39 Replies to “The World Is Being Run By Crazy People”

  1. Not crazy at all.
    They’re not going to let the truth get in the way of a nice “per diem”

  2. IT WAS ONE FREAKIN YEAR!!!! A peak in the 4 year cycle!!! There’s still the problem of declining local populations…that’s why there are huge spikes! Let me explain it for you..nice and simple.
    The Fraser River is HUGE…it is made up of a bunch of tributaries, each with it’s own tributaries, each with potential spawning areas. All the fish that enter the fraser have this in common…they were born in one of the spawning grounds, on one of the tributaries of a tributary of the Fraser River. This situation provides MANY times more spawning area than if there was one spawning ground for the entire Fraser (like capillaries vs arteries).
    Now, each group of fish that were born in the same spawning area is a ‘local population’…what is happening to the entire Fraser river population is many local populations have been declining. So say is 20 local populations. They used to all contribute significantly to the total number. Some of these local populations have been declining, so now say only 12 contribute significanlty to the total population. This means that is something happens to one local population that contribute significantly it has a bigger impact on the total numbers than when all 20 local populations were contributing.
    Having TONS of fish is only a good thing if there’s enough spawning area for them to reproduce. Since the current Fraser River salmon population has few significant ‘sub populations’, most fish are competing for a fraction of the total spawning area. So having TONS of fish compete for a few spawning grounds is not a good thing, it can mean fewer numbers reproduced everyone spends all their energy competing and the young exhaust resources….over population.

  3. “Hearings will be held Mondays to Thursdays 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 2-4 p.m. at the Federal Court at 701 West Georgia St. Stakeholders including first nations, commercial and sports fishermen, and environmentalists”
    Environmentalists aren’t “stakeholders”.
    They are political agitators who don’t want the resource to be used at all.

  4. BJT
    That post was an excellant example of sophistry…a clever, unsound argument….what is usually called BS.
    Much of the life-cycle of Salmon is largely a mystery. One of the missing details is whether or not Salmon have a fixed time life cycle….IOW do this years fry return to spawn in 3 years, 4 years, or ???…and how many return the same year…is this linked to the PDO(El Nino/La Nina)….
    My theory is this has to do with the varying popularity of certain car colours….the increase in wind turbines….

  5. Damn, you’re on to something Sasquatch. Biggest run in years just after Grouse Mountain installs an extraordinarily ugly wind turbine on it’s peak. A coincidence? I think not!

  6. Deep Sea driftnetters from the Far East (Taiwan, Japan, other Sino countries) have had a devastating effect on our salmon resource.
    Of course, that doesn’t stop the left from their self-hate of western culture to find the boogeyman……..

  7. BTJ:
    If the word “decline” wasn’t in the name of the commissions title i would have more empathy for it. The simple fact is that there have been low numbers and high numbers and before prejudging what the trend is, let’s try and learn as best we can what the factors affecting the trends are. “decline” pre-judges the trend, just as “global warming” and “climate change” do.

  8. The usual suspects (natives, envirowhackos, unions, and assorted leftard nutbars) will show up and blame fish farms and white commercial fisherman, of course…..
    Native ‘commercial’ fishing and poaching will NEVER be mentioned, of course

  9. OK, Gord, low years and high years. This year’s estimate is the highest since counts were first made a century ago. Last year’ run was especially low, this year’s was especially high. A connection? Who knows? Certainly not the DFO parasites. The main point is that the chicken little’s are full of shit – again.
    BTJ : Unlike most of the residents here, I often find your posts reasonably well thought out and food for thought but, the ignorance of your silly babble about fish spawning is one for the books. Your “need” to be controversial and pretend to be knowledgeable has overtaken your rationality.

  10. You’d think the Commission members would trumpeting the record run of 34 MILLION SOCKEYE!!
    Biggest run since 1913…WHOOT WHOOT
    Of course doing a longitudinal study requires money and time which doesn’t fit so called ‘steak holders’ objectives.
    You want real science or would you prefer a short term ‘climate change’ – “the science is settled” science?
    In any case, the fish the neighbours brought over was delicious on the BBQ.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  11. The best educated guesses by fisheries technicians and officers in candid conversations are that the Salmon declines are caused by at most, 10 to 20%, fresh water habitat loss or alteration due to both natural events and man caused; another 30% from hit and miss overfishing; and 50 to 60%, the big unknown of what happens while they are en route to the other side of the Pacific and back. The same problems were there before the first Salmon farm showed up in the early eighties.
    Bureaucrats a plenty, careers for life!
    No resolution ever!
    The politics of fishery entitlements with race thrown in for good measure!
    By John Chittick

  12. Now that’s interesting.
    I went for a jog along Spanish Banks (Vancouver) Sunday. In my 31 years here and 100s of walks/jogs in this area, I have never seen political activity. Yesterday, I did. About 100-200 protesters with the obligatory signs, including “We Want Wild Salmon”. I mentally added, “in every pot”. The central thrust was anti-fish farms. Morons.
    I don’t follow this stuff much, but I did seem to remember that the sockeye run was huge which is confirmed here. And sure enough, it was the Sockeye they were most “concerned” about.

  13. Some scientists believe the 34 million boom this year was caused by a volcanic eruption in the Gulf of Alaska in 2008.
    “The ash from that eruption fertilized the ocean, leading to a massive bloom of special phytoplankton called diatoms — an unusually rich source of food for the growing salmon.
    “When you have an adolescent of any kind [and] you give them lots of food, they have lots of energy, and they build strong bodies,” Parsons said.”
    Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2010/10/25/volcano-bc-eruption-sockeye-salmon.html#ixzz13QJddcBu

  14. One of my courses at UBC was an in-depth study of an existing mining project. We got Bralorne, north of Vancouver. A big gold producer 100 years ago. At the bar nearest the site one of the old-timers was talking about how a cyanide pond let loose back in the 30’s (he figured), killed the river stone dead, and left enough toxins in the river kill all other returnees for about 5 years or so. He went on to say “it was 20 years before the salmon runs returned to what they had been before.”
    The morals of the story: not all salmon return to the same streams, nature abhors a vacuum, and fish stocks are much more robust than we give them credit for. Of course, “traditional” methods of native harvesting like leaving nylon nets strung across the full width of the river during long weekends do give the salmon a good run for their money. My uncle was sure glad that the we-live-as-one-with-nature local tribes never caught him and his friends in the 60’s when they’d sneak up-river and cut the nets.

  15. Clearly the Salmon were going somewhere else for their sex-crazed vacations over the past few years.

  16. Me No Dhimmi at October 25, 2010 9:12 PM
    Those anti=fish farm folks are racists. They claim that the “pure” pacific salmon population will be polluted by foreign genes. Imagine if a human racist were to make that remark about humans.

  17. It’s really quite simple and doesn’t need any research grants. The evidence is right before their eyes – the more salmon farms you have and the more sea lice are out in the ocean it will obviously delivered more sockeye into the Fraser. QED, the science is settled. Build more fish farms!
    Next question?

  18. Everyone knows it was Thunderbird.
    When he saw that the People were starving he knew he had to do something. He flew back home. He was tired and hungry when he got there. He munched down a few sockeyes and fell into a deep sleep.
    He had a powerful vision in his sleep. The vision was a special and tasty looking way of preparing sockeye salmon – smoked. When he woke up, he was hungry again … he ate a few more sockeyes. But he really wanted smoked salmon.
    Then he had an idea. He would put 2 sockeyes in every stream, creek and river in BC and let the People make smoked sockeye for him. He had to put the sockeyes in every stream, creek and river in BC because they would never go there by themselves.
    That’s how sockeyes got into every stream, creek and river in BC.

  19. Osumashi Kinyobe, poached socheye is good in a caesar salad with lots of parm, that way you can skip the anchovies in the dressing.(still the dressing is a basic homemade mayo type emulsion + red wine vinegar/freshlemon juice/tobasco
    Teri on BB-Q sockeye steaks is one of my favorites.(best teri sauce is by Rice Road which has sesame seeds and ginger root in it)
    I have great pizza recipe that I created called Pizza Poseidon which has smoked sockeye as a major ingredient.
    Also I make a pie with sockeye and mushroom cream sauce with a cheddar cheese/egg/rice crust instead of pastry that is pretty amazing.

  20. 12 Staff, 10 of which are lawyers. One scientist with strong aboriginal ties.
    Anyone want to guess how this is going to play out?
    With so many lawyers, I’m sure lots of “practical” and un-biased opinions will be in their report. (Where’s the sarcastic smiley?)

  21. Of course the big 3 potential reasons are man/woman-made…kinda arrogant on our part beleiving we can alter Mother/Father Nature this way…Science can stop global warming, but can’t stop the common cold I’m suffering with right now! Frakken arrogance! I’m blaming Suzuki…

  22. “the ignorance of your silly babble about fish spawning is one for the books.”
    Please, show me where I’m wrong then.
    If you deny that large ocean fish are in serious trouble, including salmon, you are completely ignorant to reality.

  23. “Much of the life-cycle of Salmon is largely a mystery. One of the missing details is whether or not Salmon have a fixed time life cycle….IOW do this years fry return to spawn in 3 years, 4 years, or ???…and how many return the same year…is this linked to the PDO(El Nino/La Nina)….”
    What does that have to do with ANYTHING I wrote? Nothing I wrote depends on the length of their life cycle.
    The 4 year Sockeye cycle (where every 4 years has higher numbers) is well documented.
    Please, you people are LAME…you quickly spout about my ‘ignorance’ and how I have it all wrong. But you stop there, no information or explanation of your own.
    Ignorant fools.

  24. “Nothing about poached salmon with lemon-dill sauce is ignorant, BTJ. Nothing.”
    Mahahahahaha..you’re SOOOO funny! Please, if you haven’t already quit your day job to pursue a career in comedy…DO…the world is waiting.

  25. “Somehow tools like BtJ want more of it”
    No, I’d just like to see salmon stick around, and the rest of the oceans yummy fish.
    Seems most of you would like to continue keeping your heads up your ass and just ignore all of our problems by claiming ‘they’re crazy’, but without explaining just what it is that’s crazy.
