13 Replies to “Who Cares?”

  1. I used to think that Time was the official mouthpiece of the Democrat Party but Newsweek clearly usurps them. I strongly suspect that this new cover is designed to put fear of [a secular] God into the hearts & minds of disenchanted liberals, to try to dampen the successes of the GOP on Nov. 2nd.

  2. Circulation:1,972,219 (2009)
    Nobody reads it? Not quite. Newsweek plays to the democrat/liberal choir,and they get their weekly fix of dem/lib reassurance that all is well in their version of the world.
    As for increasing readership,it doesn’t seem likely,as people grow older and tire of propaganda and want facts,”just the facts,ma’am”.
    Time,Reader’s Digest, and Newsweek are magazines I only read if it’s free, like at a doctor’s or dentist’s waiting room.
    Sometimes the pain caused by the bias I read exceeds that of the treatment by the health professional,although I’ve never had root canal work.

  3. Are we permitted to ask if they have explosives on their persons and watch for a reaction? With the video taken in TO of fully obscured woman boarding a flight sans showing their faces shouldn’t I be nervous? A Canadian court supporting Sharia law about testifying with the face covered? Yeah I should be nervous. It’s being prudent as far as I can see.

  4. Ask the Russians about terrorism committed by people, mostly women, dressed as Muslims and you will know why Williams has every right to be nervous.

  5. It was Newsweek wasn’t it (Time?) that did that famous COMING ICE AGE scare cover in the late 60s or early 70s, the one I took such malicious delight in forwarding to a warm-monger sans comment. And the “Death of Equities” not long before the launch of one of the greatest secular bull markets in history.
    But he’s wrong to fear this. There always needs to be a rule-proving exception which liberals can then pounce on as proof of MSM oracular power.

  6. Ok, guess Im not the only one who doesn’t have a clue who the guy on the cover is?
    Guessing GOP, but he is so vanilla that he ain’t ringing a bell.
    And not sure if I am buying the whole Newsweek cover curse thing. Barry O would be history now if that had any effect.

  7. It’s John Boehner, who is widely predicted to become the Speaker of the House…assuming republicans gain the majority.

  8. John Boehner: yeah, he comes from a poor family with ten kids and now he’s got lots of money. (And he’s a Republican.)
    The Left hates him, coming and going.
    What else is new?
