15 Replies to “What Would We Do Without Newsweek?”

  1. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! The Great Obozo has spoken!
    with appologies to Professor Marvel

  2. We haven’t heard from the New York Times & Friends yet. An NY Times/CAIR/ACORN/SEIU Brownshirts/Chicago Democratic Machine poll will no doubt show Democrats winning most races handily.

  3. Yep, ye old buck-a-pop Newsweak…The very bottom of the gutter glossy rag par excellence.
    ABC news this morning have predicted the house will go Republican and the senate is now up for grabs with a strong lean towards a Republican win if the same trend continues until the end of the week.
    Yeah Baby!

  4. The huffpo fired it’s pollster after they missed calling several of the primaries in the summer – until then they had been a consistent pro-dem outlier much as newsweek has been. Newsweek apparently hasn’t and thus will wear even more egg on their face than they already do for being so blatantly – obtusely – biased.
    Will they fire them after nov2?
    Will the NYT fire Krugman after the economy recovers due to a return to fiscal sanity under a GOP house (and senate?) ?
    If they don’t then their dive in readership and revenues will only accelerate. And they will have no one to blame but their hubris-wracked selves.

  5. I hope they’re right RHTT, because then the fun really starts. All things considered, conservatives have done quite well regarding their demeanor during this Super Majority held by the Democrats. Sure, there’s been a little ODS here and there, but other than that, smooth sailing. I predict the Progressives go supernova if they lose both houses.
    I’ll be watching election coverage on MSNBC to get the most enjoyment.
    Fingers X’d

  6. grok
    […….Polls make no difference when you steal the election…….]
    Motor voters
    Voter lists full on phony and deceased votors.
    illegal aliens registered to vote.
    Delayed mailing of absentee ballots to deployed military.
    Support for bogus TEA party/conservative candidates to siphon off Rep votes…
    Did I miss anything…the democRATs haven’t…
    In the words of Mark Steyn…pre-revolutionary conditions….
    What matters is who COUNTS the votes…

  7. I admire Newsweek’s steely resolve in the face of overwhelming evidence of the Democrat’s impending catastrophe. Perhaps this could be printed on their masthead:
    “Never be deterred by the evidence.”

  8. sasquatch – I once had a discussion with a cabinet minister who was a little blotto – she said that her party supported the weakest candidate in the opposition party’s leadership contest. After he got elected, his financial support mysteriously disappeared. . . . .

  9. With the previous Black Panthers Voter interference, serving as a preview, this years polling stations situations should be vewy vewy interesting….
    Anyone signing up to ride shotgun?

  10. Newsweek long ago became a petrified Paper weight magazine.
    Its locked in time, a relic of the dino media.
