14 Replies to “Marketing Campaigns Of The Apocalypse”

  1. Oh I don’t know. I think it’s pretty awesome but we can’t let it spread! I’ll be headed over to the local Sears armed with luck, a death wish and my trusty shotgun. Wish me luck!

  2. M
    […….Oh I don’t know. I think it’s pretty awesome but we can’t let it spread! I’ll be headed over to the local Sears armed with luck, a death wish and my trusty shotgun. Wish me luck!…..]
    Don’t forget the wooden stakes, holy water, cruxifix and stuff…..

  3. Jonah the author of “Liberal Fascism” inaugorates the season of All Hallows Eve?
    Don’t forget to vote for your favorite Zombie…in the land of the Obama-Nation(tm)
    The horror show continues…well who said they were’nt brainless wonders?
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. As my youngest daughter points out, “it’s important to know what type of Zombie you’re dealing with. Some need to be decapitated, and others need simply be shot in the head; those are the good kind.”

  5. Good Kate…bad Kate…she’s the one with the gun.
    As someone who has to spend more time with media-“savvy” twenty-something hipsters than I’d really like, I really only have one thing to say: enough with the zombie apocalypse, already. It’s done. It stopped being cool after the first couple of modernized updates, and now even the parodies are just repeating the other parodies.
    The original The Walking Dead comic book series is an excellent zombie apocalypse story, btw, told with surprising candor and depth, but as this point it’s like writing a fantasy trilogy about a an elf, a dwarf, two hobbits and a couple of Men who have to destroy an ancient artifact to save the world from the Dark Evil. Even if you’re Isaac Arthur McHemingway-Tolstoy, it’s not going to save you from the sheer overexposure of the concept.
    As for Sears – I wish this surprised me. I’ve been mentoring junior IT staff for years, but it’s only within the last couple of years that I’ve had to explicitly explain the concept of professionalism to the incoming recruits. They honestly seem to to not get that replacing the company logo on the intranet site with a lolcat is Not Appropriate Behaviour.

  6. Totally unrealistic! If that was a real Sears store in October, you would have seen lots of Christmas decorations in the background behind the authentically undead staff.
