59 Replies to “National Put-a-fork-in-it Radio”

  1. Time for FOX to fund some major journalistic investigations in CAIR, their role in getting Juan fired, their moral and financial support for HAMAS,Hisbollah etc, their role as front mouthpiece for the muslim brotherhood . . .
    Might be something Juan could take on as part of his new job. Team up Juan with Beck’ investigation team BAM!

  2. Ah, Fred nails it as do the other comments.
    And now we learn that our Mark Steyn has been refused a place at London Center because the local Muslims have objected to his speaking on FREE Speech. Ah, political correctness. Great for everybody who are so Incorrect politically and for the rest of us ordinary citizens : NOTHING.
    Either this is our country or it is not. Time to decide. I think Fox News and Glenn Beck are leading the charge for THEIR country. Mark Steyn and Ezra are leading the charge here. We need to be even more vocal about getting behind them because they ARE our Vanguard.

  3. And then there is the George Soros factor. His funding for various organizations reaches far and wide and into this country as well. There is talk he was behind the Juan Williams firing by his 1.8 million to NPR and is going after Glenn Beck with a One million donation to Media Matters. No doubt Fox News IS the target. Then , there is the funding for no less than 36 organizations that do everything they can to squelch free speech in Canada with bogus polls and diatribes against Sun TV and their cable launch of ‘Fox News North’… so again we see his money at work to see to it that citizens do NOT have their say or have a level playing field in these lands of freedom fought for and won at great price and a lot of blood. This from and admitted Nazi collaborator and currency collaps genius that netted HIM billions and brought down the economy of at least four countries. An argument could have been and has been made that he was behind the 2008 debacle no matter how they frame it otherwise.
    Time we took back our dialog and get behind OUR people who are fighting this fight out in the open.

  4. I don’t laugh much, even about Muslims, but this made me laugh.
    The first rule of Islam is: you don’t talk about Islam.
    The second rule of *boom*

  5. Dana Davis Rehm, NPR’s senior vice president for communications, said that Williams had been warned several times in the past for comments that violated ethics guidelines that prohibits NPR journalists from participating in programs “that encourage punditry and speculation rather than fact-based analysis.”.
    Is there a machine somewhere that spits out this lunatic robo-verbiage.
    To wit:
    He was stating a FACT. That fact is that, in spite of himself, he is naturally uneasy around muslims in “muslim garb” on a airplane.
    There are two kinds of people in the world:
    1. Those who are uneasy around muslim-garbed folks on airplanes.
    2. Those who are uneasy around muslim-garbed folks on airplanes but who torture themselves into denying it.
    I was watching Wallander (Kenneth Branagh) recently. He was torturing himself for his uneasiness about his daughter’s romantic relation with a muslim. I yelled, Kate-like, at the TV saying, “Fer gawd’s sake Wallander … it’s natural to be wary, initially, about “the other”.

  6. Strike “will fan hostility” from that title and insert “will heighten awareness of Politically Correct Dhimmitude And Willful Disregard of Islamofascism Among the West’s Liberals”. That’s longer but IMO, much more accurate.

  7. “Muslims fear Juan William’s ouster will fan hostility”
    Our first true Progressive politically correct paradox!
    Oh, what to do, what to do???

  8. Snowbunnie, not true. Muzzie spokesperson Faisal Joseph claims the Mohammedans of London don’t give a rat’s ass about Steyn speaking. It was that nervous Nellie at the convention center that
    had to lie about the situation and gave ownership to the Muzzies.
    Sorry for the off-topic.

  9. The muzzies needn’t worry about me feeling more hostility towards them. Although I do not consider it hostility it is impossible for me to have more distrust and loathing of them than I already have.

  10. “Muslims fear that Juan William’s [sic] ouster will fan hostility”:
    I should hope so!

  11. Jebuz…muzzies are a freakin’ sensitive lot.
    Let me spell this out: if there was not anti-muslim backlash after 9/11 (hint: there wasn’t), there’s not going to be one after a prominent analyst gets sacked for some anti-PC comments.
    Soccermom — yep. The sh1tstorm this event has unleashed is going to be fun to watch. Get the popcorn.
    Me No Dhimmi — exactly! As I stated yesterday, Williams drew a conclusion from fact based premises. Fact one, Islamic doctrine is the immutable word of God, and is to be applied by the sword if need be. Fact two, Muslim fanatics are, almost universally, the perpetrators of plane hijackings, bombings, and crashing. Conclusion, therefore, is it is not unreasonable to be somewhat uncomfortable when boarding a plane with someone who identifies, “first and foremost”, as a Muslim.

  12. Blacks espousing conservative views (although Williams is not a “pure laine” conservative) have always been a favourite target of the left. They are not just considered opponents, but traitors.

  13. (MND, we watched our first Wallander the other night. One could have driven a Mack truck through the plot: I was screaming at him to not leave the young lady alone in the cottage and, Boom! she was dead! Then I said to my husband, “He’d better keep a really close eye on his daughter.” That didn’t happen until she was already the psychopath’s hostage. DOH!
    The producers of this pretentious series seem much more interested in the externals— frenetic music, washed-out camera filters, and angst-filled countenances [Branagh’s default expression]—than actually having an observant detective.
    Of course, Wallander will miss that his daughter’s in danger via her Muslim boyfriend . . .)
    I’m delighted about the Left’s ham handedness in all of this Muslim appeasement—just two weeks before the election. I’ve been on the inside edge of the Left’s shenanigans—actually, malfeasance—for nearly three decades. (These people are malevolent, small-minded, and have NO sense of honour or humour. What entitled and arrogant losers they are.) I used to be one of the few raising the alarm. That’s different now. And I thought I couldn’t be any angrier at the moral evil of the Left than I already was. Well, after the Juan Williams debacle—I’ve always thought he’s a fool (but a civil one)—I’m INCENSED!
    Bless Fox for standing by him. I wish Juan all the best. Maybe, now that he’s been “mugged by reality”, he’ll stop being a leftie.
    The battle lines are being clearly and openly drawn now, a very good thing. Onward, Soldiers of the Right!

  14. Hi, long time lurker and BIG fan of the site.
    My husband and I were discussing the firing of Mr. Williams last night, and he (my husband) said that he gets nervous when he sees a Muslim on a plane in “Muslim garb,” too. The reason is because in our hyper-PC world you KNOW that a person dressed in Muslim clothing is more likely to pass through security with as little fuss as possible. Anything else would lead to screams of racism, bigotry, and racial profiling. That should make any sane person concerned.

  15. Maybe, now that he’s been “mugged by reality”, he’ll stop being a leftie.
    Posted by: lookout at October 22, 2010 3:03 PM
    He was visibly rattled during his interview yesterday with O’Reilly. I’d peg chances your prediction come to pass as better than 50/50.

  16. Let the backlash begin! How many more incidents like this have to happen before we start to stand up against the islamifiction of our society?

  17. Quibble: re: “muslims being a sensitive lot”.
    Let’s remember that the OFFICIAL muslims are all Muslim Brothers/Wahhabists, who feign moderation, but in fact are planning our destruction from inside, while speaking prettily in multi-culti tongues. CAIR, mostly. Our rock-hard-stupid MSM, too arrogrant, too busy to do their homework, need to do some due diligence and STOP making MB fronts the go-go guys on matters muslim.
    Dawah (muslim proselytizing) involves keeping Islam front and centre, top of mind, day after day after day. There’s no real rage, here, or “fear of a backlash” which NEVER appears. These faux backlash fears, all these little irritations about veils in court, veils on driving licences, flying imams, footbaths at airports, are all planned Dawa events. They aren’t organic. They don’t come from the ordinary run of the mill Muslim schmuck who knows less Islam that me.
    It’s: Lets Keep Islam in the News, Top o’ the Hour, above the fold. Mohammedan “all PR is good PR”.

  18. Dana Davis Rehm, NPR’s senior vice president for communications, said “We felt we really didn’t have an alternative, and it was not without regret and it was not a decision that was made lightly by any means.”
    Not made lightly? But they gave it less than 24 hours consideration? Well, I guess in a country where a 1,000+ page TARP bill gets passed in a weekend, and nearly 2,000+ page health care bill gets rammed through in a few days, the definition of “not lightly” is, shall we say, fluid.

  19. What a bunch of children!
    Without fail, Muslim activists starting whining and crying until they their way.
    Stop indulging the children. Punish them when they are tattlesnakes.

  20. Strange how Muslims are always fearing how all sorts of actions will fan hostility towards Muslims.
    Crashing planes into buildings will fan hostility against Muslims.
    Killing Christians will fan hostility against Muslims.
    ‘Honour killings’ will fan hostility against Muslims.
    I can’t figure it out.

  21. Recently my wife and I were flying from Amsterdam to Nirobie and across the isle from us was a muslim with his 14 year old wife. I swear she was no older than 14. He was dressed in what we would call “regular” clothing however his child bride was dressed in a full length dress and head ware with only her face and hands showing.
    Was I bothered by their presence? Yes, the thought crossed my mind that it was radical Islamists who flew the planes into the tall buildings. I think I was much more bothered that this 30 something man was with this child.

  22. This is just all nothing but good.
    Again we are reminded of the intolerance of the left and it’s schizophrenic view of everything.
    We see one of the only decent Liberal voices with the gonads to be a Fox regular made a victim of a mixed up and vindictive Left.
    And finally, we are reminded yet again that Muslims are scary people with big problems.
    We are winning.

  23. “Muslims Fear Juan Williams Ouster Will Fan Hostility”
    That’s because it’s not usually Muslims that are doing these firings, demanding the incessant apologies for “islamophobic” remarks, squelching free-speech rights, and generally harrassing people — it’s Left-wing progressives doing these things, in the name of Muslims, often without their permission.
    I honestly think we need to take a new tack:
    Everytime progressives persecute us for legitimate free speech and our duty to denounce radical Islam, TAKE A RELIGIOUS MUSLIM OUT FOR DINNER then FIND AN ATHEIST LEFTY AND KICK HIM IN THE NUTS!
    Keep doing that until everybody gets the message — we don’t hate Muslims, but we do hate it when atheist Lefties, who don’t give a damn about religious rights, keep falsely accusing us of hating Muslims in order provoke a fight between us and destroy us both. Lefties think they will be the victors of the spoils of such a conflict.
    And keep exercising your free speech rights and denouncing radical Islam, because you are also doing Muslims everywhere a favour — more Muslims are murdered by other radical Muslims than by any other group!!!

  24. Oh yeah, it’s all about Muslims all the time.
    Free speech in Canada only extends to those on the Left, they can’t allow anyone who may have an opposing view a voice. In Canada we don’t have free speech, if we did this sort of crap would be shot down and it isn’t. Anyone see any rioting in the streets over Mark Steyn not being allowed a venue to speak?
    Is this country salvageable?
    We have no control over who enters the country illegally,thanks to Trudeau’s Charter and free speech doesn’t exist when some are prevented from giving their opinions, what’s left?

  25. Too late. My hostility already exists. This just adds justification.
    As for London Ontario… a complete loss. Lived there once, but never again.

  26. I don’t care if Muslims are offended, burkas offend me. Anti-Western men running around with white nighties on with pots on their head ala Middle Eastern Garb looks totally stupid and out of place in a northern climate. Once again I don’t care if I offend Muslims, I’ve had all I’m going to tolerate from the Liberals’ unholy alliance with Islamic Supremacists and Liberal Media. When red heads start blowing up planes cause our hair color tells us to then and only then will I be comfortable getting on a plane stuffed with burkas or men in white nighties.

  27. “it’s Left-wing progressives doing these things, in the name of Muslims,”
    I call it Bi-proxy Victim-hood ricardo, and it is the very foundation of liberalism.

  28. Homez: “…Bi-proxy Victim-hood…”
    Wow, good Indiana. It’s meant to terrify moderates and encourage radicals I think…

  29. Homez: “…Bi-proxy Victim-hood…”
    I like Epoxy Victimhood.
    That’s where the perp gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar because you lined the inside of the rim with crazy glue knowing he was gonna stick his hand in there.

  30. Its always about them, even when their killing people.
    They fear a backlash, yet are the ones who start them ALL.
    They protest to much, this is just the usual taqiyya.
    You see its always justified to kill, maim, mutilate, Kaffirs, but not a word can be spoken of heinous crimes by Islam. It might cause them damage you see. That never stops them from trying to force a medieval life on the rest of us. Tired of it. Time to call Islamists out for what they tryly are.
    An invading army with no plans to become part of our civilization , only to destroy it by stealth or war.

  31. Several years ago Tim Blair’s website generated a comment jewel widely and often repeated since then (Mark Steyn loved it): Headline — MUSLIMS FEAR BACKLASH FROM TOMORROW’S BOMBING! It’s hard to believe this Williams headline isn’t some kind of parody, but I guess we’re meant to take it seriously. Well, maybe when they stop blowing things up and threatening world domination, I’ll start worrying about their hurt feelings and fears of backlash. Give it, oh, a century or so.

  32. Oz, “Epoxy” is a good one too.
    I was jus’ gonna say, I think it’s because the Left is dealing with a tremendous guilt complex (except for the sociopaths among them — they have no conscience) because they know they are partly responsible for 9/11 and the whole terror thing. The Left were the facilitators of radical Islam, and have been for decades, aiding and abetting radicals in Western nations going as far back as the PLO, the 1968 alliance of International Islam with Fidel Castro, etc.
    But they never expected it to culminate in a big “kaboom” in New York and the launch of global Islamic supremacism. I imagine the only way Libs and Progs can deal with such a heavy weight of guilt is to invent complete myths — e.g.: “George Bush blew up the twin towers”, the 9/11 “Truthers”, “it’s about oil”, “conservatives hate Muslims”, etc., etc.
    The “Epoxy” is we have to play on that guilt to the MAX — until they have no choice but to admit they got caught with the hand in the cookie jar. I suggest using the proverbial “crazy glue”…

  33. The “Muslims fear a backlash” meme fits right into the government’s narrative of protecting minorities from phobic retarded masses of infantile citizens.
    It works because that’s how the government views us.
    The government knows that we won’t do anything without ring leaders or an event that would catalyze our general unease with the situation so they come down like gangbusters on anyone who speaks out in a way that focuses the public.

  34. I don’t fly very often, but I know if I did, I’d be more than a little nervous if another passenger in full Muslim paraphernalia were on the same plane as me.
    As it is, when I take the subway and see Muslims wearing their traditional garb, I say a prayer and hope that they’re the friendly ones.
    ‘No apologies. It’s human nature to worry about people who self-identify and whose co-religionists, who self-identify in the same way, blow up planes, buildings, people, marketplaces, churches, temples, ancient statues, etc.
    Why should people not be nervous and wary in these circumstances? What other groups that we know of do these things on a somewhat regular basis? We’re not supposed to display or voice natural human reactions anymore because it offends Muslims?
    Give me a break. All of this pc Islamophilia and pc Westernphobia has gone too far.
    Enough is way too much.

  35. Oz: “The government knows that we won’t do anything…”
    Surely that can’t be their long-term strategy, because sooner or later people WILL do something. Inciting hatred against non-violent people such as ourselves by falsely claiming we are inciting hatred against Muslims, when we are merely “calling a violent terrorist a terrorist” is a recipe for violence in the end. And we will have no choice but to fight back if we value our lives.
    That’s why I say aim for their nuts — go after the Lefties, the politicians, the people who are profitting by and facilitating the hate.
    The West upported Muslims to overthrow the Soviets in Afghanistan, and contrary to popular myth the original “Mujahadeen” was not led by Osama Bin Ladin. Bin Ladin was an outsider who really did little to damage the Soviets. These were home-grown tribal Muslims with no illusions about taking over the entire world for Islam. They simply wanted the Soviets out. Is there not a similar Muslim element here in the West that can join us to POLITICALLY DEFEAT defeat the Left and their support for the nutzoid supremacists? Before they start to use violence against us? (actually they already have in some places in North America).

  36. A metaphor for our times.
    Nut-Free zones? Croc-Free zones? AlMoh-Free zones.
    ““The crocodile survived the crash before being cut up with a machete.””
    There were two survivors; the croc and ?.
    “Airplane crashes after crocodile on board escapes
    Kinshasa – A small airliner crashed into a house, killing a British pilot and 19 others after a crocodile smuggled onto the aircraft in a sports bag escaped and sparked a panic and stampede inside the aircraft’s cabin.
    The small plane was thrown off balance by the shift in weight inside the cabin as the panicked passengers rushed forward trying to avoid the reptile. It has only now emerged that a lone survivor apparently told investigators about the crocodile, reports the Telegraph online.
    39-year-old First Officer Chris Wilson, 39, died alongside Belgian pilot 62-year-old Danny Philemotte, 62, when the twin-engined plane crashed into a house a few hundred yards from its destination in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
    The occupants of the property were outside at the time. The plane came down despite no apparent mechanical problems during an internal flight from the capital, Kinshasa, to Bandundu regional airport on August 25.
    A report of the incident by news organisation Jeune Afrique said: “According to the inquiry report and the testimony of the only survivor, the crash happened because of a panic sparked by the escape of a crocodile hidden in a sports bag,” according to the UK Metro.
    “One of the passengers had hidden the animal, which he planned to sell, in a big sports bag, from which the reptile escaped as the plane began its descent into Bandundu. The terrified air hostess hurried towards the cockpit, followed by the passengers.”
    The plane was then sent off-balance ‘despite the desperate efforts of the pilot’, said the report. “The crocodile survived the crash before being cut up with a machete.”
    “When I Get On A Plane
    I got to tell you, if I see amphibians who are in Crocodile garb and I think, you know, they’re identifying themselves first and foremost as Crocodiles, I get worried. I get nervous.”
