24 Replies to “If Bicycle Racers Are Forced To Wear Helmets”

  1. Have you actually tried swimming in a life jacket? It may keep your head out of water, but you’re going to die of hypothermia before ever you reach land.

  2. If I would have to dress like the model with the yellow hankie, I’d sooner be dead! Where is the helmet, in his crotch?

  3. and today’s headline at the Calgary Sun… Warning Labels for Liquor
    This product may make you drunk?
    Warning labels on pop for sugar consumption.
    Warning labels on potato chips for salt consumption.
    Warning labels on chocolate bars for carbohydrate consumption.
    Warning labels on nuts for “may contain nuts”
    Warning labels on warning labels instruction people to not read warning labels while riding a bicycle or swimming.
    Warning labels on newspapers warning against reading a newspaper while driving.

  4. In BC all cyclists are required to wear helmets, which was why I sold my bike when they brought in that law. Yet the majority of the Canadian population continues to bend over for ever more government interference at the request of all the busybodies.

  5. Heres hopin some crabby old fart like me never falls off his toilet, cracks his head and dies. If that happens and the government hears of it you will all have to wear helmets and seat belts every time you have to take a crap forever after. I would like to finish with LOL but I can`t because that has become the reality of todays socially engineered babysitting you from cradle to grave country. It really makes me sad the freedom we have lost since socialism started to seriously work its way into our lives in the 1960s.

  6. In all the Anglophone democracies, it’s amoral, invertebrate ambulance-chasing lawyers, like John Edwards,who have brought us to this ridiculous CYA, infantilized, zero-risk social environment. (I still like Macbeth’s plan, for after his coup d’etat, dealing with the lawyers. 🙂
    How did I ever manage to survive my own childhood -never wore a helmet riding my bikes; owned a real wooden Louisville Slugger baseball bat; my old family doctor not ordering batteries of unnecessary tests whenever I or siblings came down with typical childhood ailments or injuries; my father not taking me to a psychologist for trauma counseling when picked on by a bully, instead advising me to go beat his *ss; – AND never once needing the services of a lawyer!

  7. I understand bicycle racers are forced by their governing body, i.e. the International Cycling Union, to wear helmets.

  8. Ultimately it will occur to someone that thousands of lives and zillions of dollars would be spared if racing were banned altogether. Car racing, bicycles, swimming, boats, running, all of it. And football, hockey, polo, baseball, soccer, all those dangerous, frivolous sports things.
    Hey, if it only saves one life…

  9. Why not give everyone an air bed and ban getting out of it?
    That’s where the “culture of safety” is headed anyways.

  10. I have long said that triathalons would be much more entertaining if the swimming portion was done last.

  11. If I ever get depressed enough, suicidal enough, AND can get a hold of some high explosive, I’m gonna do mysef in.
    But first I’ll get nice and cosy withe some PC zealot arsehole, whose trying to save the world by chaining up the rest of us.I’ll get real close.
    Then BOOM, I’ll take the jackass with me!
    F@cking know-it-all c*&ksuckers!!

  12. If a cyclist’s inflatable collar deploys when a rider has been hurled into a water filled ditch or stream, the center of buoyancy guarantees drowning. Back to the drawing board.

  13. That is so sad what happened to Fran Crippen. Open Water swimming has been having a hard time attracting adherents and now this. He was a good guy from a good family.
    Cross country riders have been wearing air vest for some time. Some of the best laughs I have had are when a rider forgets to disconnet the pull,dismounts and the vest inflates.

  14. A ban on Saabs? Wasn’t it the Pretenders who famously sang, “It is time for you to stop all of your Saabin’…”?

  15. Huh? I don’t get what your point is Kate?
    I think that airbag invention is a pretty good one.
    Obviously I don’t think there should be any law forcing people to wear one.
    Not quite sure where you’re going with the swimming reference…clearly that swimmer died of some sort of complication, and not by drowning.
    What’s next, you going to criticize Avalanche airbag systems?
