12 Replies to “In the Immortal Words Of P.J. O’Rourke”

  1. That link to PJ O’Rourke has to be the most un-PC thing ever written! Made my day!!
    Congratulations,Mr. O’. Must be from the early 70’s when the guys at National Lampoon wrote some of the best and most offensive comedy material ever done.

  2. Hey Liz J 6:19 pm! They’re not called hewers anymore!
    They’re sex trade workers! Get with it ‘kay?

  3. Lets start teaching Frenchmen to “PAY THERE OWN WAY IN LIFE” 8 BILLION in equalization is just outrageous

  4. That was funny!
    Back in the days when I bought Hustler, post 9/11, it always struck me that the magazine never made fun of Muslims. Everything else, fine…

  5. Ah, PJ, the 70’s sophomore run amok.. of course I love the guy.
    Here’s my favourite recipe from his “Bachelor’s Home Companion”:
    Soup Nagasaki
    An exciting party recipe for six or more!
    1 – Preheat oven to 500 degrees F for 20 minutes
    2 – Place an unopened can of Campbell’s Soup in oven (variety unimportant)
    3 – Leave
    In 20-30 minutes, Soup Nagasaki!!
