41 Replies to “Deep Impact”

  1. Does that mean in clear English, reporters who know what the **** they’re writing about? Even better if they are diligent, truthful and objective.
    Know-nothing within-the-last-few-decades J school grads need not apply, obviously. With no liberal arts (in the classic sense) education, no critical thinking skills, no literary skills, all they have to offer is their liberal-indoctrinated brain, giving a superficial glibness and the typical liberal arrogance towards non-liberals.
    Or am I too harsh? 🙂

  2. Oh no.
    What’s going to happen to elisions, misquotes, and editorializing/agenda-driven “reporters”?

  3. Real journalism has been disappearing for years. We are seeing the end of many of the classically trained journalists – you know the ones who were taught to be impartial no matter how they felt personally. Most of the journalists around today were taught to impart their own feelings (radical leftist) into their work and so most of them will be jobless within the decade.

  4. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I’m confused. Editor & Publisher is explicitly a magazine that covers the newspaper and magazine industry. Wouldn’t senior magazine editors be exactly the right kind of experts in the field(s) that the magazine is ostensibly covering? Am I missing something? It’s not like the magazine is Heavy Farming Equipment Monthly or something.

  5. Wouldn’t senior magazine editors be exactly the right kind of experts in the field(s) that the magazine is ostensibly covering?
    Not necessarily.

  6. I left the world of journalism in the 90s when I realized (at the tender age of 25) that per-word rates for freelance writers hadn’t budged much since the 70s. Brilliant writers, who once could afford to spend months putting together a well-researched piece, moved on to other pursuits.
    Magazine and newspaper publishers have been progressively eroding the quality of their product for more than 30 years, and now try to have us believe it’s the internet’s fault that they’re struggling. I’ve kept television “news” out of the equation because, really, TV news has never been anything with real substance.
    If you want to see how far things have regressed, find some copies of Esquire, Time or even Playboy from the 60s or 70s. Hell, even pick up an old StarPhoenix. Big difference compared to today.
    The scariest part is that most publishers still aren’t adapting to reality by actually improving their core product. One of the strangest examples: the Las Vegas Review Journal suing literally dozens of bloggers, grannies, small business owners, etc., for posting excerpts of LVRJ stories. They’ve even sued the experts they’ve interviewed and quoted for daring to post excerpts of their own comments.
    Newspaper Chain’s New Business Plan: Copyright Suits
    “The Review-Journal’s publisher, Stephens Media in Las Vegas, runs over 70 other newspapers in nine states….Hundreds of lawsuits…are already in the works by year’s end. “We perceive there to be millions, if not billions, of infringements out there,” he says.”

  7. Hmmm, lets see how this may be applied at other media orgs.
    At the Globe & Mail, Senior management has, for far too long, allowed Jeffrey Simpson to track down his choice of “expert” to cover anything global warming. Jeff chooses a David Suzuki type, who has zero experience in climatology. Jeff then cooks, hypes and fearizes the story even more.
    After the purge, G&M senior management simply asks climatologist Dr Timothy Ball for the science and data. Knowledge, the result of decades spent researching The Hudson Bay Company’s ‘two hundred and fifty year’ climate record would then be passed onto their readers.
    Voila !! An enlightened citizenry instead of a dumbed down one.

  8. ‘It’s not like the magazine is Heavy Farming Equipment Monthly or something.’
    Actually Daniel it is. Heavy Farming Equipment Magazine wouldn’t still be talking about equipment made in 2002. Yet, Editor and Publisher, the so called leader and master of the publishing world was still riding an antique website from 2002. You leftists are so out of touch its shocking!

  9. Crystal ball says the future holds even more slanted coverage than ever. Hard to generate anything else when the “journalists” have a dog in the fight.
    Even if you get ’em after retirement, you still need to pay a rate that’s attractive. How many publishers do you think would pay enough to get a former CEO or VP’s attention?

  10. I feel for all those ‘Journalists’ that spent a fortune for a job they thought would be there a lifetime. I “really ” do!
    An Elitist enclave with all the right people, all the right parties. The lotus eaters dream job.
    A little crap written there , a piece of fecal matter pronounced here. In general, BS your way through life by the pen slanting what others say.
    All now sundered by shareholders who are now catching onto the fact progressivism equals poison for growth.
    Day has broken through people, with the Sun about to light the World. The shadow folks have been exposed.

  11. Mister fister, I can’t speak for Kate, but she seems quite good at exposing the “journalists”.
    And your expertise is?

  12. ““All three of them are great guys, and accomplished journalists,”
    I’m sure those are transferable skills that will land them big paying jobs elsewhere.
    Maybe not.

  13. @blackash: this has already been extensively discussed here. It is, of course, fisting.

  14. Define “experts in their individual fields”. With the rise of the leftist agendized advocate/professional, all they’ve done is clear the payroll. Cheaper to pay the guy with the alternate income, then carry a staff.

  15. Kate’s expertise is in thinking. It would behoove you to try it some time, fister.

  16. Dave’s right.
    Someone like Gay Talese was making min. $1/word in the 60s and 70s.
    Adjusted for inflation, Esquire would be paying writers today, what? $5/word?
    And I think it’s still at $1 — and that’s for big shots.

  17. The Journistic Period? Does that fall before or after Disreputable Age? Just to establish my expertise and authority of the subject, the Disreputable Age is generally defined as that era following the demise of ethical journalists (possibly due to a union or meteor strike).
    As a result entirely new invertebrate species of journalists arose. We are talking about the creatures like the Yellow Bellied Hacks that inhbit the Globe and Mail, right on down to the Dink Nosed Faffoofniks that flourish over at the Toronto Star.
    I caution my fellow scholars to note that some vertebrate predators survived Journistic Period and feed on their invertebrate lessers to this day. Such creatures The Right Winged Steyn and the Raptorus Levanticus feed on human rights commissions, reverse racists and other politically correct evolutionary flotsam and jetsam.
    For further information on the devolution of the classical journalist, please tune in regularly or come visit me at my website at http://www.liberalbedwetters.com

  18. Journalism has always seemed kind of pretentious to me. Most reporters are not only not experts, but not even very knowledgeable about the subjects they cover. There are exceptions of course, but most journalists have to be generalists, and this makes them very dependent on the honesty and accuracy of their sources. Like Paul Newman’s character says in the wonderful movie Absence of Malice: “You don’t print the truth. You print what people say.” Throw in a bunch of left-wing bias, and the journalistic product leaves a lot to be desired.

  19. But but, what about Margret Wentes hatred of Harper that is soley based on the fact, her words, ” I just hate him, all my girlfriends hate him also” Charles Adler interview Dec. 08. That is the kind of investigation that is done for a story in todays newspapers. The end can’t come quick enough! Wolf wolf er I mean globall warming er is it Y2KYjelly wh damn Ive got my crisisis mixed up, this is Jeffrey Simsons daily workload. Ron in Kelowna is dead on, an expert to a urinalist is another group think leftie.

  20. No Doug, I’m hoping it is hitting Peeair Borques patetic “All Iggy all the time news”, or hopefully the equally moronic National newswatchs site that features none other than” Warren” the political doofus makers columns. Yes the end is near, when Kinsellas a featured writer, the writhing and thrashing has gone on far to long. A little spike in interest rates could be difference on those red ink books I hope.

  21. Ah, SDA…”We disdain ‘experts’!…”
    – smalldeadanimals.com/archives/008830.html
    – smalldeadanimals.com/archives/007317.html
    – smalldeadanimals.com/archives/008898.html
    – smalldeadanimals.com/archives/009737.html
    – pnas.org/content/early/2010/06/04/1003187107.abstract
    “…except when we love’em!”
    – smalldeadanimals.com/archives/002249.html
    – smalldeadanimals.com/archives/010721.html
    – wattsupwiththat.com

  22. ron in kelowna;
    While you and I would see Tim Ball as an expert, what makes you think that the Globe wouldn’t put forward Suzuki instead? An expert is in the eye of the beholder. In the interminable discussion about GW, how many bozos have the media put forward as so-called experts? Why would they behave differently now?

  23. McIntosh tells FOLIO:. “We need to utilize as many experts in the field as possible. I’d rather clean up their copy than rely on reporters who might not know to ask the right questions.”
    Oh they know what questions to ask alright, the ones that further their lying liberal progressive propaganda to the ignorant masses.
    Fister: Um, Kate, what exactly are you an expert on?
    Good Lord my Man, look around you, don’t you think it would take an expert just to run a website like SDA ? Closed minds are directly proportional to angry people. Sorry Kate, just couldn’t keep my trap shut on that one.
    The one thing that will replace the leftist journalist is a lingering hate for the ones who seek the truth.

  24. Ah, Davenport – hooked to SDA like a trout on a line. Twist in the wind, little sock puppet!

  25. Davenport @ 10:01 AM: leftard troll again proves they cannot understand that conservatives are distinguished by critical thinking ability and powers of discrimination – all utterly alien to the leftard mindset.
    You just stay confused Davenport – we’ve tried to help you and you’ve proven yourself closed to other points of view. Dance, sock puppet, dance.

  26. @ bob c – “Why would they behave differently now?”
    Perhaps I am being naive, but comparison shopping rules. Now we have the Internet. Adapt or die.
    During the Journastic period, scams such as CFC ozone hole and Y2K succeeded. After the K-T (KaTe) Boundary Extinction, the earth’s news and information world is drastically different.

  27. At this point in time, the term “expert” is meaningless. It joins the terms adult conversation, green economy, knowledge economy and putting the word “smart” in front of a dumb idea (ex.smart meter)to give it some kind of honorary intelligence that it does not deserve. All of these popular buzzwords share the same trait, no-one can define them or agree on a definition. They are like numbers without units, precision or accuracy – useless.
    A better format for today’s connected world is to emulate the no holds barred, free for all style of the internet. Choose “experts” from all sides of the issue and let the best (wo)man win. Similar to what FOX has pioneered but expanded to be more inclusive of opposing opinions.

  28. Yes, but was the extinction caused by KT, the Hadley Meteorite hit or the Obama Volcano Spew?

  29. @bob c – let’s just say more and more of us are getting it. Some (e.g. Davenport and anyone else who like any 17-year old thinks that throwing up smokescreens by harping on irrelevancies is a method of argument) never will.

  30. MSM = War Room.
    Despicable “coverage” from MSM: see front page of today’s Ottawa Sun.
    >>> “as journalists struggle to cover a sensational murder case without alienating the readers they serve.”
    Here is the Criminal Broadcasting Corporation, aka CBC, passing judgment on itself:
    “We cover it because we can be your eyes and ears in a courtroom, and we are committed to as open a justice system as possible,” the CBC statement said.
    “We cover it because there is a strong public interest (and yes, maybe some of it is prurient) as well as a real need to understand how someone in a position of such authority, a senior member of the Canadian Armed Forces, could also commit these crimes.”
    MSM/CBC is a perfidious debaucher of Canadians; the epitome of evil.
    Down with the corrupt MSM/CBC.
    Fire. Them. All.
    “Williams coverage poses questions, causes conflict in Canadian newsrooms
    Winnipeg Free Press”
