Reader Tips

A lot of veteran teachers suggest that the children of immigrants, particularly those from from Asia, tend to be more disciplined and less distracted than other students who are often more interested in partying and video games than the pursuit of scholastic excellence. American songwriter Randy Newman proposes a solution to this lack of discipline: non-immigrant students should simply purchase their very own Korean Parents.
They’ll be strict, but they’ll be fair.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

43 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I was wondering if George Bush would be going to one of the Texas Rangers home games this weekend. With everything that’s happened and about to happen I think the timing would be apropos for him to suddenly be on the big screen between innings. I think the stadium would erupt and I’d venture to say that most of the bars showing the game would as well. I think it would very deflating to the Dem’s to have Bush get a 10 minute ovation at the game not to mention it’s The World Series and half of America will be watching on tv. Miss me yet indeed.

  2. While we are busy teaching our youngs how to use condoms and how to be more tolerant of gays and Mulims, China is building better faster computers
    another sign the West is fading away? Judge by yourself,
    …A Chinese scientific research center has built the fastest supercomputer ever made, replacing the United States as maker of the swiftest machine, and giving China bragging rights as a technology superpower…
    Read the rest at ,

  3. Michael Ignatieff ties his Prius to a tree and tangoes twenty miles into Eyebrowville…
    Susan Delacourt:
    “When Toronto voters tilt to the right to elect a new mayor, politicians in Ottawa sit up and take notice.
    “But while some Conservatives are heartened by the presence of a new, seemingly more like-minded ally in the mayor’s office of Canada’s largest city, Liberals and New Democrats are saying that mayor-elect Rob Ford could be bad news for Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
    “Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff sees the Ford victory as a clear warning to Harper…”
    But of course. When voters in the federally Liberal-est Liberal enclave in Canada take a sharp turn right, it’s bad for the Conservatives and good for the Liberals and the NDP….

  4. Korean school children have fires lit under them by the age of seven. It is no stereotype that Korean students work hard due to the “urging” of their most insistent parents. Parents will demand homework, switch schools and send their children to any number of hogwans (small private schools) if that is what it takes to get ahead. I’ve seen it.

  5. edit:
    tend to mBe more disciplined and less distracted than other students, who are often areGONE more interested in partying and video games than the pursuit of scholastic excellence.

  6. I’d really like some clear-headed Korean parents, EBD – believe me. Do you think it’s too late? (I don’t want to turn out like Margaret Cho, though.)

  7. In Brazil, a judge has fined McDonald’s 17,500 in a lawsuit filed by an employee who claimed that he gained 65 pounds over the dozen years he worked for McDonalds. The employee says he had to taste the food..oh..and the store gave employees free lunches..and so..
    Nothing about personal responsibility and personal choices. Nope.
    Another tip – Bush’s book, ‘Decision Points’, set for Nov 9th, has been partially leaked. Apparently, it’s personal and humane; says nothing about Obama.
    Meanwhile, the Obama Gang is busy. We have Clinton trying to get the Democratic Senate candidate in Florida to withdraw so Crist can win; we have really vicious smear attacks against O’Donnell in Delaware, and all kinds of voter fraud.

  8. Thanks Oz. A little more concentration on the task at hand and a little less World Series watching would obviously have done me some good…
    Black Mamba: the Korean parents are all busy – I just checked – but there are a couple of Presbyterian-Scots parents willing to accept adult adoptees.

  9. How do you know when your house has been burglarized by a Korean?
    Your dog is missing, and your homework is done.

  10. i could provide a link but it would still involve clicking through some reply trees…. too complicated to make it worthwhile. suffice to say in the comments section of a maclean’s article, people are now openly talking about how harper is just like (formerly) colonel williams.
    the context is the fighter jet purchase: harper =psychopath, because he would like to buy some state of the art jets.
    what the hey, here’s the link anyway. scroll and click away– you’ll find it in the reply tree started by emily.

  11. Re: Koreans
    More myth and urban legends. Where is there evidence that they are better disciplined than Canadian kids who grew up in good homes!!

  12. So “shortly before he left office” President Bush signed into effect the 2008 Child Soldiers Prevention Act, which the new President has now decided really shouldn’t apply to… the type of countries which use child soldiers.
    I don’t even know why, but I assume I don’t like it. From the Africans’ point of view, who was the better president?

  13. Backfires
    We will see what we will see. This time next week, we will be poring over results from the U.S. midterm election. It will be one of those surprising elections: surprising whether the polls are right or wrong. In the meantime my fellow political junkies have results from municipal elections across Ontario to masticate and digest and produce trends from.

  14. Not even reading the comments I have to say-
    not all North American kids are like that- but too many are and that worries me- I’m and adult (35yrs)
    student at a community college in CWB C welding
    that’s Co-Op with the local high school.
    Most of the kids you would consider “bad” are not. Yes even with drug problems, broken homes etc. they’re not the worst ones. The worst are the self entitled liberal kids with well off parents who are “slumming” it in the trades to “get to know the people”
    The lib trolls you know here on the net start young and from my perspective they start rotten.
    Unfortunately we can’t punish the parents for being douchebags. And it’s nearly impossible to teach their kids. So if the kid is free enough of the brainwashing, she/he doesn’t need Korean parents, he/she just needs responsible parents.

  15. O’Harvard Buddies:
    “*One Big Ass Mistake America,” it reads. O-B-A-M-A. ”
    M-I-M-I-A, it reads: Michael-Ignatieff-Missing-In-Action.
    “*All eyes on influential Tea Party ahead of election”
    “PADUCAH, Kentucky — By the time the three Tea Party Express tour buses roll slowly into the parking lot on Broadway Street, Dave Alexander is already at his booth, arranging T-shirts and buttons in neat rows across several long fold-out tables.
    The printed logos express sentiments that run the gamut from God-fearing American patriotism to righteous antigovernment anger. But one shirt sums up Alexander’s own world view more colourfully than the others.
    “One Big Ass Mistake America,” it reads. O-B-A-M-A.
    “Barack Obama will most likely go down as the worst president in American history, which is probably making Jimmy Carter real happy,” said Mr. Alexander, 52. “He has lied over and over again. He has misrepresented just about everything you can think of.”
    This is the popular view among the roughly 200 grassroots conservative activists who have assembled, on a glorious late October day in western Kentucky, to rally one final time before the Nov. 2 midterm elections.
    For 90 minutes, in protest song and populist speeches, this scenic little city at the confluence of the Tennessee and Ohio rivers is given over to expressions of political grievance.
    The crowd’s leave-me-alone message was defiant, but the overall mood was also celebratory — infused by a sense victory may be at hand.
    Just two years after Obama swept to office and Democrats won commanding congressional majorities, polls suggest a restless U.S. electorate is poised to return control of the House of Representatives — and possibly the Senate — to Republicans.
    By some projections, the GOP victory could rival the 54 seats gained in the “Republican revolution” of 1994.
    If the GOP does take the House, it will be due in large part to the rise of the Tea Party, a loosely organized, fledgling movement dominated by small government, anti-tax libertarians with a visceral dislike of the Obama administration. ”

  16. Rafael Epstein, Afghan warlord’s private army trained in Australia
    Senior militia fighters loyal to a notorious Afghan warlord have been flown to Australia to train with elite special forces as part of a covert strategy to strengthen military operations against the Taliban.
    The six fighters are allied to Matiullah Khan, a powerful Oruzgan warlord with whom Dutch forces refused to work because of his alleged connections to murder and extortion….

  17. I think Randy Newman was either singing in Korean or he was drunk. I couldn’t make out a word of it. Nice rhythm, though.

  18. Obama is drawn toward the ideas of anti-foundationalism, historicism, and philosophical pragmatism. As an anti-foundationalist, he questions the existence of universal truths. As a historicist, he doubts that any ideas transcend the particularity of time and culture. Finally, as a philosophical pragmatist he insists that all propositions, positions, and policies must be subjected to continuing critical scrutiny. … He believes that anti-foundationalism, historicism, and philosophical pragmatism are consistent with the principles of civic republicanism and deliberative democracy on which America was built and for which it should stand.

    Rick Richman and J.E. Dyer discuss this drivel written by Prof. James Kloppenburg of Harvard.

  19. “*Canadians paid out $5,230 for Stephen Harper’s phone bill last year”.
    Hello, Mickey. It’s O. Is “**Micehlle”(sic) in?
    O Who?
    “Obama trip to India sets new records:
    40 aircraft
    both Air Force Ones
    570 rooms in Taj Mahal
    Over 800 rooms total
    30 sniffer dogs
    6 armored cars
    6 helicopters
    (36. Doug)
    “**Obama’s trip to be biggest ever”
    “US President Barack Obama’s trip to India next month is set to be the biggest ever by any US president in terms of the protocol and logistics.
    Headlines Today accessed the details of elaborate arrangements that will be in place to guard Obama during his three-day trip beginning on November 6. He will be accompanied by US first lady Micehlle Obama and their daughters Malia and Sasha.
    Earlier, Obama’s daughters Sasha and Malia were not to be part of the trip. But sources revealed that Michelle’s opinion prevailed and now the girls would accompany the first American couple to India. ”

  20. Well, Bravo, Randy Newman! New album, new songs, new parents, Korean ones, as the antidote to our lazy, non-productive, disrespectful North American youth.
    ‘Not a bad prescription though I see one problem: not the willingness of North American parents to hand their kids over to Korean parents but Korean parents balking at the proposition: What’s in it for them?

  21. EBD’s advice to Black Mamba: ” … the Korean parents are all busy – I just checked – but there are a couple of Presbyterian-Scots parents willing to accept adult adoptees.”
    Black Mamba, don’t go near the Presbyterians. You might become more disciplined but they’ll knock all of the joie de vivre out of you and make you feel guilty when you dance and want a glass of wine (or three) or a tumbler of vodka. I’m glad to hear you’re thinking about it … Think long and hard!
    Sherriff Smith: “Where is there evidence that they are better disciplined than Canadian kids who grew up in good homes!!”
    Check out any major symphony orchestra in North America! Nearly all of the string players are Asian, and I suspect a fair number of them are Korean! I am not exaggerating.
    Kroket: “I think Randy Newman was either singing in Korean or he was drunk. I couldn’t make out a word of it. Nice rhythm, though.”
    (Here comes the link) … check out
    … Korean parents for sale
    You say you’re not all that you want to be
    You say you got a bad environment
    Your work at school’s not going well

    Korean parents for sale
    You say you need a little discipline
    Someone to whip you into shape
    They’ll be strict but they’ll be fair …

  22. halliburton. isn’t that tricky dick chaney’s old stomping ground?
    Not since Michael Moore bought all Dick’s shares.

  23. For those interested the one of the World Series games in Texas will feature a double bill of honorary 1st pitchers – the Father and Son team of George H. Walker Bush and his son, George W. Bush. Should be quite a reception!

  24. Wow. Here’s how the host of “As It Happens” led into her interview with Rob Ford — see if you can pick up any hint of journalistic bias or advocacy on the part of the CBC:
    The weather in Toronto is stormy today. Heavy winds, thunderstorms, and a hundred percent chance of four years of Rob Ford…
    It’s not just the words – listen to her voice as she says the words.
    Ford – bless him – made hilariously clear that he didn’t have the time of day for the CBC. He was in the middle of a football practice, and interrupted the interview repeatedly to address his young players, and then ended the interview with a sort of “gotta go”, like he’d been interrupted by a telemarketer.
    Money quote from the comments at YouTube:

    You have to be joking, how was that a proper way for a mayor to conduct an interview? He was not even listening to the questions? Taxpayers spend money to have CBC interview people like the mayor. He’s wasting our money by not using this public institution to respond to the people.

  25. Comment sent by a buddy in the US “praising” Obama.
    One 82-year-old lady loves Obama and she may have a very good point. She says that Obama is amazing, and is rebuilding the American dream! She gives us an entirely new slant on the “amazing” job Obama is doing, and she says that she will thank God for the President. Keep reading for her additional comments and an explanation.
    When discussing Obama, she says:
    1. Obama destroyed the Clinton Political Machine, driving a stake through the heart of Hillary’s presidential aspirations – something no Republican was ever able to do.
    2. Obama killed off the Kennedy Dynasty – no more Kennedys trolling Washington looking for booze and women wanting rides home.
    3. Obama is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes! Dennis Moore had never lost a race. Evan Bayh had never lost a race. Byron Dorgan had never lost a race. Harry Reid – soon to be GONE! These are just a handful of the Democrats whose political careers Obama has destroyed. By the end of 2010, dozens more will be gone. Just think, in December of 2008 the Democrats were on the rise. In the last two election cycles, they had picked up 14 Senate seats and 52 House seats. The press was touting the death of the Conservative Movement and the Republican Party. However, in just one year, Obama put a stop to all of this and will probably give the House – if not the Senate – back to the Republicans.
    4. Obama has completely exposed liberals and progressives for what they are. Sadly, every generation seems to need to re-learn the lesson on why they should never actually put liberals in charge. Obama is bringing home the lesson very well:
    Liberals tax, borrow and spend.
    Liberals won’t bring themselves to protect America .
    Liberals want to take over the economy.
    Liberals think they know what is best for everyone.
    Liberals are not happy until they are running YOUR life.
    5. Obama has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone since Reagan. In one year, he has rejuvenated the Conservative Movement and brought out to the streets millions of freedom loving Americans. Name one other time when you saw your friends and neighbors this interested in taking back America !
    6. Obama, with his “amazing leadership,” has sparked the greatest period of sales of firearms and ammunition this country has seen. Law abiding citizens have rallied and have provided a “stimulus” to the sporting goods field while other industries have failed, faded, or moved off-shore.
    7. In all honesty, one year ago I was more afraid than I have been in my life. Not afraid of the economy, but afraid of the direction our country was going. I thought, Americans have forgotten what this country is all about. My neighbors and friends, even strangers, have proved to me that my lack of confidence in the greatness and wisdom of the American people has been flat wrong.
    8. When the American people wake up, no smooth talking teleprompter reader can fool them! Barack Obama has served to wake up these great Americans!
    Again, I want to say: “Thank you, Barack Obama!” After all, this is exactly the kind of hope and change we desperately needed!!

  26. EBD, that moeny quote from YouTube could have been from one of my sisters: no concept of the rudeness and contempt shown towards our new mayor. He, of course, is in the wrong.
    No concept, either, on the part of the moonbat commenter at YouTube that it’s the CBC that is wasting taxpayers’ money.
    I’ve tried to set my sister straight, but what are you going to do with leftards? (Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister, but Jeeeeesh …) I’m just delighted that Mayor Rob Ford gave Carol Awf(ul), aka Off, the bum’s rush. ‘Looked good on her.

  27. EBD @1:00 – It was a dark and stormy Rob Ford…
    The lady looks like a Margaret Atwood drag act, which is appropriate, because there’s a certain attitude detectable in the last 20 seconds of that bit.

  28. Oh, that was another CBCista there at the end. Well, there’s enough lese majeste to ge around.

  29. Paging UNaBomber*. Come in Mao*.
    Trouble in the Voodoo sewer of the Caribbean, Mao.
    >>> “blame U.N. peacekeepers from Nepal”.
    Should UNaBomber Mao send ex-GG Jean to Haiti on a fact-finding mission(nice MSM words)?
    “Protesters march on UN base they blame for Haiti’s cholera epidemic, say Nepalese must go
    By Jonathan M. Katz (CP) – 16 minutes ago
    PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Hundreds of protesters who blame U.N. peacekeepers from Nepal for Haiti’s widening cholera epidemic marched on a rural military base Friday to demand the soldiers leave the country.
    Demonstrators waving tree branches and carrying anti-U.N. banners walked from the central plateau city of Mirebalais several miles to the gates of the base perched above a tributary of the Artibonite River — a waterway identified by health officials as a conduit for the infection.
    The protesters chanted “Like it or not, they must go” as the Nepalese soldiers and other U.N. peacekeepers remained inside.
    Cholera has sparked widespread fear in Haiti, where it was unknown before the outbreak was first noticed by authorities Oct. 20. As of Friday morning, more than 4,700 people have been hospitalized and at least 330 have died, according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
    There has been no scientific conclusion on the origin of the epidemic, which became evident when dozens of patients began dying with high fevers and watery diarrhea at a hospital in the town of St. Marc a few miles from the last stretch of the river.”
    *Red-Green UNaBomber Mao Stlong is Canadian “Liberal leader” Liberal MP Bob Rae’s Uncle Mo Strong.

  30. Boy am I getting sick and f’ing tired of hearing about a few ducks out in the oil patch.
    The #%@% in the media have given each of the 350 dead birds about 50 stories each.
    How about some more Canadian stories about the hundreds of thousands of birds killed each year by windmills?
    Of course you can find some old stories before the eco-lunacy really took hold:
    or you can find a story from the WSJ (right leaning and which also goes into the hypocrisy and selectivity of “justice” in the US.

  31. Steve Pickard, son of former Liberal MP Jerry, lost his bid for re election to the municipal council of Chatham-Kent. Pickard, who had been chosen to run for the Liberal Party of Canada until forced to quit b/c of domestic assault charges, couldn’t understand why local voters didn’t re elect him. Hmm, maybe they prefer wife beaters in jail rather than in goverment? Oh, should I say, alleged wife beater.

  32. farmerboy1, I guess Pichard the Younger figured on left-Liberal entitlement to get him elected; obviously, he’s living in La-La Land, no surprise given that he’s a Librano.
    These guys figure they can get away with anything and that pretty much used to be the case, but now that the populace is getting their news from blogs and not filtered through the left-lib lapdogs in the media, the tide is turning.
    Poor Steve. ‘Born too late to ride the gravy train forever.
