41 Replies to “The 12 Days Of Winter”

  1. Equally Funny and Sad. Thank God we put our girls through private school. At least they missed the bulk of lefty logic (you know the type, inconvenient facts don’t exist.)
    Showing my age but we used to say the lords prayer in class. No conflict at all for Nancy Finkelstein. Indeed, we thought she was privileged getting to remain seated and not having to mutter along with us.
    Good Lord (pun intended) what have we allowed to happen in our school system? We pay them far to much too when you add in their pensions. Here in BC all the increases in School budgets are for pension top-ups. No rioting in the streets yet but its coming I venture.

  2. The correct refrain is
    Run, run away quickly you might be “offended”…rumor has it the Holy Family bugged out to Egypt.
    You might say they “Copt” out 🙂
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”
    Matthew 1:18-24
    18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit; 19 and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. 20 But as he considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; 21 she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” 22 All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: 23 “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel” (which means, God with us). 24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife

  3. Thanks Kate. I am sending this on to many people.
    This pretty much covers the educational system these days. My son-in-law teaches something different though, but don’t tell the lefty union. Another daughter home schools her children to avoid the left wing crap.

  4. A minute and 47 seconds that sums up nicely why my kids attend a private Christian school.

  5. In the matter of the ONTARIO HUMAN RIGHTS TRIBUNAL vs Jesus Christ, Peter the fisherman, et al., regarding the matter of the foretold appearance of angels at the end of the age to harvest the righteous and burn the unrighteous, be it known that the TRIBUNAL finds the defendants guilty of contravention of the Ontario Human Rights Act, specifically, where it prohibits discrimination against any person on the grounds of being “damned to hell” ;
    FINDING that the defendants must pay the TRIBUNAL and plaintiff Winston F. Goreman $70,000 for loss of self-esteem, hurt feelings, yada yada, illegal nativity scene, nasty innuendo about CBC being godless atheistic horror-pit, and general ill will towards diversity.
    Dated this 25th day of December, 131
    (consistent with the above, we are now dating the years from the birth of Josef Stalin, seems a bit churlish to count from, well, you know).

  6. The 14th century philosopher Ibn Khaldun theorized in the MUQADDIMAH (“the Introduction”), when a civilization begins to decay and enters the twilight of it’s existance, it is invariably vanquished by a society of barbarians.

  7. I don’t like to see a particular religious doctrine given special privilege in a publicly funded school.
    Otherwise, this is A-1 material.
    “Don’t own a gun” + “Islam is peaceful” = Contemporary Europe

  8. “I don’t like to see a particular religious doctrine given special privilege in a publicly funded school.”
    Why the hell not?? This country was founded on Christian principles. If you don’t like it then move to one of the “hell holes” that that ascribes to whatever it is you want, or don’t want.

  9. Horny Toad should look a bit more closely at the history of this country. In most schools in Canada, even those associated with a particular denomination, religious doctrine was not taught during school hours. Here in the Maritimes, the great compromise provided for public schools that had a Catholic orientation and others that had a nondenominational (though largely Christian) orientation. Religious instruction, however, was provided outside of regular school hours.
    It was a classic Maritime and Canadian compromise that removed a major source of religious conflict. One of the major objections to the Charter (and it was voiced clearly at the time the charter was adopted) was that our ability to reach reasonable compromises and accommodations would be limited and that unaccountable judges would be able to impose whatever settlements they wished.
    There are many Christians who would agree with Incisor — “I don’t like to see a particular religious doctrine given special privilege in a publicly funded school.” — because we object to the privilege that many schools are according a variety of non-Christian faiths while seeking to silence Christian expression.

  10. Incisor: Here, in Canada (and elsewhere in the West), just what part of our democracy and judicial, educational, health, and welfare systems was created and sustained by Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs . . .?
    You think all religions and their fruits are equal. They’re not.

  11. If you wish to see diversity AND Nativity scenes (or a diverse collection of Nativity scenes- whichever way you’ll have it), go to Saint Joseph’s Oratory where you’ll find a museum dedicated to Nativity scenes from all over the world. People from any walk of life can see how people all over the globe depict the Christ-Child’s birth. Yes, this Catholic-run museum has an exhibit to a Jewish kid. Take liberal teachers to this museum and watch their heads blow up.

  12. I am sitting in a fully Muslim country now as I write this:
    The local supermarket down the road is playing Xmas carols all day long over it’s loudspeakers in the store, Bing Crosby & friends no less. The local shopping mall has put up many Xmas decorations, and quite a few offices have put up lights and Xmas decorations.
    I have no doubt that in the next week every Muslim person I meet will say Merry Christmas to me, as they have any year I’ve spent Christmas in a Muslim country.
    The feigned outrage over Christmas in western countries is a product of entitlement grabbing by Muslims who see an easy “sucker” and Liberal Left Wing Progressive nuts within western society.
    The Left is the real culprit, as they are the enablers with the real agenda for western destruction. They outnumber the radical Muslims 100/1 in our countries and the source of our cultures disintegration.

  13. Knight, I’ve had Muslim friends and non-Christian/Western friends wish me a merry Christmas.
    You’re right. It’s the leftists whose mission to make themselves and others miserable is most grating.
    I’m going to church, eating lots of food and watching the sci-fi channel during Christmas.
    The video is an extremely good reason why people should either home-school their kids or send them to private schools.

  14. I think Incisor remarks were misread by some.
    “Don’t own a gun” + “Islam is peaceful” = Contemporary Europe
    Does not sound like a positive review of Islam or Liberal Europe to me.
    The misplaced rebuttal comments by others were good though – “Not all cultures are equal”! To be sure.
    Only the self appointed “educated experts” i.e. left wing fruitcakes in our society think they know what other cultures are like because they had either read it in a book, or heard it from another intellectual fruitcake.
    Reality is quite different. To begin with, all mothers do indeed instinctively “love” their children. Dog’s or cheetah’s will all protect their young, but they are still completely different animals. One should be more welcome in your home than the other via the process of natural selection.

  15. Osumashi Kinyobe >
    Sounds nice.
    I will be working, but doing some of the same when I can. I’ve had more Xmas’s at home than not over the years, unfortunately this year is not.
    Anyway an early Merry Christmas to you.

  16. beagle transgenders had special unionforms designed for them by the Military, honestly you bigots never give up do ya woff woof.

  17. A lot of the guys I work with scrimp and save to send their kids to local colleges. They can afford to do this because they work in the mining industry, while a couple also own small ranches. When their kids get to college, they are told by the lefty professors there that mining and ranching are destroying the planet. Most of the rural kids just roll their eyes but know better than to disagree in class. It is a terrible irony that the desire to help our children succeed in life forces us to subsidize the creeps running our universities.

  18. Hans – Good bible quote. It is the gospel in the Catholic church for this Sunday.
    There is a part missing thought. It goes like this:
    “When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife.”
    “Mary rode Joseph’s ass all the way to Bethlehem”.

  19. Knight 99, I appreciate all your comments here.
    And, Incisor, I apologize if I was a bit harsh on you. However, to acknowledge Christmas as the “first among holidays” in the Canadian public square, including our schools, would not be amiss, I believe. Why? Because it is the truth about the West. Christ IS the reason for the season—a fact one cannot say in our public schools—and even in many, founded by Christians, private schools. (My mother’s incensed that, at the private school she attended, the skirt, which was never allowed to be altered in any way for decades, is now allowed to be ankle length for Muslim students. No one forces them to go to that school! The inequities go on and on—with Christianity now being relegated to the dust bin. As many have pointed out here, that’s been the progressives’ plan for some time.)
    Incisor wrote, “I don’t like to see a particular religious doctrine given special privilege in a publicly funded school.” OK, but Gaia is openly worshipped in our schools all year, and especially on Earth Day, which is celebrated with gusto in our schools, as is Martin Luther King—he’s a secular saint—on Martin Luther King Day, even in Canada.
    IMO, IF we’re going to “do” religion in our schools—and Gaia and multiculturalism DOCTRINE are being shoved down our kids’ throats every single day—Christianity’s foundational importance to our country, both ethically and culturally, should be it. (What I’m suggesting is not the teaching of Christian doctrine.)
    “If you don’t know where you’ve come from, you don’t know where you’re going.” Canada: that’s US. ‘Pity.

  20. A different bob writes, “There is a part missing [in Hans Christian’s quote] thought [sic]. It goes like this: ‘When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife. Mary rode Joseph’s ass all the way to Bethlehem.’
    I’m pretty laid back about things like this, but, on this Fourth Sunday of Advent, no thanks, a different bo[o]b.
    Here’s the full quote, “When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife/ but knew her not until she had borne a son; and he called his name Jesus.” Thanks be to God.

  21. Hi, bob: you admit that your spoof might be a trifle out of place here and I’ll be happy to lighten up.
    (And that’s Ms lookout to you!)

  22. lookouts, like pilots, farmers, managers, tailors and on and on…………are gender neutral.
    I can’t help how you took my comment. Its in the bible. Joseph had an ass and Mary rode it. Tell me I’m wrong.

  23. Yes, Ken, it’s a very good night: I look at the candles in my Advent wreath, shining off the mirror, pictures, and shiny objects in my darkened dining room, and I feel reassured.
    “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

  24. Good night Lookout,Ken, Revnant and Osumashi.
    Good night John boy – …………………..

  25. I can’t help how you took my comment. Its in the bible. Joseph had an ass and Mary rode it. Tell me I’m wrong.
    All right. I will. You are very much in error. You could not be more in error.
    The mode of transportation from Nazareth (in the region of Galilee) to Beth-Lechem was not specified in Scripture. The only related comment is made by Luke.
    Luke 2

    4 Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,
    5 in order to register along with Mary, who was engaged to him, and was with child.
