George Monbiot – Longing No Longer!

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
George Monbiot, February 2005“Winter is no longer the great grey longing of my childhood. The freezes this country suffered in 1982 and 1963 are – unless the Gulf Stream stops – unlikely to recur.”
Daily Mail, December 2010Coldest December since records began as temperatures plummet to minus 10C bringing travel chaos across Britain
h/t John D.

37 Replies to “George Monbiot – Longing No Longer!”

  1. All 3 p.m. soccer games cancelled except for one.
    Wasn’t the entire premise of the scam that global warming was making it too hot for Africa to grow crops and that gazillions of dollars transferred to Africa would allay the unrest?
    It was global warming that was the big boogeyman, not climate change.
    By their original logic, the colder weather in Europe should translate to bumper crops in Africa … now that there’s a clearly detectable cooling trend.

  2. Women wearing parkas in London? First fortnight in December? It’s that bloody climate change, isn’t it?

  3. Yet even more ridiculous than Monbiot — he’s just a journalist after all — is the UK Met, a supposedly scientific body that keeps predicting warm winters and instead getting freezing white-outs.
    But I guess that’s what you get when you put a former head of the World Wildlife Fund in charge of an annual 200 million pound budget.

  4. One of these days these ecotards are finally going to have to admit that we’re now into another 30 year cold cycle…just like the one that had these same bozos telling us an ice age was imminent back in 1978.
    I suspect they’ll nevertheless hold out until hell freezes over, probably longer.
    …or, more likely, until they figure out how they can turn climate change into yet another looming ice age scare without coming off as a bunch of blatantly opportunistic, exploitative roaches.

  5. Kate’s website, especially her juxtapose series, strikes at the heart of the problem – people have short memories.
    Most people, in all walks of life, agree;
    – that the world is run by crazy people.
    – that most politicians fare badly in public opinion.
    – that the media fear mongers.
    – that the media is selective on what they cover.
    People have short memories so the crazies above have been able to ply their trade for centuries in much the same way Con-Artists do – gain your confidence by appearing all knowing, by liberal(yes pun) verbosity, by making promises.
    After gaining your confidence, they lie to you. Hence, Con-Artist. This happens again and again and yet most of us do not call them on it. The media questions only those who are outside the Ruling Class.
    But Kate points out the juxtapose daily to tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands when including all the links-to she gets.
    And it is driving the MSM bonkers – witness the Globe&Mail yesterday deleting her comment (Warren Clements) even though thousands had already read it and most were backing her up with similar, agreeable comments – that were still siting there. It is hilarious!

  6. It’s all good. Old and lame: Global Warming.
    New and Awesome: Climate Instability!
    If john begley gets his wish: White Man’s Wind.
    My scientific hypothesis is that stuff is happening, and there is weather. Prove me wrong, people!
    (p.s. isn’t it true that “Moonbat” was actually coined after Monbiot?)

  7. Good news, this cold weather should dampen the enthusiasm for continued student protests (especially if the police use water cannons on rioting students).
    As for negative effects on the AGW industry – negligible. The buggers have been covering up for crappy science and failed predictions for so long that I doubt they even keep track of the growing pile of embarrassments anymore.

  8. Someone should challenge these climate geniuses to play the baby New Year all the way down Main Street in Moscow.

  9. Jeff Mann – that story is absolutely hair-raising; I don’t know exactly what to make of it. But FYI the place for OT links is Readers Tips.

  10. People have short memories.
    This interweb thingy has much longer memories . . .
    Let’s all hope Mr. Moonbat doesn’t have a heart attack shoveling a couple of feet of global warming or sliding off an ice slicked highway.
    Maybe he’ll turn on Lisa and accept his inner Homer . . .
    “Homer: See, Lisa, looks like tomorrow I’ll be shoveling ten feet of global warming.
    Lisa: Global warming can cause weather at both extremes, hot and cold.
    Homer: I see, so you’re saying warming makes it colder. Well aren’t you the queen of crazy land. Everything the’s opposite of everything.”

  11. Monbiot’s quote reveals a lack of self-awareness. Comparing the temperatures of his childhood to now? Based on perception, rather than data.
    It would be like me complaining that the days between June 30th and September 4th pass quicker now, compared to my childhood, where the summer lasted forever.
    Or, to put it another way, when I was a kid, the snow was nearly up to my knees. That same snow level is now just below my ankles.

  12. “The problem is compounded by the fact that the connection between cause and effect seems so improbable. By turning on the lights, filling the kettle, taking the children to school, driving to the shops, we are condemning other people to death. We never chose to do this. We do not see ourselves as killers. We perform these acts without passion or intent.”
    — George Monbiot

  13. A year ago the experts were warning us the ice and snow were going to melt, ground water was going to dry up and we’d all be suffering from extreme heat and drought conditions. Now they are saying the exact opposite hoping the rest of us will forget last year’s global warming dire predictions.

  14. Saw a clip from CoMBrodCorps George Stromalphabet last night, topic polar bears. He had Michael Mann as a guest, Boom… switch off.. CBC makes me ill.

  15. Remember the vast predictions of drought on the great plains?
    The Great Saskatchewan “Stuck In The Muck” Photo Contest…………

  16. Heh we’ve been tracking that system on WUWT for a week. Record cold here it BC as well. I’m well layered in my thermal fleece and old rocky mountain
    ski jacket.
    Gonna cost a bunch for the furnace tho, we are carbon taxed at the moment, but the premier is out like a Christmas turkey.
    Duct tape and “window skin” kits help.
    Funny how the fools don’t realize that when the earth gets too warm it bleeds the heat off into space. It’s called H2O retards.
    Take your agenda driven carbon tax and shove it.

  17. This is a Orwell quote that I forgotten, that I came across the other day…it seems fitting.
    “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
    Wise words indeed.

  18. Along with the Moonbat here in Canada we are “blessed” with the village idiot David Phillips, his predictions of the up coming winters and summers rank right up there with Moonbats and Friedmans rants on the future. I can’t believe that fools like the globull warming converts are even given paychecks, no wonder we are broke, what company would keep idiots on the payroll.

  19. I’m disappointed to read the “official” year is just 1910.
    I would have thought that there would have been enough reliable Victorian or Regency thermometer readings from enough places around then-Great Britain to make a reasonably-accurate* reconstruction of Britain’s temperatures going back further.
    *You know, reasonably accurate contrasted with extrapolating from one thermometer for ALL of the Canadian Arctic the way NASA’s NOAA does.

  20. “Heh we’ve been tracking that system on WUWT for a week. Record cold here it BC as well.”
    Guess it depends what part of BC you’re in, dwright. Here in the center of the province it’s been a rather mild winter thus far, and I rather appreciate it.
    But it sure warms the cockles of my heart to see the alarmists shivering in Cancun and Europe, just the same.

  21. Yet, despite the widespread evidence that AGW, Climate Change, “Extreme” weather, is a fraud of the highest proportions, our governments keep repeating the mantra.
    Look at BC….currently, the provincial ‘Liberals’ (a coalition of right, centrist, and leftist Liberals) are undergoing a leadership race, with Gordo Campbell, Mr Carbon tax, finally riding off into his green sunset.
    Kevin Falcon, the boyish looking candidate, and most right of the bunch, has stepped up and said, the Carbon policy needs to be reviewed, smartly saying it was modelled around other administrations doing the same, which hasn’t happened, justifying the need to review the policy (politico speak for ‘I’m junking it’).
    Well, Christy Clark, former cabinet minister, Federal Lefty Liberal, wife of Federal Liberal operative Mark Marisette, has blasted him for ‘making up tax policy on the fly’, yadda, yadda, yadda. The other candidates have echoed her stammering, but, it’s clear, who the mouthiest (and the leftist) opponent is……
    I would appreciate all BC SDA viewers to send a note to Falcon, thanking him for his stand, and sending one to Clark, telling her we won’t vote Liberal, if she still believes in this fraud, and supports Carbon Tax. She needs to know we don’t like Lefty Liberals in BC, especially know-it-all talk show hosts from the wishy washy left.

  22. Monbiot should have added one more “unless” to his qualification “or the prevailing winds are blocked” Europe’s winters are warmer than ours because the Gulf Steam brings heat to the North Atlantic which the jet stream carries eastward over northern europe. Last year, high [warm] pressures in the arctic forced cold air south & blocked the warming winds.
    Check this month’s temperatures —
    // Figure 1(b) shows November 2010 surface temperature anomalies […]. Northern Europe had negative anomalies of more than 4°C, while the Hudson Bay region of Canada had monthly mean anomalies greater than +10°C.
    The extreme warmth in Northeast Canada is undoubtedly related to the fact that Hudson Bay was practically ice free. In the past, including the GISS base period 1951-1980, Hudson Bay was largely ice-covered in November. […]
    The cold anomaly in Northern Europe in November has continued and strengthened in the first half of December. Combined with the unusual cold winter of 2009-2010 in Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, this regional cold spell has caused widespread commentary that global warming has ended. That is hardly the case. On the contrary, globally November 2010 is the warmest November in the GISS record. //
