–just like ice.

  6. The AGW argument in a nut shell.
    From the coments:
    Alice Finkel
    December 7th, 2009 at 10:07 PM
    Very interesting.
    But I understand that there is one single tree on the Yamal Peninsula of Russia that holds the key to the temperature record for the past 5 billion years. And that tree tells us that we are experiencing unprecedented warming, with anthropogenic greenhouse gas footprints all over it.
    We must trust the 25,000 scientists in the IPCC who have the official UN stamp of approval. We are only laymen and laywomen, who cannot think for ourselves. Trust the 25,000,000 scientists who support the 25,000 IPCC scientists — and who all agree that humans are to blame for catastrophic warming.
    We have an imperative, you see, to stop this catastrophe by redistributing massive amounts of wealth from advanced countries to third world dictators. It’s the least we can do for science and social justice.

  7. What is the justification for ending this graph in 1900? This is what somebody 110 years ago would be looking at for a long-term temperature record. As such, I think it’s accurate. But speaking of “hiding the decline,” this graph hides the recent increase, and by recent, I mean 20th century.

  8. I dunno how many people may be planning a get away to someplace warm this winter but please no longer refer to yourself as a tourist.
    You are now a climate refugee fleeing the extreme cold of Canada.
    The only way to combat the moonbats is to give them some of their own BS back.

  9. Speaking of the cover- ups in history; the author mentioned the lies of Durant (the author of several Canadian school History books) saying that Durant claimed that Civilization went downhill during 1952-1960 (Dwight Eisenhower’s Presidency), the author says he knew that Durant was lying. I coincidently, have been reading “Gulag” by Anne Applebaum. Anne mentions Durant as one of the people, from the west, that co-operated with Stalin and his thugs to whitewash the mass killings and the inhuman conditions in Stalin’s Gulags and the conditions in the USSR in general.
    The human haters have been around for a long time. One or two brave men/women have let the cat out of the bag on the human haters to free and independent citizens; many, of whom, know how to read and some know how to think. The internet allows people to communicate and they are talking and they are getting loud!! The human haters are in big trouble, whether they know it or not…the jig is up. Most of us will not believe a word any of the Climategate ‘deniers’ have to say. It took Russians 70 years to get out but the Russians were being rounded up and tortured then shot or worked to death on a regular basis so they had a lot to fear – and our pal Durant was whitewashing unca’ Joe for the people outside of the Hell hole that was the Soviet Union. It will not take the North American people more than a week. Even the most dumbed down temperature bedwetter alarmist will not be willing to pay for CO2!! If nobody is paying the bedwetters to pedal the bunk, they will bail. All left wing whackos are firmly attached to the trough they slop from; take that away and they will squeal and run to another trough; they won’t stick with the ‘one’s that brung them’ It is going to be fun to watch.
    Just an observation that I had to pass on.
    The poetry assignment is turning out to be ‘laugh out’ funny.

  10. This is the issue that the skeptics should be focusing on – there is no unprecedented warming. The unprecedented claim was reliant on climate scientists getting rid of the Medieval Warm Period. Once their hockey stick graphs were debunked then the all that is left is the fact that we are warming, not an Armageddon style warming, just warming (except, of course, for the last few years and possibly for the next few decades).

  11. The Glengarrian,
    “Climate refugee”. As they say in Boston: “That’s pissah!”
    I don’t know if it’s original but, even if it isn’t, you get the daily “Best Laugh Award”.

  12. Jema54, you mentioned Anne Applebaum.
    Have you seen this?
    “The Russian Mafia Did Not Bomb My Car
    How a smoking engine became an international incident.
    By Anne ApplebaumPosted Monday, Dec. 7, 2009, at 3:13 PM ET
    Some of you may be deeply disappointed to hear this, but let me begin by reassuring all my readers that, no, my car did not blow up this weekend. I’m afraid it simply isn’t true that the Russian mafia are out to get me. I know it would have been more fun—and for some of you much more satisfying—but, alas, I was never under attack at all.” (more)

  13. The little article presents exactly the same information and analysis that many like myself have been repeating for years.
    And yet it seems that those who authored the Foresight Inst. article are less than interested in seeing the frauds brought to justice.
    Also funny is how the author takes this tangential dig at Will And Ariel Durant over their supposed political bias regarding the Eisenhower era leadership. The Durants were classical Liberals being much more Libertarian and very much opposed to the accumulation of power by the state. This does not in any way make their work less valuable.
    Perhaps science boy should have actually studied history and the authors he casually belittles.
    As an analogy of the the warmist frauds it is less than honest or even very astute.
    IMO – a better comparison would be Erich von Daniken chen and his wild leaps of in support of a fervent desire to convince the world that our history is riddled with irrefutable proof of extra terrestrial interference.
    Me thinks that Mr. J. Storrs-Hall understands perfectly well the scope of the fraud and is only interested in exploiting the crash of the warmist doctrinaires to promote his own pet projects.
    “Ho Hum!” says Storrs-Hall “We knew this all along, now perhaps we can get on with what I think is important?”

  14. Peter O’D asks:

    What is the justification for ending this graph in 1900? This is what somebody 110 years ago would be looking at for a long-term temperature record. As such, I think it’s accurate. But speaking of “hiding the decline,” this graph hides the recent increase, and by recent, I mean 20th century.

    Well, if you follow Kate’s link at the top to the refernced article, you would find a link to the actual ice-core data that is used to create this chart.
    GISP2 – Temperature Reconstruction and Accumulation Data
    And if you look at the temperature data, it begins like this:
    1. Temperature in central Greenland
    Column 1: Age (thousand years before present)
    Column 2: Temperature in central Greenland (degrees C)
    Age Temperature (C)
    0.0951409 -31.5913
    0.10713 -31.622
    0.113149 -31.6026
    0.119205 -31.6002
    0.119205 -31.598
    The first entry represents the temperate exactly 0.0951409 X 1000 = 95.1409 years ago at which time the temperature was exactly -31.5913 degrees (C).
    The last few temperature data points were:
    49.806 -40.2651
    49.868 -40.1018
    49.922 -39.8165
    49.981 -39.9694
    So as we can plainly see, it was exactly -39.9694 degrees (C) exactly 49,981 years ago!
    /I am a rocket scientologist, trust me.

  15. Glo-Bull Warming is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated in human history.
    The resources wasted thus far could have and should have been used much more effectively towards such goals as providing clean water infrastructure to communities in our own country or improving industrial emission scrubbing technology to reduce airborne particulate pollution, not wasted on funding research grants to these corrupt, so called, climate scientists.
    There are currently lawsuits ongoing and FOI requests being ignored or stalled by the CRU, NIWI, GISS and NOAA who continue to throw up roadblocks and hide the raw data. Yes, they do have something to hide.
    We will not stand idly by and watch the politicians sell Canada’s sovereignty down the river.
    The whole scheme of Glo-Bull Warming has at it’s roots the evil Maurice Strong who’s dream is a one world government run by the UN and forced wealth redistribution which would result in all but the proletariat of this one world bureaucracy suffering equally and being equally poor.
    Gorezuki’s meet handcuffs, these people are crooks who should be thrown in jail, they are every bit as criminal in their behaviour as the Bernie Madoff’s, those behind the world financial crisis, those responsible for Bre-X and those behind the Enron scandal.

  16. I like this quote from H L Mencken that I read today over a Bridge column of all things.
    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed(and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
    Do I hear drowning polar bears, submerged islands, etc?

  17. The dip just to the right of -2000 seems to coincide
    with the Second Intermediate Period in Egyptian history.
    I don’t see a feature which correlates with the First Intermediate Period –
    but after all both intermediate periods were both probably determined mostly by rainfall, or lack thereof, in central Africa.

  18. I got mad and shut it off so I didn’t find out who it was but some a$$hat was on Rutherford today who was still maintaining we had to move now or it would be too late. He claimed all one had to do was look around and see what was happening. I assume he was from the far-left Pembina Institute. These low lifes will stop at nothing to push totalitarian fascism on us.

  19. redistributing massive amounts of wealth from advanced countries to third world dictators
    I wonder – is it too late for me to get in to the arms dealer business? They’re the ones who are going to make the most money out of this.

  20. peter O”Toole
    You said”But speaking of “hiding the decline,” this graph hides the recent increase, and by recent, I mean 20th century.”
    You obviously missed the point. The graphs show that the increase we are now experiencing also occured in the past. In other words “climate change” is normal and has been going on since the beggining of time.
    Horny Toad

  21. a comment on MSM:
    CNN 360 (Copper) displayed the Gold Standard of Journalistic (real reporting) coverage of Climate Gate. That is the two sides (two people) provided opinions of the issue…Well done 360..
    The CNN Production twits later had Mann on alone with puff questions by a giggly moron…This is agenda reporting, like CBC
    Bill O’Reilly is still parroting the opinion of his Boss.. Murdock…He won’t touch AGW without his (GEE) opinion, that’s the bag over Bill head.

  22. Gather the virgins and find a volcano we must appease the climate gods. Science or what is left of it has now been bought off so perversly that no school kid can possibly believe a thing in their text books! When co2 becomes a poison and these clowns are to stupid to realize all the oxygen producing plants need it to survive, the world has reached the tipping point all right,, the tipping point of lunacy. This is surreal, like a bad nightmare that keeps coming back every day, and we will send idiots like Rob Renner a flower shop owner over to Copenhagen to sign on to this scam. Run these conservatives out here in Alberta before they sell our souls also, like they have their own. When Danny Williams has to defend Alberta, time to tell Ed to stay under the covers for good!

  23. From Jo Nova http://joannenova.com.au/
    On Watts Up tonight, we get some insight into just one specific example of how corrupt science can be. It’s yet another day in the history of the climate-scam where people may say years from now… remember that night we got the news about Darwin?
    She has a number of charts with raw data from across Northern Australia. Looks like the Australian data was all cooked as well

  24. Horny Toad, you obviously missed the point.
    I am actually a skeptic myself, and quite well-versed in the debates going on.
    When I look at that graph, I can plainly see that it ends in about 1880-1900. I assume it’s either a running 200-year mean, or they left off the 20th century. The 20th century was considerably warmer than the 19th century in most temperature series.
    I just wondered why they chose to do that, given the concerns about fudged data to support global warming.
    I am well aware that the modern warming is nothing unprecedented in historical terms, in fact, I have done more to spread that word around the conservative blogosphere than almost any other person now alive.
    This is why I don’t want to see easily demolished skeptic arguments going unsubjected to “peer review” — that’s the low standard of the other side.
    Missed the point, yeah right. Did you know I was blacklisted in 1981 for disagreeing with these climate “scientists?” Maybe you should reconsider who has “missed the point.”
    The climate skeptic tag-alongs in the blogosphere have to keep in mind that there actually is a climate science that was created before this generation came along and wrecked it, and some of us actually can do it right. This is perhaps an “inconvenient truth” around EC but then there are so many.

  25. Peter O’Donnell
    What foobert was trying to tell you is that the graph only reaches to 1900 or so because the sample simply did not have any snow or ice in it that had formed later than 95 years ago.
    If you had read the article you would have known this.

  26. Copenhagen.Charlatans – Return.To.Unit!
    Take.The.First.Bicycle.Out.Of.Copenhagen – Walk.Swim.The.Rest.Of.The.Way.
    Do.Not.Attempt.To.Repeat.This.Nonsense – EVER.
    Copied fron WUWT entry)
