42 Replies to “Kristin Davis Is Not A Hooker”

  1. Now…that is a masterpiece of a non-apology/apology….likely drafted with the aid of legal counsel.
    Legally those running “escort services” are not technically pimps…….unless they communicate that their clients can expect carnal services….

  2. She’s not fooling anyone, just looking to extend the 15 min of fame a little longer. The best comment from the article:
    “But her denial is kinda of like a restaurant owner saying that he never cooked in the kitchen. Plausible but unlikely,”

  3. LOL!   The words ‘Kristin Davis a hooker’ occur in that ‘apology’ no less than 10 times, ‘a hooker’ 21 times.   I’m pretty sure Mr. Podhoretz’s readers got the point no matter how many lawyer’s may have reviewed the article’s text before publication.

  4. The year was 1942 in Casablaca, Captain Renault states, “I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”

  5. Methinks she was just projecting her feelings about herself,being a whore for the DemoRats and all.
    I’ve heard better apologies from a 5 year old.

  6. How many times did he use the word “Hooker” in his “apology”?
    He’s sure going to give any legal reps a headache with that one.

  7. Still, it’s good to know that if Kristin isn’t elected as the Governor of New York, she’s got a plan.

  8. Heh. His best point is in asking why she is upset about being mistaken for a hooker? As a madame, she is an integral part of the business so, if she considers prostitution a legitimate industry, what’s the big deal. Would an electrical supervisor sue for being mistaken for a field electrician?

  9. Heck! She at least appears to be honest, a quality that too many politicians lack.
    I’d vote for her. If you’re going to get $crewed by government, at least let them be good looking.

  10. I only have too questions. One, does her libertarianism extent beyond the sex trade and, two, are those tits real?

  11. Now THAT is a masterful apology.
    John C, in answer to your questions:
    1) Possibly, seeing as how she can’t have much use for rules and regulations generally. You know, being a working girl and all…
    2) Not a chance.
    On balance, she probably couldn’t be worse for NY than Elliot Spitzer or Andrew Cuomo. She doesn’t have the connections to the really BIG time thieves and scoundrels that they have.
    A stuffed pig couldn’t be worse than Spitzer or Cuomo.

  12. I guess you can spin anything….I recall a gal stating that prostitution was not selling sex…it was selling affection……..
    Or as one guy said:
    You can rent rooms, houses, power tools, cars, trucks….why not people….
    rented people are employees…which is legal…
    owning people is slavery…which is not legal…

  13. What’s the difference between a hooker and a politician?
    Answer: a hooker will only screw SOME of the men in her territory.

  14. Fred @12:06 – if he waddles and quacks and is yellow – likely a Marxist errr Duck.
    To roughly quote Mr. William Shakspear: ‘It appears that he/she doth protest too much.’ (ergo – guilty!!)

  15. The difference between a hooker and a politician is simple. With a hooker you might get something for your money. With a politician you will never get anything, except the politician coming back with endless demands for more money.

  16. Thanks for posting that – it’s beautifully written, extremely funny! And BlMa, my thoughts exactly!

  17. To Peter O’d:
    Probably; 90% are. But I think her biggest problem is what Babe Zaharias referred to: how would you like to swing with 2 five-lb bags of wet cement on your chest? (Although, from the photographic evidence, I’d go as far as 7.5 lbs)

  18. Not a prostitute? Perhaps, but since she is running for office, she obviously has aspirations in that direction.
    I notice that when the Wookie with the manly biceps and the big caboose visits people of that ilk the LSM refers to them as commercial sex workers, while in connection with a Rethuglican they are called lowly ‘hookers’.

  19. Just ask yourself how someone at the Bottom of the Profession of Hookerdom, make Madam unless they work up. She had to be low to go high. To the top you can’t just walk. Its the only way.

  20. Enkidu
    Perhaps Klingon rather than Wookie….
    Wookies resemble Sasquatch aka Bigfoot, yeti etc.

  21. I bet her lawyer made the defamation suit threat with confidence it would be near impossible not to have the case tried by a judge who hadn’t availed himself of the non hooker’s escort service. Dead ringer of a case in In Manhattan.

  22. From her picture, I gather she is from the same political faction as Elliot Spitzer, the horny wing of the party, or as they are sometimes known, the Nubile-Democrats.
    It’s just that Elliot Spitzer stayed in that faction longer and therefore carries more baggage.

  23. Peter O’Donnell
    [……From her picture,….]
    Except for the stupid tats….she could be an opera singer….

  24. Funniest column I’ve read since the Natural Law Party tried to elevate political discussion in Canada.

  25. A philandering, dentist friend of mine, told me she had the “best teeth, he’d ever come across”.
