Hand Over Your Economy

Or the economy gets it. Is there nothing that Obama can’t do?

The Obama administration is warning Congress that if it doesn’t move to regulate greenhouse gases, the Environmental Protection Agency will take a “command-and-control” role over the process in a way that could hurt business.
The warning, from a top White House economic official who spoke Tuesday on condition of anonymity, came on the eve of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s address to the international conference on climate change in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jackson, however, tried to strike a tone of cooperation in her address Wednesday, explaining that the EPA’s new powers to regulate greenhouse gases will be used to complement legislation pending in Congress, not replace it.
“This is not an ‘either-or’ moment. It’s a ‘both-and’ moment,” she said.
But while administration officials have long said they prefer Congress take action on climate change, the economic official who spoke with reporters Tuesday night made clear that the EPA will not wait and is prepared to act on its own.
And it won’t be pretty.
“If you don’t pass this legislation, then … the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area,” the official said. “And it is not going to be able to regulate on a market-based way, so it’s going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way, which will probably generate even more uncertainty.”

Those folks who stocked up on ammunition aren’t looking so crazy anymore.
Related“I Spent 7.2B and All I got was EPA GHG Regulation”

107 Replies to “Hand Over Your Economy”

  1. Ghost of Ed,
    “Are you saying it didn’t happen?” (Duh? No. I’m a retired controller. You missed that?).
    “I’m a retired journalist”. (I’m concerned now).
    Respecting Kate’s request to take personal, off- topic dialogue elsewhere..(jgpag@hotmail.com should you wish)…I’m saying you’re comparitive analogy doesn’t hold H2O. I don’t think you know what went on (inside the FAA/PATCO situation). I do.
    As far as firing those in the EPA…I agree.

  2. No problem KevinB. hardboiled clearly doesn’t know his backside from a hole in the ground. I’m NOT an engineer, but I do know a couple things and the fact that natural gas, propane and etc. are tagged with smells is one of them.
    Note to hardboiled, is there some reason you couldn’t tag the CO2 in the big frickin’ storage facility to see if its leaking a little?
    As dp says, the detection of -small- leaks in large systems can be problematic. But if its a small leak, who cares? hardboiled is talking about a whole frickin’ factory using gas unreported, you’re going to -notice- that.
    Furthermore, if we are talking about leak detection at a CO2 storage, do we -care- if it leaks a bit? It isn’t like CO2 is poisonous, or explosive, or indeed harmful in any way whatsoever. Its used in FOOD for crap sakes. For a leak to be a problem it would have to be measured in hundreds of liters per hour I would think.
    I just had a heater installed. They test the iron pipe for leaks by pressurizing it to 25 pounds for 20 minutes or so with a glorified bicycle pump. Since the propane runs at less than half a pound pressure, that’s a pretty decent margin. Being basically a belt-and-suspenders man, I pre-tested my pipe installation job at 50lbs pressure overnight. If a little is good, a lot is better I figure.
    Can I generalize from a 200 gallon propane tank to a 200 gallon per minute industrial installation? No. But do they test it the same way? Yes. 1/2 inch pipe or 16 inch, same same. They just spend more money testing the big stuff, because it makes a bigger bang if they mess up.

  3. Ed,
    Sorry Kate,
    The point of the original comment was to establish the basis of your comment re the ATC firings. In my experience most, who have made similar comments in the past (not here), haven’t had a clue as to what was going on. They were ignorant of the facts.
    As an ex-journalist (only found this out in your reply) I now expect you would have had the resources to find out what was what. Your analogy still doesn’t hold H20. You have no idea how much safety was comprimised. I do. It simply doesn’t doesn’t compare.
    With respect to Kate’s request regarding off-topic comments and to you: this is my final (last) reply, in this thread, on your comment(s).
    Again: jgpag@hotmail.com

  4. Oh don’t worry Kate, I won’t be seeking shelter under a bridge any time soon. We have heard, in the past, screeching from the likes of you and your ilk, and amazingly enough good wisdom and public policy has prevailed. Sleep well.

  5. T – I suggest you sign over all your possessions and your life savings to your Climate Change cause, strap a monitoring device to your ankle, continue being programmed like software and be done with it. We all need role models, and since your are clearly willing to die for your cause, this suggestion is relatively small sacrifice on your part – given your earlier comments you would probably find doing so highly gratifying.
    Revnant Dream – I absolutely agree with you – I thought it very odd the couple were able to crash the party. I would even go further and suggest the timing of the Tiger Woods outing is suspect; given he and Obama were golfing together fairly recently. It’s certainly serving as a handy distraction for the msm to avoid discussing our up and coming absolute enslavement to worldwide fascism.
