Y2Kyoto: We’re Winning

Here’s something that you can bring to the bank: With regard to global warming, the major purveyors of news in the industrialized world will be climbing down from their various versions of frenzied alarmism. Here’s something else that you can bring to your banker: the climb-down will be sneaky. On the other hand, when the series of editorial re-positionings is visible to casual members of the public at all, it will be beyond awkward.
How do I know? Because the process has already begun.


38 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: We’re Winning”

  1. The charts for their contracts look like they fell off a cliff around the end of November of ’09.
    Go figure!

  2. I’m not convinced there’s going to be any significant climb down by the usual suspects. Rather, they’ll quietly move onto the next catastrophe fad, such as ‘biodiversity’ or fresh water ‘shortages’ — anything that will permit the continued promotion of the progressive agenda (i.e. higher taxes, bigger government, more regulations).

  3. Wonder if Gore will now buy his convictions and buy in now because he KNOWS the future for Carbon markets is so good?
    C’mon Al . . put your money where your mouth is!

  4. Climate change enlightenment was fun while it lasted. But now it’s dead
    ~George Monbiot
    The next Fearmonger scam is already coming out swinging.
    It going to be about BIODIVERSITY and they’ve already set up a UN political vehicle to confirm their preordained bias + they are still going after that nasty “toxin” manmade CO2.
    IF we get a climb down on the Global Warming scam, and that’s still an “if”, don’t expect a climb down on the manmade CO2 position because the CO2 part is where they have been winning and they aren’t about to let it go.
    The Fearmongers will simply delink the CO2 part from Global Warming and ride the CO2 horse as the cause of the biodiversity CRISIS.
    OH Noes we’re all goona DIE!
    Think of the drowning Caribou!!!

  5. Nope. Next big scare will be water, and the critical necessity of governments to control how we use it. It’s already started. Pay attention.

  6. Something is wrong here…the CCX carbon credits are .05c per ton, at the same time Gordon Campbell`s govt is charging $25.00 per ton. Our school distr is paying $69,000.00. into this scam, as if our taxes are not high enough. One more reason to run his ass out of town.

  7. Yes, Kate, I know they’ve been trying to do the water rationing for a while.
    How is that supposed to succeed in countries that are water rich like Canada is?
    The only reason any Canadian has any sort of water shortage is that the government hasn’t alotted enough money toward water treatment facilities.
    That won’t play well politically to have Canadians accusing the politicians of creating an unnecessary shortage in Canada by having the wrong spending priorities.

  8. “If past experience is any guide, when the Times’ climb-down eventually begins in earnest, most people will barely notice. But you will!”
    Does this mean we have to read the damn thing?

  9. Yes, something is wrong here. How do you go from an opening price of ZERO to a closing price of 5 cents with ZERO volume?
    Doesn’t somebody have to buy something at some point?

  10. Yes indeedy – the next crisis IS with water. Heard a water weanie bleating a couple of weeks ago on Canada’s lefty radio corporation. Now the donations to the greenies are drying up as the climate change crisis is shown to be crapola. The chart above indicates the same about carbon exchange. There is a frantic repositioning taking place as the green parasites re-align themselves on the host. If you google “global freshwater shortage” you’ll get a count of 11,300,000 results.

  11. I’ve got a tonne of air here, willing to sell to the right buyer. Can ship for free.

  12. Yeah, sure CO2 is “gassing the planet”…
    Why is it these clowns have to try playing the National Socialist card?
    For “Canuckle heads” one only need point out that Canada has a huge fresh water supply.
    Canada 3300.0 km(3)/yr
    About the only countries suffering an absolute scarcity of water would be a few North African countries and Saudi Arabia. But hey they have kilometer upon kilometer of verdant beaches!
    Sell them a few desalination plants…
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  13. Kate wrote: “Nope. Next big scare will be water, and the critical necessity of governments to control how we use it. It’s already started. Pay attention”.
    Yup, exactly. One wonders when sanity will resume.

  14. This was never about “global warming” but rather a seemingly convenient way to increase the power of government. The only question if whether the people can organize themselves fast enough against totalitarians.
    There is hope with the Tea Party in the US and similar organizations appear to be springing up around the world. What we need is a change of mindset so that the word “politician” elicits the same emotional reaction in most people as “pedophile” does.
    Expect some manufactured crisis to come up which necessitates the curtailment of civil liberties by government.

  15. And yet, we have this from the EPA yesterday:
    “With cap-and-trade stalled in Congress, the EPA has moved ahead under a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that gives it authority to enact its own regulations. IBD reported that the agency is set to issue broad regulations on January 2, 2011 for large-scale emitters of carbon gasses.”
    “Monday’s proposed rules would affect long-haul trucks and other vehicles that mainly use diesel fuel, requiring them to reduce emissions by 20% by 2018. Gas-powered heavy-duty pickups and vans will have to cut emissions by 10% by 2014, diesels will need a 15% cut by 2018, and vehicles such as firetrucks, school buses and garbage trucks will have to cut emissions by 10% by 2018, reported IBD.”
    Cutting emissions by 20% is effectively impossible with today’s vehicles, seeing as how “emissions” is defined so as to include carbon dioxide. Even perfect combustion produces CO2 plus H2O, so there’s no way to win. Smaller trucks carrying less weight is the only way to do it.
    EPA are going full out with this stuff, because they know this is the end. This election cycle is all they have to git ‘er dun.
    I predict this will be the last Federal election cycle where “protecting the environment” will be a positive issue, just like 2000 was the last time you heard a national figure mention the words “gun control” as a good thing. Nobody gives a crap about the environment if they don’t have enough food, and the USA is going there.
    The water scam -is- the next thing they have cued up, its true. But the water weenies are going to get crushed. Going to be all about jobs taxes and the economy for the next ten years. This is The Phantom’s Prophecy.

  16. Oops, hit post too fast, it should read:
    The only question is whether the people can organize themselves fast enough against totalitarians.

  17. Kate is absolutly correct water is the next big scare.
    And it won’t be because WE have any kind of shortage.!
    It’s OUR ownership of it that matters, recently the U.N. declared water to be an essential right, and all the usual suspects backed them up.
    It won’t be long and some stupid Socialist/Liberal will sign a treaty that surrenders our soveriegnity over our water, just like Chretien tried to give away our wealth to the Socialist U.N. global-warming scam.

  18. My guess is it will be water and food both as the next big scare. A double barrel shot so to speak.
    Have any of you been following the futures commodity prices for grains of late?

  19. The UN will definitely focus on water. Water is now a human right and it’ll be the West’s responsibility to provide potable water for every country (via funding to UN agencies, of course).
    Out= cuddly polar bear stranded on ice cube.
    In= cute, thirsty toddler surrounded by dry, parched earth.
    I doubt that they will give up on controlling/taxing energy supplies any time soon. The energy market is just too lucrative. “Just a small tax”, they’ll say, “You won’t even notice…at the beginning”.
    The other agenda is to increase regulation on private and public land while championing the benefits of “high density” living. I read that one of Scandinavian countries is going to attempt to put an economic value on undisturbed land (think Stern report style math). This will justify new taxes, on top of even stricter regulations, designed to completely hobble agriculture, mining and other land intensive industries (but only in the West). California farmers vs. smelt provides the template.
    Our politicians, being either dumber than posts or easily bought, will go along with each and every fashionable, media-driven program.

  20. Yhe water game has even weaker legs than the AGW hoax.
    Ask an Israeli how they get their potable water.
    Also, from a filtration plant to the home tap, 15% of the water is lost. Unfortunately, the same statistic applies to the “used” water on the way back for “treatment”.
    This an engineering problem, not a philosophical one.
    That’s the problem with people with a limited education and no imagination.
    Drives me nuts.

  21. Re: kate’s suggestion that water will be the next issue.
    I think that they may indeed try to make it the next issue that requires global governance, but it will very quickly be turned aside. New technology that turns contaminated water into potable is able to do so very efficiently and at a very large scale. That and the fact that historically low energy costs will make it even cheaper will make fresh water much less of an issue for much of the world. (thanks to the oil and gas industry for both)
    Also water is a relatively local issue – global stewardship is not required.

  22. By the way: Not -all- of journalism is going to have a sneaky, gentle climb down off the carbon crack-pipe.
    Cover of Hot Rod’s December issue, the whole cover, “CAN THEY OUTLAW HOT RODDING?” in all caps, with “outlaw” in 2 3/8″ red letters, and a red flag above with “IT’S DOWNRIGHT UN-AMERICAN!” in white, the “un” and the “!” in yellow. Rather nice 2010 Camaro in a red circle with a line through it.
    I do not recall, in 40 years of being a gearhead from boy to man, any issue of Hot Rod ever having any political message on the cover at all. Ever. Normally they have a car, or a car with a shapely female type person leaning on it.
    So I would say that this here election is going to have people voting in it that have never voted before in their entire lives. Obama has done something nobody has managed since the attack on Pearl Harbor 1940’s. He has p1ssed off the American car guy. They are “all wee-wee’d up” out there and looking for some hippies to punch.
    Editors of papers, TV and radio will rapidly be discovering that there’s a whole hell of a lot more car guys than greenies in the world, so if they want to sell any product they better climb down quicker.

  23. The next catchphrase is “biodiversity”. In fact, the UN is already on the case. Water might be in the to-do list for the environmentalists but they have been beating that drum for 20 years to little effect. The socialists of the world need something that can give them power over large swaths of human activity and water doesn’t cut it – “biodiversity” is the ticket.

  24. Phantom, earlier this year I noticed that Popular mechanics was starting to buy into the Green Nightmare.
    It was very disconcerting.
    As I said at 1:20 PM, biodiversity is the new Global scare and the UN already has a new Intergovernmental organization set up to push it and they’re going to blame the endangering and extinction of species on manmade CO2.
    The Scaremongers are already letting the Global Warming meme fade into obscurity but they had a lot of success with implanting the idea that manmade CO2 is an environmental threat.
    As I said a week ago concerning that video about wind turbines in Britain, people are convinced that CO2 is a bad thing.
    That point was largely handed to the Scaremongers while sceptics bogged down battling niggling details like temperatures, water levels, ice melts, etc.

  25. Potable water treatment technology is advanced and simple systems are relatively cheap. But, as we know from native reserves, even the best systems can be ruined by incompetence and neglect. You can give a community safe water but you can’t make them think.
    Not that the UN is about helping people, anyway. It’s about helping themselves and their cronies. The UN and socialists would never have so narrow a focus as potable water. That is just the PR angle. Once you create a water “crisis” you establish water as a resource that needs to be controlled and rationed…by them. Then, like CO2, it can be taxed and traded, benefiting rent-seekers at the expense of productive industry. Water, being used in all manufacturing and agriculture processes, would be worth a fortune for these shysters.
    Biodiversity is another great opportunity – vague, difficult to define (which allows for constantly moving targets), subject to biased studies, lots of cute animals to use on pamphlets.

  26. They’ll all do what they always do …
    1-Try to change the subject
    2-Try to pretend it never happened
    3-Try to blame someone else
    4-Claim they are victims

  27. Agreed Phantom; have you noticed the pathetic colors the last 7 years for trucks, at one time at Okotoks there was not one colored truck to buy only Suzuki/Gore earth tones, grey puke green dark grey, was like the Russians were in charge of the paint booths. I told the salesman I’d bought ten trucks from to bring in some colors, some blues and reds etc, I had seen there was such things and I wasn’t using squiggly bulbs cared less about the polar bears and wanted a truck with color,he didn’t, I went to Ft Macleod and bought a red one. As you SCAM artists climb down from your media induced hype tree, I hope you fall on a picket fence, theives.

  28. The moon has water… and now apprently, silver, too. Can’t be long before another expedition is launched. I can think of no better place to send these Global Warmist UN lovin’ idiots. Out of our hair and they can take those wind turbines with them, hopefully stuck up the appropriate orifice.

  29. The freshwater weenies have ben sniffing around the talk show circuit for the past few years… Even Fruitfly Guy got in on it last spring(and you could tell someone was only using him for his name, because he didnt know his ass from a drainpipe)…he made an appearance on Vancouvers top talk show.. Bill Good drinks all their tea.. One guy had the temerity to tell Vancouverites we had a water shortage, and it was POURING outside. What a herd of squirrels.

  30. It may have stalled on the exchange but the BS is still being peddled. Vitera has been pushing carbon credits with farmers that deliver grain to its elevators in its recent advertisements.
    I get sick thinking of all those who fought to defeat fascism in 1930’s & 1940’s Europe just to have it flourish in 2010’s North America.

  31. “I get sick thinking of all those who fought to defeat fascism in 1930’s & 1940’s Europe just to have it flourish in 2010’s North America.”
    Yeah, its like they brought it home on their coats or something…

  32. I much prefer the “rain forest” spiel. Suspect the lefty enviros gave up on that what with rule of law problems in South America.
