CBC North*

Big Government;

The voices are believed to be those of the news director for CBS Anchorage affiliate KTVA, along with assignment editor Nick McDermott, and other reporters, openly discussing creating, if not fabricating, two stories about Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Joe Miller.

Tape and transcript at the link. Via Dan Reihl
(*Updated post title courtesy Altaguy)

44 Replies to “CBC North*”

  1. Sarah Palin mentioned this on FOX News Sunday this AM, calling them “corrupt bastards”. And if that isn’t reason enough to watch, she also tells weaselly host Chris Wallace to hurry up and finish his long-winded question cuz she has lots to say. How can you not love that?

  2. The behavior of Murkowski and her claque reeks of desperation and fear. If the intimidation previously provided by the political dynasty’s “royal jelly” against potential whistle blowers and investigators wears off, could there be a lot of people thinking about spilling the beans before there is a knock on their door?

  3. A great little interest story that will not be covered by the United States Main stream media.
    Add this to the voter fraud allegations and we get a third world election taking place.
    Maybe they need outside observers?

  4. “Sarah Palin mentioned this on FOX News Sunday”
    I was watching it on tape and rolled back as I had a little trouble believing what i heard. Well said, and appropriate. Gee, I hope the dude in the white house isn’t upset by the language.

  5. CBS will be….
    Checking the guest list
    Checking it twice
    Checking it for uncle Fester
    Wouldn’t that be nice

  6. CBC North.
    Brilliant Altaguy, brilliant!
    Corrupt bastards..
    I did a double-take on that one I tell ya.
    Bless her!
    Lesson: if you use such language very sparingly it has great power.
    I’m still in shock over my mother referring to someone as a c*nt 50 or so years ago.

  7. The following voice mail message was inadvertently left on the cell phone of Joe Miller campaign spokesperson Randy DeSoto.
    Nice one Machiavelli.

  8. Thanks for the video, Kate. I looked and looked about an hour ago, to no avail …
    Good ol’Sarah Palin (looking very elegant and well turned out, as only American women can — don’t know just what it is, but it’s got something to do with the well-cut suit, the necklace, the brooch, the coiffed and sculptured hair … all of which most female Canadian commentators avoid)! She says it like it is, and keeps a forward movement.
    I hope she doesn’t run for office. Her best suit is her affability, her articulateness, her getting to the heart of the matter. She’s much freer to sock it to Americans, to say things they need to hear, as a TV commentator than as an elected politician.
    She’s said that she’s willing to make personal sacrifices if she’s needed on the election stump, but she’s enjoying the freedom she has now to speak her mind untrammeled by elected office and that’s what I think she should continue to do.
    Brava, Sarah Palin!

  9. This is just another example of ‘Faux News’ being disruptive and divisive by reporting events that have actually happened.

    I don’t think it is a coincidence that this ‘news’ comes out the weekend before the elections. Thankfully,we do not YET have this yellow journalism in Canada. (:-)

  10. No no you have it all wrong!! They were just preparing to be ready for anything. Anything…need a meeting for that? Hmm. Robert W is right professional bastards.
    Forced myself to listen to Sunday Report on CBC. Enright is more rabid than the dyed in the wool Obamites. He was in one of the very safe Dem seats. “You’re all going to be on the radio…In Canada. Laughing while throwing up could be fatal.
    They call it journalism Enright,not jingoism. You’re an intellectual type, with some help you can figure it out. Naw back to the lily pad.

  11. Tsk. American-style politics. Getting the truth out . . . so divisive! We need to keep Fox News North out so we fragile Canadians don’t witness such “hate” on the TV that might, possibly, influence more of us to vote right-wing.

  12. Just watched the very latest update from Alaska on CNN..Not One Bloody Word about any of this..just cnn pushing the Murkowski ‘win’
    BTW,does cnn and Wolf Blitzer think the good folk in Alaska are all simpletons? There is panic on cnn over the thot that the folk won’t be able to correctly spell Murkowski on the write-in ballot.

  13. batb…agree! That is the reason I hope she doesn’t run for the WH. She’s much more effective for change without getting distracted by the ‘party rules’.
    Palin rocks!

  14. An explanation has been offered. It appears that they were only talking about how to handle situations that may involve violence or skinners,not that they would plant such stories.

    ” The complete conversation was about what others might be able to do to cause disruption within the Miller campaign, not what KTVA could do.”…Yeah,sure bud.

    This is from Hot Air. http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/1010/CBS_affliliate_Palin_Miller_charge_absurd.html?showall

  15. Media Matters very upset that Breitbart will be on ABC on election night.
    Media Matters not concerned at all about CBS news staff looking to creat news.

  16. grok said:
    “There should be a full criminal investigation into this. “
    Yeah, right! Like the stench that passes itself off as “Law Enforcement” and the “Legal System” is gonna do anything with it. May they rot for what they’ve done to this country!

  17. Now the LSM (Lame Stream Media) has become the SSM (Slander Stream Media)!!
    As always the usual caution is given vis a vis the SSM:
    Don’t believe anything you read and only half of what you see!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  18. Come to me for your FORKS, I have purchased hundreds of thousands of forks, and have them for sale at an inflated price for the celebration to come. These forks are for sticking into everything from Lieberals and Insane Stream Media losers here in Canada, to the Hopey Changeys and their sycophantic media in the US, forks for everyone, come celebrate on Tuesday and stick a fork in a Lieberal, 40 bucks a fork, phone for delivery! The times they are a changin for the better lefties, your SCAMS are coming unravelled quite quickly now.

  19. No mention of this on CBS evening snooze in California – and I stayed awake for the whole thing!
    ps. Katie Couric is ‘investigating the afterlife’ or some damn thing, i dunno, maybe she’s doing a Dan Rather interview?

  20. Did I get this right?
    Palin supported 50 candidates and only 2 out of 50 are in so-called trouble?
    And that is supposed to be bad???

  21. *
    tonight on the cbc national, wendy mesley did a little
    dog & pony show about the “biased” u.s. media.
    of course, it was primarily about slagging fox news
    & glenn beck.
    i almost threw a boot through the tv.

  22. I’d have to say that is one of Palin’s best interviews yet.
    She’s getting wiser and smarter over time.

  23. Sorry I posted this in the comments. Well, thats what you get for going to night shift hours.

  24. Sarah was wonderful on Fox News Sunday and she just ate Chris Wallace’s lunch. She told him to hurry up and he tried to get her back but she smacked him down with her velvet glove twice. LOVED it. The ‘corrupt bastards’ was priceless and so ON the mark! I think Chris is still reeling his little liberal beating heart out of rythym, you betcha!

  25. Sarah Sarah, what words would you say to canada’s socialist corrupt CBC. Canada needs people like you to be on their case.

  26. Sarah Sarah, what words would you say to canada’s socialist corrupt CBC. Canada needs people like you to be on their case.

  27. Jeff Mann – even a snobbish liberal American prof. of my aquaintance, who will passionately declaim that Palin is self-evidently too stupid to be able to figure out how to breathe on her own, will readily concede this point. If anything I’d say she’s getting hotter (the new hair is good).
    I always liked her but I’m only now beginning to think she might be a serious presidential contender. For one thing, she’s been through the most vicious “hazing” I can think of for over two years and she only seems stronger.
