Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

October 19th, 2010
In Ontario on Tuesday, Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best suggested it might investigate a new fast-food item. KFC has introduced to Canadians its Double Down – two slabs of seasoned fried chicken sandwiching bacon, cheese and secret sauce.
October 28th, 2010[T]he Double Down has become KFC Canada’s best-selling new menu item ever. By Sunday — less than two weeks after the product launched — the company said it will have sold more than 350,000 across the country.
Contact the Minister here to demand she investigate the public health threat posed by Conservative blogs.

68 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!”

  1. Gosh, sounds as though it might be tasty; just the kind of thing my doctor would suggest I should stay away from. Can’t wait to try it. Don’t tell my doctor, or the folks at Health Canada or whatever.

  2. It’s little wonder the idea of governments butting in on what we can eat gives some folks indigestion. But considering “health professionals” call on them to do exactly that, it seems more reasonable.
    Lets call these “health professionals” what they truly are. Government bureaucrats who in a frenzy to expand their empire of rules have become just garden variety busybodies empowered with the State behind them. Their main aim it seems is to kill buisness, & rescue Canadians from pleasure no matter how small. In concert with increasing wages for them with of course perks.
    The more they regulate the more control.

  3. As soon as I saw this, I visited KFC’s website to see whether this was available in the United States. It is! Now I just need to find a KFC near me. I normally eat rather healthfully (just finished a steamed chicken breast accompanied by barley, pinto beans, and garbanzos), but I’m going to have one just because a government is taking steps that I suspect are preliminary to suppressing it.

  4. My question is why do we have a Minister of Health Promotion Margarett Best and a Minister of Health Deb Matthews?
    If our MPPs are setting the example no wonder the bureaucracy is overstaffed.

  5. CBC radio Edmonton was a living juxtaposition this morning. Our car-pool driving insists on listening to it over the local faux-rock station. They had about 5 minutes on the tragedy of the birds encountering all of the “tar ponds” in Fort MacMurray a couple of days ago and how massive fines or a banning of tailings disposal facilities are needed since the air cannons weren’t enough to keep the birds away. The next story was a puff piece praising “the development of the largest wind-farm in Alberta”. And the driver of the car was puzzled when I started laughing at the stories back to back.
    And no, I’m not off topic. We’re talking about oily birds.

  6. Don’t tell this moron about the Bacon Double Cheese burger . . . more fat, more calories less fiber.
    Let’s keep it our secret.

  7. Done and sent.
    Dear Ms. Best;
    I suppose I can only be thankful I’m not a resident of Ontario – which means you can safely disregard this – since I’m appalled that ANY government official would feel it his/her duty to interfere in the eating habits of Canadians.
    Enough already. You think Canadians are too obese? It’s government that needs to go on a severe diet – there’s way too many of you, getting paid way too much for doing way too little. This is a classic example.
    Government has no place in the kitchens of the nation.

  8. This double down would be a perfect health food but for the breading. I avoid all grains and legumes, as the human body has yet to evolve tolerance for these very recent foods. (I am high sat-fat, lacto-paleo.) Traditional diets typically had or have over 50% calories from fat. Indeed, many indigenous peoples discarded the lean meat of a kill, as unfit for consumption, and rendering the fat for preservation. Recent research is showing the benefits of high-fat low carb eating. Indeed, a recent study showed that those with the highest concentration of dairy fat (as indicated by the presence of saturated fats unique to dairy, namely, C15:0 and C17:0) had the least incidence and risk of heart attack.
    Inspired by KFC, I make a home-made double-down, with the chicken skin intact, instead of unhealthy breading, artisan cheese and meaty, double-smoked bacon. I salute the food geniuses at KFC!

  9. Not to be OT, but since we’ve gone from chickens to ducks, how about we throw in some Canada geese?
    I noticed yesterday that the playing field of our local elementary school was infested with a hundred or more geese, busily turning the playground grass into a turd field.
    How healthy can that be for the kiddies? A couple hundred dead ducks and it’s time for a national inquiry and the shutting down of the oil sands, but our parks are unusable.
    Yet if you suggest a cull, the letters to the editor will go on for a week, all calling such a suggestion an eco-outrage.
    I say eat’em all.

  10. How is it that somebody in government can dictate to an eating establishment how to cook?
    In the article from October 19th, 2010, among other arguments it states that “health professionals” are making them do it.
    Here is a proposition:
    people, eateries, fried chicken and hamburger joints cook what others want to eat. “Health professionals” tell the consumers about the goodness or badness of foods and government buds out of the picture.
    On the other hand, when the big brother pays for yer doctor, big brother tells ye what to eat.

  11. […]investigate the public health threat posed by Conservative blogs?
    I’m sure they are already watching us very closely.
    I’d bet money on it.

  12. Evidence once again that we have a subtle TEA party happening …back off government!
    No-Guff…too bad we can’t introduce Kentucky Fried Goose to the menu.

  13. I had one before it was officially launched. Sort of KFC’s take on Chicken Cordon Bleu, but with a day’s worth of salt and frozen chicken. The secret sauce/bacon/Monterrey Jack cheese middle never cools down, so expect part of your palate to fall off.
    Still looking for a wine to match with it, likely something in a brown paper bag . . .

  14. Aren’t these the same socialist b*(tards that say our kids can’t play tag or soccer at recess,then complain about fat kids??? Hypocrisy is lost on these mental midget leftards.
    And has anybody else noticed that the vegans,etc,look like either a poster child for starvation,or a poster child for fatter cows?

  15. “Still looking for a wine to match with it, likely something in a brown paper bag . . .”
    Mad Dog goes well with anything deep fried. If unavailable try Thunderbird or Night Train. You’re date will be very impressed.

  16. Gellen, yup. Nice and crunchy. Adds a pleasing texture.
    And BTJ has given it the seal of approval by railing against it.

  17. Dear Minister Best,
    By focusing on the expanding menus at KFC you are causing the most serious expansion of all; the expansion of government into every aspect of our lives.
    As soon as Rob Ford “stops the gravy train” in Toronto he will be running for Premier of Ontario. His slogan will be “stop worrying about your waist ( I did) and start worrying about waste”.
    He is sure to win and closing your Orwellian Ministry of Promotion will be first on his list of waste.
    The Ghost of the Colonel from Mississauga

  18. So many tasks, so many responsibilities and no appreciation. The exhaustion sets in and breakdown is imminent. A mental health institution should investigate the minister.

  19. Go Colonel Saunders!
    No one is forcing anyone to eat the “Double Down” – If you think it is bad for you – don’t buy it – simple as that. But don’t you dare tell me what I can and can not eat you arrogant control freaks of the world. It’s amazing that one needs to state the obvious to these people – it’s OK for a woman to choose abortion – it’s her body, but the same does not go for what one can eat. Hypocrites. These people are seriously priority impaired.

  20. Health Promotion Minister? Yikes! I can just see the PSA: ♪Bring out the Best foods and bring out the Best♪.
    But the carrot approach might not be enough to promote a healthy diet, so the unsigned editorial suggests that “employing the stick approach as needed would help.”
    They just want to help you.

  21. Double Down
    “It’s so good, you’ll require a boot stomping on your face — forever.”

  22. Perhaps Dalty McGuinty will bend on the Double Down if they sprinkle a bit of bran on top, the Left are really into colon cleansing.

  23. Well the Double Down may save the company so healthwise, the employees can afford to eat.
    When they fiddled to get a healthy menu sales went down. Franchisees in the Southern US rebelled and replied that people came for fried chicken.

  24. Oh, for pity’s sake.
    On a popular food blog, which I also contribute to, I suggested that the Ontario government might want to, a la Premier Dad, ban the double down.
    The very same day that I posted that, Ms. Best said categorically the Ontario government would not seek to ban this sandwich.
    There are all kinds of things to get on the Ontario provincial government – $0.71 cent kWh solar power, eHealth waste, and general smarminess – but they have made no move, no word, and no attempt to ban the double down. Let’s try to save our moral outrage for actual STUFF THAT THEY DO!!
    And, just trying to set the record straight: the double down has a reputed 540 calories. That’s about 1/4 of the suggested 2,000 calorie diet for most men. Toss in a salad, and a diet soft drink, and what’s the big problem? It’s an easy one of your three meals a day.
    Finally – I’m a diabetic. To me, this is a better choice than a Big Mac, Whopper, or Baconator – it has fewer carbs which spike my blood sugar, and it has about as much fat/calories as any of the above.

  25. Why do adult consumers need the government to tell them what to eat? Unless one of those MPs is your physician, it’s not their concern.
    For me, that “sandwich” sounds too fatty and salty.

  26. How unhealthy is it for Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best to go through life with that stick broke off in her ass.

  27. Just got back from a short jaunt down the 401. All along the highway are new service centres leased out to HMS Host (Hotel Marriott Services, an American Company). What do they offer for selections? KFC, Taco Bell, Tim Hortons, A & W and the like. Seems when the Ont govt wants revenue through these contracts they could care less what crap is sold. They should be tickled pink over all those sales; everyone of them adds to the HST treasure trove.

  28. *
    “Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best suggested it might
    investigate a new fast-food item.”

    now that the mcguinty liberals have exonerated alcohol & tobacco
    of causing any deleterious health problems… it’s only logical that they
    turn their weather eye on chicken sandwiches.
    hey, honey… where’s my government-issue safe-injection kit?

  29. We don’t have an obesity problem.
    We have a bloated “I know better than you” liberal bureaucracy problem looking for something to do so they “look” important.

  30. I recall the days prior to 911, when we could cut through the states, on a transfer bond, to get to the west from Ontario…..delivering new vehicles…
    It became SOP to stop at a small chain hamburger stand in Flint, MI……to get the greasiest burger in creation…cheap too. Damn they were good…..we lead a lot of newbies astray….
    Nature made fat tasty for a reason to make us eat it to fatten us up for lean times….a survival mechanism….
    All this time the “consensus” was that fat increased heart disease and now we find that tain’t so….what else have they lied to us about besides DDT and global warming….
    This reminds me of Woody Allen’s movie “sleeper”.
    I need another drink and a smoke……

  31. “Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best suggested it might
    investigate a new fast-food item.”
    The Double Down is supposed to have 540 calories, and assorted bad stuff. By contrast, the A&W Grampa Burger with Cheese, that has been around forever, has 810 calories. Was she holding back that investigation for just the right moment?

  32. And she was going to ban Chocolate Milk from the schools, Until the Milk Producers spoke up.
    Now mind you i dont know if it is still a go.

  33. Mein Gott! Now the soviet socialist kleptocracy of McGuintistan has bureaucrats who fantasize about being your food Gestapo and ripping the KFC right out of the worker’s lunch box.
    Can you hardly wait for an election or what?

  34. I bet the liberal health minister like pretty much all liberals, favours banning things like the Double Down yet also supports the decriminalization of marijuana.

  35. Dear Leader Dalton is desperate for more tax dollars from anything they can contrive. All the sudden Liberal concern over fast food no doubt will lead to a fat tax on just about everything but raw vegetables. There has been lots of yabbering about a fat tax to increase welfare payments so that the poor can eat better (more expensive?) food. Don’t they know the extra loot will only go for booze and smokes?

  36. I would say that if you have not been able to trim down fast in the past because diets were to restrictive, boring, or you kept plateauing then an eat every other day diet plan or EODD may just be the ticket for you to trim down fast!

  37. The Glengarrian: “so that the poor can eat better (more expensive?) food”
    Speaking as one who changed her diet 2 years ago, all I can say is that better food is less expensive than crap food. Cutting out the crap in favour of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, small portions of meat, poultry and fish cut my grocery bill by almost 50%.
    Of course, I do have to actually cook, you know, chop, stir and simmer food before it can be eaten. And that’s why groceries take up so much of some budgets; prepaying for the chopping, stirring and simmering so that only a microwave is needed costs a lot of money.

  38. I dunno, but I’d like a ringside seat at the first meeting of the new mayor of Toronto and the Health Promotion Minister.
