27 Replies to “They’ll Have The Results By This Evening”

  1. Hey, every high school holds a pep rally for their team before a big game.
    This is the media’s team, the media’s game.
    Sportsmanship(and truth): absent.

  2. Didn’t AP moved to “no rewriting of press releases” some time ago as an economy measure? This poses some date difficulties for PR folks who have to write and send off stories to AP 24 hours before they happen to catch press runs in the hinterland.

  3. It’s not a Republican/Democrat thing, EBD. Only the dead are allowed to vote early. The living have to wait for the normal advance polls.
    Oh, wait, it might be a Democrat thing after all…

  4. Democrats do have an extensive group of souls who are reverent on poll rosters.
    Zombies are more comfortable as progressive.
    They eat brains because their own are inadequate.

  5. Shades of the Globe and Mail (Jeffrey Simpson and Margaret Wente.) Why wait for voters to have their say?

  6. LOL, Revnant Dream at October 21, 2010 10:03 PM
    What’s that site dedicated to stupid protesters?

  7. If Democrats hear that many of them are turning out in large numbers they will not bother to make the effort themselves because others are doing it for them so they are not required to get up off the arse.
    And that ladies and gentlemen is the fatal flaw in liberal thinking … they will always wait for others to do for them.
    They have no initiative of their own.

  8. It could be witchcraft, or perhaps mice with human brains causing all this. I doubt that it’s that other thing.

  9. speaking of highschool i was listening to micheal savage the other night and he said somewhere i can’t remember where they were loading highschool kids up on buses and driving them to voting booth’s and of course yeaching them to vote democrat and gave them all ice cream after !!
    Is that wierd or what ?

  10. I think this is related to what Kate wrote some time back, that Republican victories have to be “beyond the margin of fraud”.

  11. In Bulgaria around 1957, some unprinicipled cads broke into Communist Party headquarters and stole the election results before the election. The election was postponed for a year so the Communists could rework the results. Sounds like the election results are fixed in Maryland?

  12. @ Black Mamba – You know how the online shopping sites have two buttons, 1 for the shopping cart and 1 for the wish list? The AP published their wish list, that’s all. Coulda happened to anyone.

  13. Related: Voter fraud in Arizona.
    Someone once said “If it ain’t close, they can’t cheat”. “Falser” words were never spoke.

  14. nick, absolutely. The Dems play both sides of this voter fraud thing. They have ACORN or whatever come up with 20,000 extremely questionable voter registrations, and then they have THEIR PARTISANS who also happen to be working for the county registrar “examine” the new registrations.
    Of one thing you may be sure. If a democrat wins anywhere except an Indian reservation in Arizona this year, its fraud.
    And AP won’t report it.
