Reader Tips

At one point during the appearance on FOX that got him fired from NPR, Juan Williams saidI don’t think there’s any way to get away from these facts.” He was, sadly, incorrect; members of the progressive left are more than capable of getting away from any fact whatsoever. Here’s a short and funny animated primer on How Liberals Argue. Sound familiar?
(h/t Robert W.)
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

39 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Excerpt from PJ O’Rourke’s “They Hate Our Guts”:
    “Democrats aren’t just dateless dweebs clambering upon the Statue of Liberty carrying a wilted bouquet and trying to cop a feel. Theirs is a different kind of love story. Power, not politics, is what the Democrats love. Politics is merely a way to power’s heart. When politics is the technique of seduction, good looks are unnecessary, good morals are unneeded, and good sense is a positive liability. Thus Democrats are the perfect Lotharios. And politics comes with that reliable boost for pathetic egos, a weapon: legal monopoly on force. If persuasion fails to win the day, coercion is always an option.
    “Armed with the panoply of lawmaking, these moonstruck fools for power go about in a jealous rage. They fear power’s charms may be lavished elsewhere, even for a moment.
    “This is not an election on November 2. This is a restraining order. Power has been trapped, abused and exploited by Democrats. Go to the ballot box and put an end to this abusive relationship. And let’s not hear any nonsense about letting the Democrats off if they promise to get counseling.”
    The whole thing here.
    (h/t Linkiest)

  2. I can’t take those automated animated movies seriously ever since I saw the “HTC vs iPhone” and the “Honest Lesbian Relationship” ones. Also there’s the fact that this one is not as awesome because it doesn’t star adorable big headed animals 😛 IT HAS THE WIFIS!
    Anyways in all the hubbub about Omar Khadr and Juan Williams I think you’re all forgetting the REAL story of importance.
    Randy Quaid is seeking asylum in Canada and needs our help to save him from the murderous “hollywood star whackers”. Those star whackers mean business! I ran into one of them once and he had all these whacking instruments but I’ve got not star power so he didn’t wanna whack me. Phew.

  3. Kate:
    I heard Adler commenting on yr commication to him….You did, and for all the rest of us knuckle-dragging perons, who actually pay taxes, proud.
    Good on you.

  4. Excerpt from an interview with Dr. John Drew, a classmate of Barack Obama’s at Occidental College in East LA:
    J. Drew: Well, this is what I know for sure, and this is why I’d sought you out, to be helpful to the historic record, is to verify that Barack Obama was definitely a Marxist and that, it was very unusual for a sophomore to be as radical, or as ideologically attuned as young Barack Obama was. I think people like David Remnick [a biographer], they make it sound like Frank Marshall Davis had no impact on Obama and that his friend Mohammed Shandu somehow converted him to Marxism at Occidental. And my impression is that Obama was the leader of that group and Obama was already very ardent and committed to Marxism.
    Q: …John, you had told me before, and I’m reading from my book, that “Obama was already an ardent Marxist in the fall of 1980 when I met him. I know it’s incendiary to say this, but although he said in Dreams From My Father that he’d ‘hung out with Marxist professors’, he did not explain in that book or clarify is that he was 100% in total agreement with those professors.
    J. Drew: Yeah, you’ve got that exactly right. Obama believed, at the time I met him, this was probably around Christmas time in 1980. I’d flown out on Christmas break from Cornell, where I was in grad school. And Obama was looking forward to an imminent social revolution, literally a movement where the working classes would overthrow the ruling class and institute a kind of socialist Utopia in the United States. I mean, that’s how extreme his views were his sophomore year of college.
    Q: So you had a realistic sense that, even though you liked these ideas, that you knew they wouldn’t really work?
    J. Drew: Right… [There were some] who were puzzled why they didn’t see Marx’s predictions come true, and weren’t interested in the role of psychology or false consciousness in preventing a revolution from happening. I was a card-carrying Marxist, but I was more of an east coast, Cornell University Marxist at that time.
    Q: But Obama thought it was practical. He thought it could happen in America?
    JD: Oh, yeah! He thought I was a little reactionary… or insensitive to the coming needs of the revolution! He was full-bore, 100% into that very, kind of simple-minded Marxist revolutionary framework.

  5. The Lefties in Toronto are having a VERY bad night! Here’s one of the pathetic comments on CBC News tonight:
    “Torontonians: this is indeed a very sad day for you. I fear what will become of your city; and, if this is any indication as to how Canadians will vote–which is absurd in my opinion–our country is in for some very, very rough times.”

  6. “And my impression is that Obama was the leader of that group and Obama was already very ardent and committed to Marxism.”
    This can’t be true.
    ET has assured us that Obama is a malignant narcissist and is incapable of ideological commitment.

  7. The most unrealistic thing about the animated video was that the liberal woman allowed her debating partner to finish all of his sentences. In real life he’d have been drowned out by loud, shrieking interruptions.

  8. From WUWT:
    Here’s something that you can bring to the bank: With regard to global warming, the major purveyors of news in the industrialized world will be climbing down from their various versions of frenzied alarmism. Here’s something else that you can bring to your banker: the climb-down will be sneaky. On the other hand, when the series of editorial re-positionings is visible to casual members of the public at all, it will be beyond awkward.
    How do I know? Because the process has already begun.
    More at

  9. A penny saved is a penny taxed?
    Have left-liberals learned anything?
    Death by decrees: same old socialism.
    Then, there is Voodoo economics*: socialism by Hope, Fear and Guilt.
    “Cash-strapped Cuba to increase tax income
    Cuba has set income tax rates at 25 to 50 percent for its soon to be expanded private sector, with the biggest earners paying the most taxes, according to official decrees published Monday.”
    *Voodoo Economics: Hope, Fear and Guilt.
    “treating thousands of victims free of charge.”.
    “Today, the hospital stands empty, its consulting and operating rooms abandoned, its beds unused, its scanners gathering dust, its two brand new ambulances sitting under tarpaulins in the yard.”
    Give early; give often.
    “Is aid doing Haiti more harm than good?
    It was Haiti’s premier private hospital, its rooms filled with the latest medical equipment, its surgeons trained in the latest techniques, its thick walls built to withstand an earthquake.”

  10. O’s white niggers.
    O’Rosa Parks Obama.
    O parks Rosa Parks.
    “”We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”
    “They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”
    “they gotta sit in back.”
    “Obama assails GOP on clouded final campaign push (Republicans “gotta sit in back”)
    WOONSOCKET, R.I. – President Barack Obama attacked Republicans with gusto Monday as he plunged into a final week of midterm election campaigning, but his party’s prognosis remained darkened by the feeble economy and his itinerary was designed largely to minimize losses. Nor was his greeting totally friendly in a state where Obama has pointedly declined to endorse his party’s candidate for governor. Obama can “take his endorsement and shove it,” declared Democrat Frank Caprio, battling Republican-turned-independent Lincoln Chafee in a Rhode Island gubernatorial race rated tight in the polls. Chafee endorsed Obama during the 2008 campaign for the White House.
    In a little more than five hours in the state, Obama was booked for a factory tour and for a pair of fundraisers that party officials said would bring in $500,000. He said Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress has been made, he said, “we can’t have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

  11. WTYS:
    Socialism is a religion of the stomach.
    Socialism’s Red-Green movement is its alimentary disciple.
    “This means abandoning this religious adherence to consensus dogma.”
    “Quote of the Week – Judith Curry asks warmists:
    “How are Things Going for You Lately”?”
    “Dr. Judith Curry was recently called a heretic by Scientific American due to her views on climate science and public policy. Here, in a post at he new blog, she shows here resolve to maintain her independence from consensus thinking and to ignore the slings and arrows.
    She takes no prisoners with this missive where she asks a very direct and effective question:”

  12. *Super La Nina.
    When will MSM find the words: Super La Nina?
    Vancouver/British Columbia:
    “Heavy rain, clogged drains threaten to flood city streets”
    “Farther north, the wet weather is not all bad news as Whistler Blackcomb received up to 30 centimetres of snow at higher elevations over the weekend. The resort said in a news release that more snow was expected this week.”
    “*The Super La Nina and the Coming Winter
    Things might get real cold.
    A super La Nina is developing.
    Historically, these strong La Nina events drop the Earth’s average temperature around one degree Fahrenheit, and the drop comes quickly. As a result, some of the same places that had record heat this summer may suffer through record cold this winter.
    La Nina is the lesser-known colder sister of El Nino. La Nina chills the waters of the tropical Pacific Ocean, and in turn cools the entire planet for one to two years or more. This chilling has the potential to bring bone-numbing cold to many parts of the world for this and the following winter. As a result, world energy demand may spike in the next one to two years as much colder weather hits many of the major industrial nations.
    This La Nina appears to be special, at least so far. It is well on its way to being the strongest of these events since the super La Nina of 1955-1956. During that powerful La Nina that lasted two years, the global average temperature fell nearly one degree Fahrenheit from 1953 to 1956.
    The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) measures the air pressure difference between Darwin, Australia, and Tahiti. The lower the value of the index, the stronger the El Nino typically is. The higher the SOI index, the stronger the La Nina. The September SOI value of +25.0 was the highest of any September going back to 1917, when it was +29.7. During that super La Nina, the global temperature fell 1.2 degrees Fahrenheit from 1915 to 1917. The +25.0 September SOI reading is also the highest for any month dating back to the +31.6 value in November of 1973.
    The most recent La Nina developed in the spring of 2007, and persisted until the early summer of 2008. The global average temperature fell one degree Fahrenheit in that period of time, equal to all of the warming of the last 100 years! If the trend of this rapidly developing, potentially super La Nina continues, an equal or larger temperature drop can be anticipated during the next one to two years. This La Nina is coming on very fast and very strong. Already it is colder than the six coldest La Ninas of the last 60 years when they were at a similar stage of development.
    What about the recent heat we’ve all heard about?”

  13. Geneva Walker, mother of murder victim Jerrod Falls: “The only way you’re going to stop gun violence is if everybody owns a gun.”
    The Hidden Life of Guns
    Straw buys, irresponsible dealers, and other reasons that background checks, licensing and registries can’t keep weapons out of criminals’ hands. Feature video and stories from the Washington Post, believe it or not.

  14. Confronted with irrefutable logic or fact which obliterates a Liberal myth you get this mechanical uniform reaction :
    “NO! I don’t care! (repeats Lib-left myth as a mantra). You’re just: (A)a racist (B)a hater (C)a denier (D)a bigot (E)a fascist (F) a meanie poo-poo pants! You should : (A) not be allowed to speak. (B) be arrested for hate crime (C)have your opinion banned. ”
    I love how this writer states that most liberals are deeply steeped in their own narcissism that reality is just a blur. LOL!

  15. At a conference on climate change held in Boulder, Colorado in 1965, evidence supporting Milankovitch cycles triggered speculation on how the calculated small changes in sunlight might somehow trigger ice ages. In 1966 Cesare Emiliani predicted that “a new glaciation will begin within a few thousand years.”

    I have dozens of large Global Cooling/Warming books donated or purchased from local libraries.
    1- Place two large books in wood stove and wrap with aluminum foil.
    Books will burn for approximately 3 hours at a cost of only 1 depreciated dollar (67 cents).
    The same so called fire logs cost $1.99 apiece.
    2- To stay warm all night cuddle with your spouse,
    or warm animal if not married, then,
    2a- Place 6 large books wrapped with aluminum foil.
    Also get up at least once during the night to go pee,
    and repeat number 1.

  16. From the CBC on the AG report:
    “But ahead of the release of Fraser’s report in Ottawa, opposition parties are downplaying their expectations over the most anticipated chapter, saying it likely won’t be as damning as they’re hoping for.”
    “Liberal transport critic John McCallum said he thinks the stimulus fireworks will come next year, after the whole picture is known.
    “I hope I’m wrong,” McCallum told CBC News. “I hope it’s very juicy, but I’m not holding my breath.””
    Why are our federal politicians hoping the news will be bad?
    Do they see absolutely everything as something that will either help or hinder their own selfish ambitions?
    Shouldn’t they be hoping the money was spent wisely?
    What other bad news are they hoping for?
    A bus crash they can blame on Harper?
    A fire at an orphanage?
    Maybe a bus crashing into an orphanage?
    I’m way beyond expecting anyone at the CBC to ask why the opposition would hope for bad news.

  17. Liberal MP Keith Martin has a lot to say about increasing the level of private involvement in medical services in this country:
    So far, the only reaction from the governing Tories has been silence. One suspects that if a Conservative MP voiced such heresies he would be pilloried for weeks in the MSM. I’ll take their silence as more proof of the absurd double standards prevalent in Canadian MSM.

  18. The leftard didn’t mention her demented ad-hominem gross mischaracterization of George Bush being the embodiment of everything conservative and I really thought it left out an entire province of retardation common to the left.

  19. Carolyn Keene at October 26, 2010 12:17 AM –
    “The most unrealistic thing about the animated video was that the liberal woman allowed her debating partner to finish all of his sentences. In real life he’d have been drowned out by loud, shrieking interruptions.”

  20. The CBC Auditor General story I referred to at 11:03 has gone down the memory hole, along with McCallum’s remarks about hoping for bad news.
    The same URL brings up a completely different story of the AG condemning the helicopter purchases.
    The early comments remain, but now the story is totally different.
    Seems odd they would reuse an URL, is there a shortage?
    The CBC often updates stories, but this is completly new.
    I emailed the story to myself earlier, here is part of it:
    “xPrintEmailPostRepublishOctober 26, 2010
    AG Fraser to deliver stimulus verdict
    By CBC News
    CBC News

    But ahead of the release of Fraser’s report in Ottawa, opposition parties are downplaying their expectations over the most anticipated chapter, saying it likely won’t be as damning as they’re hoping for.
    With many projects still underway, Fraser’s report will focus on the criteria used to hand out cash and whether rules were followed. A full tallying of the money, and whether the $61 billion spent in two years worked, will have to wait until next year’s report.
    Finance Minister Jim Flaherty was already warning about potential trouble with stimulus funds management back in 2009.
    “There will be some mistakes made, but it’s worth that risk to help the majority of Canadians during what is a serious recession,” he said at the time.
    Liberal transport critic John McCallum said he thinks the stimulus fireworks will come next year, after the whole picture is known.
    “I hope I’m wrong,” McCallum told CBC News. “I hope it’s very juicy, but I’m not holding my breath.”
    Fraser has been looking into a variety of subjects, including the acquisition of military helicopters, the regulation of big banks and the government’s preparedness for outbreaks of animal diseases. ”

  21. EBD – a while back you announced your (splendid!) intention to play a Tom Waits video on Hallowe’en. As SDA’s resident Waits fan, may I applaud your decision while offering humble suggestions for supplementation?:
    The Black Rider is Waits’ most Hallowe’enee album. I can especially recommend the eponymous tract:
    and this one:
    (Apparently Trippin’ Bill Burroughs was involved with this album somehow, which may be a big deal or not, honestly I’m not sure.)
    p.s. apparently Tom is half-norwegian. I know how you Scandis like to stick together. Just sayin’.

  22. Black Mamba, your comment should be up now. There were more links than allowed (two is the maximum) so I removed the Wikipedia link to the album “The Black Rider”.

  23. Black Mamba, I know how you feel! I suggest typing any longish—or any, at all—posts in Word (or whatever you use) and then copying and pasting them at SDA. Then, if something happens (as it does once in a while), and the post doesn’t go through, all your work is still on tap. (I’m tapping this out on Word.)
    Re your moniker: in his autobiographical book for young people, “Going Solo”, Roald Dahl has a riveting vignette of a lightning fast black mamba about to strike. (He has a whole chapter on a green mamba.) And, my husband and I recently watched a fascinating National Geographic special on black mambas: they’re actually greyish in colour. It’s the black inside of their mouths (like your “having a female wife” humour!) that gives them their name.
