Hand Over Your Economy

Or the economy gets it. Is there nothing that Obama can’t do?

The Obama administration is warning Congress that if it doesn’t move to regulate greenhouse gases, the Environmental Protection Agency will take a “command-and-control” role over the process in a way that could hurt business.
The warning, from a top White House economic official who spoke Tuesday on condition of anonymity, came on the eve of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s address to the international conference on climate change in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jackson, however, tried to strike a tone of cooperation in her address Wednesday, explaining that the EPA’s new powers to regulate greenhouse gases will be used to complement legislation pending in Congress, not replace it.
“This is not an ‘either-or’ moment. It’s a ‘both-and’ moment,” she said.
But while administration officials have long said they prefer Congress take action on climate change, the economic official who spoke with reporters Tuesday night made clear that the EPA will not wait and is prepared to act on its own.
And it won’t be pretty.
“If you don’t pass this legislation, then … the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area,” the official said. “And it is not going to be able to regulate on a market-based way, so it’s going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way, which will probably generate even more uncertainty.”

Those folks who stocked up on ammunition aren’t looking so crazy anymore.
Related“I Spent 7.2B and All I got was EPA GHG Regulation”

107 Replies to “Hand Over Your Economy”

  1. Time for another Reagan to do to the EPA, what he did to the Air Traffic Controllers. Fire them all and start over again.

  2. Hardboiled:
    1. CO2 is virtually immeasurable outside of a controlled environment. 350 ppm (parts per million) isn’t exactly alot of gas, ok?
    Um, where exactly did you get your engineering degree? The newest gas spectrometers are capable of measuring down to 0.5 ppm, or about 700 times more accurate than the current atmospheric concentration of CO2.
    That $40 carbon monoxide detector you might have installed can detect concentrations of 100 ppm.
    I say this not to contend that CO2 is a problem, because I don’t think it is, but because I believe what you’ve stated about our measurement capabilities is, in polite terms, male bovine excrement.
    One litre of water contains about 62 moles of water molecules. My diabetic blood sugar testing device, which is smaller than your cell phone, is capable of detecting levels of less than 5 millimoles per litre. So, 5/1000’s of a mole in 62 moles – that’s not quite 15 ppm, but it’s not off by an order of magnitude either, and these things cost less than $50. I’m sure the $5,000 and up machines that are used in labs are significantly more accurate.
    The computer you might be using, if it’s relatively new, is probably using sub-100 nm technology. That means features less than 100 billionths of a metre wide, which is less than 1 ppm. To suggest our technology is not capable of measuring these levels is just laughable. You might also wish to look up the definition of “RCH”, which is the finest mechanical measurement known to man.
    I expect ignorance from trolls like “T”; if you’re going to contribute frequently, you might try to post information that a first year science student could not disprove in a few minutes.

  3. Ghost of Ed,
    As a retired Cdn controller, might I ask if you relied on the MSM for the background needed to make that statement in your 2:08pm post (re the ATC firings)?

  4. The US Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that the EPA had the right to regulate emissions of the gases under the Clean Air Act.
    I suspect Hopey Changey is about to hit his stride, by-passing Congress with EPA rEgulation..
    He’s as Green-loopy as Elizabeth May but he has power …… tremendous power.
    And in his breast beats the heart of Hugo Chavez!

  5. The Supreme Court may have given the EPA the thumbs up on CO2 but I doubt that will be the end of it. For example, our Supreme Court OKed the CHRC hate speech provisions but recently the human rights gang have been losing in both public opinion and in court challenges. A combined effort from voters and POed politicians could stop the EPA. Americans tend to be less shy and complacent about voicing their concerns than Canadians.

  6. Pass this or I will bypass Congress? It’s gonna be ugly down there O-Bow-ma has not read his history, America came about because the people would not accept taxation without representation. A political coup to fix an imaginary problem.

  7. Lefties will have a lot to answer for in the coming years, screw this all up and it will be open season.

  8. What strikes me is, are they really that stupid? If the EPA goes ahead without the imprimatur of Congress, there is–quite literally–only one person who will wear the responsibility for this, when it all goes horribly, horribly wrong. Is Himself prepared to feel the down-side of Executive privilege? I suppose it’s possible that he might have the capacity to own up to and admit a mistake. For some value of i.
    I wonder if he’s already filled out presidential pardons for himself, since they can’t be revoked (as I understand it).

  9. Those folks who stocked up on ammunition aren’t looking so crazy anymore..
    Actually the crazy/stupid ones are those who didn’t stock up during the clinton/creitchen pregame show..

  10. 11 months from now the GOP will gain back the votes to reverse this and impeach Obama.
    But they won’t do it.
    That’s why the dems won. The GOP only come in two flavours: Dem-light or extra-strong coward.

  11. Goreacle Report from UNabomber HQ.
    It’s O’s fault.
    UN climate chief softens stance on Canada’s record
    COPENHAGEN — Canada received a rare break Wednesday at the environmental summit here from none other than the United Nations’ climate chief, who essentially pinned blame for the country’s dramatic emissions growth on inaction in the United States.
    While Yvo de Boer urged Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government to take on a “strong and ambitious Canadian target” — code for deeper emissions reductions than Ottawa is currently committed to — he told reporters that Canada was left in an awkward position after the United States ultimately rejected the Kyoto Protocol after signing it in 1997.
    “Canada did ratify the Kyoto Protocol, but its main trading partner did not,” he said in response to questions.”

  12. This is Chavez all over again.
    He will steal the next election with the giant slush fund he has got, and sometime around 2015, he will be giving speeches about how showers are over-rated, and ultra low calorie diets have been proven by scientist to be better for us, so shut up already.

  13. I have all along stated that the EPA was the real threat as it needs no approval from congress.
    There will bs no cap and trade and contrary to Illiquid’s statement above the senate is miles away from producing a health bill – at least four dems are opposing a government option.
    Also the supreme good did indeed rule that the EPAcpuld regulate gases – but only if they presented a hazard – that will be very tough to prove with CO2. A SC challenge is an certainty.

  14. Posted by: KevinB at December 9, 2009 2:13 PM
    I know a little about gas monitors, and you are correct, they can detect some very low levels of certain gases. 10 PPM is a critical number, when dealing with H2S. I was forced to buy a number of monitors, in order to comply with new safety regulations. None of them has a sensor for CO2, yet.
    The one thing that bothers me, is, I can only detect gases from ground level, to about a foot over my head. If I want to know the CO2 levels, any higher than that, I have to rely on the data from another source. Now that we know the only major source of data has been caught lying, we’re pretty well at square one when it comes to CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
    Maybe we should talk about this again, when there’s some real data to analyze.

  15. I hope the lazy Americans that stayed home on election day and let the likes of that Oprah hog and Jackson and not so Sharpton pick their leader are proud now. There are a lot of good Americans that have to be sick as to what is happening before their eyes, Land of the Free, is quickly becoming anything but. This scam is bigger than Tiger Woods getting an endorsement from Trojan condoms you Americans, we all have to wake up and make our elected officials lives miserable people or our children will ask why we did’nt. -27 last night, sure kiddies there is a bogeyman called global warming, unreal!

  16. Posted by: KevinB at December 9, 2009 2:13 PM
    and the point of my statement is “a controlled environment”.
    There is no containment of air per se – and CO2 concentrations near a factory farm (and nearby coal fired power plant) are going to be higher than some bucolic meadow at 6,000ft somewhere in the Selkirks.
    In other words, the 350ppm is not the same everywhere you measure it. Thus, how do you know that a carbon sequestration field is leaking? Or that a manufacturing plant is not reporting natural gas usage on their 3rd shift?
    That’s the point of my statement. But yes, precision measuring instruments exist. Hope that clarifies.
    They aren’t helpful

  17. ” … This will backfire. The EPA will draw a huge amount of fire from business, AGW skeptics and politicians.

    The public and politicians may permanently neuter the EPA’s powers to prevent future overreaches – you know, the precautionary principle.
    Posted by: LC Bennett at December 9, 2009 1:47 PM ”
    … and so they should neuter the EPA. It was the agenda driven EPA that banned DDT resulting in 30+ million deaths from malaria.

  18. “The only good leftist is … .”

    I find comments such as these extreme and unhelpful, and suggest to all that we refrain from such.
    That being said, one has to believe that Obama et al know that CO2 AGW is junk, but they believe that enough of us believe it that it can be used as a cover for the draconian measures they are undertaking to de-industrialize and de-fang the USA, Hoping that the Change will be accepted by a pacified (stupified) public. That all sounds good on paper, but when the vegetable truck from California fails to refill the empty shelves at the local Kroger, the pacified will be less pacified than The One imagines. A devalued currency, impossible taxes on energy, and the JIT food supply chain is disrupted. It will only take a few days of disruption to cause great distress in urban centers. Hungry people become desperate. MSM Editors take note: what’s guarding YOUR pantry?

  19. Today in history because of the usurpation of the EPA. Americans are now under The Tyranny.
    The EPA effectively has canceled the Constitution with government in the hands of the people stolen by an organization that is independent of any elections or control except the President. Chavez has become Obama’s mentor.
    The USA this day is no longer a Republic.
    It won’t show for a while but usually if you look at the old soviet block Countries in East Europe. After WW2. It took an average of 2 years to take absolute power & institute Marxism with Soviet
    hegemonic tyranny.
    I pray God America will win its freedom back.
    There will be no elections in 2010.
    Just watch. Time will tell.

  20. Well, we’ll see. Taxation is the key thing here.
    The success or failure of the Obama administration will hinge on its ability to convince the American people that they are not being punished by taxation.
    This is a country famous for adding all manner of ballot propositions and referenda to the election process. The danger with any tax or levy that doesn’t show tangible results (and quickly!) is that voter patience will snap.
    President Obama won the election with 53 percent of the vote. That’s not an encouraging margin. Only a small portion of the US electorate needs to become disaffected with the current administration in order to make life difficult for it.
    Ultimately, those who impose taxes that simply punish Americans will themselves be punished at the voting booth.

  21. I’m pretty sure things will work out in the end, so I’m not too worried, sort of. But, it concerns me that things are getting rammed through quickly in the US – like the health care thing, this enviro thing, without due process. (Well, KSM will get his due process though I guess.)

  22. Actually, I hope T finds himself sleeping under a cold bridge in short order. His enthusiasm for inflicting poverty upon others deserves a just reward.

  23. With regards to the EPA, some people believe that the EPA was created as a mechanism to slow down extraction of resources from the western states. This would allow for the creation of collateral required for the US foreign debt. Did you ever hear of debt for equity swaps? Look out here comes the Chinese. Forces are at work crippling the USA. And we Canadians are about to follow! Nope this is going to be a huge political fight! We need to communicate to our friends and family.

  24. Oh forgot to mention. Obama with His Civilian Army is next on the list to be created. His personnel protectors & shadow military of Marxists. With his own picked body guard. Its why the Secret service was embarrassed with those unexpected party crashers. Three Obamas to 2 Chavez’s that it was planned. After all he’s gone after the FBI & CIA with threats. Even the last administration.
    This of course is all speculation, but it sure fits a pattern of behavior.

  25. hardboiled said: “Thus, how do you know that a carbon sequestration field is leaking? Or that a manufacturing plant is not reporting natural gas usage on their 3rd shift?”
    carbon sequestration = CO2 under pressure. If the pressure drops, its leaking. Duh.
    Natural gas usage = line pressure drop. Duh^2. If a leak is suspected the gas company sends around one of their sniffer trucks that can detect the leaky propane tank on your barbecue from two streets over…
    You sir are a Liberal Party agent provocateur. That’s two pay grades below troll. When you look up that thing you see over your head is a snake’s belly in a tractor rut.
    God help us all if you really do have an engineering degree.

  26. You can count on the US invading…er liberating Canada if businesses from the states move here in droves. He’ll see people living a good life on the other side of the border and will know that it makes him look bad. Commies can not have a democracy on their doorstep.
    Crazy stuff for sure but not as crazy as……
    Ah yes!!! Nothing like the smell of napalm in the morning!!

  27. O’Dear Leader: “looms”? The spinning wheel spins.
    The natural end result of “command and control”, aka collectivist totalitarian communism: Starvation & Death.
    Winter of discontent looms for N Korea
    The North Korean grapevine is delivering stories of increasing hunger and shortages sparking rare public dissent in the wake of last week’s redenomination of the currency just as the country’s bitter winter closes in.
    The change to the new won, which carry a face value of 1 per cent of that of old won, was supposed to be completed over the weekend, but reports suggest the situation is still unsettled and confused though there is no indication that the authorities are unable to contain public reaction. The disruption comes as Stephen Bosworth, the US special envoy to Pyongyang, meets North Korean leaders on Wednesday on his official debut visit.
    “North Koreans are starving because people are reluctant to sell in the market,” said Park Sang-hak, a defector who is president of Fighters for Free North Korea, a Seoul-based campaign group. “Some people have even crossed into China to buy rice with yuan.”
    Although impossible to verify stories from defectors who rely on contacts in the North, there are tales of frustrated shoppers openly protesting about the leadership in Pyongyang and people weeping in public for the first time since the 1994 death of the founder of the regime, Kim Il-sung. There are even astonishing stories of graffiti and leaflets attacking Kim Jong-il, the son and successor as leader to the late Mr Kim.
    (Excerpt) Read more at ft.com”

  28. To me the big question is when the US military will step in and remove BO and his commie rabble from office. BO’s popularity is heading steadily downwards and, given BO’s disdain for the military, I suspect that his popularity is significanly lower in that organization.
    It is becoming very clear to anyone who’s been watching the US that there is a deliberate effort to destroy the economy and that the current government has absolutely no intention of listening to any opinions not consistent with its own aims and is demonizing any opposition. BO has shown his disdain for the US constitution and the job of the military is to protect the US and the US constitution.
    Public anger in the US is already greater than it has ever been in the past and it wouldn’t surprise me if high level US military officers are making plans of when to intervene to remove the current goverment from office. This would be a far cleaner operation than letting the situation go on to the extent that it results in a civil war. At the rate BO’s popularity is plummeting, I suspect that any such military move would meet with considerable approval if it should occur.

  29. Phantom- It isn’t quite so simple as checking for pressure drops. I’m assuming these storage facilities will be quite large, and will have a steady stream of incoming gas. They’ll have to be underground, in some sort of cavern, or depleted gas formation. It won’t be all that easy to inventory.
    Gas inside a pipeline is also hard to keep accurate accounting for. Rural gas co-ops have settled upon 5%, as the loss due to leakage. That’s what users pay as a premium, on their bills. The fact that gas is constantly entering, and leaving the system makes real time inventory a real shot in the dark.
    Leak detection is about to become the newest scam on the ever growing list of scams, that make energy prices soar higher every day. Contractors will soon buy enough influence, within HSE departments everywhere, to make detection a required service.
    There’s actually a company, claiming they can detect a gas leak, a mile away. We’re talking about a leak you couldn’t smell, with your nose a foot away. People in corporate offices are buying into this crap, just to make it look like they care about the environment. I’ll bet, nine times out of ten, they’ve just detected a cow, in the adjacent pasture.

  30. I agree Brian, the EPA is one of those ideas that sounded great in theory “let us protect the environment” but is a disaster in practice “let us have the power to unilaterally destroy the livelihood of businesses and individuals”.

  31. Fascism based on big lies in service of a hidden agenda to enrich the few at the expense of the many.
    That’s what it is in a nutshell.
    It’s just like National Socialism, Communism and Islamism.

  32. “The EPA was not created by an act of Congress. It was created by an Executive Order signed by…wait for it…Richard Nixon. See: “Reorganization Plan No. 3”
    Actually the EPA of today was an Executive Order as you say but the legal authorization was created under under the “National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)” of 1969. This paved the way for the EPA and is still the authorization it operates under.
    “To declare national policy which will encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and biosphere and stimulate the health and welfare of man; to enrich the understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources important to the Nation…”
    It has two parts the Environmental Policy and the Enforcement Action. The Administration cannot create an agency with legal enforcment capabilities without an authorization of congress. No one branch can pass legislation.

  33. Those of you thinking this will result in some kind of revolution or military coup are deluded.
    Bug business (Wall Street) is onside with that scheme. Goldman Sachs and others stand to clean up big time. They own the Congress, the Senate and the White House executive anyway.
    The millions of impoverished, jobless and homeless don’t care. They have nothing to lose.
    Except for a few tea-partiers the rest are far more interested in the NFL, Nascar, and how many girls Tiger has slept with.

  34. Garry
    I’m not sure what point it is you’re trying to make. Are you saying it didn’t happen?
    In 1981 Ronald Reagan fired 11-thousand air traffic controllers.
    I didn’t have to rely on the MSM at the time. I’m a retired journalist.
    If you have any doubts about the media check the PATCO website here:

  35. Additionally the Clean Air Act 1970 which the EPA derives this regulatory authority from was also an act of Congress and can be ammended as such.
    An EPA by any other name would still smell as foul and require an Act of Congress to exist.

  36. The HopeNChargem AGW/Copenhagen Freeloaders from Canada.
    Who is paying for this junket? Stupid question, eh, PM Harper?
    Shame on you, PM Harper.
    “Advisers list
    Shawn A-in-chut Atleo: National chief of the Assembly of First Nations.
    Elyse Allen: President and CEO of GE Canada.
    Gary Doer: Canada’s 23rd ambassador to the United States.
    David Emerson: Former federal Conservative cabinet minister.
    Charlie Fischer: Former president and CEO of Nexen Inc. Special adviser on carbon capture and storage under the U.S.-Canada Clean Energy Dialogue.
    Daniel Gagnier: Fhairman of the International Institute for Sustainable Development and past chairman, board of directors, for the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, past chair of the Canadian Standards Association, and past chair of the International Emissions Trading Association.
    Linda Hasenfratz (Newton): CEO of Linamar Corp.
    Mike Holmes: Host and creator of the popular television show Holmes on Homes, and eco-friendly homes developer.
    William Lahey: Director of the Dalhousie Health Law Institute and an assistant professor at Dalhousie Law School.
    Jacques Lamarre: Former president and CEO of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.
    Steve MacLean: President of the Canadian Space Agency.
    Heather Munroe-Blum: President, vice-chancellor and senior officer of McGill University.
    Robert Prichard: President and CEO of Metrolinx, the regional transportation authority for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, and vice chair of Canada’s Science, Technology and Innovation Council.
    Indira Samarasekera: President of the University of Alberta.
    Mary Simon: President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, a national Inuit organization.
    Nancy Southern: President and CEO of Atco Ltd. and Canadian Utilities Limited.
    Galen G. Weston: Executive chairman of Loblaw Companies Ltd., Canada’s largest food distributor.”
    “17 prominent Canadians to advise Canada at greenhouse talks”

  37. Time to set a few matters to rest.
    Coups—civilian or military……
    The reality is that these matters are difficult and possibly impossible to predict.
    OBOZO will find little support using force. He has succeeded in alienating the Police, Military and Inteligence agencies.
    It is a relelvant point that 1/2 the police and Military are Tea partiers. But this does not mean a probable coup—just a possibility.
    The stocking of ammo by civilians is relevant….in principle it’s potential is a deterant effect. Much like MAD during the COLD WAR.
    The OBAMA/REID/POLOSI axis are VERY cognizant of the potential….it apparently disturbs their sleep.
    The deciding factor is the military….as it is with most nations.

  38. WHO is an agency of AGW UNabomber Mao Stlong’s United Nations Fraud.
    “WHO ‘Mr Flu’ under investigation for gross conflict of interest – another scam on you
    The man with the nickname “Dr Flu”, Professor Albert Osterhaus, of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam Holland has been named by Dutch media researchers as the person at the center of the worldwide Swine Flu H1N1 Influenza A 2009 pandemic hysteria.
    Not only is Osterhaus the connecting person in an international network that has been described as the Pharma Mafia, he is THE key advisor to WHO on influenza and is intimately positioned to personally profit from the billions of euros in vaccines allegedly aimed at H1N1.
    (Excerpt) Read more at financialsense.com”

  39. O’IgNobel Narcissist.
    “Nobel peace prize: Norwegians incensed over Barack Obama’s snubs
    Barack Obama’s trip to Oslo to pick up his Nobel peace award is in danger of being overshadowed by a row over the cancellation of a series of events normally attended by the prizewinner.
    Norwegians are incensed over what they view as his shabby response to the prize by cutting short his visit.
    The White House has cancelled many of the events peace prize laureates traditionally submit to, including a dinner with the Norwegian Nobel committee, a press conference, a television interview, appearances at a children’s event promoting peace and a music concert, as well as a visit to an exhibition in his honour at the Nobel peace centre.
    He has also turned down a lunch invitation from the King of Norway.
    (Excerpt) Read more at guardian.co.uk”

  40. http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/carlin-the-politicization-of-the-epa-%E2%80%94-an-administrations-radical-gamble-pjm-exclusive/2/
    “And just to make things worse for the administration, it is not only now clear that key parts of the global warmists’/UN science is scientifically incorrect (see my March Comments and my more recent blog post), it is now also clear how their science came to be the way it is. We now have the actual computer programs used to bring this about, as well as some of the email and programming comments of some of those working to bring this about. Even Mother Nature is not cooperating, with very cold, wintry weather sweeping the United States this week.
    The Administration’s Agenda
    Finally, public support for the global warming/UN science and greenhouse gas regulation is dropping rapidly.
    Is it wise for the administration to take all these risks from a political viewpoint? Or is the outcome going to be similar to the recent one in Australia, where last week Parliament turned down a cap a trade bill for the second time?
    Unless the administration is driven solely by a radical environmental agenda come what may, the only rational conclusion is that they think they can somehow overcome all these major risks. The loss of even one of these sub-gambles may doom the lot.
    So perhaps they are driven primarily by environmental dogma, rather than political calculation? Maybe they actually still believe they are saving the world, despite the demonstrably bad science they have endorsed in order to support this view?
    The Skeptics Are Unlikely to Compromise
    On the other side of the issue, the skeptics are unlikely to be willing to compromise, given the recent confirmation of their suspicions concerning how the warmists’ science was derived. From their viewpoint, there appear to be only a limited number of options:
    1. Assume that at least one of the lawsuits that may emerge will be upheld by the courts.
    2. Look for a must-pass bill to attach a rider prohibiting funds being used to implement greenhouse gas controls under the Clean Air Act.
    3. Use the Congressional Review Act to overrule the endangerment finding.
    Whichever of these options the skeptics may pursue, the outcome will be the still further politicization of the EPA. This may have much longer lasting effects than the current fight over global warming control, and could lead to the end of the EPA as a primarily science-based agency.”
    Alan Carlin has carried out or supervised economic and scientific research on public policy issues for over 40 years — first at The RAND Corporation, and since 1971 at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
    It appears the Admin is wanting to take on a battle royal…
    Get the beer and popcorn, should be quite the show.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  41. dp, phantom, hardboiled:
    1 – Highly concentrated local areas of CO2 intensity? May be possible, over a short distance and for a very short time, but seriously: after your bonfire burns out, how long does the smoke cloud take to disperse? I think the air is one of the most miscible media we have, so, on my basic understanding of osmosis (which my first year chem professor told me was how he cleaned leaves on his lawn..), I think this is highly doubtful.
    2 – dp, phantom: thanks for your support. As I’m sure many know, natural gas providers inject “mercaptans” (obnoxiously smelly sulphur compounds) into natural gas which is, naturally, odour free. This helps identify potentially dangerous leaks. The extremely receptive, expensive, and poorly duplicated technology we call a “nose” can apparently detect mercaptans at levels of 10 parts per billion, or less than 1,000 times the average atmospheric CO2 concentration.
    If I seem to have a bug up my butt about this, it’s because I expect sloppy science from the left in virtually every area. They don’t go into hard sciences (or hard work like farming) for a reason. I think Jack Nicholson had a cogent comment about this in “A Few Good Men”. But, Kate willing, I will hold posters here to a higher standard – if you’re going to agree with me, I want your facts to be at least arguable, if not demonstrable. Posting arrant nonsense does our causes no good, and if I’m going to be judged by the company I keep (which the MSM seems to do to the right far more than it does to the left.. gee, why is that?), then I expect a certain degree of diligence on everyone’s part (including mine, and I believe I’ve demonstrated my willingness to both apologize and retract when I’m shown to be wrong).

  42. Oh SNAP – not only do I post a snarky response, and then when, after hastily pressing the “Submit” button, I see that 10 parts per billion is about 10,000 parts per million, or less than 30 times the concentration of CO2, not a 1,000 times less as I mistakenly posted. Apologies to all.
