38 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. I recall when the russians seized control of their ship off the coast of Somalia, they were asked what happened with the pirates, and they responded with, “they died”.

  2. I read often but post seldom. Seems to me a while back, a month or two, one of the posters I quite enjoyed was threatened to be banned for his comment that Obama should be shot. What is the difference here? That poster was western Canadian.

  3. What should be investigated is the man hours wasted by the army processing and forwarding all this useless crap up the line and putting it in the custody of people who had no clue about pro active security discipline.

  4. Even the eminently patriotic and justifiable murder fantasies indulged in by right-thinking conservatives could use a little humor. How about:
    “Wasn’t Told, Didn’t Ask: Wikileaking Blood From Every Orifice. Greatest Outing in Military History!”
    Much funnier than those psychopathic leftist murder fantasies. We gotta show’em we’re better, see.

  5. Barack Obama is a head of state.
    Julian Assaunge an enemy of the state.
    Thus ends today’s exercise in Pointing Out The Blatantly Obvious.

  6. That’s pretty funny (in a kinda sad kinda way). I used to walk by the Bre-X office on my way to SAIT, back in the day.

  7. So why haven’t charges been sought yet? This guy has committed crimes against the state, but that the state hasn’t pursued him is an even greater crime.

  8. from the looks of this fragile-looking twit, i think a “wild” pitch to the head from roy halladay would probably do the trick.

  9. Data Leak? I don’t think so.
    This is a Data Release by the Uppity-Ups in the WH. It’s no coincidence that it’s being done just before the mid-terms.

  10. Unfortunately,in today’s messed up backward world,many will see this man as a hero. He’s sticking it to the man.

    I’d much rather see him go splat.

  11. Blame Crash @ 11:59 PM: “It’s no coincidence that it’s being done just before the mid-terms.”
    That would explain the excuse about their server being down for an extremely long time for “routine maintenance”. Gotta get the timing just right, like the Lancet Iraqi war dead publications and the ClimateGate “hacking”.
    Speaking of air mishaps, anybody remember Dag Hammarskjöld?

  12. Dag Hammarskjöld?
    Aye! The UN’s first Secretary General who became inconvenient to the reds (too principled and honest) and one day aboard an airplane, augered into the Congo ……..
    Julian Assaunge best be just disappeared…..turned into Elvis…or Bin Ladin….
    Obama definitely not assassinated…..best destroyed like Nixon….then it won’t matter….
    Blame Crash
    […….This is a Data Release by the Uppity-Ups in the WH. It’s no coincidence that it’s being done just before the mid-terms……]
    Indeed the dots connect….one leak possible…another so soon…no way….!!!
    Posted by:

  13. Julian Assange is going to be a man (boy) perpetually looking over his shoulder and forever unable to find a country that will let him live comfortably and set up shop. We’ll probably see his little band of merry pranksters shedding and pealing away from Wikileaks like leaves in the fall. How could a pack of psychopathic misfits possibly stick together under the unrelenting pressure that comes with being marked as an international pariah?

  14. Methinks karma will get him.
    He’ll be on a ship somewhere,.sipping white wine, chatting up a nice young lady when a wouldbe jihadist approaches and gives julio a nice big hug.
    Then …you fill in the rest.
    When the smoke clears, the young lady says “thank god that creep is gone”.

  15. Thanks, Julia for your due diligence in “redacting” the data dump. It’s nice to know you put your years of training and experience you no doubt have in intelligence gathering to cover the soldier’s backs; not giving away SOPs,orders of march, that sort of thing, right?
    Flaming Idiot

  16. me ma says there never was any word of men touchin kids in pilot butte when i was a girl there because if there were any of that stuff goin on the men would have driven the poor bugger out of town or worse…and worse i hope it was cause i can’t think of anything worse than polluting innocence with practices and ideas that won’t stand you in good stead for a lifetime and pass on to your own children to raise their own children with love…

  17. Julian still has to answer to the sex charges he’s facing in Sweden… He’s not going to be sipping crisp white wines on any tourist ships for awhile yet. 😉

  18. OT, JB, your ma grew up in Pile-a-Puke? My siblings and I used to call it that as we passed by on the Number 1 on the way to the big city of Regina for our annual or semi-annual trip to the metropolis. You understand, we were 7, 8, maybe 9 or 10 at the time and were only equipped to make age appropriate jokes.

  19. Amazing how many people would prefer not to know what the documents reveal.
    Of course, if Wikileaks was revealing confidential documents from Iran, the UAE, or the Liberal Party or CBC, these fine folks would be celebrating the “victory for transparency” and it would be high-fives all around.
    I truly hope someone, somewhere is preparing a “Shockwave Rider” worm.

  20. Yes, djb, I’m sure assassinations of Wikileaks parties by secret CBC or Liberal Party operatives are sure to follow any such leak of documents.
    Iran, on the other hand, and the UAE? Perhaps they will throw a party for the boys.
    As far as this round of leaks is concerned, I haven’t read much about what was leaked, but what little I have seen is stuff that even I already knew. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what sort of fallout comes from this latest round of psychopathic narcissism, but the sooner Juli boy gets a bullet in his head, the safer we will all be.

  21. john begley @1:42 – “…in pilot butte when i was a girl there…”
    Truely, he is the most interesting man in the world. 🙂

  22. The djb clan: exposing our hypocrisy for generations.
    Djb Jr., in October 2010:
    “Of course, if Wikileaks was revealing confidential documents from Iran…these fine folks would be celebrating the ‘victory for transparency’ and it would be high-fives all around.”
    Djb Sr., in May of 1942, after Wickie P. Leakes released the Allied Forces’ classified military documents:
    “Of course, if Wickie P. Leakes was revealing confidential documents from the Axis forces, (you) fine folks would be celebrating…”

  23. djb,
    liberals, given to arbitrary illogical moral equivalence, are defined as follows, “a liberal is one too open-minded to take his own side in a fight.”

  24. Its a good thing most of what the US military designates “secret” is boring crap of no use to anyone.
    Still, Julian is the safest man in the world today because there’s a DemocRat in the White House. Hell, they’re probably paying him for this.

  25. These things just do not happen by accident making The Pentagon, Homeland Security and Obama look like incompetent nitwits. It doesn’t take much mind, but this is beyond the pale. So many people are going to get hurt and killed.

  26. Hopefully this guy gets taken out. There really does come a time.
    And anyone who is found to have been involved should be executed.
    It’s really that simple. Time to stop playing games.

  27. “Ahhh yes, nothing sez freedom like political assassinations.”
    Isn’t it funny that citizens’ freedoms are being regulated away at about the same rate as the “rights” of international criminals are being legislatively protected?
