15 Replies to “Black 41 Flash Reverse Pass On Two!”

  1. Well As It Happens has gone downhill. Last night Ambrose went on about Malloy’s comment Everest was climbed because it was there. 4 or 5 times she said Malloy. With all the technicians, producers and whatever never caught it was Mallory
    Now with Ford it is but what about the tram lines. The answer would be not Smitherman’s plan because he lost. Took a clue from PMSH, talking to most on the CBC is a waste of time. Some that are good must feel terrible.

  2. The CBC is a poisoned place. No good for anything but helping a Marxist or Muslim to feel at home in this demented dominion.
    Defund it now and sell it to Fox News North.

  3. Love the way CBC blames Ford’s communications director for a the lousy interview conditions. Real life happens, in spite of the self-importance of the talking heads at CBC.
    Love the way he is still the football coach, got to look after his commitments and it really is for the kids!!!

  4. Don’t live in Toronto, don’t really know who or what Ford is but even so, He obviously has his priorities correct.

  5. Toronto has a structural deficit of almost half a billion dollars and this is expected to more than double by 2019, yet all CBC wants to ask about are bike lanes and public transport.
    Yet somehow the CBC is a ‘serious’ news organization and Ford is the bumbling oaf?

  6. That brief clip reminded me of why I find CBC radio so irritating! The announcer sounds SO amateurish,like a kid at a college station practicing.
    The hostility in the CBC’ers voice is very apparent,she wasn’t even professional enough to keep her tone on an even keel.
    We pay big tax dollars for a bunch of bloody second-raters.
    I hope Ford is a tough bastard,because this is an indication of how the Press is going to treat him,he’s the ENEMY,in capital letters,and they are going to do everything in their power to destroy him.
    Someone should send Ford the Youtube link to Gov, Chris Christie just to show him an example of how to deal with the hyenas.

  7. Heh heh heh, poor CBC, finding out the prior commitments and building kids’ character is more important to some people than they are.
    Sadly, CBC Edmonton breaks their morning show into clips for the “audio on demand”. These two clips played back to back on their morning show. The death of birds is terrible and Fort MacMurray should be ashamed/scrapped, and in other news a great new wind farm is coming. They need a brand new clue-o-meter, their current one seems to be broken.

  8. I loved the interview. Good show Rob. Those two got what they deserved.
    Privatize CBC and Abe is right, sell it to SunTV.

  9. Alright you geniuses. Why on God’s Green Earth (pardon the word green, but that is the way the old saying goes, so don’t blame me) would Sun TV want to buy CBC? Their studios and equipment, perhaps, but their employees can go on the dole for a while, until Rob Ford restores some fiscal sanity to centre of the universe. I can think of four or five CBCers who will not find employment in any other media outlet, except perhaps in the much maligned US of A. Poetic justice!
    And who might they be: Carol Offputting, Michael Enwrong, Anna Maria Treadonme and David Fruitfly, and maybe Bob Jack of All Sciences, Master of
    None, MacDonald.
    We all remember how long it took them to report the Climategate scandal, and even then, it was all about illegal hacking, and on their website it was buried in the Science and Technology file. I’d like to see their policy about when a story is about illegal hacking and when it is about whistleblowing.
    Of course, Wikileaks is right up there with the courageous whistleblowers.
    I’m amazed at how many times my blog comes up in a search done by someone using the keywords “Julian Assange” + “creepy”. CBC’s spinmeisters are losing, badly.

  10. OK Louise, maybe just the studios and equipment. I suspect that much of the CBC staff might find a more ideological home in Venezuela or Cuba.
