Toronto Mayor’s Race

Etc… An open discussion thread.
The little Twitter people are distressed, proving yet again that despite the enthusiastic chatter from media, Twitter remains solidly positioned at the internet fringe. (Translation: People with real jobs don’t have time for Twitter.)

88 Replies to “Toronto Mayor’s Race”

  1. As others mentioned, Rob Ford was declared winner in Toronto 10 minutes after the polls closed.
    Heaps. Layton. Vaughan.
    Cripes, all kinds of fathers and sons have been Toronto councilors.

  2. 9 councillors opted not to run again
    7 incumbents defeated
    That will change TO city hall complexion rather decisively.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. MM……must be those Damn Americans again……
    Good thing Ford wins, but……he has a thankless job ahead, dealing with the catastrophe left behind by Miller the incompetent former mayor.
    Things will get worse before they get better.

  4. So much for that “dead heat”. And even worse for George…he has to be a bottom tonight. Well, at least his boyfriend and illegitimately adopted kid still love him…maybe…
    Go snort a line, Georgie boy…

  5. To the young man from Jane and Finch who dreamed of attending the University of Toronto – Scarborough, but couldn’t because of a lack of transit . . .
    – George Smitherman concession speech.
    Well you see, Georgie, there’s your problem right there. Jane & Finch is right next door to York University. There’s no need for him to go across town to school. He can go to one that’s within spitting distance of his front door.

  6. Food for thought.Both Calgary and Toronto elected new mayors with votes that could be attributed to support (Calgary),and lack of support (Toronto),from the voting block of followers of Islam.

    The Calgary gladhander was the choice of muslims for obvious reasons,while Georgie boy lost their vote in Toronto because of his sexuality. This voting block,which has long been rumoured,can be a very potent force in municipal elections.

  7. Heh, I caught that too Matt. Then I thought about the friends I have that went from the Scarb area to York… on TTC… what’s the problem, can’t read a bus map?

  8. I was flipping between CP24 & the CBC, and once it was determined that Ford would win the CBC stopped its coverage & went back to its normal programming.
    Very strange.

  9. He won in the face of the leftists’ concerted attack. They withdrew candidates so as not split the vote; the Red Star spewed inuendo and bile upon him; unions opposed him.
    Hey, he won! Will we now see him brought down by some trumped-up charge that drags him through the courts for 3 1/2 years until he is thoroughly vindicated? Like a certain Ottawa mayor.
    Here in Ottawa, the Liberal-left provincial cabinet escapee, Watsisname, has found his new sinecure as Ottawa mayor. He made a pact (no proof but it’s as plain as the nose on his face) with the local unions (all government workers) to endorce him (or not-endorce OBrien) for a guaranteed labor peace – read 2% each year and government employment growth, and the unions set the timetables for the busses. This is all a la McGuinty, who he learnt from.

  10. CBC website can’t even bear to say FORD ELECTED MAYOR…….speaks volumes for the inherent leftwing bias of the CBC!

  11. At The Sun the lefties are writing in and saying Ford is going to make big cuts to health care and education. The mayor has more power than I thought.

  12. I wonder how interested Ontario folks are in this election?
    I’ve tried to access local election results Peterborough/CKL and the media servers…crashed.
    I would not worry about Ward 19. Ford promises to cut the number of wards in half. Bye bye Mikey!

  13. Neener neener, Lefties.
    At this point I don’t care if Ford is a worse mayor than Miller was. All the right people are upset by him, so I’m satisfied.

  14. The first thing I thought of when CITY’s youth commenters were going on about how unpopular Ford’s victory was amongst the Twits was wondering if anyone tweeted, “How could Ford have won? Everyone I know voted for Smitherman!” (Is there a Zombie Pauline Kael Twitter account?)

  15. Just checked out the comments at The Star. Most of them are attacking The Star. Very enjoyable. I never thought I’d see what’s happening in politics today. Can’t wait until the next Provincial election.

  16. Quite possibly the least intelligent councilor Ottawa has ever had, Alex Cullen, has to make up 900 votes with only four polling stations left. This was the best outcome for Ottawa that I can see. My useless councilor is ahead by 8 votes with one poll reporting. Please make it a two for two tonight. Having Watson as mayor is another 4 years of tax and spend, with typical Liberal corruption thrown in for good measure.

  17. Mississauga Matt – it’s possible the young man wanted a particular program at Scarborough York, but public transportation does indeed go to that university – There are five bus routes that go there – including a special night bus route.
    It’s quite something to watch the TV stations reporting Ford’s win – they are obviously left, and are speaking to people who all declare that Ford is ‘going to have to learn’ to get along’..utterly ignoring that the majority of Toronto voters – and this was one of the largest voter turnouts in Toronto history – specifically voted for Ford.
    wallyj- I doubt if the reason Smitherman was not elected was because of ‘the Muslim vote’. Smitherman was very population with the left – and Toronto is, by and large, left. Ford won for one basic reason: the economy. People are tired of the fiscal excesses, waste, overcharge and lack of services of Toronto City Hall. Nothing to do with ethnicity or ‘being gay’ or ‘not gay’.

  18. I’m shocked. That piece by John Moore was logical, well-reasoned, and articulate. First time I’ve seen that from Mr. Moore.

  19. The Leftards are shi**ing bricks and their heads are exploding !
    It looks good on them. As usual, they’re all astonished at the landslide. As usual, they’re asking how can it be that Rob Ford has won by such a large margin — especially as they were, uh hum, “predicting” a really close race.
    They’ve got tin ears, insincere hearts, and they had their hands in the cookie jar. They wanted Torontonians to think it was a really close race, hoping that people might decide not to vote for Ford if it was that close, but the reality is, the groundswell was for the lower-the-taxes, kick-the-bums-out!!! candidate, Rob Ford.
    Congratulations, Mayor Ford! The hard work has just begun, but you’re no stranger to hard work. Onward and upward!

  20. Bob Rae was interviewed on the CBC (or was it CTV?) and said that Rob Ford got a lot of help from the United States.
    Why am I not surprised?
    My contempt for this entitled Baby-Point socialist knows no bounds. He seemed stunned, which warmed the cockles of me heart.

  21. Kate said: (Translation: People with real jobs don’t have time for Twitter.)
    Yes Kate! Couldn’t agree with you more. Twitter is to 2010 what Hippies were to the 60’s.

  22. Congrats to mayor Ford! The cherry on top for me is that in my ward Sandra Bussin bites the dust as well by about a 2.5 to 1 margin. Think I’ll me a have beer.

  23. “YarnHarlot: The thing I hate about democracy is that all the people who don’t think like me are still allowed to take part. #voteTO”
    How progressive of them. At least she has the cojones to come out and admit to the real leftist leitmotif.

  24. “As others mentioned, Rob Ford was declared winner in Toronto 10 minutes after the polls closed.”
    That can be attributed to the newly imlpemented scantron ballots, not cuz of the Ford landslide

  25. Yep, the lefty nits on Twitter all say they’re totally gonna leave Toronto now.
    If all Ford did was purge our city of twerps, that’d be enough for me.

  26. Hopefully, his attitude towards bike lanes, street cars, and expanding the metro — which the city sorely needs — will change. You cannot be a fiscal conservative if you do not support mass transit and infill. This is a victory for the suburbs and a loss for the city of Toronto. But carry on partying — he will cut your taxes, which is all you care about. Oh, and he will answer your calls. As much as I disagree with several of Ford’s positions, I admire his dedication to serving his ward. If you had a problem, you could give him a call and he would be ON it; there is a reason the people of Etobicoke love him. I respect that, but I do not think he will be a good mayor.

  27. You cannot be a fiscal conservative if you do not support mass transit
    Yeah, I hear that’s the first rule of economics.

  28. “…but I do not think he will be a good mayor.”
    It will just be nice to have a mayor who doesn’t think I’m a racist, homophobe or redneck just because I think I’m being taxed too much and the money is being wasted on frivolous feel good gestures.

  29. The G&M:
    Mr. Ford’s ability, and frankly, willingness, to implement a strategy that reduces taxes, and constrains growth in spending, without jeopardizing social peace, will be put to the test.”

  30. Yeah, I hear that’s the first rule of economics.

    Yes. That’s why Adam Smith invented the steam engine. ;^)

  31. MSM this morning trumpeting that it was a DEAD HEAT with Smitherman. Undoubtedly, their polls were accurate to “within 2.9% 19 times out of 20” or some such.
    Just goes to show how much they lie. I want to hear someone ask the MSM about this…how could the polls (that are claimed to be oh so accurate) be so far wrong? Are we to distrust polls or are we to recognize that you were “gaming” the statistics?
    C’mon MSM…which one is it?

  32. EBD – that statement refers to the fact that the last mayor, David Miller, essentially handed the city over to the unions. It is their demands that have increased costs exponentially – and, since they are a monopoly and threaten and carry out strikes -well…Miller has given them their salary increases that are double that of the private sector, their unrealistic benefits and pensions..and so on.
    Ford will confront the unions. I suspect that the Unions won’t find it so easy to strike in the future. Of course, they legally can do so, because Miller saw to it that no service, including public transit, is declared ‘essential’. But, the unions must be aware that such a massive win for Ford means that the taxpayer will not look favorably on the ever present greed of the unions.
    The culture at City Hall, in addition, with its free spending ways, will also have to change.

  33. Yeah, I hear that’s the first rule of economics.
    Several new Calgary neighborhoods will not pay for themselves for 100+ years. Toronto is in the same situation. The infrastructure costs associated with urban sprawl should lead all fiscal conservatives to support mass transit, infill, and intelligently designed neighborhoods. There are short-term economic benefits to sprawl, but we pay for these in the long run with our economic, physical, and social well-being.

  34. I caught a quick interview with Nik Nanos and he was asked about the discrepancy between the polls and the actual vote for the Toronto Mayor. His response was essentially, the polls were correct (of course) but the supporters of Ford were more committed and actually voted.

  35. Still nothing on the CBC main site about Ford winning.
    Must be a glitch…
    They do have it on the Toronto section.
