Reader Tips

The Tarrants are Britain’s oldest couple. Ralph, 107, a former RAF corporal and steelworker, and his wife Phyllis, who is considerably younger at 101, have been married for 77 years now; Phyllis says “Our secret is getting on with each other, a good diet, exercise, avoiding cigarettes – and a tot of whisky each night.”
Seems to be working fine. Here they are having a short chat with a reporter from ITN News.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

48 Replies to “Reader Tips”

    Winnipeg mayoral candidate Judy Wasylycia-Leis says she will offer free swimming at all indoor city pools on Friday nights. She says it will give families another opportunity for an affordable outing and promotes healthy living. The pledge comes with a hefty price tag. Wasylycia-Leis says it will cost $450,000, but she will ask the province to foot half the bill.
    Yeah I’m sure the province will get right on that.

  2. allan- what always puzzles me is the verbiage of ‘municipal, provincial and federal GOVERNMENTS’.
    When a municipal politician says that ‘we, the municipality, don’t need to pay for it – we’ll get the province or federals to pay’….don’t they realize that the source of the money is the same? It’s one source, it’s the taxpayer.

  3. Best line I’ve read about the Juan Williams NPR fiasco:
    “The wheels are coming off the liberal ‘bus’ and it’s heading straight off the cliff into the sea of hypocrisy. How wonderful.”

  4. Three fingers is about right, Grandad, depending on the size of the glass:
    “A tot was the unit used to measure the British and Commonwealth Navies daily rum ration. A single tot was half an Imperial Gill, which is 2.5 fl ounces or 71 milliletres.”
    “Imperial Gill” – I like that. “In a very large glass, mix an Imperial Gill of gin with 24 tots of tonic water…”

  5. ‘pkuster’ – Thank you for the John Oakley link. People can also listen to it here. I just posted the Imam’s choice quote on my Facebook page: “The disciplining of a woman by her husband should only be for serious crimes.”
    I’ve encouraged my many FB friends to let me know when ANY women’s group condemns this jerk. I bet not a single one will do it!

  6. Why do I smell George Soros?
    Vivian Luisa Schiller, a vice president of TBS Productions, and Phillip Jeffrey Frank, a senior producer at CNN, both in Atlanta, were married there yesterday evening. Rabbi Steven Lebow officiated at the Colony Square Hotel. Ms. Schiller, 30 years old, is keeping her name. She graduated from Cornell University and has a master’s degree in Russian from Middlebury College. She is a daughter of Ronald and Lillian Schiller of Larchmont, N.Y. Her father, who is retired, was an editor at Reader’s Digest.
    March 29, 1992

  7. If the movement to defund NPR because of the Juan Williams firing catches on, maybe it will bleed over into Canada, and the CBC will be forced to sink or swim without its billion dollar subsidy.

  8. ah gills!…when i was a bartender in Gibraltar the optics(drink dispensing gadget) called a shot 1/5 of a gill….
    but as for tots(a very loose term)when i arrived(many many times invited) for tot time with my Royal Navy friends on board subs or frigates it was a ritual i cherish the remembering…non drinkers could give it to their mates..officers and P.O.s could save it up for a good piss-up….and so on…
    and the old old ritual was observed for the lads to the letter…a pan was brought out…the rum measured poured..then the diluting water added…apportioned thusly it was given to the men….twice a day always just before lunch or an aperitivo as it were…
    i believe it was close to 100 proof as well..or more!…even diluted i remember my gums being numbed….or is it my nums being gumbed ?
    the rum ration was Charles the 2nd’s reward for the Navy being loyal during his and his father’s difficulties and thusly being the Senior Service….
    what nice men i knew back was different then i swear…i wonder what the survivors do now…and how they contemplate their once great country.

  9. a post script…the subs i mention were WW2 yank..some one skin some two…imagine that!
    diesel and battery(forever exploding)…the skipper’s cabin about 3 feet by six right beside the periscope..the galley even smaller…the bunks were hanging cots and they were hot…the bulkhead festooned with all manner of guns short and long…your back literally resting against a torpedo as you took your tot and toasted our Queen allowed while sitting of course…a venerable Navy tradition..
    i have a few names and addresses from those days..mostly Dubliners…Pudlians…a Scot from Dalkeith…
    i wonder sometimes how THEY are making out thesetimes in this brand new “world turned upside down”

  10. EBD: I got a kick out of the ‘young at heart’ couple…that was good fun.
    Lamb’s still offers Navy Rum here locally, in 151 proof and 80 proof. I keep both on the shelf.
    I use the 151 as a ‘nightcap’ when I’m not drifting off well enough. About 3 fingers will usually do the trick.
    Tonight the Polish Vodka is however holding sway, with a milder ‘wallbanger’.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  11. “If the movement to defund NPR because of the Juan Williams firing catches on, maybe it will bleed over into Canada, and the CBC will be forced to sink or swim without its billion dollar subsidy.”
    Wouldn’t work here because CBC would first have to find an honest journalist to fire.

  12. Iggy gets his talking points from Heather Mallick:
    Ignatieff fears Williams case undermines trust between men and at Natnewswatch.

  13. Iggy gets his talking points from Heather Mallick:
    Ignatieff fears Williams case undermines trust between men and at Natnewswatch.

  14. Asstute? Tot on the rocks.
    “HMS Astute: world’s most advanced nuclear
    submarine runs aground – Thomas Harding – ‎1 hour ago‎
    The world’s most advanced nuclear submarine, HMS Astute, has run aground on rocks off Scotland causing considerable embarrassment for Navy chiefs.”

  15. Ralph and Phyllis: God bless you two. You seem to have found the secret for a long and happy life together.

  16. What’s happened to Comrade Brad Wall? Did he drink some of Chavez’s kool-aid? Potash is a ‘strategic resource’ a la Air Canada?
    Terence Corcoran asks much the same in today’s National Post, pA1.

  17. PET Cemetery’s MSM Buries Liberal Ad$Cam Theft of Canadian Taxpayers $$$$$$.
    No mention of: Liberal/Librano$ Ad$Scam Chretien-MartinJr-Dion-Gagliano-Kinsella, et al.
    “the sponsorship scandal.” = “the federal sponsorship scandal.”
    “Groupe Polygone Editeurs, a Montreal company that was embroiled in the scam, is seeking the identity of Leblanc’s source, nicknamed “Ma Chouette.”
    “Top court to rule on press rights
    OTTAWA – Canada’s top court is expected to render a judgement Friday on a controversial press rights case between a Globe and Mail journalist and an ad firm linked to the sponsorship scandal.
    According to the Globe, press freedoms — fundamental to a functioning democracy and recognized as a charter right — hang in the balance in this case.
    “It follows that freedom of the press must include the right on the part of a journalist to gather information from a source on the conditions of a promise not to divulge its identity,” the newspaper argued in court documents.
    The case centres on Globe and Mail journalist Daniel Leblanc’s decision to protect a confidential source who helped him expose the federal sponsorship scandal.”

  18. Now that we know professional athletes can jump the queue by paying for medical services here in Saskatchewan, I wonder where the outrage from the “progressive left” is… Surely the NDP and the union leaders have something to say? Or am I now free to buy MRI services?

  19. Partners/allies: socialism-left-liberals + Muslims.
    Down with the AlMoh tyranny.
    “Centre refuses to host Steyn lecture on free speech
    Organizers of an upcoming talk by conservative writer Mark Steyn planned for London, Ont., say they were muzzled by a local city-owned convention centre”
    ” Organizers of an upcoming talk by conservative writer Mark Steyn planned for London, Ont., say they were muzzled by a local city-owned convention centre.
    A trio of bloggers who run the site inquired on Monday about booking a Nov. 1 speech for Mr. Steyn at the London Convention Centre. The group announced on Thursday that it had received a phone call from the centre saying it would not be allowed to make the booking. The Convention Centre said it was a business decision, but organizers of the speech said they were told otherwise.
    “The reason offered by the LCC [in a Tuesday morning phone call] was that they had received pressure from local Islamic groups, and they didn’t want to alienate their Muslim clients. It’s interesting to note that the LCC is owned by the City of London, and is therefore a government operation,” wrote Strictly Right’s Andrew Lawton at the website.
    Ironically, Mr. Lawton said, Mr. Steyn’s talk will explore his familiar themes of Muslims and free speech. London Convention Centre general manager Lori Da Silva said denying next month’s Mark Steyn speech was a “business decision” in part due to concerns for security, and fairness for the centre’s other clients who might not enjoy a “rowdy” crowd at the same time. Asked if the content of Mr. Steyn’s work had anything to do with the Convention Centre’s decision, general manager replied, “No, we’re looking at the security risk.”
    Speaking with The London Free Press, Ms. Da Silva implied the Convention Centre did factor Mr. Steyn’s potential to create controversy into its denial of a booking. “We read the article in The London Free Press about who the speaker was … and we thought that perhaps this event was more high-risk than we originally thought,” she was quoted as saying.
    In 2007, the Canadian Islamic Congress filed complaints about articles about Muslims by Mr. Steyn in Maclean’s magazine with the human rights commissions of Canada, Ontario and British Columbia. In a story in The London Free Press on Tuesday, the Congress’s lawyer, Faisal Joseph, said local Muslims would respond to Mr. Steyn’s speech by showing their true colours through charitable works in the community.
    Mr. Steyn’s best-seller, America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It, warns of potential threats from growing Muslim minorities to Western liberal democracy.”

  20. Socialist G-M/MSM in bed with Depends*.
    “The Globe endorses Smitherman for Mayor of Toronto”
    (“The Globe”)
    “I’m sorry, Smitherman says –
    28 Feb 2008 … Health Minister George Smitherman has apologized for comments yesterday that he might test the adult diapers used in nursing homes.”

  21. just back to London from the Imperial War Museum Duxford up by Cambridge but a moment ago.
    unbelievable. ran out of time with only 4 of the 8 building visited.
    there is a lanc.hurrican , a spit, a tornado, a harrier jump jet a B17 a B29 a blackbird , armour displays.
    took a picture of some yanks by the B29 on their request , I had them say Nagasaki instead of cheese

  22. @ maz2:
    THX for that… the HMS “Not so Astute” runs aground.
    I rather suspect someone got a double ration in their tot of Navy Rum!!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    “There is, however, a basis in the laws of Quebec for a journalist‑source privilege or an exemption from the general obligation to give evidence in civil cases. Despite its common law origins, the use of a Wigmore‑like framework to recognize the existence of case‑by‑case privilege in the criminal law context is equally relevant for civil litigation matters subject to the laws of Quebec; recognition would result in consistency across the country, while preserving the distinctive legal context under the Civil Code of Quebec. This case‑by‑case approach is consistent with the overarching principles set out in the Civil Code, the Quebec Charter and the Canadian Charter, and conforms with the law of evidence in Quebec as found in the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure. It is also sufficiently flexible to take into account the variety of interests that may arise in any particular case.”
    IE: Journalists can protect their sources on a case by case basis if it is in the ‘public interest’.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  24. Filed under: “Environment” “Cholera” “Voodoo”.
    Have faith, says the “Scientist”. Trust me.
    But, look here: “Nothing happened and Browning died a few months later.”
    >>> “In early December 1990, the media descended on the town of New Madrid, Missouri, after an independent New Mexico climatologist, Iben Browning, predicted an earthquake. Nothing happened and Browning died a few months later.”
    The religion of science can’t stop/eradicate Voodoo cholera. BTW, where is Voodoo?
    “No worries of apocalyptic quake: Scientist”
    “Deadly cholera outbreak in Haiti
    Haiti’s government and its aid partners fought Friday to contain a cholera epidemic that has killed at least 138 people in the nation’s worst medical emergency since the Jan. 12 earthquake”

  25. I bet not a single one will do it!
    Posted by: Robert W. (Vancouver) at October 21, 2010 11:56 PM
    Of course they won’t. Remember, Islam is the new gay!

  26. “Now, the trial will have to start over from the beginning.”
    “BREAKING: Judges in Geert Wilders’ Free Speech Case Removed from Trial
    An expert witness claimed the higher court judge who ordered the prosecution of Wilders discussed the case with him at a dinner party. The dismissed judges would not allow the expert witness to testify on this.
    The trial of Dutch MP Geert Wilders will have an encore.
    In the conclusion to a bizarre trial — in which the prosecution already called for the acquittal of the defendant — Wilders’ lawyer Abraham Moszkowicz today asked for dismissal of the three judges, and his request was approved by the dismissal commission of the court. Now, the trial will have to start over from the beginning.
    Moszkowicz asked for a dismissal after the three judges refused to allow Dr. Hans Jansen to testify regarding a discussion he had with one of the judges of a higher court that ordered the prosecution of Wilders.
    In May, Dr. Jansen was invited to attend a dinner party together with one of the higher court judges. This judge started discussing the Wilders trial, and his order to prosecute, with Dr. Jansen. Jansen revealed this on his personal blog last Wednesday. Moszkowicz wanted the judges to hear, in court, Dr. Jansen’s impression of this discussion.
    Dr. Jansen had testified earlier in this case in a closed setting. Dr. Jansen is one of the foremost Islam experts in the Netherlands. (As is the case in the U.S., judges are not permitted to discuss a case outside the court — especially with an expert witness for the case.)
    The court refused Moszkowicz’ request to hear Dr. Jansen. Moszkowicz subsequently asked for dismissal of this court, and after a short session the dismissal commission agreed with him.
    Now the trial has been postponed for several months and the news of the activist judge of the higher court has captured today’s headlines in the Netherlands.”

  27. Find the “impenetrable” Liberal Libranos’ Foundations* set up by Liberals Ad$SCam Chretien/MartinJr.
    “The Canadian government will finally be able to peek into those impenetrable Swiss bank accounts”.
    “Harper signs deal to increase banking co-operation with European tax haven
    Toronto Star – Jennifer Ditchburn – ‎3 hours ago‎
    KEHRSATZ, SWITZERLAND – The Canadian government will finally be able to peek into those impenetrable Swiss bank accounts with the sealing of a new agreement to exchange information.”

    *Liberal Foundations:
    “Eleventh Report – Foundations *
    In fact, between 1996-1997 and 2004-2005, the federal government has transferred some $10.5 billion to 23 foundations. Since 1997-1998, the Auditor General of Canada’s …”

  28. Update: Liberal Iggy’s O’Harvard buddy.
    “a fearful turn”.
    O’hope >> O’fear.
    “The message in Portland in 2008 was hope.”
    “There was less hope, more fear.”
    Fear* and Hope*; Hope* and Fear*.
    “In two years, a fearful turn in Obama’s speeches
    The message in Portland in 2008 was hope. The president returns to talk about mistrust and threats.
    With the 2008 Democratic primary race all but won, Barack Obama appeared at a massive outdoor rally here and delivered a message that was unique by the cutthroat standards of American political campaigns.
    “We’re not going to worry about what other folks are doing,” Obama told a crowd of 75,000 at the waterfront event in May 2008. “We’re going to try to focus on what we think we can do for America.”
    Obama returned to Portland on Wednesday night and delivered a different sort of speech. His message of national unity and reconciliation had been replaced by a stark warning against cynical Republican tactics, vague threats to America’s political system and the urgent need to keep the GOP marginalized. There was less hope, more fear.”
    *Hope >> Fear*:
    “Hope* is charming, lively, blue-eyed wench, & I am always glad of her company, but could dispense with the visitor she brings with her, her younger sister, fear*, a white liver’d-lilly-cheeked, bashful palpitating, awkward hussey that hangs like a green girl at her sister’s apron strings & will go with her whithersoever she goes.”
    (Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb)

  29. Kinsella and now Krista Ericson…on SunTV??
    I think someone has a sense of humour, really.
    Oh, and Ezra too!! No surprise there!

  30. The Break Dance of the Socialists.
    O’s USA is broke*. Europe is broke*.
    “cfbleachers” first commenter said:
    >>> “Paul Krugman is a horse’s ass.”
    Att: Robert W. (Vancouver).
    “*Odds Against Tomorrow”
    If misery loves company then Stefan Auer’s new “article on European finances puts the American economic crisis in perspective. The Old is as broke as the New. And worse, it is really old. Quoting a recent study by the Max Planck Institute he says, “Europe, too, is basically broke.””
