31 Replies to “The 2010 Nannys”

  1. So true, Ken (Kulak). This is what happens when the law isn’t written in our hearts, as the Judeo-Christian Scriptures put it.
    When we have no internal strictures on our behaviour, when we eschew self-discipline, self-control, and an attitude of love-thy-neighbour-as-thyself, someone else takes it on themselves to limit our behaviour, in this case — and all over the Western world it now seems — all the Nannies.
    State-sanctioned nannies are notorious for making decisions not based on what’s best for everybody but, rather, on what works best for them to gain more control and power, and the lion’s share of our hard-earned resources.
    Moms and Mother Church are far better arbiters of behaviour than the State could ever be.

  2. Interestingly enough, each one of these “Nanny attacks” were openly breeches of US constitutional law and the commonlaw of property rights the states operate on. Of course “Nanny” knows you haven’t the pocket change to grag a constitutional case through 3 courts and appeals so they just keep on regulating you into chains.
    The real problem is that governments at all levels have abandoned constitutional law-making and commonlaw property law.

  3. It’s always amusing to see the most totalitarian in our society proclaim to be the most “Liberal”.
    San Francisco the illegal immigrant sanctuary city of gay choice. I wonder when they are going to figure out that all these illegal’s that they are cramming in are normally not gay and very Catholic?
    They the Mexican/ Latin illegal’s can also be extremely homophobic & violent as Amsterdam is clearly discovering with the influx of Muslims.
    Again, another reason why the left is a FAIL at anything they attempt to control.

  4. The sad (or perhaps hilarious) part, kulak, is that
    you don’t seem to understand that the dole the
    average rural conservative welfare bum subsists on comes via the nanny state.
    Ayn Rand indeed. Heh.

  5. In Canada the award would go to Tarrana, with Vancober the second place winner.
    Phil you make as much sense as the Modern Liberal ethos.

  6. Unlike the 20 something anarchist who lives in his upper middle class parents suburban house, the average person cannot just tell the government busy bodies “F… Y..” and then run away.
    We have to live with these narrow minded, busybody, controlling, liberal nitwit beareaucrats.
    Want to smoke a cigarette inside your own property? EVILLLL! And they will find you and fine you. (You better pay or you will go to jail).
    Smoke a doobie? It’s your right to get high, besides you probably have a medical condition, and you probably need to be on assistance too.
    If you want to do heroin, we’ll even give you the needles and a place to shoot up (and spread HIV, STD’s and cause drug resistant bacteria). And you can panhandle to get money for your fix.
    Carry a gun to protect yourself and others? EEEVVVIILLLL!
    Put someone in jail after they have assaulted and robbed people? They are the real victims, don’t you understand? Their childhood or environment or a 3rd grade teacher’s harsh remark drove them to a life of crime and making others miserable. They can victimize dozens or even hundreds, but do not lock them up to protect society.
    Move out panhandlers and vagrants that are driving customers away from your shopping district? EEEVVVIIILLL!!! They have the right to be on the streets. just because they defecate and urinate in front of your storefront and harass your customers is no reason to deny them their right to be useless. And if you go out of business, it is because you are a bad business man, not because the bums drove out your and all the other business’s customers. (Now we have all this urban blight the fed’s can pay billions to renew)
    You move to the suburbs to avoid this? You are EVIL! Urban sprawl, environmental criminal, leaving the poor and destitute behind (Raaaacist!).

  7. Phil you make as much sense as the Modern Liberal ethos.
    I’ll try to dumb it down for ya next time, Rose.

  8. We are to be controlled automatons, without souls or dreams. We must be ‘controlled’ or we will have to be liquidated. That is the soviet/georgie porgie Soros world gument mandate. Each time the society blinks and accepts the control it puts the marginal free souls on the edge and isolates them so that they can be easily liquidated. The fanatical smoking laws accepted by people as a ‘good thing – even some smokers said that they approved – were a ‘testing’ ground. It was the first real success for the fanatical human herders and they ran with it; I will never forget seeing the egregious Anne McClennan smoking a cigie INSIDE a HOC building at a Christmas party after the Liberanos had passed their anti smoking legislation. It was ‘good’ for the pipples but not designed for her and her pals! After the first heady success they reached into school lunches, guns, ….The leftos are tricksters because they pit people with similar views that do not reflect the ‘group think’ against each other. Some Libertarian/Conservatives, who did not smoke, fell for the anti smoking legislation hook, line and sinker because they did not think outside the box and realize that there was plenty of room for ‘smoking allowed’ establishments right beside ‘no smoking allowed’ establishments.
    In Canada, in my opinion, Whitehorse Yukon should get the “nanny’ award; we have at least 7 gument controllers for every non gument worker. Of course the laws are redundant because of all the laws only the smoking thingie is enforced (I never wear a helmet when I ride my bike and no one has said ‘boo’ to me) with fanatical vengeance. Smokers just stay home and enjoy their habit and do not participate in anything. Bars/resturants go bankrupt and ‘volunteers’ are scarce.The ‘law of unintended consequences’.
    I am glad that I am not young, I would hate to live my youth in this environment. I did not start smoking until late in life and I never cared about people smoking when I was a no smoker, it was a non issue to me. I would never consider wearing a metal bubble on my head to go skiing; I look at rule followers as pathetic; they look like mindless fools to me.

  9. Phil, your lack of understanding of causality suggests insead of “dumbing it down”, you should try real hard to direct your mental processes in the opposite direction.
    For example, aside from you and your circle of friends perhaps, the average rural conservative is not a welfare bum.

  10. Please delete my multiple posts, I got the ‘posted too often message’ and clicked ‘post’ twice. Apologies.

  11. Posted by: rd at December 19, 2010 10:46 AM >
    Well said!
    I enjoyed reading your perspective, good job.

  12. Phil
    Perhaps you should review that “Stuck in the Muck–Saskatchewan” post.
    During my farming phase—I seldom got any grants or subsidies.
    One was a capital grant if I purchased a “new” tractor. That is so obvious a subsidy to the guys who built the tractors rather than the guys who bought them.
    My Dad always said farming subsidies were comsumer subsidies….and I tend to agree.
    I recall being in the field for hours when I saw the “workers” going to work and then seeing them returning while I still had many hours of field work left…..
    Yeah we work 8-hour days…..1 before lunch and 1 after.
    That last tractor 92 decades past)I bought had a radar can to monitor an accurate ground speed and 2 million candle power work lights. 10X 200,000 candle power halogen floods.
    Yeah these things have air-conditioned cabs….to protect the driver from dust levels which a verboten in your work place. Most of the old farmers suffered from “farmers lung”—-organic and inorganic dust….
    During corn harvest check out the colour of the harvesters—-they start out all different colours but quickly are all sorta black….dust.

  13. ‘Have to reluctantly agree with Phil: December 19, 2010 10:26 AM
    “…the dole the average rural conservative welfare bum subsists on comes via the nanny state.”
    Have sat at a conservative “advisory council” in Calgary centre in another era, the sense that the government should take care of those people was nauseating. Never attended another one of those.
    If you have not done campaining you may not know how difficult it is to talk the truth.

  14. Jema 54, sometimes it needs to be said 5 times… 😉
    Reason Tv could have a shrine to San Francisco, a section of their site devoted solely to S.F. and the demise of freedoms there.
    Blogging from the city of love itself, http://powinca.blogspot.com/ Nick Rowe counts the idiocy of San.Fran’s ways… the view must be fantastic.
    For more brilliant photos of freedom in San Fran, go directly here, do not pass go, you’ll need the $200 for coffee money / or eye cleanse while looking around.
    http://www.zombietime.com/ … newbies, you’ve been warned.

  15. phil; Are you still yipping.I’ve told you before but I will tell you again,BY A FARM.Its not that difficult,mortgage your future and forgo lifes pleasures for the duration of your farming carrier,then sell out,die and give the money,if any,to your kids.You must realize that people only get good advice like mine very few times in their lives and most squander their opportunities but YOU have the inside track to riches and a life of leisure.Not for you but your children and they will be grateful for their inheritance,that is,if some govt doesnt tax it away.

  16. rd and Jema54, great rants.
    sasquatch, what you said, especially about the dust.
    Lev, you forget one major thing. For all non-marketing board products farmers have to take what they are offered and pay what is asked for the inputs they need to buy, or in the case of the CWB what the bureaucrats want to pay you. Contrast this to other types of businesses that as long as they stay competitive generally can charge what ever the market will bear.

  17. Phil & Sasquatch
    As Ken Galbraith (and he’s a liberal!!) stated in one of his books “Every young man should work on a farm. After that, nothing else seems like work.”

  18. I figure we have more laws & rules than the Puritans could even imagine.
    These fanatics out do the Prohibitionists of the early 20th century in zealotry to run everyones life but their own.

  19. If the farmers are not happy with their lot, there a of course myriads of choices they have. The famers also can change or make the government to change the rules that “oppress them”. If it is the case that there are not enough of them interested in change, too lazy to do anything about their “oppression” or of their own individual initiative affect change the “oppression”, well, what can anyone do about that.
    To make constantly excuses and tell everybody how hard they are done by, by the same, implying that everyone else lives on easy street is not going to gather much support for their arguments.
    The thing is, THE LIF IS A STRUGGLE, it is good to have helpful people around, though, that is a bonus in life, not a guarantee. Everybody has the ability to work things out the way they see fit. At times it never seems to work out, that is actually unrealistic, idealistic nonsense. Things work out certain way, it is again up to the individual to figure out the next step.
    Maybe, it is time for your agent to stop. One can go on and on and on…….

  20. implying that everyone else lives on easy street is not going to gather much support for their arguments.
    Except from the little dead hypocritical minds at SDA.

  21. Unfortunately, sometimes in course of commenting even an idiot finds an agreement on 10% of one point.
    It is good that the people commenting here will not find the above comment worthy of any action whatsoever.

  22. As Ken Galbraith (and he’s a liberal!!) stated in one of his books “Every young man should work on a farm. After that, nothing else seems like work.”
    I would hazard a guess that Galbraith never worked in a coal mine or logged on the west coast, so, on that issue, he is full of it. Besides, most farmers these days are 4×4 farmers…4 weeks in the spring, 4 in the fall, but on the public tit 24/7.
    Lev, the ilk of kulak and spike have been swilling from the public trough since they were shiteing in their diapers, yet, being small dead sycophants in good standing, can whinge about the evil nanny state without fear of criticism from the usual small dead suspects. Now that’s 100% correct, so where are you coming from?

  23. I quit smoking quite a number of years ago; and am thankful that I did. That said, I look back on it as pleasurable in many ways; it was just time to stop.
    It was said that Father Ronald Knox, on entering a set of rooms at Oxford, said they smelled suspiciously of never having been smoked in. It has been thought by some that smokers were somehow incapable of being really serious sinners. I sense a truth there!

  24. Phil
    [……Besides, most farmers these days are 4×4 farmers…4 weeks in the spring, 4 in the fall, but on the public tit 24/7……]
    Yeah really….like all those dairy beef, hog, sheep, chicken farmers……
    Like the other day I visited a chicken guy I know. I wouldn’t dream of entering his barns period…..and then this government “inspector” shows up with shit on his boots and announces he must inspect the barns…..now…..or else….
    My friend is not as obstreperous as I….
    I called the OPP.
    This nice young man (urban background)who responded, was appalled. He got the clown to admit it was the 5th “inspection” he had done that day…..but the guy refused to divulge where.
    I guess our society still has a need for an old cantakerous ……..

  25. But it’s all for our own good, so how could all these rules possibly be wrong; besides, finding your full human potential in this lifetime depends on you’re being cultivated and guided to reach the peak communal contribution you were born to give. Your gifts, skills, and potential do not belong to you, they belong to us all so we all have a right to tell you what you can and can not do. Get with the program already.
