Y2Kyoto: Raw Vs Cooked

By now, everyone will have learned through our betters in the mainstream media that the revelations contained in the Climategate document drop are of little importance to the overall climate change debate – that the temperature reconstructions at East Anglia CRU have been duplicated by “hundreds” of other researchers. Why, thousands even!
Well, no.
Willis Eschenbach explains: there are three main global temperature datasets.

One is at the CRU, Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, where we’ve been trying to get access to the raw numbers. One is at NOAA/GHCN, the Global Historical Climate Network. The final one is at NASA/GISS, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The three groups take raw data, and they “homogenize” it to remove things like when a station was moved to a warmer location and there’s a 2C jump in the temperature. The three global temperature records are usually called CRU, GISS, and GHCN. Both GISS and CRU, however, get almost all of their raw data from GHCN. All three produce very similar global historical temperature records from the raw data….

Presto homogeno!

Intrigued by the curious shape of the average of the homogenized Darwin [northern Australia] records, I then went to see how they had homogenized each of the individual station records. What made up that strange average shown in Fig. 7? I started at zero with the earliest record. Here is Station Zero at Darwin, showing the raw and the homogenized versions.

Figure 8 Darwin Zero Homogeneity Adjustments. Black line shows amount and timing of adjustments.
Yikes again, double yikes! What on earth justifies that adjustment? How can they do that? We have five different records covering Darwin from 1941 on. They all agree almost exactly. Why adjust them at all? They’ve just added a huge artificial totally imaginary trend to the last half of the raw data!

Go read “The Smoking Gun At Darwin Zero”.
And now for a Canadian connection!
Guest blogger Mark Jaeger mentioned this to me privately just after the scandal broke;

I notice in e-mail 1255477545.txt Phil Jones mentions what a good job Lucie Vincent did on homogeneity adjustments at Environment Canada.
According to GEDS Lucie Vincent is indeed still at work in Environment Canada:
The comment by Phil:
> > In the papers, I’ve always said that homogeneity adjustments are
> > best produced by NMSs. A good example of this is the work by Lucie
> > Vincent in Canada. Here we just replaced what data we had for the
> > 200+ sites she sorted out.
So – this would be something to challenge the media or interested commenters to find out. Which are these 200 stations are what were the adjustments? If Phil calls them a good job I’m interested to see how the adjustments differ from the original raw data – and if the original data still exists.

Related – Lucie Vincent explains how to adjust

Several years ago, a database of long-term and homogenized temperatures was created for the analysis of climate change in Canada. Using a technique based on regression models, the annual means of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures were tested for “relative homogeneity” with respect to surrounding stations. Monthly and daily adjustments were derived from the regression models and were applied to create homogenized temperature datasets at 210 locations across the country. The causes of inhomogeneities were mainly due to station relocation and change in observing time.
A Second Generation of Homogenized Temperature is currently under development. The new homogenized datasets are prepared for a greater number of stations (336 stations). Series are extended to cover the period 1900-2008 as much as possible by joining the observations of two or three nearby locations. New procedures are applied for adjusting the cold bias in the daily minimum temperatures introduced by the redefinition of the climatological in 1961 at synoptic stations. Newly developed techniques based on regression models and surrounding stations are also considered for homogeneity assessment and adjustment of the discontinuities due to station relocation. The methodologies used to generate the new homogenized temperatures will be presented along with the impact of the adjustments on climate trends.

Cold bias?

86 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Raw Vs Cooked”

  1. What I see, or I think I see (I lack the complete self-assuredness that seems to pervade this debate) are scientists trying to create some breathing room the alarmists and the deniers have taken away from them.
    It has become impossible to be reasonable or wrong. I claim the right to be wrong. I have been wrong. Wrong about the nuclear winter scenario. I have been wrong about acid rain.Still, I never claimed to be right. If anything I claimed what my position was at that moment in time, to be changed at a moments notice if evidence demands.
    Suppose that I was, at one point, entirely convinced of immediate catastrophy. Imagine the response would I reconsider my position. Let me try what I what hear “You see, you see!! I was right all the time! neener neener Whaaaaahoooohahaha! I was right you are an idiot”. That kind of intelligent reaction. Going the other way, same deal.
    Any side claiming to know what is going on is wrong. You can make an uneducated guess and turn out to be right but that’s all.

  2. @Claude
    What I see, or I think I see (I lack the complete self-assuredness that seems to pervade this debate) are scientists trying to create some breathing room the alarmists and the deniers have taken away from them.
    It has become impossible to be reasonable or wrong. I claim the right to be wrong. I have been wrong. Wrong about the nuclear winter scenario. I have been wrong about acid rain.Still, I never claimed to be right. If anything I claimed what my position was at that moment in time, to be changed at a moments notice if evidence demands.
    Suppose that I was, at one point, entirely convinced of immediate catastrophy. Imagine the response would I reconsider my position. Let me try what I what hear “You see, you see!! I was right all the time! neener neener Whaaaaahoooohahaha! I was right you are an idiot”. That kind of intelligent reaction. Going the other way, same deal.
    Any side claiming to know what is going on is wrong. You can make an uneducated guess and turn out to be right but that’s all.

  3. @ Erwin – You say you haven’t yet reached any conclusions even while you use the word ‘denier’, a word designed to smear the skeptics. Either you’re sloppy in your speech or you have reached a conclusion. If it’s the first, take more care; if it’s the second, admit it.

  4. Warmies:
    Look up IETA
    International Emissions Trading Association, check out thier members list.
    Ask yourself why the all the worlds large Oil companies,Chemical companies,Financial companies all “care” about AGW?
    You are giving the keys to the planet to your enemies.

  5. @Kathryn
    If you look close you might find that I use both the terms alarmists and deniers, in close proximity as well.
    I have not reached a conslusion. What I do find is that I’m sometimes told I did and that assumed conclusion is most of the time the opposite of that of the person saying just that.
    No, I have not reached a conclusion. I don’t see how you can conclude I did. Again, I might be wrong but I believe I said ‘alarmists and deniers’. Tell me were I did not and I’ll explain or apologize.

  6. Time for an ATIP request?
    Vincent, Lucie
    Environment Canada
    Climate Data and Analysis
    4905 Dufferin Street
    Downsview, Ontario M5H 5T4
    Telephone : 416-739-4378

  7. No problem. This afternoon I shall contact Suzuki, chief Disciple of the Goreacle, and he will place a telephone call to Luci at Environment Canada. Within a few hours we should have all the alGOREithms uploaded so that we, the public, may understand the homogenization process. Your government is committed to transparency! lol.

  8. I see we have been gifted with a new troll, a better one than T, in fact. Allah be praised!

  9. Erwin – please explain how scientist are ‘trying to create a little breathing room’ – I don’t follow.

  10. Erwin @11:12 “Both deniers and believers so far contributed nothing.”
    That’s the post I was commenting on.

  11. WTF (Who the F*) are these people and what are they saying about us, or on our behalf, and how vociferously, at COP15?!?
    Mr. Christian Van Houtte  Montreal  Canada 
    Ms. Cynthia Dickson  Whitehorse  Canada 
    Mr. André Richer  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. David Adams  Toronto  Canada 
    M. André Bélisle  St. Léon -de-Standon  Canada 
    Ms. Lisa Doulas  Kingston  Canada 
    Ms. Dawn Marie Turner  Winnipeg  Canada 
    M. André Turmel  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. Channa Perera  Ottawa  Canada 
    Ms. Fiona Oliver-Glasford  Toronto  Canada 
    Mr. Govinda Raj Timilsina  Calgary  Canada 
    Mr. Shai Spetgang  Toronto  Canada 
    Ms. Paula Margaret Dunlop  Ottawa  Canada 
    Name not given Victoria  Canada 
    Mr. Pierre Fortin  Ottawa  Canada 
    Name not given Toronto Ontario  Canada 
    Mr. Colin Hunt  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. Christopher Paul Henschel  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. Bruce Boyd  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. Marco D’Angelo  Toronto  Canada 
    Ms. Yasmin Tarmohamed  Toronto  Canada 
    Ms. Luba Mycio-Mommers  Kanata  Canada 
    Mr. Kevin McCort  Ontario  Canada 
    Ms. Jennifer Clapp  Waterloo  Canada 
    Mr. Sebastien Jodoin  Montreal  Canada 
    M. Philip Raphals  Montréal  Canada 
    Ms. Hélène Lauzon  Montreal  Canada 
    Name not given Montréal  Canada 
    Ms. Alysia May Garmulewicz  New Denver  Canada 
    Mr. Ray Rivers  Toronto  Canada 
    Ms. Stephanie Thorson  Toronto  Canada 
    Ms. Montana Burgess  Ottawa  Canada 
    Ms. Carol-Ann Brown  Calgary  Canada 
    Mme Eliane Héry  Montréal  Canada 
    Mr. Meinhard Doelle  Halifax  Canada 
    Ms. Morag Carter  Vancouver  Canada 
    Ms. Ghita Benessahraoui  Montreal  Canada 
    Mr. Dominique Neuman  Montréal  Canada 
    Mr. Richard John Joseph  Dartmouth  Canada 
    M. Eloi Lepage  Montréal  Canada 
    Ms. Francesca Vivian Hyatt  Ottawa  Canada 
    Ms. Sylvie Delaquis  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. Paul Lansbergen  Ottawa  Canada 
    Ms. Dinah Fuentesfina  Montreal  Canada 
    Mr. Joseph Lin  Vancouver  Canada 
    Mr. Brian Williamson  Victoria  Canada 
    Mr. Tom Roy Tevlin  Vancouver BC  Canada 
    Name not given Montréal  Canada 
    M. Thomas Dandres  Lachine  Canada 
    Ms. Bridget Larocque  Inuvik, NT  Canada 
    Mr. B. John Plant  Kingston  Canada 
    Mr. Andreas Hardeman  Montreal  Canada 
    Jean Lebel  Ottawa  Canada 
    Name not given Toronto  Canada 
    Ms. Jo-Ellen Parry  Winnipeg  Canada 
    Ms. Corinne Gray  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. Scot Nickels  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. Mark Earl Miller  Winnipeg  Canada 
    Ms. Renée Sieber  Montréal  Canada 
    Mr. Dan Paszkowski  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. Dale LeClair  Ottawa  Canada 
    Ms. Margaret Celeste McKay  Ottawa  Canada 
    Ms. Barbara MacKinnan  Fredericton  Canada 
    Ms. Carol Ann Audet  Thunder Bay  Canada 
    Ms. Nikki Skuce  Smithers  Canada 
    Ms. Genevieve Light  Toronto  Canada 
    M. Claude Desjarlais  Montréal  Canada 
    Mr. Matthew Bramley  Alberta  Canada 
    Ms. Marie Angie Desfosses  Regina  Canada 
    Ms. Mary Pattenden  Toronto  Canada 
    Mr. Nicholas George Vincent  Ottawa  Canada 
    M. Philippe Bourke  Montréal  Canada 
    Mr. Christopher Holcroft  Ottawa  Canada 
    Ms. Louise Zimanyi  Toronto  Canada 
    M. Ian Dessureault  Montréal  Canada 
    Ms. Louise Comeau  Vancouver  Canada 
    Mr. Daniel Spence  Ottawa  Canada 
    Name not given Victoria, British Columbia  Canada 
    Mr. Thomas Welt  Montréal  Canada 
    Mr. Patterson Partington  Toronto  Canada 
    M. Normand Parisien  Montréal  Canada 
    M. Jean-Eric Turcotte  Montréal  Canada 
    Mr. Marc Paguin  Montréal  Canada 
    Ms. Karen Barkley  Calgary  Canada 
    Mr. Barry Smit  Guelph  Canada 
    Mr. Malcolm Wilson  Regina  Canada 
    Mr. Matthew Hoffmann  Toronto  Canada 
    Mme Diane Pruneau  Moncton  Canada 
    Mme Valérie Demers  Montréal  Canada 
    Ms. Jocelyne Néron  Québec  Canada 
    M. Jérome Vaillancourt  Montreál  Canada 
    Mr. Brent Kopperson  Aurora  Canada 
    Ms. Kelly Montgomery  Woodbridge  Canada 
    Ms. Dawn Bazely  Toronto  Canada 
    M. René Coignaud  Ottawa  Canada 
    Mr. Robert Oullette  Toronto  Canada 
    Mr. Steven Guilbeault  Montréal  Canada 
    (XLS file of attendees)

  12. My opinion is that the subject matter is too complex to make any conclusions yet and that includes outright denial.
    Too complex for you to understand.
    I can read a graph.
    The green line is the average raw data and it shows no warming compared to the black line which has been adjusted downward before 1940 and upward after 1940 to generate hysteria among Climate crisis believers.
    The hypothesis of the Climate Crisis is that CO2 concentrations have been climbing and forcing the temperature upward.
    To this date, CO2 concentrations continue to climb, but observed fact is temperature has been declining.
    That means CO2 has been shown not to force temperature upward as concentrations continue to increase.
    The hypothesis has been falsified, the Climate Crisis is not happening.
    Dr. Kevin Trenberth from the CRU e-mails:
    The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.
    Trenberth et al can’t account for the lack of warming because the answer, the hypothesis is wrong, is staring them in the face and they have rejected the obvious fact that they are wrong, leaving them with no explanation.

  13. b_C — These all look to be climate activists of one sort or another — some affiliated with NGO’s, others alternative energy lobbyists. I am betting they all had their fees paid by the U.N. — same trick Mo Strong used at Rio to secure his agreement. Climate prostitutes would be another description for them.

  14. http://www.thefoxnation.com/climate-change/2009/12/09/famous-weather-scientist-climate-gate-tip-iceberg
    Famous Weather Scientist: Climate-Gate ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
    The Colorado scientist [Dr. William Gray, Professor of Atmospheric Science] described by the Washington Post as “the World’s Most Famous Hurricane Expert” says the “ClimateGate” e-mails from the United Kingdom that revealed possible data manipulation are evidence of a conspiracy among “warmists,” those who believe man’s actions are triggering possibly catastrophic climate change.
    “The recent ‘ClimateGate’ revelations coming out of the UK University of East Anglia are but the tip of a giant iceberg of a well organized international climate warming conspiracy that has been gathering momentum for the last 25 years,” said Colorado State University’s Dr. William Gray.

  15. This is a continuation of the cold war and it is about to heat up. We have our freedom and prosperity to lose.

    How far will you go to protect it?
    I dunno – eat pancreas? Pretend to be the sausage king of Chicago?

  16. Meanwhile, our dipshit Canadian presscorp (with some smart exceptions) are on high hysteria buzz regarding the Afghan detainee issue.
    Time for NORMAL people to be heard.

  17. Temp at Eureka Staion, Nunavut at 2:00 PM CST on this cold Dec. 09–09
    Minus -39° C
    Do icebergs melt at -39°C ?

  18. Temp at Eureka Station, Nunavut at 2:00 PM CST on this cold Dec. 09–09
    Minus -39° C
    Do icebergs melt at -39°C ?

  19. Woodporter @3:17 – if you can catch those homogenizers, I’ll let you borrow my leg irons.
    KevinB – Don’t eat pancreas. Just….. don’t.

  20. Coming from a background that included environmental sampling and testing, I have trouble understanding the rationale for their data massaging, homogenizing and blending. It is not uncommon for test sites to be moved, updated, repaired etc. When this happened the sites are given new numbers to signify the change (from #103 to #103 B, for example)and then explained on the reports. Tracking and graphing data over time and through changes was simple and understandable.
    The climate scientist “trick” methods and deliberate complexity, OTOH, is ripe for the very abuse that is coming to light. As shown, it allows you to substantially change the nature of the results by tweaking the variables. Is there any valid rationale underlying these, for the most part, hidden and complex adjustments? If so, then wouldn’t access to before and after adjustment graphs be essential to track any suspected tampering?

  21. It’s been said many times before and I’m gonna say it again…
    I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people telling me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.

  22. Right here http://www.cics.uvic.ca/scenarios/pdf/workshop/PresCliSce.pdf you will find a paper by Lucie Vincent with some help.
    Note on page 4 how homogenization works as a scientific practice.
    You start with raw data trend of -1.2 degrees of Celsius from @ 1915 to @1995, then you start your homogenization process and the final result looks like a trend of + 0.1 over the same period of time.
    Can you say that these people know magic?

  23. Erwin…I shudder when presented with some of the heavy hi-tech academic info from WUWT…and I am a TECHY.
    However this last post that Kate linked was very clear, even for an old lady like myself.Actually…read thru the whole thing last night.
    What did you find difficult about it?
    And Erwin…we are only commenters on a Canadian blog. Don’t take our word for anything. There are too many sources available that have contributed the information on so-called AGW scams….try some links, eh?
    The scientist that were hiding the decline were hardly ‘creating breathing space’. They were sticking with their agenda.
    “Presto homogeno”…Kate that is classic.
    Glad to have the Canadian connection(Lucy) that Kady O’ was so desperately missing. Now we can count on the CBC getting some research on this topic, right?
    Silly me…..

  24. Thanks, Lev. I read the year 2000 report and, as expected, it explains nothing. Yes, on page 4, a before and after graph was included showing the statistical magic of turning obvious cooling into slight warming. I especially liked the summary, “It’s not getting warmer, it’s just getting less cold..”. Sounds good to me but I wonder how much that little nugget of knowledge cost taxpayers.

  25. Gunney99 at December 9, 2009 3:12 AM
    It was well worth watching . Thanks for posting the vids.

  26. Warmies:
    Look up IETA
    International Emissions Trading Association, check out thier members list.
    Ask yourself why the all the worlds large Oil companies,Chemical companies,Financial companies all “care” about AGW?
    You are giving the keys to the planet to your enemies.

    Amen. The socialists and liberals supporting carbon-trading schemes are useful idiots. The wealthy global elites will be at the receiving end of whatever ‘redistribution’ this scam entails.

  27. David Suzuki is a liar.Whatever happened to his ‘we’re all going to freeze to death in the dark’ scare mantra he used to espouse in the 1970’s?
    How did we go from freezing to death, to burning up or drowning?
    Tell us, you f’in Marxist liar.

  28. Willis Eschenbach has cooked data before by using a single year as a baseline giving a partial degree drop in temps. In this case he did the opposite, he joined data sets without adjusting them to have the same base.
    This adjustment procedure has hardly been hidden and has been used for good reason. If you want to get past your obvious anti-science bias you might read this:
    Or more specifically the following: http://reg.bom.gov.au/amm/docs/2004/dellamarta.pdf

  29. Please be very, very careful when looking at these claims of finding data manipulation. I have seen pretty good arguments refuting Willis Escshenbach on Darwin, and although I haven’t verified them, they are enough to give pause. Not every skeptic is like M&M in their care.
    I did take a look at the Wellington, NZ assertion – very similar to Darwin – about bogus adjustments.
    It is clear to me that the Wellington allegations, by (sadly) my fellow skeptics, were hot air, so to speak. I fear the same is true of Darwin.
    There are lots of good reasons to be very skeptical of the warmist claims based on surface temperature trends. However, uncritically jumping on each new claim of “fraud” or “manipulation” will provide more evidence for the warmists that skeptics are simply irrelevant. Check out the opposing link that I posted above. Like I say, I don’t know if it’s correct, but it reads better than Eschenbach’s.
    To his credit, Eschenbach has posted a comment on that site inviting his attackers to post in his comment section, which if done, should provide an enlightening debate.

  30. Not anti-science Gary…
    just anti-AGWscam,
    and too bad some scientists can’t be trusted
