47 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: James Cameron’s Real Estate Footprint”

  1. Kate,
    He needs tools like his helicopter and fleet of submarines to travel the world so us workaday schlubs can better understand the importance of handing over our wallets to the rent seekers.

  2. only one thing that i can say
    dipstick……………..to the max.
    and oh… by the way thank you for fn up the seismic industry for 2010/11 you puke.
    ignorant sob etc etal on and on…………
    i’m tired of holleywould……i’m really tired of holleywould…… i’m really tired, really tired,
    no forget that i’m really pissed, hell, forget that, i’m livid, no, i’m crazy pissed…………..

  3. At least the liberal greenflies are consistent. Cameron, Al Gore and Suzuki are both prime examples of environment hypocrites.

  4. Well, just let him try to bring his fleet of submarines up here.
    We will counter with the West Edmonton Mall submarine fleet!

  5. Ahhh yes…shades of AlGore (the owner of four homes…oh wait…he buys carbon offsets from his own company) and Suzuki, owner of three homes out here on the west coast.
    And both of them jettinmg around preaching to us as to how we have to cut back.
    It is enough to make one weep from frustration about the hypocrisy of it all…

  6. So should we all make a pledge to try to use the same amount of CO2 as James Cameron then (thereby limiting our usage to match hims)? I suspect that most of us would have to take up recreational arson to come close.
    The other plants would love it. More food (CO2) and more room to grow. And since the native Indians where I grew up did that every 3-5 years to keep the berry patches going, it has the subsistence level aboriginal seal of approval.

  7. King of the hypocrites? I’m not sure, I haven’t seen Mo Shlong’s spread yet. Maybe Cameron is king of the Known hypocrites… But I doubt he’s the King.
    hmmm, how about Prince Charles? I bet his footprint is many times Mr. Cameron’s. I especially enjoyed his idiocy’s father’s commentary regarding what he’d like to come back in the next life as, a microbe or virus that could wipe out a significant portion of the world’s population, “in order to save the planet”. And Mo Shlong is on the same page as the Royal Nuthouse.

  8. *This is not a contest to see who is the actual king of hypocrisy, I’m sure it’s quite the “A” list of hollywood types.

  9. The “royal we” when spoken by the king meant the king.
    The “global warming we” when spoken by enviroscammer superior beings means “you polluting peasants and capitalism”.
    This could be confusing to those who think “we are all in this together”.

  10. A fleet of submarines…
    Well then call in the destroyers and let loose the depth charges of war!
    Well Cameron wanted an Avatar!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  11. Cameron, Gore, Suzuki: all parasites. ‘Living off the host and destroying it eventually, all the while telling the rest of us, essentially, that we’d better stop munching on the host because it all belongs to them .
    This kind of thinking is everywhere. I see it every day in the schools I teach in, on the streets, in the stores: Everyone’s their own king/queen and lies and deceptions will suffice to get what they want.
    Individual integrity, responsibility, and accountability seem to be in short supply these days.

  12. Heh, heh, typical attitude of the aristocrats to the rest of us peasants:
    “For me, but not for thee”.
    None of these people have apparently heard that they are merely recreating Marie Antoinette’s let them eat cake.
    Which, by the way, referred to the burnt scrapings from bread ovens, which is why the Parisians of the day were so annoyed.
    What was in that old Who tune?
    Oh yeah: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

  13. Do as i say Not as i do
    this is the mindset of the Socialist faction slowly taking this country & others into ruin.

  14. Pure gold. Typical environmental elitism: You’re going to have to live with less.
    Suzuki, Gore, Cameron… the list is endless. And they wonder why people are beginning to laugh.

  15. Kate, it would be nice to see in sequence: Cameron’s lifestyle; then AL GORE’s rich lifestyle by Hannity of FOX; then Suzuki, then….-They love oil.
    By the way, how much emission it gives just to print a movies for the screen. I understand that it is not environment friendly at all.

  16. Yes the House of Windsor has been a great disappointment regarding CO2 AGW…..or not….
    However Her Majesty has prudently been silent….
    Also William and Harry have been also regally detached.
    It seems the Duck and Charley are the only wingnuts…….
    Back when, Edward was the flamboyant fool…who had to abdicate in favour of his sickly, stuttering brother….who with his consort, the Queen Mom, in the fullness of time was a towering, resolute icon of integrity and judgement, in the face of the biggest crisis in British History.

  17. At least he’s not an American eh?
    The submarines for for the filming of his next episode on “Pandora”. Apparently it is largely shot underwater. Whatever.
    Few people will see this hypocrite for what he is and he will continue to prosper in the capitalist system and lecture us all on how horrid that system is and how it needs to be gotten rid of NOW THAT BABY JAMES HAS HIS JELLY DONUT.
    His X-wife produced “The Hurt Locker” last year and he produced “Avatar” … the highest grossing movie of all time … “Hurt” won the Oscar.
    Perhaps that splains James’ crusade … he’s taking out his angst on us when it’s really his ho that he mad at … Just kidding … that couldn’t possibly be a factor.

  18. I like the ad. Its got that truthiness to it, eh?
    Jimmy didn’t get a dime out of me for Avatar. I’ve seen it, I just didn’t pay for it. 😀 Waste of time, but at least not money.

  19. The very moment Cameron, Gore, Suzuki et al. reduce their footprint down to my mine, I’ll join their crusade.
    Until then, I’m not much interested in what they have to say.

  20. Looks like Al Gore light.
    What an asshole. Why do entertainers have authority to tell the little people what to do anyway?

  21. Cameron is either a conscientiously evil and successful con man or someone with no integrity or soul. His hysteria pimping has conned a fortune from the feeble minded, fellow travellers and those who slum their principles to be titillated. A man with integrity or a soul would never endure the apparent hypocrisy if he actually believed in the Cool Aid he is pedalling. Either way he’s an asshole.

  22. Beautifully done. If I’m not mistaken that music is from Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21, surely one of the most sublime, seraphic melodies the cat wrote. I love the climbimg bass line with the silence on the 4th beat. Moist-eyed everytime, just like with certain of Mahler’s adagios.
    NOW, back to the thread. Being the resident hypocrisy bore (of recent vintage) I would do two things differently:
    1. I would not mention that it’s 10x the average American’s home. That sounds like envy.
    2. I would not use the word HYPOCRISY at all, merely the phrase “he wants us to do with less” and leave it there.
    Again, citing instances of leftist/socialist hypocrisy is a time-waster. They’re OK with the hypocrisy; they think it’s a small concession to be made to their noble nobleness.
    And I notice that Kate uses “real estate footprint” not “carbon footrpint”. Good on you Kate.

  23. Cameron is a billionaire. I don’t see a problem with what he owns. He can’t drive all his vehicles at the same time anyway and we don’t really know how he acquired these vehicles. They are probably from his movies. We do know how he acquired his submarines because obviously he filmed The Abyss and probably kept a sub or two. He obviously filmed a couple of iMAX movies on ocean exploration. He did some documentary stuff on the Titanic. We know he volunteered to provide a sub or two to BP during the oil spill – they are exploring some deep Russian lake in Siberia or something – but he was willing to transport a manned sub or two to BP in the Gulf to help them.
    Cameron is a techno guy and that is what makes him unique. The Terminator movies, The Abyss, his iMAX stuff, his Titanic stuff, his Avatar stuff, are all firsts in new technology. The stories might nauseate you but he is pushing the limits on technology and I like this.
    The problem with the oil sands is the poor handling of the optics. The oil companies, Alberta and Canadian governments need to show that they are taking care of the environment. When they show this then invite Cameron (and anyone else) to visit and prove that forests, rivers, etc., are being regenerated and cleaned. I don’t think you will have a problem if they are doing what they say they are doing and can prove it.

  24. cconn – if you were in a position to get yourself a submarine or five and some Harleys and an extra couple of mansions (without solar panels! In Malibu!) and a helicopter and a bunch of big cars, and Cameron had the power to pass a law to stop you, do you think he would?

  25. “Cameron is a billionaire. I don’t see a problem with what he owns.”
    I don’t think anyone else here really cares about what Cameron owns per se. That’s not the point.
    It’s the hypocrisy that arises when he starts preachifying to lesser mortals about their consumption levels.

  26. cconn – if Cameron had the power to pass a law preventing you from flying commercial as much as you want to, or driving your car as much as you want to, do you think he would?

  27. I’ve been thinking more about this.
    I think conservative think tanks et al, should do lots of little videos like this, but from a different angle; let’s say, with titles like this: James Cameron, successful capitalist!
    Make the piece all about the wonders of capitalism, how Cameron utilized the free markets to make a product, with no government subsidy or interference, that 10s of millions of people volunatarily purchased and enjoyed, and how our society was thereby enriched.
    Use no negative messaging at all. Eschew all mention of hypocrisy. Simply feature successful leftist capitalists, sincerely celebrate their success and show the evidence of it to the viewer.

  28. Me No Dhimmi
    I second it. A simple but powerful idea.
    Just show how they got all the riches with what they use. It will be an eye opener & mayhap a role model for the young for success.
    Uplift capitalism that brought them this comfort plus fame.
    Just never mention their politics. Make em hero’s for consumption. Like I said simple but brilliant.

  29. He also flooded the market with plastic DVDs of Avatar for “Earth Day”. Not content with that, he has at least two more DVD releases planned (just in case the world runs short on non-biodegradable plastic or the means to get people to suck more power off the grid watching them!)

  30. |I have no use for Hollywood types, that due to their bank account make them all of a sudden the spokepersons for the planet. piss off.
    As for the oil sands, one has to keep in mind and i note it is NEVER spoken about is that prior to oil sands development in the early 70’s these chemicals were slowly leaching into the athabasca river anyway..I would bet that concentrations have not risen in any appreciable way.
    Of course, the Eco nazi’s (Suzuki/Gore and now Cameron) along with the toher self annointed other actor/morons…would never believe that anyway.
    there is some truth to your comments that Alberta dn Canada must advance and do a way better job on selling the oil sands and what is being done to protect our environment. But what did you expect from Stellmach/Harper et all.?
    2 hr full length blockbuster..??

  31. I have no use for Hollywood types, that due to the size of their bank account, they all of a sudden become the spokepersons/saviours of the planet. kiindly piss off.
    As for the oil sands, one has to keep in mind and i note it is NEVER spoken about, is that prior to oil sands development in the early 70’s chemicals were slowly leaching into the Athabasca river anyway..NATURALLY..! I would bet that concentrations have not risen in any appreciable way since said development.
    Of course, the Eco nazi’s (Suzuki/Gore and now Cameron) along with the other self annointed other actor/morons…would never believe that anyway.
    There is some truth to your comments that Alberta and Canada must advance and do a way better job on selling the oil sands and what is being done to protect our environment. But what did you expect from Stellmach/Harper et all.?
    2 hr full length blockbuster..??

  32. James Cameron was born in Kapuscasing. Heather Malice grew up in Kapuscasing. What unfortunate undeserved burdens on such a nice little town.

  33. Brilliant.
    “Use no negative messaging at all. Eschew all mention of hypocrisy. Simply feature successful leftist capitalists, sincerely celebrate their success and show the evidence of it to the viewer.”
    Me No Dhimmi at October 21, 2010 4:33 PM
