29 Replies to “Senator!”

  1. Unfortunatley she has voters on her side who think they don’t have to “work so hard” because other people do work hard to support their entitlement.
    Vote the B—-h out and let the water start flowing to the farms again. The 2″ fish will work hard to adapt.

  2. The authors comment about his donation to her election should be on billboards so that the rest of Californians could see what they elected and the shame some have for supporting her.

  3. I’ve always had a hard time remembering to call people by their “title”, just because I look at them equally as fellow human beings. The funny thing is though, when I have made a conscious effort to, I am immediately corrected by them to just call them by their first name.
    This is a great video, shows a great lessen in humility.

  4. I worked so hard to get that title, Commander in Chief!
    Of course no one wants to be a Colonel these days unless your name is Sanders…
    Let slip the chickens of war!!!
    “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
    George Washington
    “Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”
    George Washington
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. Old, old story.
    Fiorina is running a better than average campaign by most accounts and she could win. Boxer is a pit bull who will say absolutely anything to win. There is no more repugnant a senator than her – she even surpasses Reid – and it will be the one defeat, if it happens, that I will be most cheered by.

  6. It’s effective because it mocks without getting ugly. How I wish our Canadian conservative brain trust could evolve beyond puffin crap.

  7. That was hilarious.
    Try pulling that title c@#p in Australia.
    “Oy, mate.”
    “What brings ya in today Pete?”
    ” Well, ya know D_, it’s me leg. . . ”

  8. Exceptional.
    Nice to see Clint Howard (Ron’s brother) getting (non-straight to video horror movie) face time. His talk radio show isn’t too bad.
    Of course if we tried the ‘so many scalps’ line up here…

  9. Interesting to see Clint Howard in that ad.
    I had no idea he was a Republican.
    I wonder if his brother, director Ron Howard, had any part in making the ad.

  10. Kathy (re:scalps), all that you’d need to do is re-run a few old episodes of The Beachcombers or The Forest Rangers you’d see all the lawyers who specialize in the Native Grievance Industry come out in droves.

  11. It’s effective because it mocks without getting ugly
    – Kate.
    YES. That’s the key. Non-ugly, non-hateful mockery is extremely effective. Some won’t agree, I’m sure, but I’ve been chuckling all the way through Beck’s “spooky dude” thingees on Soros. I find it hugely effective. Shows Soros for the tragi-comic loser he really is, despite his billions (because of his billions?).
    You may not agree with this either, but I actually LOVE Ann Coutler for this same skill. No one makes me laugh out loud more but she always seems to stay this side of mean.

  12. but she always seems to stay this side of mean.
    Posted by: Me No Dhimmi at October 22, 2010 12:27 PM
    This holds true for any conservative commentator/analyst I can think of. And, when they do cross the line, an apology is always forthcoming (think Beck’s recent apology over his Obama-as-racist comment).
    For the left, the commentary is frequently ugly and hateful, so much so that it’s really standard fare. As such, the line between civil and uncivil has been so thoroughly blurred, apologies from the left are rarely forthcoming.
    In the wake of Juan Williams’ firing this week, I’ve been quite astonished by the number quotes being dredged attributed to left wing journalists. Left wing journalism is truly the source of some vile, vile stuff. There was one quote wishing AIDS upon somebody, or his grandchildren (sorry, the names escape me at the moment). If I ever heard that from ANY commentator, (left, right, or indifferent), they would be instantly on my no-go list. How such people continue to be employed, and read/watched/listened-to is astonishing.

  13. I KNEW I’d seen Clint Howard before: long before!
    He was the dorky looking, horn-rimmed glasses, NASA brainy, who helped devise, in no time flat, the filter needed by the Apollo 13 crew, using only the flotsam and jetsam available to them. That was a great scene!
    I think Alfozo Rachel (the cop, whoops, officer!) of PJTV and the lovely, black judge of the same, were also in this hilarious video.
    MND, I’m with you re Ann Coulter.
    Alinsky Rules: isolate and mock. Yeah!

  14. Yes I also recognized Howard in that video. Also in the clip was another face I recognized, Jack Scalia.

  15. And I am waiting for Kate McMillan to administer her pointed remarks and deadly zingers to the imprudent lefties who may be brave enough to venture to the new long anticipated but long overdue Canadian SUN TV!

  16. I’m sure the police “captain” was AlfonZo Rachel & the Judge was Sonya Schmidt from PJTV and if I’m not mistaken the Chief was Ed Ames.

  17. I googled a few youtubes. Result ?
    She plays a condescending,sphincter,kook very well.
    California, what else would you expect…..

  18. I have my own titles for that woman, but Kate’s filters will most likely block them.
    Hint: Some of them rhyme with “ditch” and “punt”

  19. Subsequent to the initial introduction, it is completely appropriate to address the Queen of England as “ma’am.”
    Barbie apparently considers herself more worthy of honor than the Queen. After all, the Queen was just born into royalty. Barbie had to “work hard” to be so incompetent she couldn’t even get the endorsement of the San Francisco Chronicle this year.
    I’ll be very happy to see Boxer demoted to “who the %#+& do you think you are?” status next month. We can only hope California voters have the nads to do what’s right.

  20. Now that was funny. When I saw the original exchange on Fox, I thought she was doing a Vivian Leigh on “Streetcar named Desire”; the boxer gal is pathetic – this Vid is kind to that poor, silly soul in a very funny way. Thanks for posting it.
