21st Century Women: Not Pathetic Enough!

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Clara Barton, 1857“Lining the halls as she came into work, the men made catcalls, spit tobacco juice at her, and blew smoke in her face. “It wasn’t a pleasant experience.” Barton conceded, “in fact, it was very trying, but I thought perhaps there was some question of principle involved, and I lived it through.”
Hollaback, 2010At Hollaback!, we’ve heard stories of women leaving their jobs, or breaking their lease, because their commute involved too much street harassment. We’ve heard stories from girls skipping school to avoid harassment. And we’ve heard a surprising number of stories from women who moved out of New York City because they just couldn’t take it anymore.

12 Replies to “21st Century Women: Not Pathetic Enough!”

  1. This is old hat. I’ve been propositioned a few times, invited to more threesomes than I can count, rophied on at least one occasion, sexually assaulted on another occasion, have had too many phone numbers dropped into my tip-cup at work, and have been told that since I’m a woman I have no business holding my political views.
    These are the breaks, and one thing you’ll never hear the victim-card holders admit is that it makes you a much, much stronger person.
    I comment regularly but I’m so thoroughly against the victim card I decided to even change the nickname on this post.

  2. You know the old saying, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

  3. c’est: this is something that shouldn’t happen anywhere. But I think to some extent the radical feminist movement has fed this disgusting excuse for men we all have to live with. This small group of exhibitionists and scumbags constantly needs to put in their place. And yes; carry a weapon. To hell with the Law; spray or shoot and walk.

  4. The funny thing is, the same Women complaining about cat calls or wolf whistles.
    Start to change after thirty when they come less frequently.
    By forty they will have their wish. No one will harass the Ladies. No one will see anything to compliment.

  5. Gunney: I firmly agree that women are responsible for how poorly all women are treated. If I were a florist, and if lots of florists abused drugs, then I would naturally be also be under that stereotype. But, while it is acceptable in small communities to bleat about community standards, it is impossible nowadays to do the same thing for women. It is very true that the conduct of other women reflect directly upon me, but I’m anti-choice and anti-woman if I pontificate over it. What bothers me the most is the standardized female doormat who accept abuse by assuring themselves that “he loves me!”, and especially the women who can only feel good about themselves by being hit on to the point where they must wear slutty outfits to whichever bars who have drink specials on that night.
    Revnant Dream: when the abuse elevates from cat-calls to rape and rophies, then you’ve got a problem on your hands. But these things are very common. Not common for everyone, though. You either get drugged at bars, hooted at on the street and offered cash for sex, or you don’t have something as chance-laden as beauty and youth.
    The ones (maybe half of all women) who hold on to beauty by lengthy morning makeup rituals, hair extensions and butt implants are the ones who are truly bothered by the lack of shameless imposition when they reach 40.
    I guess that most readers of this comment will believe that I’m just making this all up, because claiming beauty and victimhood is such a common practice of women.

  6. For the women at the Hollaback (is that something to do with that awful song? Never mind) website, there is a simple sentence that nearly anyone will be able to memorize if they put a little hard work into it. Write it down; repeat it every morning until the word order stops confusing you and rolling it off your tongue becomes second nature; have friends or family members quiz you on it. The magic words are:
    “Could you fu($ off please?!”
    And remember, girls, conceal-and-carry is your friend, so vote for the scary right-winger and donate to the NRA!

  7. Reference Kate’s two original quotes and reference this from c’est la me at 3:50Pm “Gunney: I firmly agree that women are responsible for how poorly all women are treated” This is getting close to Stockholm Syndrome. If individual men or groups of men act like pigs towards women, such as apparently a lot of New York construction workers; such as a lot of “officers and gentlemen” at Tailhook, (remember that outrage?) etc., it’s those men who are responsible for their own loathsome behavior. NOT the women whom they treat indecently.
    The older I get, the more I sound like my late father. A real man always treats women -all others actually- with respect because he respects them and he respects himself. A healthy respect of others and self is a fundamental part of a decent mature adult. Responsible parents either lovingly inculcate this in their children, or their children grow up to become, so to speak, NYC construction workers or Tailhook “officers and gentlemen”.

  8. c’est la me
    You personify the whole post.
    You see, Women will always go through this no matter what time period.
    Its how they take it.
    Like todays frightened sheep, or like their predecessors. Wolves who survived.
    By the way just because you like a Women’s curves, doesn’t mean your a serial killer.
    Both Men & Women endure a lot in life. Compared to our settling ancestors, where wimps.
