38 Replies to “Get To The Back Of The Bus”

  1. What’s his 2012 slogan going to be? “Get Whitey — Vote Obama?

    I hope so! It’s kinda catchy.

  2. He’s gonna reward his friends? From all the bowing and ass-kissing,it seems he wants Islamic?Muslim terrorists as his friends. Guess birds of a feather flock together,and all that.

  3. Not only should the GOP go ‘to the back of the bus’ – an astonishing statement from a leader of any country against half the citizens of that nation…but..Obama claims that anyone who rejects His policies does so out of: ignorance or religious bias or racism or…
    Never out of the act of reason. He claims that He and His people alone deal only within ‘science, reason, facts and logic’….while the hoi polloi who criticize or question Him, live in caves within a climate of fear.
    The narcissistic arrogance of Obama is beyond belief.
    By the way, speaking of another megalomaniac, how about the Wikileaks founder and his agenda? VDH has a superb column on this at National Review:
    “We are engaged in a great experiment to see whether the U.S. military can still persist in a conflict when it knows that any and all of its private communications can become public — and will be selectively aired and hyped by people with a preconceived bias against it.”
    “So we now have a war within a war — one to defeat the enemy, and quite another, to preemptively backtrack, footnote, and explain the context of one’s actions for future armchair judges and jurors who will adjudicate battle behavior from the library carrel. Note here that no other government bureau or private entity functions under quite such rules of engagement — the communications of Mr. Obama’s staff are not public; we don’t read the internal memos of Warren Buffett or Bill Gates; the minutes of New York Times editorial meetings remain private; we don’t even get to read the private communications and discussions that the often petulant Julian Assange conducts with his own WikiLeaks team and learn whether there is dissent among his staff over his own ethics and methods. Surely a leaker of any and all things should not demand privacy for himself?”

  4. It’s an idea which might work if a majority of
    Americans were black. Who does he think he is –
    a Mau-Mau leader like some of his relatives?
    As Thomas Sowell has said, O is a very divisive

  5. Back of the bus, under the bus, it’s all the same to this narcissistic piece of dodo.

  6. I don’t believe he didn’t register the connotation of “…they gotta sit in back.” – he’s a weird, weird guy; underneath the chilly exterior he’s emotionally unstable and unable to handle the stress. He won’t run for a second term (for one thing, the dems. won’t have him).
    None of this ultimately matters if ObamaCare isn’t repealed.

  7. Black Mamba
    [……..- he’s a weird, weird guy; underneath the chilly exterior he’s emotionally unstable and unable to handle the stress. He won’t run for a second term (for one thing, the dems. won’t have him)………]
    Math is obviously not his strong suite….
    His alleged base—youth, blacks, hispanics and leftwing jews, hard left…..is crumbling.
    Hispanics and the jews are leaving the tent, youth never voted anyway and won’t…and blacks are a 14% minority….that is also fraying…
    The hard left is leaving disappointed….
    My prediction is that he will do something to trigger a civil war or need restraint by the white jacket brigade……..
    Lately he has that crazy look to him….

  8. Lately he has that crazy look to him….
    or as Limbaugh called it ‘demonic’!
    I’m waiting for the little flecks of foam to show up in the corners of his mouth. By my calculations they should start appearing no later than Nov 3, 2010.

  9. I was stunned when I read that “sit in the back” comment from the Anointed One. There is no way — NO WAY — the racial overtones were not deliberate. Not in America. An appeal to the black base, to get them agitated to vote, is the only logical explanation. Quite something for America’s first post-racial president.
    Slightly off topic, speaking of his black base, Charles Krathaumer made an extremely astute observation the other day, something I had not considered. We hear much from Democratic pundits about how Obama is in the same range as Reagan and Clinton at this same time of their terms with respect to approval/disapproval. But, Krathaumer accurately points out that Obama has a built in 12%-14% handicap from black voters who, monolithically (90%+), vote for him. With that point considered, Obama’s disapproval ratings are considerably worse than either Reagan or Clinton.

  10. Health care IS the key, I agree with Mamba. Americans need to be asking themselves the following question: Going forward, how much better will America’s overall financial picture be if the health care bill is repealed at all levels? I’ve maintained for some time now, that if it wasn’t for the health care bill, long-term deficit numbers will improve greatly, and life will return to normal for Americans. America can recover from an errant stimulus program, but not from this crushing deficit going forward. Repeal the health care bill, and let the liberals keep the 500 billion in unspent stimulus funds. How’s that for a compromise?
    There are many fancy things I’d like and I can’t afford. Sometimes I put SOME of those things on credit. SOMETIMES! American’s need to remember that the vast majority of the money they will be owing hasn’t been spent, nor borrowed yet. Once this message is articulated, commons sense should prevail.
    Okay, time to wake-up now.
    Oh yeah, regarding TOTUS, he suffers from the same ailment the rest of the Progressives suffer from, overconfidence. The Progressives got their Super Majority, but failed to realize they obtained it because of public disgust with the previous government, not because of public support for their ideology. The Progressives have over-played their hand so to speak, TOTUS included.
    Soon it appears things will be back to normal. The GOP in control of 2/3s of the government, and the Progressives back in opposition; which is where they belong, and what they’re good at.
    One wonders if the “classic liberals” will attempt to retake the Democratic Party; or, if too many have jumped ship already to reorganize and regain their party. I’d guess ‘no’.

  11. Colin- I think you are absolutely right; that remark was a deliberate goad to Obama’s black base to get out and vindicate their perennial sense of victimhood by voting against the GOP and sending THEM to the ‘back of the bus’.
    Obama is divisive, deliberately polarizing, setting factions against each other, and is himself, racist: anti-white, anti-American.
    Yes, interesting comment by Krauthammer. If you remove that slavish black base, which Obama keeps on a short leash – his numbers are very low. But more and more black people are openly rejecting Obama and resent his lumping them all together in an identity group.

  12. Barry! You see what happens when you try to wing it? You need me, Barry, like an addict needs his fix…

  13. ET: “The narcissistic arrogance of Obama is beyond belief.”
    He perfected grandiosity in the 2008 campaign; the Berlin speech is evidence.
    His ‘thug’ side is coming out louder and clearer now. For all his touted ‘brilliance’ and ‘eloquence,’ I’ve heard better, more intelligent speakers at union conventions. Pound the lectern and insult your political opponent; that’s the way it’s done.
    The President is showing his TRUE colours.

  14. I’m scared that after the Republicans sweep the boards (I touched wood) in a few days, the tea-party types will slack off and decide “crisis over”. I really am. Momentum is hard to maintain; and remember, if America goes down, there’s precious little hope for the rest of us.
    ObamaCare must be repealed. It’s a big f*(k!ng deal.

  15. I can hear Michelle O, from the White House kitchen:
    “Would you PLEASE GROW UP for f*cks sake. Your embarrassing us!”.

  16. Kate stated: “What’s his 2012 slogan going to be? “Get Whitey — Vote Obama?”
    Oh Baby, I am glad you said that Kate. If I had said that would have been called all sorts of racist bigotted christian comments, ;- )

  17. “I’m scared that after the Republicans sweep the boards (I touched wood) in a few days, the tea-party types will slack off and decide “crisis over”. I really am. Momentum is hard to maintain; and remember, if America goes down, there’s precious little hope for the rest of us.
    ObamaCare must be repealed. It’s a big f*(k!ng deal.”
    Black Mamba
    Don’t worry mam, the tea party ideology will remain and will keep growing unless a miracle occurs and we are all transported back pre Oct 2008 when most of us were sleeping…The Republican party was chosen by the movement…It better not dissapoint or like Rush said, “Will be the bell to start building a third national party for the 2012 elections…Bottom line, the Dems are toast for some time and the Reps will be put on notice starting Nov. 3rd.
    Related must read by Mark Steyn which I have the privilege to see next monday night:

  18. RHTT – You know, do me a favour? Could you say “Mamba”, instead of Ma’am? It’s just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title… 😉

  19. The office ages a person but if you go back to the inaugeration and compare to what he looks like now he seems at double normal process. He seems to be losing control and this is a last gasp. There is a good possibility he will loose both Houses. Rally the squadrons and vote to the last dead guy.

  20. I’m worried that the Tea Party ideals of limited constitutional government will be unable to win over the RINO types that remain…
    although in a demented sort of way, I’d like to see the Democrats take the governorship of California for the next few years… just to finish them off.
    I don’t want to see the Republicans take the governorship, and then have to tell those idiots that the piggy bank is empty. Democrat ideals wounded their state, let them finish their work.
    “back of the bus” will always offend.

  21. I’d say his comment has more to do with the fact that the GOP is a buncha eff-ups.
    A quick re-cap: They failed to stop the 911 attacks (despite having been warned), launched two wars that were handled horribly, turned the US into a torture state, making it less safe, and presided over the worst economic crash in 70 years.
    So yeah, they don’t get to drive, AND they don’t get to ride shotgun. They can as Obama said, sit in the back.
    But hey… don’t let me stand in the way of one of your paranoid, “the white man is being beaten down” rant.

  22. “…….RHTT – You know, do me a favour? Could you say “Mamba”, instead of Ma’am? It’s just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title… 😉
    Posted by: Black Mamba at October 26, 2010 5:00 PM….”
    Mamba, did you really have to do that?
    The cat is hanging from the drapes in fright.
    The thing is, the Major-General blinked slightly and said, “yes — Senator” but there was total silence in the chamber when he so ‘calmly’ replied to that silly b*tch’s inane question.
    Then the whispering began. (and the tittering)

  23. I’m scared that after the Republicans sweep the boards (I touched wood) in a few days, the tea-party types will slack off and decide “crisis over”.
    ~Black Mamba
    Rest assured, Black Mamba, that the Tea Party blames the Republicans as much for “Big Government” as they do the Democrats.
    The only reason they haven’t started a clear 3rd party alternative yet is that they see the Dems as a much bigger threat to America and they don’t want the Dems to win through vote splitting.
    The Republicans are on probation and they’ll stay that way until they act like small government conservatives.

  24. Is it just me or do others also find it beyond insane that the President of the United States is able to use the “Enemy” term against American voters who happen to disagree with him yet completely incapable of using it to describe ACTUAL ENEMIES of America?!?!?

  25. Level headed, business minded Americans MUST do everything they can to remove this demonic bastard, just look at the faces this man makes, scares the devil himself I bet. Obongo has one mission and he is well on his way with it, that is to destroy the most benevolent nation on the planet, all the sycophants can say what they want, this clown is evil. Two steps forward, one back has been his motto from inaguration.

  26. O”scoop the poop” in Rhode Island.
    “Mr. Obama concluded his remarks at about 7:30, saying he couldn’t stay for dinner.
    “I’ve got to go home to tuck in the girls and walk the dog and scoop the poop,” he said.”
    “Obama speaks at Chace house, skips lobster, steak”
    Christy said:
    People paid $7500 a head and he blew them off to scoop poop? Ouch.”

  27. “skips lobster, steak”
    Well of course he skipped supper lobster isn’t halal for some muslims.

  28. Where is a white Rosa Parks when you need her?
    No Al Sharpton or Media Matters to be found either.
    My, my, my……………..
    I wonder if Obamba is going to implement laws for segregated restrooms, restaurants and other public facilities now – Here’s an original idea, one side black the other side white.
    “Back of the bus” They do constantly call the GOP middle aged white folks don’t they?

  29. He didn’t say “bus”, and his comments were part of his now routine quip about how the Republicans drove the country into a ditch and want the keys back.
    Trying to spin this as some kind of racial issue only comes across as desperate, histrionic, and dishonest.

  30. And yet, Audrey II, I’m willing to bet the when the voices in Maureen Dowd’s head whispered “boy” to her you found that interpretation quite plausible.
    It’s sad that the the site you link to is a sarcastic homage to this one with, I’m quessing, about 1/1000th the traffic.
