Reader Tips

Welcome to the (day-early) EBD edition of Late Nite Radio. Tonight we feature some comedy gold in the form of a musical performance by Virginia O’Brien. Her unique singing style, according to IMDB, was created by accident during her show business debut:

On opening night, when time came for her solo number, Virginia became so paralyzed with fright that she sang her song with a wide-eyed motionless stare that sent the audience (which thought her performance a gag) into convulsions. Demoralized, Virginia left the stage only to soon find out that she was a sensation.

The following year a New York Times critic who reviewed her Broadway debut gave this apt description: “She convulses the audience by removing the ecstasy from high-pressure music.”
Here, in a brief but memorable appearance as a department store salesclerk in the 1941 Marx Brothers movie The Big Store, Virignia O’Brien – aka Miss Deadpan – performs a vaguely unsettling, riotously funny version of Rock-a-bye Baby. Absolutely priceless.
The thread is open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

52 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Big KUDOS to Matt for the new videos he’s uploaded. You’ll delight in what Coren’s weasel-like guest says in this video. Watch him try to explain that the AGW scientists were not lying.
    I’m incredulous that some people actually think like this!!!

  2. NRO’s Mona Charen lists some of the reasons Americans are increasingly less likely to buy the global warming claims, even in the face of a non-stop campaign warning of global climate apocalypse. One reason, she suggests, is the “Fool me once” effect:
    “The same people whose hair is on fire now about climate change have dressed up in fright masks before. Thirty years ago they were (no joke) enormously agitated about the coming new ice age. From these same precincts (the Club of Rome, 1972) we were warned that the world was rapidly running out of oil, gas, aluminum, lead, zinc, copper, tin, and uranium. (We didn’t.) At the same time, all of the smart people were absolutely convinced that overpopulation was the greatest threat to the globe and to humanity itself. Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb, offered in 1980 that ‘if I were a gambler, I would bet even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.’ That same year, the Carter administration issued a global forecast predicting that ‘the world in 2000 will be more crowded, more polluted, less stable ecologically . . . and the world’s people will be poorer in many ways than they are today.’ Um, no.
    “The scaremongers’ track record is poor. For people who seem to worship Mother Earth, they are oddly arrogant about their ability to understand complex systems like climate.”

  3. ward dihydrogen monoxide is very dangerous!
    In a solid state it’s the cause of many automobile accidents in Canada.

  4. While we are at it, somebody should do something about the oxygen level.
    Look at all the oxidization going on all around us. That’s gotta cost us something.

  5. The French Radio-Canada TV network released a report tonight that involves members of Sponsorgate. Galiano perhaps? Anyone know anything about this??

  6. foobert…the annual cost of corrosion is HUGE. I unfortunately do not have access to my “Corrosion Engineering Handbook” or I’d quote you the estimated number.
    Plus, remember that CO2 is a byproduct of combustion which requires…you guessed it…OXYGEN!

  7. I just went through the Al Gore Poetry thread again.
    I read it very carefully to ensure I didn’t miss anything. When I was through my stomach was sore from laughter and my eyes watering. Some of the poems, the non poems and the comments are brilliant. I you haven’t seen it yet, take a look.

  8. My mom must have taken lessons from Virginia O’Brian, as now I know why we were dizzy after our afternoon nap.
    We have some pretty serious dihydrogen monoxide around here now.

  9. “Look at all the oxidization going on all around us. That’s gotta cost us something.”
    I guarantee that the NACE will make sure nothing ever happens with that.

  10. Like Virginia O’Brien, though I don’t recall her, even on the late, late show. What a babe; they don’t make like that anymore.

  11. Robert, “weasel-like guest” is absolutely the right adjective to describe Coren’s guest. It was hilarious to watch him squirm with one lie after another.

  12. Sorry guys that should read Gagliano, as in Alphonso Gagliano. Any info would be appreciated!

  13. Let us assume that Climaquiddick does indeed prove to be the fatal wound to the AGW scam. Suppose it’s doomed, and people soundly reject it, along with the politicians who try to impose it. The question then becomes, “Where do they go next?”
    For the life of me, I can’t think of a Chicken-Little, sky-is-falling, the-government-has-to-DO-something scam to rival AGW. They’ve tried acid rain, overpopulation, urban sprawl etc, all to no avail. And none of those compare with the notion that the whole PLANET will be destroyed if you proles don’t follow our orders. How do you top that?
    And yet top it they must, because if people can’t be suckered into this con job, they won’t likely fall for a lesser threat.
    As I say, it’s a mystery to me what they’ll try. But then I certainly wouldn’t have (and of course didn’t) conceive of radical environmentalism mutating into Scientific Socialism v2.0, yet that’s what happened.
    So … What DO they try next?
    Prize of 100 carbon credits to the one who guesses first.

  14. I caught part of this on the ‘National’,maybe someone can put a link up. It was a greenie solution to our emission problem that could be simply solved by buying out and shutting down the top 25 polluters which contribute to 80% of our emissions….WOW,just like that ,problem solved.This solution was not thought through,but it does sound good.One of the companies is trans-alta utilities. Shut it down,now. Albertans do not need electricity… Hey tree-huggers,remember the blackout 6 or 7 years ago. Imagine that,but imagine that the power is not coming back on,not in a day or two,not even next week,or next year. Feel good about yourself. That would be reality…Grow up,learn to think. Feelings are important,but reality is what puts a double de-caf cappucino in your hand.

  15. has CBCpravda given up on Iggy?
    there hasnt been any coverage of him at all.
    certainly he is not out on a book signing deal or checking out office space in Harvard.
    laying low on the tax harmonization deal and hoping McSquinty takes the backlash?

  16. That is an excellent article Revnant Dream, thanks for the link.
    I am not a scientist but I had to pass physics 12 and part of that course involved the travels of Earth and other planets. The yearly temperature, on Earth (and other planets) is not always the same year by year because the Sun flares sometimes (it is a ball of fire and fires flare – it will be hotter if the Sun flares; simple observation duh!),also, because the earth spins like a top, not like the perpetual motion of a ball on a string in a vacuum – hence we have global tilt with the N. pole sometimes tilting towards the Sun, sometimes away from the Sun – Antarctica to a lesser degree, and we have the progression of the equinoxes; the manner that the local planetary system travels through the larger system (our Sun is just one of many and it has a orbit – with it’s subject planets and their subject moons – around a bigger Sun which orbits around a bigger Sun and so on…As we progress through the planetary Houses we MOVE and the combination of gravitational pull of different constellations affects our climate. Not Rocket Science – Physics 12. The Chaldeans, Ancient Greeks, Mayans, Incas, Chinese…knew all about this – we are presently transitioning to the House of Aquarius (from Pisces where we have been for two thousand years); as those who study Astrology (the social science of Astronomy) will tell you, the character of Aquarius is vastly different from Pisces – Aquarius is a water carrier Pisces is two fish chasing each others tail – there was bound to be major disruptions!! Some scholars believe that the Inca calender ends in 2012 because they only wrote one progression at a time. They would have needed a whole new batch of tablets for a brand new age.
    Why didn’t any of those brilliant scientists of the Climategate ilk mention what I studied in Grade 12? It is not even a stretch to call these human hating charlatans on the carpet for their criminal claims, IMO.
    One of Obama’s Czars said, in reference to arguments against bankrupting the nation to attempt to change the Earth’s temperature, ‘we need to break a few eggs to make an omelette’ – that was a direct quote from Baria- Lenin’s most brutal henchman – ‘eggs’ meaning human heads.

  17. Jema54 :
    Its natural for them using a communist monsters phrase, they being Marxists themselves.

  18. Google is now auto-suggesting climate-gate. I am sure the whole thing was about dispassionate algore-ithms.
    Too late, I just went there to get chrome for my new computer. I use bing now. If I ever do go there, I google climategate just to annoy them.

  19. Liberal Iffy’s Ad$Cam Party + Wine Tasting at “Librano Vineyards*”.
    “Fake invoices paid for Gagliano’s
    ‘personal expenses’: RCMP
    Warrant alleges $117,000 fraud was planned by former Liberal bagman Giuseppe Morselli”
    “*Librano Vineyards
    Every bottle comes complete with its own paper bag.
    Posted by Kate at September 3, 2008 1:14 AM”

  20. cal2: ” … has CBCpravda given up on Iggy?”
    That’s all part of the plan: The Librano Backroom Boy$ have decided that Iggy’s out and Boob’s in. Look at the HOC: Rae’s now the spokesperson for the LPC.
    Another surreptitious coup, brought to you by — TA DA! — the Desmarais Boys, puppet masters par excellence of the LPC!

  21. Virginia O’Brien: Lullaby Lady for the Adams Family, only she’s wearing the wrong colour, maybe so as not to frighten the children.

  22. Goreacle Report: AGW Death Watch.
    We AGW fraudsters told you that AGW, global warming, is a killer.
    “The system has been blamed for the deaths of five people in the United States.”
    “Ontario storm causes travel headaches
    A driver digs a path to get his car out after heavy snow fell in in Salina, Kan. Tom Dorsey/AP
    Flights, school buses cancelled as southern, central and northeastern Ontario come under a winter storm warning”

  23. Carolyn Parrish is at it again:
    After noshing on a meal that included three bottles of wine with three others at Aielli Restaurant last Thursday, Parrish allegedly walked out and then back into the restaurant, ripped down a pro-McCallion poster, shredded it and stomped the floor, before jumping into a waiting limousine to go to the Andrea Bocelli concert at the Air Canada Centre.
    . . .

  24. WMDs finally found !!! sort of . . . .

  25. Homeland ‘Security’ morphs into the anti-travel agency:–Senate-Commerce-Science-and-Transportation-Committee

  26. Bill Good at CKNW in Vancouver is at it again:
    He has a guest on in the 9am hour who insists that anyone disagree with the Global Warming Zealots must be:
    – In the pay of big oil
    – Working on behalf of a “deniers” lobby group
    – Trying to stop “world governance” for 20 yrs
    I wish I were kidding or exaggerating with any of the above but that’s precisely what this twit said.
    I’ll give Closed Minded Good one thing, he does play hardball. His game is rigged but he does play hardball.
    P.S. 48 hrs later I have not heard back from Dr. Andrew Weaver wrt what Pacific islands are being evacuated.

  27. When governments spend as much time and capital lying and obfuscating about engagement in a war zone, one wonders what lengths they’ll go to do the same on domestic soil.
    While rhetorical, it’s easy to repeat: politicians are scum.
    OTTAWA — Canada’s top soldier backtracked Wednesday on his earlier assertions that a beaten and bloodied Afghan was never detained by Canadian troops before he was transferred to local authorities.
    “I want to correct my statement,” Gen. Walt Natynczyk, Canada’s chief of defence staff, told a news conference in Ottawa. “The individual who was beaten by Afghan police was, in fact, in Canadian custody.”
    Natynczyk said the military will conduct an internal inquiry into why it took so long for the latest information to come to his attention….”

  28. Justice Alice Desjardins, writing for the appeal panel, concluded the Charter can’t be invoked by Afghan prisoners – whom she described as “foreigners with no attachment whatsoever to Canada or its laws.”
    Canada is not an occupying power in Afghanistan and is in the country with the consent of its government, said Desjardins. That government has not conceded that Canadian law should apply to its nationals.
    Amnesty and the civil liberties association argued that the key question was whether the Charter applied to the actions of Canadian troops, not to the prisoners they take.
    But Desjardins rejected that distinction, saying it doesn’t solve the legal problem. She reasoned that Canadian actions toward prisoners can only be bound by Charter rules if it’s assumed the prisoners also have Charter rights.
    The refusal to apply the Charter doesn’t mean the prisoners are left in a legal vacuum, said the judge. They are still protected by international human rights law.

  29. Excerpts of a letter from residents of the 18ème Arrondissement of Paris to French president Nicolas Sarkozy
    Mr. President,
    This is an appeal for help from the citizens of the 18ème Arrondissement. For several years now, certain of our streets have been occupied by fundamentalists who come from all over the Parisian region to practice their cult activities.
    The pavements for hundreds of metres are taken over, putting pedestrians in grave danger as they are obliged to walk in the street to get past the people “praying”.
    Entire streets are roped off with cars and security barriers and no entry signs, preventing the inhabitants of the area from going out or returning to their homes, the shopkeepers from working, ordinary citizens from circulating normally.
    Every protest or even a simple attempt to penetrate into the zones occupied by these fundamentalists risks being met by insults, threats and aggression and for some time now no one dares to protest, such is the fear installed in our area.
    Are we no longer a secular Republic? Isn’t occupation of the public highway by unauthorized cultic activities a public order offence? Is preventing the free circulation of citizens in public areas, by means of threats or other means, normal in our city? Why do we no longer have the right to enter or leave our homes? Why do we have to live in a climate of fear?
    . . .
    We are not able to sign this document for fear of our lives and those of our families.

  30. “Fox’s rivals begin matching its ‘Climate-gate’ coverage
    Just as it did over the summer with its critical investigation of the activist group ACORN, Fox News has been banging the drum loudly for more than two weeks on the “Climate-gate” story, airing extensive coverage across virtually all of its programming on a topic its rivals barely seemed to notice.
    Until now.”

  31. I hear there’s a move to kick us out of the Commonwealth now. Isn’t that sort of like kicking the Virgin Mary out of the church nativity scene?
    Isn’t it sort of like kicking the Montreal Canadiens out of the NHL?
    But could we actually be this lucky? I doubt it. I think we’re stuck with them, and they with us.

  32. I see Tiger Wood’s ,lets call them indiscretions, are up at 10 or 11 now.
    Im happy that it’s gone higher, I was thinking maybe the next story was going to be that he was
    g ay and had started playing the back 9
