114 Replies to “Ezra Levant on Omar Khadr”

  1. I certainly hope there has been no deal made to bring that Khadr fellow back to Canada after a year in Gitmo. If he steps back on Canadian soil, I expect to see the crown lay charges under the Criminal Code for High Treason.
    Sec 46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,
    (a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her;
    (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or
    (c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.
    I think he should easily be found guilty of 1(b) and 1(c).

  2. I expect to see the crown lay charges under the Criminal Code for High Treason.
    Not a chance because of his youth at the time of the offence.
    He’ll be protected by Brian Mulroney’s Young Offenders Act.

  3. Does anyone take Levant seriously? He plays out the prepared statement from the US Military?? like a bad propagandists working for Goebbels. He plays the endangered jew card badly too. If I were Jewish, I would be embarrassed by this person whose diatribes target those who are completely uninformed or of low mentality. Certainly a very poor spokesperson for any race or group of peoples.

  4. Can’t help but think of Oscar Wilde’s quote, “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask (or burqa), and he will tell you the truth.”
    Khadr’s sister and mother show their true aspirations and ideologies and lefty morons vehemently defend these scum. It absolutely baffles the mind.

  5. I am wondering if “Hugger” is jealous. To answer your question – many persons, both in Canada and abroad, take Ezra Levant seriously including Mark Steyn. What is your opinion of Mark Steyn?

  6. “If I were Jewish, I would be embarrassed by this person whose diatribes target those who are completely uninformed or of low mentality. Certainly a very poor spokesperson for any race or group of peoples.”
    Mr Pot-Kettle
    He isn’t a spokesman for the Jews or any ‘race.’ That you see him that way suggests you have some issues.

  7. As soon as he sets foot on Canadian soil, he should be arrested and held on a minister’s certificate. (I think that’s the term for it.)
    Hold him in a secure location, and fill his mushy little head with stories about how his life isn’t worth a plugged nickel out on the streets of Canada. Convince him that we have reliable intelligence that friends and relatives of murdered American soldiers are already in Canada, armed, and ready to take him out, and that the police are powerless to stop them.
    Then give him an out: let him know if he renounces his Canadian citizenship, and convinces his worthless relatives to do the same, that the Government will give them 50,000 dollars and one-way airline tickets to the buttcrackistan of their choice, the money payable on arrival.
    Of course, when the payoff comes, hand them a sack of counterfeit money. No use wasting the real thing, we have Liberals that specialize in that.

  8. Nice try Hugger, but you will have to do better than that if you expect us to fall for such simple-minded trolling.
    Ezra spoke well as always. There’s nothing much one can add.

  9. Ezra was spot on. He should have had hid damn head blown off in combat.
    What a sack of shit and its a shame we’re getting him now.
    Canadian justice. What a f**king joke.

  10. Hugger- “If I were Jewish, I would be embarrassed by this person whose diatribes target those who are completely uninformed or of low mentality”.
    Relax, he’s not targeting you! Oh, wait….

  11. Be prepared to be extremely outraged when our Little Omar finally makes landfall in Canada. I foresee a short stay in Collins Bay or some other Club Fed,followed by an extensive program of rehabilitation paid for by taxpayers.
    Omar will be a hero to fellow jihadists,and his presence here should result in a few more “Toronto 18’s”.
    Ezra is right on,the little SOB should have been a combat casualty.

  12. What in God’s name would we want him back on canadain soil for?
    Take him out, stand him in front of a wall and plug him.
    Then deport his mother and sister!

  13. I’m sure this fine young man will be quite popular in a federal penitentiary.
    Eight years for murdering at least one person, likely many more. This is insanity! He should have been tried by a military tribunal and executed long ago.
    Does Obama, Eric Holder, and the Demon Rats think we are playing a game of Risk here?

  14. Slightly off topic. Ezra was on “Power and Politics” today debating the latest ‘duck genocide’ with none other than Elizabeth May. It was quite entertaining.

    At one point she smugly chastized Ezra because he suggested that she eats murdered cows,and if he had done his research,he would know that she is a vegetarian.

    Ezra replied,”Sure Lizzie,and I bet your favourite vegetable is poplar”….No,he didn’t say that,though I wish he had.

    Ezra is right about sweet little Omar.Omar’s case should have been closed on the battlefield.

  15. Q: “What do we do with him”
    A: Tie him to a post and execute him by firing squad.

  16. What is your opinion of Mark Steyn?
    Posted by: No-One at October 27, 2010 11:40 PM
    I haven’t seen or heard enough from him to offer much of an opinion. I only saw one video of him debating some muslim students and that wasn’t enough to draw a substantial conclusion. He did appear well spoken, but that doesn’t mean much.
    Levant on the other hand I have seen a number of times, and he plays to the crowd. He is purposely loud, obnoxious, boorish and in my opinion, someone whose main interest lies with his own pocketbook.

  17. I kinda miss the days when people like Khadr, his wimmen folk, and treasonous wussies like Julian Assange simply got disappeared. I pay good money to have a first-rate clandestine organization like the CIA and I WANT RESULTS, Dammit!

  18. The whole family acts in-bred, and Omar is definitely short a few marbles. Recall his claim that at Gitmo they gouged his eyes out. Huh!

  19. OZ: The Young Offenders Act was replaced by the ineffectual and “namby pamby” Youth Criminal Justice Act by the Liberals under Jean Cretien in 2003.

  20. Absolutely, Mystery Meat. If you could set that up near me, I can have a pilot for you in no time.
    Just make sure you bring Omar. We’ll call it ‘Canadian’ Survivor and ratings will be huge!
    (Unfortunately I guarantee you it’ll be a ‘one shot’ deal and consequently wouldn’t get picked up by any of our networks)

  21. Let him serve the entire eight years in Ft Levensworth, Kansas.
    At the end of the sentence, put him on the side of the road outside the prison with a change of clothes and $2920 in his pocket. Let him find his own way from there….

  22. I predict a few cameo appearances on “Little Mosque”,a short stint as a judge on “So you think you can dance Canada”,which he loses because “the slut must die” is not an acceptable response to all acts,followed by a long career as a political expert on various cbc shows.

  23. Mark Kelleys’ reactions are hilarious. Check out his body language. Then at the end he is clearly mad at Ezra.
    On the 2nd issue (tailings ponds) unfortunately I have to agree with Liz May….not because of the ducks but because there is no real need for tailings ponds in this day and age. They just happened to be the cheapest way of dealing with tailings.

  24. Circulate rumors that he provided valuable info and fully cooperated with the US military, then send him back to Afghanistan.

  25. Listening to the comments of the mother and sister, paraphrasing as “he, the dead medic, was merely an American soldier, so who cares”, tempted me to unlock the gun safe and take some positive action.
    But then, I realized that I am a human being, not a barbarian like these despicable people.

  26. I bet that lying creep Arar is jealous that he will soon no longer be the main attraction for Canada’s bleeding hearts.

  27. If you are going into the theatre of war as a privateer or Jihadist against a uniformed army, you should expect to leave the theatre victorious or dead as the rules of war, as documented by the Geneva convention do not apply. Khadr is alive due to misguided and overlawyered US military humanitarianism.

  28. Remember O.J. and the search for the real killers? I was thinking, O.K. and the search for the real terrorists.
    Mirror, mirror on the wall …

  29. You think CBC ratings are bad now, just wait till they have to compete with that!
    Go Ezra!
    Sell the CBC.

  30. Seeing that Khadr only feels ‘good’ when he is killing other people, should he be walking Canadian streets due to the Canadian justice system, I would be keeping my bayonet sharp and my rifle handy.
    The statement of facts makes interesting reading…
    Khadr, who pleaded guilty to five war-crimes charges on Monday, still has strong ties to his “al Qaeda family” and has made no effort to distance himself from extremist views, Dr. Michael Welner told Khadr’s sentencing hearing.
    “He’s highly dangerous,” Welner said. “It is his belief that he should not have been here for a day … and that it is everybody else’s fault that he is.”
    Welner told jurors that Khadr “marinated in radical jihadism” during the eight years he spent in custody in Guantanamo Bay, and was considered a spiritual leader by his fellow inmates.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  31. Canada, in contrast to the United States, recognizes the enemy as soldiers regardless of whether or not they are in uniform, because we signed on to Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions. If Omar Khadr had been captured by Canadian Forces, he would have been a prisoner of war.
    As such, under Canadian law, he would not be a murderer. Now, you can debate whether or not Protocol I is valid; that is a separate question. But to call him a murderer? He threw a grenade at an invading force. Yeah, the invading force was justified, but the laws of war are not meant to evaluate whose side was right and whose side was wrong. If you are working for a military force, regardless of whether or not they are justified or “valid” in our opinion, you are a prisoner of war by our laws, not a murderer.
    Now, leaving the fact that he is not a murderer by our laws aside, he committed treason by assisting an enemy of Canada. That is his crime, not murder. And the justice system should decide whether or not we prosecute him for that crime.
    We do not allow our personnel to deploy overseas if they are under 18. Hell, you cannot even fire a service rifle with an optical sight if you are under 16. And yet we discard the standards we have set here for our service members and choose to apply different standards to our enemy. I am not sure whether or not he should be convicted of treason, but we should at least consider the fact that a 15 year old would not even be able to join the Canadian Forces, let alone fight for them.
    You say he’s a psychopath because he’s proud he killed someone who he perceives as his enemy? You know what we do with people like that? We give them a medal. We don’t call them a psychopath. We don’t call them a murderer. The only difference is that you agree with our killings and disagree with his. And that makes him a psychopath? Call every proud soldier who has ever taken down an enemy a psychopath then.
    And people say that he “should have died on the battlefield”? We do not fight our enemy because we hate the INDIVIDUALS who oppose us. We acknowledge that we have differences, and that those differences mean we will try to kill each other; this is fair. But once the enemy is down, we try to assist him. We do our best to save his life in the hopes that in the future someone would do the same for us even if they disagree with us. Yeah, they probably won’t, but that doesn’t mean we abandon our principles and kill surrendering and wounded enemy.
    Lock him up for as long as we are at war as a prisoner of war (because that is what he is under Canadian law). Or prosecute him for treason (because he certainly committed treason). But he’s not a murderer because he was on the wrong side of the war. And he’s not a psychopath because he was on the wrong side of the war and is proud of his actions in combat. The soldiers of Canada do not make moral judgments on which wars are good and which wars are bad; that is the role of government. They could just as easily end up fighting a “bad” war as a “good” one. But no matter where they are ordered to go, when fighting an enemy in combat they are not murderers, and when proud of their actions they are not psychopaths.

  32. Shee-it! VancouverGuy makes me glad I no longer live there. The stupid runs deep in that one.
    Omar Khadr was not a soldier. He was, according to the Geneva Conventions, an unlawful combatant. Furthermore, he feigned injury to draw a medic in close so he could kill him with a grenade. False surrender is a capital offense under those same conventions, because it imperils the lives of those that would legitimately surrender.
    The Americans f*cked up big-time by not shooting him on the spot. Too damn kind-hearted, they are.
    Perhaps VancouverGuy, seeing as you like the little bastard so much, you will offer your home as a half-way house for him upon his release from the slammer?

  33. Epic fail Vancouver Guy!
    Articles 43 and 44 clarify the military status of members of guerrilla forces. Combatant and prisoner of war status is granted to members of dissident forces when under the command of a central authority. Such combatants cannot conceal their allegiance; they must be recognizable as combatants while preparing for or during an attack.
    Art 43. Armed forces
    1. The armed forces of a Party to a conflict consist of all organized armed forces, groups and units which are under a command responsible to that Party for the conduct of its subordinates, even if that Party is represented by a government or an authority not recognized by an adverse Party. Such armed forces shall be subject to an internal disciplinary system which, inter alia, shall enforce compliance with the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict.
    Art 44. Combatants and prisoners of war
    1. Any combatant, as defined in Article 43, who falls into the power of an adverse Party shall be a prisoner of war.
    2. While all combatants are obliged to comply with the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, violations of these rules shall not deprive a combatant of his right to be a combatant or, if he falls into the power of an adverse Party, of his right to be a prisoner of war, except as provided in paragraphs 3 and 4.
    3. In order to promote the protection of the civilian population from the effects of hostilities, combatants are obliged to distinguish themselves from the civilian population while they are engaged in an attack or in a military operation preparatory to an attack. Recognizing, however, that there are situations in armed conflicts where, owing to the nature of the hostilities an armed combatant cannot so distinguish himself, he shall retain his status as a combatant, provided that, in such situations, he
    carries his arms openly:
    (a) during each military engagement, and
    (b) during such time as he is visible to the adversary while he is engaged in a military deployment preceding the launching of an attack in which he is to participate.
    Acts which comply with the requirements of this paragraph shall not be considered as perfidious within the meaning of Article 37, paragraph 1 (c).
    4. A combatant who falls into the power of an adverse Party while failing to meet the requirements set forth in the second sentence of paragraph 3 shall forfeit his right to be a prisoner of war, but he shall, nevertheless, be given protections equivalent in all respects to those accorded to prisoners of war by the Third Convention and by this Protocol. This protection includes protections equivalent to those accorded to prisoners of war by the Third Convention in the case where such a person is tried and punished for any offences he has committed.

    7. This Article is not intended to change the generally accepted practice of States with respect to the wearing of the uniform by combatants assigned to the regular, uniformed armed units of a Party to the conflict.
    Seeing as Khadr plead guilty to five war crimes he has forfeited his rights under Protocol I in particular to 44.3 and 44.4. Note also 44.7 does’nt abrogate the general rule to wear a uniform, which Khadr clearly did not. Further, concealing a hand grendae doesn’t help Khadr cause either.
    Normal protocol would give him a cigarette, blindfold, post and firing squad…
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  34. “Levant on the other hand I have seen a number of times, and he plays to the crowd. He is purposely loud, obnoxious, boorish and in my opinion, someone whose main interest lies with his own pocketbook.” Posted by: Hugger at October 28, 2010 12:09 AM
    When was the last time you put your money where your mouth was – Ezra Levant has put $1000,000+ of his own money where his mouth is for something he and many Canadians believe in – freedom of expression. Are you related to Jennifer Lynch by any chance?

  35. Pleading guilty to war crimes does not mean someone committed war crimes. It means that the best option for him in this situation was to plead guilty. His plea is irrelevant to the discussion of whether or not he would have been a prisoner of war under Canadian law.
    From what I have read, this was a four hour firefight, and Khadr threw a hand grenade during the firefight from behind a wall.
    I am betting that he was probably pretty open about his intent to fight during the battle. It’s not like he stood up, pretended to surrender, and then chucked a grenade.
    Article seven says it does not change the convention on wearing uniforms with regard to REGULAR, UNIFORMED armed units. His obligation, essentially, was to make it clear he wanted to fight. By not giving up and throwing a hand grenade, I think he made that clear. I think that makes him a prisoner of war by Canadian standards. He’s still a traitor though.
    Normal protocol, by my understanding, would NOT be to give him a cigarette, blindfold, post and a firing squad. Normal protocol, by my understanding, would be treat him as a prisoner of war. If anyone here is a JAG officer I would be happy to hear a more informed stance; I am only going by what I have been taught.

  36. mutter, mutter, dealing with twits.
    Hey VGuy, before you comment, WATCH the damn video!

  37. If for a moment we accept VGuys assertion that Khadr was behind a wall, given that Canadian Forces don’t have x-ray vision, how the hell is one going to ascertain Khadr’s intent as an ‘unlawful combatant’ in a split seconds?
    Of course the ‘medic’ who absorbed the blast would be delighted to testify, except for the fact that he is dead.
    Maybe VGuy should read up on killing medical personnel in the Geneva Conventions…
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  38. @ VGuy for further clarity
    Medical Units and Establishments
    * Article 19. Fixed establishments and mobile medical units of the Medical Service MAY IN NO CIRCUMSTANCE BE ATTACKED, but shall at all times be respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict. Should they fall into the hands of the adverse Party, their personnel shall be free to pursue their duties, as long as the capturing Power has not itself ensured the necessary care of the wounded and sick found in such establishments and units.
    The responsible authorities shall ensure that the said medical establishments and units are, as far as possible, situated in such a manner that attacks against military objectives cannot imperil their safety.”
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  39. Regarding the requirement for x-ray vision:
    I never said there was any issue in determining his intent. Fact is he was sitting in a compound with weapons, and using them, and therefore he’s good to go as a target. Go for it (I certainly would). And they did, and they got him. Awesome. Then, when he’s injured, you take him prisoner and do your best to save him. Pretty damn simple. If he dies in the attack instead, then so be it; not an issue.
    Regarding medics:
    Rules also say that we should not kill civilians. We do our best not to. If someone, who is a medic, advances into a compound with military forces, how are we to know not to fire at them? If I fire artillery at an enemy platoon position and there is a medic onsite and I kill him is that somehow a crime? No, because it was reasonable for me to fire artillery at a platoon position. No one is going to say, “There was one medic on position, and therefore, even though your call for fire was against a reasonable target, we are going after you because you killed a medic.” If instead I called a fire mission on an ambulance sitting in the open that would not be on.

  40. Got to meet Ezra last night in Dartmouth at his book signing.
    He took questions at the end and one of them was about Khadr. It was pretty much a short version of what he said in the clip here.
    It was the first book signing I ever went to. Interesting to watch the different reactions to various folks that were either for it or just happened on it. One gal was there with her four year old and you could just tell she was chomping at the bit to lay into Ezra (her look fairly screamed tree hugger). Her comment to her four year old son as she left? “Come on, my ears can’t take anymore bullsh!t”. Nice.

  41. Ezra right on the money as usual. The Khadr apologists just don’t have a case. Even the Liberals where smarter. Send him back to al Quada. Let Obama, the author of this be the one responsible for letting yet another monster free.
    I figure most Canadians are sick of this family of parasites.

  42. Omar and his family are proof that our refugee and immigration system lacks a means test to determine an applicant is coming to Canada in good faith.
    They are citizen’s of convenience that pull out their passport as an escape hatch, but will just as quickly condemn their adopted country to justify any action.

  43. Recall his claim that at Gitmo they gouged his eyes out.

    I got better.
    And ‘hi’, Bugger, er, Hugger.
