Reader Tips

Twelfth century Benedictine abbess Hildegard von Bingen, a deeply religious woman beset by visions, was a polymath of sorts – an early pharmacologist, poet, preacher, visual artist, and composer. Here are the Benedictinians of Abbey St. Hildegard in Eibingen, Germany (where von Bingen’s remains are encased in stone) chanting von Bingen’s Spiritus Sanctus.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

71 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. atwoodsux:
    That could mean that the virus has been removed and they haven’t removed the warning yet or it could mean that your antivirus can’t detect it and is letting it go right through. Mine hasn’t detected the forgottencelebs thing today but it was hitting every few minutes last night.

  2. After visiting earlier this morning I now have been getting the warning and have had to disable the “block reported attack sites” in Firefox. Odd that I had no problems first thing this morning.

  3. Has to be those Edmonchuck Eskimos behind this thing. Got here on IE ver 7.0.5730.13, Firefox worked when I first came over a few hours ago but not now.

  4. A new web based political party has launched with the stated goal of advancing policy as voted for in online polls.
    They also claim that a future online leadership contest will be held.
    With a membership of 700 they have thus far offered the following policy planks:
    Positions taken thus far, as a result of online voting by OPC members, include ending Canada’s military involvement in Afghanistan, legalizing prostitution and marijuana, making public transit and post-secondary education free, and eliminating unions from government operations.
    Could be they need some help with policy and leadership…..Kate?
    Read more:

  5. Just to add more fuel to the “badware” warning. It was there when I refreshed my tab (Firefox 3.6) on the main page this morning. I could ignore the warning, and it would see the main page. Without unchecking the “Block malware sites” check-box, I could not access the comments pages by clicking on them. The “google” warning is still focusing on both bloggingtories and that forgottencelebs thing. As for my security, I’m behind a corporate firewall and security suite. Not a peep from either of them.
    Kate, I took a screen cap of the warning, if you would like it for reference.

  6. Toronto 18 leader sentenced to 16yrs
    (thats what the headline tells you, What it dont tell you is that the Justice deducted 8.5yrs for time served so eligable for parole in 3.5yrs Thats really sending a message to wanabe terrorist in Canada)
    se to 16yrs in prison
    **there are No Comments avail at this article on & No Comments at the on this.

  7. Canadian Judicial Math:
    Toronto 18 leader sentenced to 16 years? Not so fast…
    Arrested in 2006
    Credit for time served is 8.5 years
    Eligible for parole in 3.5 years
    This guy could be out walking the streets again in 2013. He will be 29 years-old.
    In the US, he would have got 99 years like the Times Square bomber.
    WTF is going on with our judicial system?

  8. ‘Also meant to thank you, EBD, for the beautiful beginning to my day (aside from the Attack Page warning), listening to Spiritus Sanctus.

  9. Vis a vis the supposed suppression of women in the Catholic Church, you just have to look at a Catholic nun like Hildegard von Bingen to put things in perspective.
    Most of the really strong, humorous, and compassionate women I know are Catholic. A funny thing, that, eh? Far from being suppressed and repressed, they are enlivened, strengthened, and empowered by their faith. And they don’t spend time on petty squabbles about which gender can do what. They get on with what they can do — and they do it superbly.
    Brava, Hildegard von Bingen.

  10. Hey, Kate, I think the leftards are worried that you’re going to influence the Toronto election! Way to go (but what a pain in the butt).
    Poll at the National Post goes very negative for George Smitherman:
    Rob Ford 50.6% (970 votes)
    Joe Pantalone 15.75% (302 votes)
    George Smitherman 24.93% (478 votes)
    I did not vote 7.25% (139 votes)
    Other: 1.46% (28 votes)
    Total Votes: 1,917

  11. The neck-to-neck Toronto mayoralty race has a declared winner 10 minutes afer the polls close. Congrats to Mr. Ford.

    Gee,could the Toronto media actually be that corrupt,or that dense.

  12. Re: Torontos election
    1446/1870 polls reporting and Ford has 50% of the vote. Anything north of 45% is about as solid a mandate as one can get at any level of government in Canada. Toronto may indeed be going to conservative blue starting municipally and then provincially and federally (like it used to be..)

  13. Gee,could the Toronto media actually be that corrupt,or that dense.
    Posted by: wallyj at October 25, 2010 8:16 PM
    I vote for both plus evil.

  14. You know, if Sydney Crosby married Hildegard von Bingen, she’d be Hildegard von Bingen Crosby…
