41 Replies to “Take Me, Obama”

  1. Take me Obama? Shouldn’t that be “Take that Obama”? The Oblamebushes are not invited to the Royal Wedding! Maybe Willie and Kate wil send them a European format commemorative DVD.

  2. The should call it Blueb@lls with Chris Matthews. Did you see the way that guy was looking at Chrissy?

  3. Obamba is as Gay as a three dolla bill.
    “The comeback kid” is all brokeback mountain.
    Goodnight America, you have entered the new dark ages and it won’t be pretty for any of our futures.

  4. I’m quite sure he can’t stand after watching O speak for the all revealing wet spot.
    … the tingle, has spoken.

  5. that’s not true Knight 99. watch America rise from the ashes, I believe in American exceptionalism and you had better too. If the free world has any hope what so ever, it’s you and me and thee that has to do it. Stand up, be a man. God Bless America.

  6. Kelly,
    Optimism is good. We will see.
    As with anything there is a tipping point, “the point of no return”. Unfortunately the pessimism in me sees the loss of the US manufacturing base, the influx of millions of unskilled third world labor and crime, along with the irreplaceable erosion of the middle class.
    This controlled deterioration has been fed by the aristocratic, corporate and governmental upper classes then fueled by the useful idiots on the left as idealist “anti capitalism” believing they are fighting the enemy. They think they are creating an equal opportunity utopia, sharing the wealth and enforcing it with a government that believes in their visions.
    I believed in the “American exceptionalism” as it once was, but the US has been transformed into a whole new animal now. Those exceptional people have been shackled, repressed, and outnumbered in too many ways to count anymore. The idea of small business and successful mom & pop operations are long gone for the average Joe.
    With unsustainable deficit growth, undoubtedly higher taxation in the future, a global move to stop the US dollar as the worlds trading currency, the US is in big trouble. These past few years have been nothing short of a “looting of America”.
    In my opinion, the looting will not stop at this point until complete breakdown of American society occurs or a major revolution in the form of government overthrow. Not necessarily through violence, but not impossibility. Again just my thoughts.

  7. Of course, mouther: your flapping-on-the-poles utter tone-deafness regarding Mathews’ damning Bush with faint praise (he’s a dumb, iconographic “guy” for the American plebes) falls on Kate’s lap.
    “Ta” indeed.

  8. knight99, if Canada has been able to bounce back from turdopian damage to its economy, then the US should easily survive the big zero. The size of the Tea Party movement is impressive and a large portion of the population have become very pissed off with the state.
    The concepts of individual enterprise and American exceptionalism are potent forces which are likely to overcome the statist plans of the socialists in power. As you noted, the return to sanity may be very messy as the large number of social parasites are dealt with.
    I don’t think we’ve passed the tipping point yet but, if the nanny state isn’t reigned in soon, another generation raised to not depend on themselves will likely kill US individual freedoms.

  9. loki >
    I hope your right. I can’t help visualizing one BIG Mexico south of the Canadian border.
    Lot’s of shanty towns, big mansions on the beach, gangs, murders, kidnappings and allot of black armored police around making sure everyone’s greased.

  10. mouther How would you know bambam looks good in a military uniform? Did he steal one?
    loki I agree the US isn’t done but they are getting awful close. We never had 12 million illegals claiming free health care, education, welfare and the right to vote. Add in the number of guns floating around and the ingredients are there for bad things.

  11. Only time I tingle like that is after dropping a three-coiler.
    Grown men, hardnosed newsmen? Not a fricken chance.

  12. “that wonderful boy smile of his..”
    Imagine if someone from FOX refered to any black politician as a “boy”.

  13. It seems Chris Matthews is just a silly twit….emphasis on silly.
    Good point. Canada recovered from the ravages of Trudopea……even easily sustained the pilage of the treasury by the LIBRANOs(which seems to be a bad debt). Ontario rebounded with Harris “Common Sense Revolution”.
    Reagan and Thatcher succeeded in recoveries without emotional events Without an emotional event(civil war).
    Germany recovered from the depths of the Weimar era….without foreign aid.
    The question is can the USA recover without an emotional event. The disturbing thing is that the polarity is regional. However the faction which predictably will resort to violence is concentrated in the failed states such as California, Illinois and New York.
    The notion of history repeating is somewhat fuzzy…..precise parallels never exist.
    There will probably and likely must be some unpleasantness….a necessary catharsis…
    I envision and hope for a resolution to occur Romanian style…..a bit of localized unpleasantness and then life goes on.

  14. sync
    Just when you think you’ve seen a new level of incompetence from the left, Olberdunce one ups the mob, to a newer level of stupidity.
    BDS has dangerous long term side effects…..complete loss of financial acumen.
    Best line from the video? “100% unemployment should create unlimited wealth, why don’t we all quit our jobs and create unlimited prosperity?”
    Olbermann is like the energizer rabbit, his moronic tome just keeps on going and going and going……

  15. The Chris tingle is now associated with his peeing his pants rather than the thrill of progressive victory.

  16. Great bit of writing Knight 99, and very close to the mark. The top down politburo style of govt. never has and never will work, his constant meddling in the system will eventually cause the productive to sell out and quit producing, something very powerful about protecting your family. Canada suffered greatly under the idiot Turduau especially the west, any time you remove the monetary gain prize, for hard work and ingenuity and replace it with govt. red tape and kleptocrats like Red E.D. is busy doing here in Alberta, you ruin productivity. Govts need to get out of the way of business, how else will they have enough revenues to throw at their STUPID environMENTAL causes, like globull warming. These govts everywhere, and their environMENTAL ministries should learn that when they stop projects because of Greenpeace BS, the people sometimes turn to criminal means to feed their families. It will get worse until the world realizes the enemy is the parasites they refuse to pour Ivomec on.

  17. I am starting to think that Chris Matthews would like to lick the Presidents leg.
    Or did he say that already?

  18. Obama’s smirk has almost disappeared.
    And, when he smirks he seems to wince immediately thereafter;
    perhaps realising that his view of himself is not shared.
    The United States remains immensely creative and energetic. If the scourge of government can be lifted, a great future beckons.

  19. Loki
    What makes you think we bounced back from Trudeau’s socialising of our country and economy?
    About all we undid was sell Petro Canada, we still have a monopoly system and government still controls far too much of the economy.
    We still have no property rights and no right to self-defence.
    Canada more rightly represents what the USA is fighting not to become than it represents a climb back out of socialism and lack of basic rights.

  20. Trudeaupia is disappearing at the rate of 5% a year.
    That’s how much less money the Harper guvmint is spending on each year’s budget.
    Enough to make a difference and not enough for the opposition to howl incessantly about. Otherwise, the opposition would have been howling incessantly about it.
    Once January rolls around, Obama’s power and influence will be greatly diminished and his ideology exposed.
    He may be for the continuation of the tax tables, but it will be his rhetoric about business that will expose his real intentions.

  21. So after two years of ‘Hope and Change’ the One has now told America that things are going to get worse ” There will be moments…….today.” And then the little laugh and chuckle and the background accompaniment as if to say to the American public “You morons voted for me and you ain’t seen nothing yet!!!!” If the One is not impeached shortly then America is on the verge of a long deep dark rollercoaster ride and Canada is going to get sucked into the vortex.

  22. Set you free @ 12:04
    Wish it were so.
    What 5% rollback are you referencing?
    I’m only aware of the overall increases in the last four years.
    Not to say it would not have been triple or worse increases under the economic illiterates permeating the other federal party choices.

  23. Knight 99 at December 18, 2010 2:18 AM
    I regretfully concur fully with your excellent comment. There is a point of no return, and the US is not at it, but well past it.
    And I have zero faith in the Tea Party.
    For America to survive, government spending would need to be reduced by at least 50% which of course would entail the abandonment of entitlements — SS, Medicare. This has been done: see depression of 1921 which lasted a mere 18 months.
    Is there a single politician — including Palin, Bachmann — who would go to the American public and say, “you know all those SS preumiums you and your employers paid … they were spent on other stuff, so suck it up ….”.
    And oh, as the resident Banking Bore, without a full restoration of sound money [separation of money and state] there is no way for politicans to attenuate their now irredeemably corrupt constituents’ demands for goodies.
    And oh yes, shut down ALL US military bases worldwide, and chuck the “exceptionalism” bullshit.

  24. When Chris Matthews gushed about “the Commander-in-Chief’s ‘cute smile we all love…That wonderful, boyish smile'” no one’s seen for awhile, Eugene Robinson looked completely dumbfounded, like, “What the hell are you talking about, Chris? Have you completely lost your mind?”
    Isn’t Matthews supposed to be dealing with the news rather than Zero’s smile-o-metre?

  25. Me No Dhimmi >
    I couldn’t agree more. The US needs to reign in and rebuild it’s manufacturing base if it want’s to survive.
    First and foremost it needs to stop being the world’s policeman and become the “protectionist” society that globalism has made a politically incorrect word akin to racism.
    Let the Middle East and Third World fight out their problems on their own dime, sooner or later the sand will settle. At the end of the day Saudi Arabia will trade oil with the US, China will still sell junk and Russian’s will still swoon over US made whiskey. Money talks, a strong US economy, productive and protected will still be able to trade its luxury items with the rest of the world if it can produce them.
    The US needs to understand that it is being used as the worlds toilet, not the other way around. That could be stopped if the current fascist governmental system was returned to the people.

  26. bdogginit, thanks for the link to the article about the big zero’s pathologic narcissism. Quite prescient and it still remains to be seen how this Chauncy Gardner president will react to the majority of the American people seeing through his delusions.

  27. Robinson’s face is beautiful.
    You know he’s thinking.
    “Did this pecker checker just call the first black president “boy” ?

  28. Not being familiar with Chris Mathews, my first thought on viewing the clip is that Mathews is gay,and has a lusty crush on the cute boyish President.
    That’s okay,it’s alright to be gay,but gushing over men in power positions should be done in the privacy of one’s bedroom, not on national television.

  29. Chris Mathews must be gay. When ever I see Obama’s endlessly shown mug.
    The first thought that enters the brain is. What an A-Hole. To Chris Mathews its an aphrodisiac of deep held longing. The slimy simpering pose when he is around this Lying incompetent Narcissist Elitist. Its not only embarrassing on a personal level watching this love slave mentality, its profane.
