28 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. A news report on the University of California’s decision to raise the retirement age for future university employees contained this tidbit of information:

    Monday’s vote is the latest move to cut costs at the University of California, which has about 220,000 students and more than 170,000 employees at its 10 campuses, five medical centers and three national labs.

    Emphasis mine.
    (via Americandigest.org)

  2. Dear Rob @ DailyRasp, here’s what I wrote to Norm at that link you provided:
    Dear Norm,
    If I were an MP advocating that there be a publicly funded television channel that closely echoed all of the talking points of the Conservative Party, would you support it? I’m thinking not.
    So please tell me why millions & millions of Canadians whose political views sits on the right side of the political spectrum should support the funding of a network who clearly, consistently, and absolutely echoes the views of the Liberal Party of Canada and the NDP? This is something I truly do not understand.
    In times past, when there was a rather egregious bias on CBC News, I would write them, asking them to explain how a political panel consistently of mildly Left, center Left, and far Left constituted a balance and a representation of Canadians. To date I have never received an answer.
    I hope & trust you would agree that I have presented my case politely and with the greatest of respect towards you. I really would appreciate a sincere answer to the questions I have posed.

  3. Robert, that was a great little letter you wrote Norm. Be sure to let us know if you get an answer.

  4. I am appealing to all the fine folks on this my favorite site (just a bit of buttering up here) if you could all help a farming buddy of mine win a photo contest.
    Its not the photo that depicts the worst situation that wins because this contest is a bit like “American Idol”…or a Chicago election!
    Its not the most talented that wins but the most votes.
    You can vote ONCE A DAY… EVERY DAY, till the contest is over on the 20th.
    The two guys (Wayne’s) in the humorous photo are great guys so they are worthy of your support.
    So I invite you to go to this site,
    where you will enjoy all the pictures of course, but vote for “Wayne Ratzlaff’s” photo!
    Saskatchewan had a lot of rain this year and it resulted in a tough harvest that brought many a farmer to tears as you will see in these pictures.
    As you can see in the photo the two Wayne’s managed to take it all in stride.
    Farming is an honorable profession that doesn’t pay to well so its neat to see people who can find humor in every circumstance.

  5. I too have posted a note and am wondering whether being off-topic is to not agree that CBC is Wonderful.
    It will be interesting to see how many posts there are that are not pro-CBC.

  6. I emailed Rogers Cable to ask them if & when they will carry the Sun News Network. I got this answer:
    “as for the Sun TV news [sic] channel, we do not have any date or documentation as to whether we will be providing this channel in the New Year. New products and services are communicated once released to the consumer market so at this time we do not have a guarentee [sic] if we would be providing this channel to our customers.”
    No guarantee; you know what that means. I answered that I will change my cable to the company that carries it first. I invite you to do the same.

  7. Hi Manny, I just had a live chat with a Shaw representative, and they said that Sun TV News has been given a tentative spot in their lineup of 326. They have been getting lots of requests for it, and each request is logged, so I encourage everyone using Shaw to send in a request so we can get this from day 1.

  8. meching- Same here. I and friends have emailed Shaw and in every case a reply has been received. Didn’t know the slot was going to be 326 but I think I’ll put that on my favorite list
    right now.

  9. A real beaut from the Redmonton Journal:
    “In a year-end media interview, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has told Canadians he has no interest in either calling an election, or provoking one by introducing legislation he knows the opposition majority will reject. Clearly, the season has temporarily mellowed Mr. Grumpy– another demonstration of its great power and magic — and Canadians should be gratefully relieved.”

  10. Went to see The King’s Speech and found the acting of the two main leads just amazing. I also found the story of a struggle against a handicap inspirational. But the MSM seems to have missed the part the really moved me – the king rallying the British people and people overseas to fight the catastrophic menace to civilization that the Nazis represented. The movie documents to a certain extent that the policies of appeasement don’t work.
    Finally the film reminded me of other films about quiet courage by introverted men such as the films based on the plays of Terrence Ratigan such as The Browning Version or Separate Tables.

  11. Norm Farrell has responded. While he wrote eloquently, he came back with the old euphemism that “bias is a matter of perspective”. While I agree with this, I think his next point is an absolute canard: “The CBC does not represent any particular bias.”
    I have little doubt he has convinced himself that this is a factual statement but I beg to differ. Vehemently. No possible further discussion can occur when we’re living in two completely different realities!

  12. Beagle/Ulianov:
    I’m sure I’m not the only on here who wonders who you hate more:
    1. Americans
    2. Israelis
    3. Jewish Americans
    4. Conservative Canadians
    After you choose 1, 2, 3, or 4, perhaps you could explain why you feel such antipathy to such folks. Did someone in one of these groups once do something to you or is it just part of your Leftard DNA to feel this way?

  13. AGW Progress Report: A Stilemone for AGWPR.
    Our first “political” posting. Congrats to all our warmistas. Stay cool. See youse at Stonehenge.
    “One might ask how Europe got into this mess.”
    “What Killed Europe”
    “Bitterness, resignation and absence of hope are the dominant emotions among the French population; surveys and statistical data confirm it. The unfortunate situation that pervades the rest of Europe suggests strongly that the French malaise is in tune with a much larger malaise that has infected the whole Continent.
    The month-long strikes, demonstrations and riots that engulfed France from early October until a month later are gone, but the ills that erupted so visibly continue to fester beneath the surface, growing stronger as the principle actors of disruption prepare their encore.
    There are no political alternatives here: in every European country, political parties fall into one of two camps: Protest Movements that foment and channel discontent and resentment though they have no chance to prevail in national elections; and Incumbent Establishment Parties that offer only statism, political interventionism, redistribution and stagnation. Even if an elected politician actually did try to move in an encouraging new direction, his efforts would be quickly squelched: Europe’s key decisions are now made in technocratic and bureaucratic spheres where voters have no sway.
    Public and journalistic access to political information is extremely restricted. In most larger European countries, mainstream media are nationalized or owned by companies largely financed by contracts with the State — leading to auto-censorship, news filtering, and editorial policies totally compatible with their owners’ and/or State interests.
    Available knowledge has been pre-sterilized. Even educational and research institutions are actively controlled by government. With no requirement to demonstrate or even measure their effectiveness, universities and research centers recruit more on the basis of ideological affinities and union affiliations than on the basis of subject-matter knowledge and intellectual skills. This has naturally led to quasi-monolithic conformity and nearly total elimination of ideas essential to understanding today’s world. An economist in continental Europe can be a Marxist or a Keynesian, but not a classical free-market liberal unless he wants to be marginalized and ignored.
    One might ask how Europe got into this mess. Europe was the cradle of the most remarkable achievements of Western civilization: the concepts of human rights and democracy; freedom to choose and to undertake; science. Europe also spawned plenty of murderous and sterile dogma. At mid-twentieth century, in the wake of two world wars, massive self-destruction and a genocide; as her eastern half fell into the grip of communist totalitarianism and her western half basked in the protection of the United States, her original civilizations seemed destined to vanish.
    As some Western European leaders were convinced that Nazism and fascism had resulted from massive social psychoses, when they decided to rebuild, they were determined to avoid any risk of a “repeat performance.”
    They claimed they would avoid the terrible errors of the recent past, but then went and reproduced them in other guises.”
    “Temperatures set to hit record low of -26C in England as forecasters predict freezing countdown to Christmas”
    ” * Mercury could plunge to -26.1C this week
    * Christmas getaway chaos as Heathrow stays closed
    * Transport carnage as petrol tanker topples on M25
    * Coalition accused of not being prepared for big freeze
    Forecasters are predicting that the lowest temperature ever recorded in England could be broken this week.
    They suggest that the record low of -26.1C could be topped as the snow and bad weather caused air and road chaos across the country.
    While they say that their prediction is a cautious one, the winter solstice this coming Tuesday is said to increase the chance as the sun is at its lowest point in the sky.”

  14. ‘Every Profession Has Its Share Of Scandals And Frauds . Journalism Is No Exception.’
    Tracie Winch, lecturer and subject co-ordinator in media and communications at the University of Melbourne and former journalism lecturer at RMIT University.

  15. PET Cemetery Report: This just in.
    We await release of “more intelligence files on” PET.
    “Ottawa to release more intelligence files on Tommy Douglas”
    Sample comments:
    shaky lady said:
    “If it wasn’t for this goof, I would have had my new hip a couple of years ago, paid for by a personal insurance program and not the useless socialist program we are all suffering under now. What a great hero of the left! Along with the likes of assange (rapist), Moore (liar), Gore (snake oil salesman) Obama (useless), Clinton (monica), che (murderer), kadr(terrorist) – I could go on all night!”
    Montmorency said:
    “That is so funny. There was a time when Communists were enemies. Now, it seems that time has erased the very clear reasons why communism was a threat to us, our way of life and all..and it is OK to out Tommy.
    Wouldn’t that be “Thomas” in a normal world? Like “Stephen?” not Steve? I mean … man of the people… gimme a break. He was a Communist unionist agitator.
    You are about to reap the whirlwind of Tommy! Medicare. It has now killed your future. Killed it dead. I am going to Boston this week for shoulder surgery. My income tax will pay for it. and come out of your pocket as a result. I intend to deduct hotel, bar, car rental, flight to and from..I am going to pad my income tax to the extent it almost actually covers my costs! all because your Medicare makes it necissito. Yes. My girlfriend is my travel nurse btw. HAHAHAH
    Oh believe me it’ll work. Or they’ll spend more than my accountant’s bills getting it back. trust me.”

  16. Robert, thanks for the report and thanks mechang for the reminder to email Shaw.
    I liked beagle better when it was Ulianov. It is much more appropriate to take the name of the communist ideology’s first government leader.

  17. Update AGW Progress Report: We Warmistas Own the Odium.
    Winners are here*:
    “*the coldest-ever winter piled on the misery.”
    P.S. Don’t miss our AGW Death Watch:
    “The death toll rose to 11 after two 16-year-olds died when their car hit a tree and garden wall in Liverpool.”
    Socialist says: “We’ve always said we can’t invest billions in preparation because hard winters happen so rarely,” he said. “We now have to revisit that assumption.”
    “Blizzards and up to 20cm of snow added to the crisis and furious Brits blasted the Government and travel firms for failing to keep the country moving.
    “Locked-down airports looked like “refugee camps” with thousands bedding down on the floor.”
