Blog Notes

Final update – Looks like we’re all clear. Thanks everyone for your patience!
(Sticky – new posts appear below.)
As of last evening a number of readers are getting “This Is An Attack Page” etc. warnings when trying to access this site and others. The problem seems to have originated with something on the Blogging Tories blogroll, resulting in a blacklisting by Google, which triggered the security warning.
Click here for the current site status.
Thanks for all the emails – we’re working on the problem. I’ll update as I find out more.
Update: The tech support at the hosting company can find nothing amiss in the code here. The Blogging Tories blogroll has been pulled down, as it seems to be the source of the initial warning. I’ve asked for a review by Google, but it may take a day or two for a response, according to their website.

46 Replies to “Blog Notes”

  1. My, what wretched lengths those liberals go to to stifle conservatives! I just had my Firefox browser steer me to the “This is an attack page” page when I clicked my SDA bookmark. I had to go into my Options and change my security settings to not block “attack pages” in order to visit here. Since I don’t visit p*rnography sites or “progressive” blogs -I repeat myself there- I don’t think I’m in any real jeopardy.
    I’ll bet that when Kate gets to the bottom of this, it’ll be some liberal, aka “progressive”, trickster SOBs. It’s them who do so much to stifle free speech but it’s we conservatives who are the fascists, right?

  2. I could see the site but not the comments. Just did a Firefox update and all is well in my universe.

  3. *
    in firefox you can temporarily uncheck “block attack sites”
    under the security tab options.
    unless you’re downloading russian porn… you’ll be fine.

  4. Mon Oct 25 11:59:xx CDT 2010 — Yeah I’m still getting the red screen warning in Chromium 7.0.517.41 on a *nix OS.
    This has been happening a lot lately on sites I trust.

  5. Kate, your theory about the problem stemming solely from the site may be correct but it’s also possible that both that site AND yours may have been listed by a Leftist cretin as having Malware.
    I’ve let Google know in two different ways. It’s also good to know that you’ve asked for a review.
    There’s an old adage that “bad things happen in threes”. In terms of stifling Free Speech, first there was Juan Williams, then there was Mark Steyn, now there is Small Dead Animals.

  6. Kate,
    Just tried accessing SDA thru Google just now and all the related sites have the malware warning…Came through mywebsearch just fine without the attached warning, so it’s definitely a Google search engine issue.
    I certainly come close in getting viruses when I link too ‘quickly’ to articles or sites that are labeled or said to be right wing…

  7. Oh I thought it was some plant or rerouting attack. I’m glad to see SDA is unaffected. You guys can always use IE *le gasp* it’s my browser of last resort. Though I do appreciate Firefox’s attempt to save me from my own stupidity. I went to a website against firefox’s wishes last time and my computer asplode! 🙁 But stupidity trumps best intentions all the time so here I am!

  8. O/T From CNN via Fark: Omar Khadr pleaded guilty to all charges this morning. I’d give you the link but I’m not good at that stuff.

  9. This happened to me on Ezra Levant’s site a while ago. Could some anointed liberal be hacking conservative websites?

  10. I guess Google just doesn’t care about me, because I get in without the warning (on the dreaded IE to boot).
    Perhaps they note that I visit weather sites and figure I must be beyond hope.
    Actually, I am, if you’re anywhere but Vancouver Island.

  11. Related – I do most of my browsing on my employer supplied notebook even when I’m home. They just switched to a new internet watching service. A few of my favourites are now blocked that were OK before. SDA still good. FFOF blocked. Neo’s Halls is blocked.
    Kate is just not offending the right people I guess.

  12. AVG says the page is safe, but Google is still giving a false warning.
    Could Google be another example of a huge, monolithic corp, getting too big for itself?

  13. Using Firefox, I’ve had to remove the “attack site warning” option in the security tab to get by this. I’ve also removed Google from my search engine list – they’re not the only game in town. My question is – what business is it of Google’s if I point my browser to ANY site without invoking the Google search engine?

  14. It appears you are now back in Google’s good graces. No warnings, and the status is looking positive:
    Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?
    Over the past 90 days, did not appear to function as an intermediary for the infection of any sites.
    Has this site hosted malware?
    No, this site has not hosted malicious software over the past 90 days.
    How did this happen?
    In some cases, third parties can add malicious code to legitimate sites, which would cause us to show the warning message.

  15. “It appears you are now back in Google’s good graces.”
    Not according to my computer she ain’t.

  16. Mon Oct 25 19:33:xx CDT 2010
    Yup.   Chromium got me here with no red screen warning for the first time today.   Getting here seemed a little slow tonight?   But maybe that’s just because, well, EVERYONE’s ON the Internet right now?

  17. Just tried and it’s still trying to connect to forgottencelebs site so it’s still infected. No one has figured out how to fix this after almost 24 hours? This is bad.

  18. Black Mamba. Comes and goes for me. I did an update, it worked, then it didn’t and I’m back. Kinda like the economy.

  19. Aha! By switching to Safari, I’m finally able to access the comments.
    So, if you can’t access the comments, all you have to do is…actually, if you can’t access the comments, you won’t be reading this.
    Never mind.

  20. Yeah, I read all of that too, CERDIP. So, who was “the third party” that added a malicious code to SDA so the Attack Page pop up prevented us from accessing Kate’s posts and the comments?
    Doing a little dance in Toronto now that the people have shouted loud and clear: kick the bums out!!!
    Congratulations, Mayor Ford!

  21. There was never any malicious code on SDA. The problem originated at Blogging Tories, and SDA was caught up by virtue of hosting the BT blogroll.

  22. Unlike technologically savvy people like Skip, who know how to “remove the ‘attack site warning’ option in the security tab [whatever that means!] to get by this [glitch] . . .”, I’m a complete computer idiot: as with my car, I know how to turn on my computer and get from A to B and that’s about it.
    After no luck getting to SDA yesterday, I emailed Kate, not expecting an answer—I was pretty sure she’d be swamped. But, she wrote back promptly, with an update. I really appreciated that courtesy and it’s a pleasure to have SDA available again.

  23. Kate:   Now that ‘we’ know that it was _NOT_ that link to that ancient P.J. O’Rourke piece on ‘Foreigners’ that caused this recent unpleasantness, any chance you might re-embed same?

  24. Okay, this is weird. It was working fine from my home computer last night, and I see Kate’s all-clear notice this morning, but I still get the attack site warnings on my work computer, when I reset the “Block reported attack sites” check-box to “on”. This happens even when I clear my cache and cookies. I’m using Firefox in both places, same version.

  25. At 11:41AM, I just experienced the same thing as did Another Calgary Marc. I had to do the Firefox uncheck thing referenced above to get here. Whatever Kate’s being told by the tech folks, SDA has apparently not yet been removed from that suspect list. I’m sending her an email now to let her know.

  26. No warnings from Firefox here at 10:36AM PDT…mind you I did ‘tell’ Google to MYOB yesterday…;)

  27. I did finally get here using an unpopular search engine, but am still getting blocked messages for your site on Google and Bing, even when I change security settings.
