51 Replies to “Who Put The Grenade In Omar Khadr’s Lunchbox?”

  1. following the right wing logic of locking up civilian terrorist combatants, should we not review the actions of the French Underground during WW II?
    or does that only apply to *enemy* combatants?
    I wonder if the wikileaks stuff will point to more secret foreign CIA linked detention centres.
    anybody got a programme?

  2. beagle….and following the left wing “logic” (if I can use that oxymoron) if we are going to do some time travel back to WWII, then let’s go all the way. Khadr should have been executed on the spot.

  3. @beagle
    That is the most ill-informed, convoluted, breathtakingly stupid analogy attempt I’ve ever heard…on numerous levels.
    Do you know any history surrounding the french resistance and the National Socialists response?

  4. Is the NYT’s Charlie Savage a complete idiot, or was he simply too lazy to find out exactly what constitutes a ‘child soldier’? 14 and under, and wearing the uniform of a recognized legitimate army. Khadr had neither. He was fighting with insurgents against the Afghan national army and the invited armies. Case closed.

  5. You don’t get Geneva Convention protection unless you wear a uniform.
    If you go back to WWII, even the Hitler Youth (clearly under age combatants) had a well defined uniform recognizable on the battlefield.
    Speaking as a descendant of the HUNS of course…
    For a lighthearted expose on uniforms try this Armstrong and Miller send up:
    “We’re supposed to be fighting for freedom, and they’re taking away my trousers.”
    No uniform is a good way to get shot PDQ!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  6. Well, well, the Liberal/NDP/MSM poster boy pleads guilty to being a murdering terrorist. People forget that one of his brothers is in a wheel chair after being shot up fighting our troops and we have the pleasure now of paying his way. He has another brother that is wanted by the US on terrorism charges.(We are protecting him here in Canada) Meanwhile his mother and sister condone all these actions while they sit back and enjoy our welfare and health care benifits.
    The whole damn family should be stripped of their citizenship and shipped back to the hell hole they came from!

  7. Al, you racist Islamophobe, you! 🙂
    grok, it’s hard to say if the Times reporter is too lazy to do his job or if he’s an idiot. I suspect probably both.
    It takes about a 1 minute google to find the complete texts of the Geneva Conventions, along with much easily understood scholarly commentary. Under these Geneva Conventions, there are three categories of persons: “lawful combatants”; “civilians”; and “unlawful combatants”. Terrorist are “unlawful combatants”, just like spies and saboteurs, and like them, also liable for perfectly legal summary execution.
    One cannot be a “child soldier” unless a uniformed “child soldier” of a lawful, legitimate army that is 1. answerable to a chain of command, 2. wearing uniforms and/or other distinctive markings and 3. carrying their arms openly. That rules out Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists, which includes the “Canadians of convenience”, the males of the Khadr family.
    (BTW, the US Army summarily executed a number of German Army soldiers captured in US Army uniform during the Battle of the Bulge. Doing that changes a “lawful combatant” into an “unlawful combatant”. These Germans were misdirecting traffic, tearing down road signs and generally making as much havoc behind the Allied lines as they could. A number were captured, given the proverbial drumhead courts-martial in the field and put up in front of firing squads. You can google to read about this and also look at official photos taken of the executions. This is what should have happened to the Khadr brothers.)

  8. That homicidal fascist vermin should have been Semrau’d on the spot.
    No uniform, hiding behind women and children, battlefield justice should have been applied.
    And there is nothing Canadian about him, except his mollycoddled darling status by the libtard media complex.
    They never met a lethal enemy within they did not love.
    Here’s wishing they will be the casualty list of the first domestic attack that slips by our security services.
    With continuing massive immigration from populations soaked in that fascism, racism loving imperialist cult, the numbers will overwhelm our capability to police it.
    Canada, your government is failing you in its most basic duty, that of keeping you safe.

  9. CBC reports that this piece of filth will be returned to Canada to serve the balance of his sentence after a maximum of 1 year in jail in the USA.
    I fervently pray other inmates administer appropriate justice before the year is up.

  10. Ohhhhhhh…..I can’t wait to see the Commie Brocasting Corps take on this one.
    They’ll probably say the little darling was tortured within hair of his life.
    And beagle…don’t let your brain wander alone.It’s too small to be out on its own.

  11. Justthinkin….the Commie Broadcasting Corps is already all over it. And the leftie weenie comments on the story indicate the level to which the left has been brainwashed. Some of the comments are breathtakingly stupid. Dumb to the bone.

  12. I actually do feel sorry for Khadr, up to a point (should I duck?). 15 is very, very young, and you’d be doing well to grow up non-psycho in a family like that. (They’ve never been charged with child abuse, have they? I mean really, what does it take?)
    But from what I’ve seen nobody seems to have done anything to rehabilitate/un-brain-wash him over the years (since that would have involved un-indoctrinating him it probably would have constituted a human rights vioation, b@tshit crazy Wahabi terrorism being his religion and all). Aside from the man he murdered, he’s obviously still a threat, simple as that, so throw away the key.

  13. He will be excused as lying in his claim of guilt. So no worries, Baby Omar will still be hailed as an innocent when he comes home.
    You see there was only one answer….his innocence….and it matters not whether he lies or tells the truth his supporters will only hear innocence.
    Now he is already suing the Canadian government for 10 million for the offense against his rights…..done by Foreign Affairs officials under a Liberal government….another fact that will be forgotten when the Khadr’s media acolytes write the story.
    I’ll stick with the verdict of the court which is guilty based on the accussed’s own admission.

  14. Black Mamba
    I would bet that his penchant for jihad is as ingrained as my work ethic and passion for hockey.
    Omar is a product of his family and no amount of rehabilitation is going to change the spots on that cat.
    He will be coming back to Canada and the only solace I can take is that he might end up rooming with Williams.

  15. Al W: “The whole damn family should be stripped of their citizenship and shipped back to the hell hole they came from!”
    YES!!!! Why can’t we do that!!

  16. YES!!!! Why can’t we do that!!
    Because there is no provision for it in law.
    We are a nation of laws.
    If a provision in law was written and passed tomorrow, we still couldn’t do it because the law is not retroactive.

  17. syncrodox
    […….He will be coming back to Canada and the only solace I can take is that he might end up rooming with Williams…….]
    Yeah….Yeah…he’s got just the right stuff….
    Realistically Khadr will be isolated, then usual suspects will declare this cruel and unusual, and the lad can then stab himself 42 times with his own knife in the shower…with no witnesses…

  18. The Germans had every right to take reprisals against the French resistance. And they did. Often.
    It was the severity of those reprisals that got the Germans into hot water.
    The French and Greek (Communist) partisans did some pretty nasty deeds that went unpunished in the post war years.
    Read up sometime on what the Greek partisans and civilians did to the German paratroopers on Crete..

  19. @ Black Mamba
    He’s not really brainwashed. Well he is in the sense that Buddhists are brainwashed and Jews are brainwashed and those Christians! They’re so washed their brains are like clean linens waving happily in the sunday morning breeze! Haha.
    He’s just living up to the spirit of mohammed. You know, sulking around in the desert and ambushing medics trying to help people? Maybe we can turn him to the dark side with the soothing power of bacon but the notion that he ought to be re-educated is a dangerous one.
    Anyways Khadr’s not like a REAL child soldier from Africa or something where he is forced to machete his family to death, suffer rape and some genuine trauma. Even if he did machete his family we still shouldn’t be rehabilitating him, we should give him a medal! >:D

  20. I’ve always wondered why those who blame his “upbringing” did not call for the other Khadr children to be seized by child welfare officials.

  21. Oh, I do.
    @Louise – an even better question is why they were ever let in in the first place.

  22. M
    Criticize Christians all you want…….they don’t wear vests made of C4, blowing themselves up and taking innocent victime with them!

  23. Kadhr was not an innocent boy…thats the norm in third world countries still in the 10th century…its to bad he won’t be coming back in a body bag…I guess when he gets back here he will whine about the US medic’s that saved his life on the battle field…MMmm…I mean tortured him on the battle field…what a waste of time and money..

  24. The angst over “child soldier” is really anti-american, anti-george bush bias. If 15 yr old Omar had killed a Canadian soldier there would have been demands that he be tried as an adult and punished to the max.

  25. this is not as complex as some would have us believe. but it is complicated.
    he was, as Dave in Pa stated @ 5:53 PM, a very young man – but let’s not get the young offenders act confused with the geneva convention (ibid). and let’s not subscribe to making allowances for his beliefs because this is not some civilized discussion. he is, after all, being tried under western military law and has yet to publicly admit any wrongdoing in spite of the advantages of copping a plea which will provide a better outcome for himself in the long term – nothing can change that. i believe there is some grace in it.
    this is not the same as having a video of your decapitation broadcast around the world on youtube.
    however you want to slice it – it is terribly important that he be given the opportunity to reflect on his actions and that the circumstances under which those reflections take place is not at liberty. he is a young man and is more than capable of figuring it out by himself.
    perhaps after his confinement, he will want to seek out some country that will hail him as a hero – who knows? no matter what he decides for himself in the future (hopefully, after a very long time incarcerated) – he will, no doubt, understand that there are consequences for actions and the rule of law in the west is very different from the rules proscribed by his prophet.

  26. Would the person posting as “beagle” please choose the name of another dog if he hasn’t the sense to just use his own name. I had a beagle once,it was an intelligent well behaved animal, and would never have made the analogy the impostor “beagle ” did.
    Maybe you could use “Fifi” instead.
    btw,the NAZIs would have shot Omar,then killed his entire family,and probably wiped out half his home village for doing to a German soldier what Omar did to an American soldier.

  27. @ DanBC
    Oh Dan, I was only being facetious if you couldn’t tell. But hell maybe they should! It would be an interesting experiment to say the least if the lordly ruling class would react as gently as they would to the months of anarchy and burning autos in Paris.

  28. I am not sorry saying justice would have been served had the “child” foucker been shot on the spot. It’s disgusting, with all that is truely news worthy in our country, that our own CBC seems to fawn over this piece of sheit like he’s worth more attention than our own needy and destitude. Like the rats at NPR, south of the border, the CBC needs to be defunded now. If this doesn’t show it what will?

  29. If he had killed a Canadian, we would have patted him on the head and called him a victim, screw the Canadian soldier. After all The little” Pig Turd “is a victim, and victims trump all in our Canadian way of thinking.

  30. He will be brought back to Canada to serve out the rest of his sentence in a Canadian prison. Of course, under Canuck law, he will be awarded two-for time served awaiting trial, meaning in law he will have been imprisoned 16 years already. I predict he’ll be released within two weeks of arriving in Canada and will immediately become a media darling to the CBC (and a lot of other Canuck media) and will receive millions of taxpayer dollars in “compensation” for having his human rights violated.

  31. I guess Arar set the bar at 10 Mil for what foreign nationals(I know Khadr was born here,but he should have his papers pulled), can soak the poor Canadian taxpayer. “We” are the victims here.

  32. The Arar ‘award’ rankles, BIG-time, especially considering his current anti-CSIS activities.

  33. If Khadr is guilty then so is the CBC.
    They lied for him for years.
    They should build a big Guitmo for the CBC staff.
    Hey a guy can dream can’t he?

  34. We can’t do “double jeopardy” since the little b@st@rd has copped a guilty plea for murder, but we can try him for treason if we get our hands on him. That should be good for life in prison with no parole.
    …And I just wish the lefties/media would drop the “child soldier” nonsense. He wasn’t and he was an unlawful combatant. Blindfold, wall, bang in any other war.

  35. Read Spector’s column
    to see the real culprit in the Khadr file was Jean Chretien who showed little spine and played a major role om unleashing the Khadr family on our allies as well as Canadians. For this Chretien should never be forgiven and he should pay the price by reminding all Canadians how he undermined good against evil.
    I have never forgiven Chretien for treating Saddam Hussein with kid gloves as he terrorized his neighbors in the middle east and his opponents in Iraq and was nowhere to be found when a united front was needed to deal with Hussein and Iraq – he weaseled his way out.
    How Canadians could be proud of this weasel is beyond me.
    He is also the same weasel who ran a federal election campaign on “axe the tax” and never had any intentions of doing so ( or even reducing the tax). That’s when Canadians should have realized honesty and him are complete strangers.

  36. Wanna bet that once this waste of skin is back on Canadian soil the media won’t be able to refer to him by name? Remember, under our current screwy rules he was technically a minor when he did his bad… and ya’ll know how our system works with minors… he’ll be out and “compensated” without our knowledge if my guess is correct.

  37. Why is anyone feeling sorry for this @$$hole? Omar Khadr is one member of a sociopathic terrorist family capable of manipulation and murder. From constructing bombs to carrying around dismembered hands, Omar Khadr was a willing participant in committing terrorist acts against Americans. When he was caught, at no point did he express remorse for killing a medic. He made wild accusations of abuse and torture. He expressed kindness only to those he thought would advance his cause. The cherry on top of this fetid sundae is his rotten, free-loading family.
    Omar Khadr received only a pittance of what he truly deserves. Had he been a mere punk on the street, would there be an outpouring of sympathy for him? Perhaps not as much as what he truly is- an Islamic terrorist.

  38. “…he was, as Dave in Pa stated @ 5:53 PM, a very young man” Posted by: johnnyonline at October 25, 2010 9:35 PM” Nope, re-read my remark. I did not say that. And anyway, as far as I’m concerned, Omar Khadr’s age doesn’t excuse a thing.
    That includes the murder of which he just plead guilty and what Canadian law, as noted by Aviator at 11:16PM, may consider his actions treasonous. I refer to Article 46 of the Criminal Code of Canada, from the Dept. of Justice website:
    “PART II, Article 46
    Treason and other Offences against the Queen’s Authority and Person
    High treason
    46. (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,
    (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or
    (c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.”
    …Punishment for high treason
    47. (1) Every one who commits high treason is guilty of an indictable offence and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life.”

    Since by authority of the Canadian Govt, Canadian Forces, at the time of the Khadr brothers service with the Taliban/Al Qaeda, are and were in combat in Af-stan, don’t the actions of both Khadr brothers fit the above sections of the Criminal Code? Anyone care to comment on this?

  39. They certainly would seem to Dave in Pa. Moreover, he’s plead guilty to the charges levied at him by U.S. authorities. It would seem to me the appropriate Canadian officials should at least look at it.
    I won’t hold my breath though. More than likely, as other posters pointed out, my tax dollars are going to go towards a healthy monetary sum for “compensation” for this little bastar d.

  40. I’d be happy to pull the trigger if this pos “unlawfull combatant” steps foot on Canadian soil.
    When the system fails, or is so corrupt, you need to clean house yourself.

  41. Thanks Peter b…. I was just winding down for bed, and you had to go and remind me of “The Little Strangler from Shenanigans”… instant acid reflux…

  42. dave in pa –
    just re-read it and honestly can’t figure out where it came from…
    my regrets for assigning the words “a very young man” to you. let me retract and restate it like this:
    i know it is true that he was (at the time) a very young man – literally misguided in his actions in every way by his father and everyone else around him and that he was an unlawful combatant but he survived the battlefield. and that he deserves whatever he gets. that cannot be denied or undone.
    i don’t think his age or any of the “child soldier” nonsense holds any water or makes him innocent in any way but it is nonetheless something to be considered as tragic. just to be clear – this does not translate into any sympathy for him.
    my take on it is that the administration (part of the closing down gitmo admin) wants him off their hands and the guilty plea is part of a deal for him to serve out his sentence in canada.
    i’d rather see him finish his sentence (whatever that turns out to be) in the usa – but that is probably not going to happen. being charged with treason in canada is probably not going to happen either.
    why? it would take 110% of canada’s population crying out for that and it is certain his mom and sister would get 50% of the attention from our beloved cbc and because that washed up story of being a “child soldier” has got legs. this whole story is just one big bag of putrid – there’s no getting away from that.
    i am sure of only one thing – he is not going to be compensated for murder. his life is going to be one big bag of putrid for a long time.

  43. Was always uncomfortable with the charge of murder, they should have stuck with the charge of being an unlawful combatant and war crimes in regards to the videotape of him making bombs. I personally don’t want him or his family back and I hope our government takes every legal step to prevent them. Also a new law should be created making it a crime of treason to fight against the government of any country where we have troops engaged in combat operations.

  44. I was surprised that Black Mamba wrote, “I actually do feel sorry for Khadr, up to a point (should I duck?). 15 is very, very young, and you’d be doing well to grow up non-psycho in a family like that.”
    But then, IMO, she reaches the right conclusion: this person is a clear and present danger to us. It’s not his fault that his family is a poisonous nest of vipers—but, his fault or not, he’s a viper too. (The bite of a just- hatched black mamba can kill a man!)
    The idea that young people cannot act in an intentionally evil manner is another leftie myth—the one that’s fuelled our ridiculous “Young Offender’s Act”. By the age of seven or eight—Bloom’s Taxonomy, I believe, and didn’t the Jesuits say, “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will show you the man?”—children can be moral agents, and some deliberately make wrong, ethical choices that hurt others.
    Believe me, especially since the Charter of Rights (sic), and thanks to our all-left, all-the-time public school systems, an arrogant sense of entitlement has been nurtured in a critical mass of our young people, including seven and eight year olds. (Actually, in children much younger: some kindergarten classes, with their tiny socio/psychopathic charges, are hell to be in!) The idea that, at FIFTEEN, Khadr had no moral choice in his actions is altogether ludicrous.
    In all of this, Chretien’s despicable aiding and abetting of the dangerous and parasitic Khadr family should be kept front and centre. (As should his treacherous decision to stay out of Iraq—in order to protect his and his in-laws, the Desmarais’s, business interests there: what a snake that man is!) Like many others here, I believe the Khadrs are low-life traitors. On that count, they should be stripped of their citizenship and free lunch on the Canadian taxpayer’s dime, and sent back to the Neanderthal society they came from.
    Now, THAT would be justice!

  45. P.S. Re unruly and out of control 3 to 5 year olds: their parents WON’T discipline them and teachers are NOT ALLOWED to. So, these Little Emperors/Empresses will reach the age of moral accountability the little barbarians they already are!
    In our public school systems, virtually all tried and true methods of disciplining have been deep sixed: e.g., physically restraining, like holding a wrist, is now considered assault; raising one’s voice and speaking truth to insubordination is considered “mean”; a detention after school: “You can’t do that. You’ll have to pay my mom for the guitar lesson I’ll be late for” . . .
    Schools’ and boards’ multiple Behaviour Codes—like the Geneva Convention in Khadr’s case— are “custom[s]/ More honor’d in the breach than the observance.” (Shakespeare)
    All this crass pandering to and appeasing of the thugs and bullies is utter cr*p. We’re doomed if we don’t turn it around.
    Go, Rob Ford—and I can see November 2 from where I sit!!

  46. Just as Cretin brought the father, so will Stevie bring the son. Isn’t that nice?

  47. Theres no good reason that I can see as to why the prick survived to arrive in Cuba.
    So send him back to where he was picked up and let him try to survive.
