35 Replies to ““Pls try ur best to send this order out.””

  1. I was on a layover in St John’s while on my way to South Africa last year. I was making small talk with a baggage handler. I asked him how far Africa was from St. John’s … He said. “well it can’t be too far because there’s black fella on our crew and he goes home for lunch.”

  2. Chicken pot pie! Puke! If you were going to treat your mother, one would think you could have come up with something better than that. How about taking her out to a decent place. Big Spender…

  3. From the menu description in this story, I am pretty sure I know what the restaurant is, but I won’t say. It is one our family eats at a lot. It’s certainly not fine dining, but with 5 and 7 year old boys, you take what you can get. The one we go to is always busy, has great service and good food for a fair price. They always have a line up for takeout, although I would not order take out from there because it doesn’t travel well.

  4. Profiling happens all the time….for example, being raised on the prairies and now, living in beautiful B.C., I get comments on my Saskatchewan “accent” all the time, hahaha! And so does my daughter, much to her consternation, LOL

  5. Apparently, the poster had been ‘witeing’ since 5:00 p.m.
    Is it too much to ask that customer service reps speak and write the language of the country they reside in?
    ..or are they hired to administer to the functionally illiterate of their own ilk?

  6. The note is perfectly understandable; allow me to re-phrase:
    The guest has been witeing since 5:00PM and is still white for his order. So please hurry.
    It’s the pluperfect tense of the verb “to white” that confuses.

  7. I know plenty of ‘people of colour’ who sound ‘white’ over the phone. Perhaps what was actually meant was ‘ejicated’. Wrong kind of profiling.

  8. Ah yes, haven’t been there for 15 years or so but seems the old traditions live on. Some good advice that came from a former inmate was “If it doesn’t rotate while cooking, don’t order it”. In the old days you could make an exception if you were into rock hard chicken wings kept “fresh” under the heat lamps for your dining pleasure.
    Not to sidetrack things, but has anyone else noticed the odd “ambiance” in the latest TV ads?
    I’d try this one the next time I’m in:

  9. I hope you didn’t eat the food. Never complain to someone who handles your food – I imagine your chicken pot pie contained a few extras.
    Read the blog Waiter Rant and watch the movie “Waiting”.

  10. My preference is to deal face to face with these “multi-cult” elements.
    I recall a dinner companion looking about for a place to hide.
    1) Speak up so the entire place can get your side.
    2) Make it clear by body language and nuance that you do not suffer fools gladly….
    A background of the legion and exposure to some of the ruder elements of american society helps.
    Trying to converse with these fools over a phone gives them an unfair advantage—they can hang up.

  11. Monster won’t allow this I’m sure, but Kate being a free speecher might. Dear Monster:
    “Yes, it is the most rampant kind of profiling in Canadian history, so rampant is white male privilege that it is hegemonic (another word besides rampant you may want to look up).
    I believe, you smarmy sarcastic simpleton, the word you were groping for was “flagrant”.
    If only all “profiling” was of the kind you experienced. Do you realize your “whiteness” worked only in your favour. Firstly, it shows we live in a culture where non-whites still internalize a socially constructed and purely arbitrary inferiority (look at the history of the category of “race”, a non- existent biological category used primarily to justify white superiority). Secondly, your “whiteness” was interpreted as a mark of power that commands greater care, attention, and respect. Sadly, none of which you seem to deserve.
    I’m sure all those visible minority cramming into your fantasies of the theft of your jobs, women, and culture wouldn’t be such whiners if profiling worked for them the way it did for you. Imagine the scene: “Hey Billy Bob make sure you be providin the best service you can to that there last customer: he be black man”. OR. “Officer Brown, uncuff that man and stop hurling abuse at him, he’s a member of our First Nations.
    I don’t concur with profiling nor stereotyping because it is a weak, even if tempting, and groundless generalization which I believe robs people of their uniqueness and individuality. In the same way that I wouldn’t like my identity entirely reduced to that of a group identity, (thereby leaving some room for my own autonomy and individuality) I wouldn’t want to do that to someone else.
    Still there is no equivalence between what you experienced as “profiling” and what the marginalized experience as “profiling”. And your attempt to get some laughs while projecting a thinly hatred for all that is “foreign” is simply smarmy.

  12. Yes I would not only allow but welcome your comments on my site. Just because I may not agree with someones thoughts or beliefs does not give me a right to censor them. If I have the freedom to post mine I also have the obligation to post any that do not agree with me.It`s what a free and open debate on an issue is all about. Send away to monster@monsterinthewest.com and as long as there is no profanity I will post you. MONSTER

  13. Bill Not a white guy working for the Feds right? See it is nice to have all the ideals. I have them too but I reserve equal for equal not a PC version of same. Someone that can’t do squat is not my equal on the job and no amount of mewling will change that.
    You remind me of an AA fellow in a meeting being upset he wasn’t being told he did enough things right. The silence in the room should have clued him in you actually had to do something right.

  14. My late mother-in-law was a celiac, and the establishment in question was one of the few restaurants she could eat at. I don’t mind the food, but they don’t deliver to my (somewhat sketchy) neighourhood.
    I do love Bill Stewart’s conviction not only that he has brought the Mighty Smite Hammer of Righteousness on another Evil White Guy, but also his assumption that the Monster would be so vile as to not allow him to post his retort. Heh.

  15. And if Bill’s from Toronto, I’m sure he lives in a majority-Jamaican neighbourhood or apartment or then he’d be guilty of voting, er, racial profiling with his feet.
    And I’m sure that rather than profile he’d accept a challenge to receive a blood injection from a dozen gay prostitutes chosen at random off the street or the first dozen clients from a gay bathhouse the same way I’d be willing to take a blood injection from the first dozen people leaving a mainstream Baptist church.
    Because Bill would never racially (or sexually) profile.

  16. I’m going to take a wild stab and guess they would value a white customer most because generally they tip considerably better than other races. At least in the U.S…

  17. Bill Stewart, you are just another leftist bigot that has a misguided sense of superiority.
    As a Christmas gift to you, I wish for your life to filled with the never ending joys of dealing with the religion of peace. In your neighborhood, in your workplace..I want you to feel blessed that your constitution is able to handle the cultural assault that is coming your way.
    Let’s see what your response is then. Will it be as smarmy and trite?
    Or will you come cringing back like a cur and admit you were so wrong for so long?

  18. If I may paraphrase a line from one of Wambaugh’s books:
    A voice can have tone, volume and inflection, but it is singularly without colour…

  19. Re: Mr. B.S.
    Peter Foster had a good one in yesterday’s N. Post:
    Three mental traits essential to good socialists: moral superiority, historical amnesia, and economic fantasy.
