Reader Tips

The Parting Glass is a traditional Irish/Scottish song dating back to at least the early 1600s. Some believe the song is about a traveler saying a fond farewell to friends, others hear the kind words of a dying man; I lean towards the latter interpretation, but here’s a friendly debate on the matter.
No matter how you interpret it, it’s a kind, warm-hearted song, suitable for toasts. From a recording of a live performance, here’s the late Liam Clancy’s fine version of The Parting Glass. (Lyrics here.)
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

42 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Its always nice to see people wake up from the cold shriveling hibernating winter of Liberalism. Where freedom is starved from the individual slowly. Into the sunny spring of freedoms new hope. With a bountiful hope of a Great harvest of ones talent.
    This is titled:
    Juan Williams to Vivian Schiller: Have you no shame?
    I would name it : Juan Williams Epiphany”.
    He sure is upset by being called nuts by his ex employer. Who can blame him?

  2. New Book reveals Bill Clinton lost top secret nuclear launch codes for MONTHS.
    “According to a new memoir by a former Pentagon general, Bill Clinton not only misplaced the nuclear key card, it was missing for several months. Mr Clinton, who was president between 1993 and 2001, had his aides turn the White House upside down, but it is unclear whether the codes were ever found.
    “The astounding gaffe was revealed by General Hugh Shelton, who served under Mr Clinton as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in his book, Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior.
    “‘At one point during the Clinton administration the codes were actually missing for months,’ he writes. ‘That’s a big deal – a gargantuan deal.’
    “But Mr Clinton may not have been the first president to lose the codes.
    “Although the story has never been officially confirmed, Jimmy Carter supposedly managed to leave them in a suit sent to the dry cleaners.”

  3. Revenant Dream, thanks for that link! NPR will forever regret firing Williams. He is pumped!
    Wonder if thy got more than 378 e-mails in one day?

  4. EBD @11:12 – he probably wrote his private phone number, the one Hillary didn’t know about, on the back of the note he kept the launch codes on and slipped it to a cocktail waitress. He was still 50x the President Barry is.

  5. Hey London ON and surrounding area!…Mark Steyn is coming on Nov. 1st!…His stop was almost cancelled from pressure from Islamic groups who were successful in having the first planned venue location denie Steyn their facility but because in part from the National Post report on it which generated publicity, the presentation was moved to a larger venue…At Centennial Hall.
    Tickets are only $20.00 for non students…He’ll do a Q&A and “America Alone” book signing too.
    You must register through this site to be able to get tickets…Read the post to find the “register here” link:
    See you there Nov. 1st!

  6. from the ‘today in history’ file:
    Oct 23 1983
    An Islamic Jihad suicide bomber drives a truck loaded with 2.5 tons of TNT into the US Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. The explosion kills 241 American servicemen. Simultaneously, a smaller truck bomb strikes another base in Beirut, killing 58 French soldiers. Even though the NSA has proof that the Iranians are behind the attacks, President Ronald Reagan begins delivering them weapons for hostages only 39 days later.

  7. Now that Syncrude has been hammered by the courts on the dead ducks, I think the price per dead bird has been established. When will the operators of the giant fans face the same treatment for all the birds that they kill?
    Yeah, I know, it is green energy, therefore no one will take them to court for killing birds.

  8. Black Mamba @ 11:40 pm: Exactly.
    I turned to my husband and said, of course Clinton’s aides never found the code key, turning the White House upside down, because he probably lost it in some hotel room or some woman’s “boudoir.”
    Had this happened under Dubbya’s watch, it’d be front-page headlines in every major North American paper.

  9. Thanks for “The Parting Glass”, EBD: a great song!
    I have an a capella version, sung in close harmony, by a group called The Voice Squad. (They switch the order of the second and third verses.)
    I can’t find a full version of the Voice Squad’s performance to link, but here’s an a capella, close harmony version by the Wailin’ Jennys. It’s somewhat pristine, but nice to listen to.
    This is the version from the end of the fine movie, “Waking Ned Devine”: it’s orchestrated, with a lot of Irish instruments, and quite dramatic. There is singing—so wait for it!

  10. Voodoo Death Care.
    “Hospital waits hit historic worst in Calgary
    Calgary Herald”
    “Tories pledge $1M to help Haiti with cholera outbreak – ‎3 hours ago‎
    MONTREUX, Switzerland – Prime Minister Stephen Harper used the opening of the Francophonie summit Saturday to deliver a direct message of solidarity with Haiti, a country struggling now with a deadly cholera outbreak.”

  11. Red-Green’s salad: a macedoine salad.
    Macedoine salad: something for everyone. Bring your own Medieval Warm Period (MWP) dressing.
    The cunning AGW linguists use enjambment:
    “Climate change”, “‘travel chaos’”, “serious threats”, “its effects”, “extreme weather events”, “global warming,”, “‘locked in’”, etc.
    The ultimate : “”widespread disruption”.
    The ultra-ultimate: “”Climate change in the near future is ‘locked in’ — it’s too late to change that,” she said.”
    “Science News: Climate change could bring ‘travel chaos’ ^ | October 22, 2010
    Rail networks in the United Kingdom face serious threats from climate change and its effects, researchers say.
    Scientists from the University of Southampton say extreme weather events, projected to become more common over the next 50 years as a result of global warming, could lead to more landslides and floods.
    Damage from such events could cause “widespread disruption” to travel, the researchers say.
    “This is a really serious issue which needs to be addressed,” lead author Fleur Loveridge-Wanker, a Ph.D. student at the University of Southampton, said.
    “Climate change in the near future is ‘locked in’ — it’s too late to change that,” she said.”

  12. O: “*Yes, massa, him dead as de door-nail – done up for sartain – done departed dis here life.”
    “Negro Dialect Response? Obama Pokes Fun A Harry Reid’s Speaking Voice
    “Harry’s not the flashiest guy, let’s face it,” President Obama joked during a campaign rally for Reid in Las Vegas, Nevada. “Harry, kinda speaks in a very soft voice, he doesn’t move real quick, he doesn’t get up and make real big stem winding speeches,” Obama said.
    Harry Reid once commented on the way President Obama talked, too. According to the book “Game Change,” Reid said Obama didn’t have a “negro dialect.”
    (*H/T The Gold Bug, Edgar Allan Poe.)

  13. bluetech, apparently, NPR got OVER 7000 messages–enraged messages! I think it sort of shut them down.

  14. I used to imagine what it would be like to have Ezra Levant hosting a daily news/talk/analysis show aired coast-to-coast on national television.
    Dreams come true.
    It’s *huge*, IMO – it’s, er, what you call yer basic shakeup of the Canadian broadcast journalism model. Now we can see the other half of the country free to voice their opinions, and take on the politically correct servants, head-on on national TV.
    As for the CBC’s once-a-week At Issue….buh-bye, patsy-panel.

    Oscar-nominated actor Randy Quaid, fearful of being murdered in Hollywood, is seeking refugee asylum in Canada with his wife.
    Earlier, they released a handwritten statement to the media through their lawyer Brian Tsuji that read, “Yes we are requesting asylum from Hollywood Star Whackers. Evi and Randy Quaid.”
    …..she and her husband would be happy to stay at the downtown Sutton Place hotel….
    Wow. What’s the drug of choice? I’m going to say either cocaine or crystal meth. Hollywood star whackers, then proceed to tell the media where they would be staying.

  16. NYSlimes’ Book Review: On The Chase.
    Chpt. 13: Ssssht: The Man from “Turmoil”.
    “WikiLeaks Founder on the Run, Chased by Turmoil
    New York Times – John F. Burns, Ravi Somaiya – ‎1 hour ago‎
    LONDON – Julian Assange moves like a hunted man. In a noisy Ethiopian restaurant in London’s rundown Paddington district, he pitches his voice barely above a whisper to foil the Western intelligence agencies he fears.”

  17. Re: The parting glass:
    Good song!! I’ve can relate. If it was written by an Irishman, it was most likely a song about the most dificelt thing he ever had to do. Parting with his glass!

  18. Ultima Thule of left-liberalism: Smile.
    We’ll look after youse: Smile.
    “Dalai Lama: Don’t worry, be happy
    National Post – ‎6 hours ago‎
    Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader The Dalai Lama smiles during a ceremony at the Tibetan Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto October 23, 2010.”

  19. AlMoh’s Smile:
    “The first teacher banned for life for being useless
    A teacher who is judged to be incapable of ever improving his work has become the first to be banned for life from the classroom due to incompetence. Nisar Ahmed will never reach ‘requisite standards’ of teaching and cannot work in state schools again, a panel ruled. The General Teaching Council for England found the 46-year-old guilty of serious professional incompetence and said there was a risk that pupils would be seriously disadvantaged if he was ever allowed to return to lessons. Mr Ahmed was head of business studies at the John O’Gaunt Community Technology College in Hungerford, Berkshire, from September 2007 to January 2009.
    He had taught for a total of 13 years at schools across the South-East. His management of lessons was ‘invariably’ below standard, the GTC disciplinary panel was told.
    (Excerpt) Read more at …”

  20. O’TOTUS Sahib, er Ashad*.
    TOTUS goes to India with TOTUS. S’course.
    O’TOTUS “once said” : “Obama, who once said that “America has its roots in the India of Mahatma Gandhi”,”.
    This is an Indian snidely guru saying, quote:
    “While US first lady Michelle Obama would be accompanying her husband, there was no confirmation whether secretary of state Hillary Clinton would be part of Obama’s entourage, Parliament sources said.”
    “Teleprompter to make its debut in Parliament when Obama speaks”
    “A teleprompter will be in use for the first time in the Central Hall of Parliament when US President Barack Obama addresses MPs on November eight.
    As per the tentative programme being worked out, the address by Obama, who once said that “America has its roots in the India of Mahatma Gandhi”, would not be for more than 20 minutes.
    The president’s programme in Parliament House complex itself will be less than an hour affair, Parliament sources said today. It is scheduled to start at 5pm.
    The programme will feature a welcome speech by vice president Hamid Ansari and a vote of thanks by Lok Sabha speaker Meira Kumar. The US president would also sign the Golden Book, the visitors’ diary of Parliament.
    While US first lady Michelle Obama would be accompanying her husband, there was no confirmation whether secretary of state Hillary Clinton would be part of Obama’s entourage, Parliament sources said.”
    those associating with Muhammad at any time in his life.”

  21. IffyMcGuintyCharest Liberals branded: “fat and obese” and “even fatter.”.
    “Jean Charest, I think he will be remembered as the worst premier in Quebec history,” said Eric Duhaime, one of six co-founders of the new movement. “You know that guy was elected seven years ago saying the state in Quebec was too fat and obese, He said that, and seven years later, the state is even fatter.”
    “500 people packed the place to show their support.”
    “Keynote speaker Ezra Levant addresses the rally for the Quebec Freedom Network in Quebec City on Saturday.”
    “New right-wing political movement holds rally”
    “With the conservative Tea Party political movement picking up steam in the U.S., it appears a new right wing grassroots campaign is starting a little closer to home.
    A group calling itself the Quebec Freedom Network held a rally in a hotel ballroom in Quebec City on Saturday, and 500 people packed the place to show their support.
    The uniting force bringing these people together is frustration over the established political model in Quebec, where the Liberals and the Parti Quebecois have handed the reins of power back and forth for decades.
    “Jean Charest, I think he will be remembered as the worst premier in Quebec history,” said Eric Duhaime, one of six co-founders of the new movement. “You know that guy was elected seven years ago saying the state in Quebec was too fat and obese, He said that, and seven years later, the state is even fatter.”

  22. Mao Stlong’s Chambel of Hollols say,
    “The Phenomenal ‘Chinese Professor'” is not Moi nephew, Canadian “Liberal leader” Bob Rae.
    “The Phenomenal ‘Chinese Professor’ Ad
    Via Ben Smith of Politico, this amazing ad from “Citizens Against Government Waste,” which is the first spot from this campaign season you can imagine people actually remembering a decade from now. “I’m not a witch” might be remembered as a novelty; I think this will be remembered — like “Morning in America,” “Willie Horton,” the “Daisy Girl” ad from the 1960s, and perhaps even “3am Phone Call” — as a notably effective introduction of a new theme. (You don’t have to agree with any of these ads to recognize their power.) Watch, marvel, and learn.
    CAGW, a descendant of J. Peter Grace’s 1980s-era anti-wasteful spending commission, is in principle bipartisan, though in this election its campaign about the menace of “stimulus spending” has an obvious partisan tilt. And if you know anything about the Chinese economy, the actual analytical content here is hilariously wrong. The ad has the Chinese official saying that America collapsed because, in the midst of a recession, it relied on (a) government stimulus spending, (b) big changes in its health care systems, and (c) public intervention in major industries — all of which of course, have been crucial parts of China’s (successful) anti-recession policy.
    But never mind! As a work of persuasion and motivation, this commands admiration for its technique. (I’m being serious.) Although I realize that many Chinese people will take offense at it, mainly the chortling section at the end, for me it passes the test for the proper use of “foreign menace” themes in US discourse. Although the ad is clearly meant to make Americans shudder at the idea of a Chinese-dominated future, at no point does it say that the canny foreigners did anything wrong. It uses them as a spur for us to do better — which, as laid out at length here, is the right way to use foreign comparisons. And the stated argument, even from the triumphalist Chinese professor, is that the Americans erred by turning away from their own values.
    In case you’re wondering, the banner that appears briefly behind the speaker says “全球经济学,” or “Global Economics.” I could be wrong, but something about the look of the students — haircuts, teeth — makes me doubt that this was actually filmed in China. [Update: Ahah! Suspicions justified! They are DC-area college students. Their skin and teeth are different from what you’d see in a big Chinese college lecture hall. Though perhaps in 2030…] The main point is, this is the ad of the cycle so far. Now, if these skills could only be applied to helping the public understand real budget and economic tradeoffs once the election is over.
    Also: a “reply” from Campus Progress, with the same Chinese narration but somewhat different English subtitles.
    UPDATE: Someone who knows about the Chinese economy writes with this caveat:
    >>Very interesting advert but I feel uncomfortable praising the technique over the fundamental lack of truth in the message. Yes, skill is admirable but when someone uses a skill in a harmful way – say to mislead or misinform, I can’t muster praise for it. There have been masterful propagandists in our past that have achieved terrible outcomes – I’m thinking Nazi Germany for example.
    As you point out, the message of this ad, that some future China surpassed America by not using stimulus spending intentionally misleads the viewer. China has successfully out-stimulused (sp?) us and proved that it works.
    “All Your Base Are Belong To Us”
    “Ben Smith of Politico calls the ad below “an attack ad”. James Fallows of the Atlantic calls it “phenomenal” even though he adds that “if you know anything about the Chinese economy, the actual analytical content here is hilariously wrong.””

  23. Had Winston Churchill lived, I’m sure he would have had a much higher opinion of Star Wars than of Jimi Hendrix.
    After all, didn’t he famously say, “Jar Jar is better than wah-wah”?

  24. ebt – Bad puns may be one of the greatest things in life, but they are no excuse to diss Hendrix. When the Devil challenged Hendrix to a guitar-match, Hendrix accepted, and, well… the Devil wound up in a rehab centre – dude, he was crying about his relationship with his dad; he was hugging trees. Last I heard, he’d joined the Scientologists and changed his name to Lu-Lu Shababa. Shirley MacLaine takes his calls when she’s not too busy.
    Sadly, this epic encounter does not seem to have been recorded on film (if only they’d had camera-cellphones back in the day. Alas!). But this might help:
    And this (It’s CanCon! And there’s a wah-wah peddle!):
    Churchill would have dug Jimi like a madman; I know this. There really should never be any dissing of Hendrix.
