53 Replies to “The First American Prime Minister Serves Notice”

  1. Actually he is at the St Albert Cheese Factory in St Albert, Ontario, which is 30 miles from Ottawa. It is a weekly stop for me, the 7 year old cheddar to the left of his shoulder is excellent. The soft and stinky ‘gourmet’ cheeses are about ten feet to his left out of the picture.
    Johan I Kanada: The meaning of the word Liberalism has been deliberately perverted over the past century. The first rule of the leftist/socialist/communist/big government elite is that words mean what the elites tell the unwashed masses they mean. Freedom under big government means you can have sex with whoever you want but can’t express an incorrect opinion, buy an incandescent light bulb or complain about your earnings being taxed to provide a living for welfare cheats or bogus refugees and don’t you dare defend yourself against a violent criminal.
    Liberal comes from the latin word ‘libere’ which is also the root of liberate. Sadly most of the populace no longer knows this.

  2. If memory serves me correct the stop at the St. Albert cheese factory was on day 1 of Iggy’s summer cross Canada Tour de Sulfur…the very same day the bus broke down and got towed by Harper’s Diesel. Phantom has made the very keen observation that the Count of Eyebrows has his shirt tucked in his underwear…and that can only lead to one conclusion…’twas Iggy that went # 2 on the bus.

  3. You guys are failing to actually make a counterargument. Sure, Iggies no anti-government waste crusader, but Harper has blown a ton of money since he took power, all while failing politically.
