Happy Halloween

Ward writes;

Here’s my contribution if you do a Hallowe’en post.. Look who will be greeting the little punks kids, at our door tonight!
Actually, I’m going to a Hallowe’en party tonight and we are supposed to bring a carved pumpkin. I was going to take the easy way out and do a typical Jack o Lantern. Then, while having a nap, this idea came to me. I remembered I had a good image of Cannon that I had used to make a CD cover (for the endless loop Cannon theme song my friend made), so I blew it up put it in Word and then pinned it on the pumpkin and traced out the image by making hundreds of pinholes, then used a small knife to cut and peel the skin.
Great result for a first time effort, I quite impressed myself. The uneven surface of the pumpkin meat gives the likeness some real character. Other than peeling the pumpkin skin away I did nothing to try to add shadows to the face, they just naturally happened. I then thinned the wall of the pumpkin from the inside so that the candle light would shine through better.

Quite impressive.
Or, you can opt for this.

20 Replies to “Happy Halloween”

  1. Now that is impressive….
    I’m not sure how many under 30 will get it tho…
    I shall satisfy my halloween enthusiasm by planting my garlic….

  2. Will the White House have Chairman Mao pumpkins to go with the Chairman Mao Christmas ornaments?

  3. marc said “I’m not expecting any kids dressed up with burka attire,..”
    They probably won’t be kids dressed up. Just people looking for free stuff. Then they’ll complain that you didn’t give them enough.

  4. And to make it really, really scary, play a recording of clips of The One’s most famous gaffs and idiocies. Shouldn’t be hard.

  5. My wife is doing Frankenstein’s head.
    But then that is where my mother comes from…LOL!
    Happy All Hallows Eve
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  6. The only thing I remember about “Cannon” is that William Conrad’s Lincoln was always getting its brake lines cut – so he ended up hurtling down hills at high speed.
    PS – William Conrad was the narrator on Rocky and Bullwinkle

  7. Did I hear W was throwing out the first ball tonight, along with his old man; could be bedlam in the stands!

  8. I always liked Cannon’s big Lincoln Mark IV with the 460 cubic inch gas guzzler. And as I age and gain a more Cannonesque physique, I think I should buy one. You can still find them around here cheap.

  9. “Did I hear W was throwing out the first ball tonight”
    It’s a pretty sure bet that he won’t bounce it up to the plate … unlike some other chief executive.

  10. @cal2:
    It’s a LIEberal thing, you know entitlements ‘an all…and it is Halloween.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”
