61 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. Yeah, i’ve been watching this thing live right now and it is totally disgusting…They have a bunch of rowdy University kids to make some nose and everything…This is not a memorial…It is political and partisan to boot.
    They’re creepy and they’re spooky, the Obambi family!

  2. Utterly disgusting, and quite in line with the opportunism of the snake oil salesman who allowed this to happen.

  3. Didn’t we read nasty remarks earlier today about Palin making this ‘all about her’??
    This is disgusting. He couldn’t just stay away and let the families grieve.

  4. They. Sold. T-SHIRTS?!!!!!
    Another new low in a week of record breaking lows ladies and gentlemen, and its only Wednesday!
    Scraped through the bottom of the slime barrel and hit the sewer line, sure enough.
    In other news about Democrat concern about the “climate of hate”, Drudge reports Sarah Palin’s death-threat index is spiking from its normal “high red alert” level to a new “holy cr@p!” level.
    Ms. Palin’s response to this was reportedly “Fix bayonets!”

  5. Too much. Too much. Too much!
    Obama is still talking, and he’s moved into that preacher mode. The crowd is cheering. Cheering! At a freaking memorial.

  6. I knew it would be nauseating.
    I just posted this at Reader Tips:
    I’m watching American Masters, Jeff Bridges: The Dude Abides because I just can’t bear to watch Obambam making the most of this tragedy, not letting it go to waste, in Tuscon.
    I want to hear about it from Krauthammer, Drudge, VDH, Kate, et al., I just don’t want to see it first hand, because the whole aftermath side show is just so obscene.

  7. I recently bought a book of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. I looked up the antonym of CLASS and found a picture of Oblamebush.

  8. I cannot believe my opinion of the poseure got any lower. That was impossible, I never thought him capable of lowering the position of POTUS to street hawker. The sincerity of a bought man.

  9. Flipping through the channels today and stumbled upon Greg Weston saying that Palin’s response to the tragedy was her attempt to make this all about her.(???) Almost puked. It’s like being falsely accused of rape and then being accused of trying to make it all about yourself when defending yourself. Have these people no shame, not to mention common sense?
    I’m now waiting for these people to trot out their favorite vile sheriff once again to set everyone straight once again as to who is to blame for this massacre. What a piece of work.
    If Ms Giffords had been a Republican we’d no doubt hear a “Well, what did you expect?” type of response from the left.
    God bless all those who were effected by this madman.

  10. RITFW: “I’m now waiting for these people to trot out their favorite vile sheriff once again to set everyone straight once again as to who is to blame for this massacre. What a piece of work.”
    Take a look at this:
    Police Say They Visited Tucson Suspect’s Home Even Before Rampage
    I think this sheriff has a lot of ‘splaining to do.

  11. I’ve been debating long and hard about renouncing my US citizenship. The decision isn’t so difficult anymore.

  12. I heard a reference to T shirts at the memorial today on Becks radio show and thought it must have been a joke.

  13. The democrats have used this memorial to launch Obama’s 2012 political campaign.
    Democrats have filled the seats with registered democrats judging by the cheering every 15 seconds at a MEMORIAL.
    You can see the glimmer in Obama’s eyes as he is thinking ” I’m back on the saddle, I’m back baby! Using this tragic event to boost my popularity is pure evil genius!!!”
    That “crisis” definitely did not go to waste.
    If the crisis had feelings it would feel dirty so used it has been by the left.

  14. Erik, it doesn’t matter whose idea it was: POTUS would have had to OK it. The buck stops there.
    We’re now watching FOX. ‘Pretty patheic: no one’s saying that this was a campaign rally and really exploitative. Chris Wallace skirted reality, but rather gingerly.

  15. I must admit that my heart bleeds for the families of the fallen that had to endure that. If I wanted to offend someone without killing them I can’t of a better way than to trivialize the loss of a loved one. I don’t care if you are the POTUS when you pull that kind of insult you shorten your title from POTUS to POS.

  16. Lookout – live comments on Ace of Spades are funny. Lots of people are uncomfortable, to say the least, with all the cheering.

  17. Obamba would have fit right in standing on a heaping pile of corpses in Auschwitz while rallying the troops during WW2.
    This fits in perfectly with everything the rational person feared in the man during the presidential elections.

  18. PBS just replayed the Obama speech a second time and -no- my ears did not deceive me, this was a campaign rally.
    They’ve just changed “Hope and Change” for “together we trhive”
    It must have been hard for Obama to not end the MEMORIAL speech with “Vote for me in 2012!!!”

  19. Can we juxtapose this event with the memorial for the four mounties killed near Mayerthorpe some years ago. If memory fails, PMSH attended, made an address. Others also spoke, sang and played.
    America deserves better.

  20. Honestly, without any religious affiliation it feels like some ghoulish blood sacrifice honoring some form of evil has just occurred.

  21. But Erik…will Weston, or Robertson or Mansbridge comment on the pep rally atmosphere?..not bloody likely.
    Hopefully someone at Fox will get a backbone and expose this as exploitation.

  22. Precisely the wrong time and place for anything that even remotely resembles a rally.
    Repulsive, low-rent opportunism. Ghoulish.

  23. Could someone please refresh my memory..what did the Zero do after the Ft. Hood massacre? I know he wouldn’t have survived a pep rally such as this. (uh oh…did I just suggest an attack on Obama?)

  24. RITFW, saw the segment. Typical stuff, really, with Capstick using reverse onus arguments to justify his hate of Palin, claiming that there’s no evidence that Loughner WASN’T motivated by her or the Tea Party, so, in his view, it remains a possibility and thus a legitimate talking point for the media to engage in.
    Shameful, really.

  25. T-shirts. Memorial service. Seriously? How much more do people need to hear to learn he has no class and zero empathy with/for Americans…or anyone?
    Has anyone asked the families of the victims to comment? Especially the Greens? I can’t see them being particularly grateful for the yowling yahoos.
    I hope someone can use this down the road to crucify these morons somehow…or is that too violent an image these days?

  26. Could someone please refresh my memory..what did the Zero do after the Ft. Hood massacre?
    Posted by: bluetech at January 12, 2011 10:20 PM
    He made an address the evening of the Ft. Hood massacre. Obama had been attending some kind of all-day conference, and came to make the Ft. Hood address fresh off the heels of this conference.
    So, what does Obama do? He walks up to the podium and, gives a “shout out” to somebody, I don’t even remember who, and for a few minutes talks about the proceedings of his day.
    Then, almost as an afterthought, did he then address the actual Ft. Hood killings. It was truly a sight to behold. I honestly thought the TV station had unintentionally started playing a prerecorded speech of Obama, from a different day.
    He felt it more appropriate to give “shout outs” before addressing the nation during a time of crisis. I honestly still shake my head over the incident.

  27. I’m also wondering how long it took to print and distribute ALL those T-shirts?
    Was the congresswoman even in the hospital yet, or the bodies recovered from the ground when they started printing?
    If the US today could manufacture and supply the nation with other goods as quickly as Obamba can manufacture and supply blood stained uniforms, there would be no recession.

  28. In a macabre way the Fort Hood presser and the Tuscon ‘rally’ are related. Classless Oblamebush gave a shout out to an Indian Chief at the Fort Hood parallax newser and the Classless Oblamebush parallax rally used a native Indian invocation.

  29. Is it just me, or did anyone else notice and think that the not so subtle innuendo alluding to Obama’s claim to messiah like healing powers was downright creepy:
    “Obama hit an emotional high point when he told of Giffords opening her eyes for the first time not long after his visit to her bedside.”
    “Gabby opened her eyes, so I can tell you: She knows we are here, she knows we love her, and she knows that we are rooting for her through what is undoubtedly going to be a difficult journey,” Obama said. The announcement drew wild cheers from the crowd.”
    Wow, she did not open her eyes until after Obama visited her -it’s a miracle folks. If Gifford survives, I can see Obama on stage with Gifford using whatever disability she ends up with to further his own campaign.
    I really don’t know what to say, at a loss for words that accurately describe how disgusted I am after watching and reading the memorial commentaries.
    The Sheriff is the one who brought politics into the shooting – very odd given that sheriff’s typically comment only on facts and observations surrounding a crime. The shooting was preventable; Loughner should have been in an institution; jail or a hospital psychiatric ward-earlier threats were not acted on by the department. Why weren’t they?
    What a shame, that was not a memorial speech, that was a campaign speech- enough to make one want to vomit.

  30. Hate to admit it, but while watching this circus it struck me that the Liberal Party, even the NDP, have more class than this.

  31. This memorial service is a god send for Obama … he obviously used to kick off his 2012 reelection campaign.
    Campaigning is all he actually does.
    Everything else is handled by the marionette masters behind the curtain.
    His visit to the comatose Gabby in the ICU was all it took for her to open her eyes for the first time since she was shot. Water to wine there boy.
    His vision of the little dead Christine jumping in the rain puddles in heaven was over the top.
    The man has no shame.

  32. So desperate is Obama to save his failing administration that he would even pawn off t-shirts at a well-rehearsed event where HE is “healing the nation”.
    What a swine.
    I’m just sickened.

  33. No-one – yes, it was a disgusting display of Obama’s narcissism and messianic tendencies.
    It was indeed a campaign speech and not a memorial.
    It reminded me of his behaviour on the day of Ft. Hood, when he addressed a native rally first, and only part-way into his campaign rhetoric, brought up the fact – that a massacre had taken place at Ft. Hood.
    Obama’s shameless linking of His Visit to Gifford’s Return-to-Consciousness; his paternalistic description to us of the 9 year old ‘jumping in puddles’ in heaven and his acceptance of cheers from the crowd – well, it was pure Obama Campaign. It was not a memorial to the victims. It was, as usual, all about Obama.
    And, he continued to polarize people, with his comments about ‘we must not reject those who disagree with us’. Now wait a minute. His words are implying that ‘WE’ all think alike and those who disagree are not ‘we’ or ‘us’.
    He ought to have acknowledged that ‘we are a people who support the fact that we have different views on what is right for the nation; therefore, questions, discussion and even strong differences are a basic American right’. Instead, he separated ‘we’ from ‘others’.
    He’s pure manipulation.

  34. From this point forward, merely ‘dancing in the blood of the victims’ won’t sound like such a bad thing. I wonder if Cukier is taking notes…

  35. No-One. I agree. The Sheriff’s musings on a political motivation as he saw it was very odd. At such press conferences, law enforcement officials are supposed to stick to “I have no information”; I can’t comment”; “I don’t want to speculate” and the like.
    What disgusts me is how he’s lionized in our media, as an outspoken critic of the right, and that criticism against him has been played down in the reporting, particularly those filed by CBC and CTV.
    One has to wonder what the their reaction would be had a police chief from, oh, say Alberta, was to use a press conference about the murder of a child for example to say that a certain party in Ottawa and their senators need to stop hampering the government’s law and order agenda, that certain voices in the left wing media are assisting them in doing that, and that murderous thugs are emboldened by lenient sentencing as a result of their obstructionist ways, how long they’d stand for that.
    Instead of lionizing the chief as they‘ve done with Dupnik, they’d be describing the comments as inappropriate and out of place… probably calling for a resignation, too.

  36. I’m also wondering how long it took to print and distribute ALL those T-shirts?
    ~Knight 99
    Contrast that with how long it took to get some decent booms out to contain the BP deep horizon spill last year.
    Repulsive, low-rent opportunism. Ghoulish.
    It reminded me of Ted Bundy’s first capture when he was starting his trial in Colorado and venders were selling T-Shirts that said, “Ted Bundy is a One Night Stand”.

  37. I didnt even pay attention after there wasnt a “shout out”
    Obama , the clown prince of politicians

  38. ET: “And, he continued to polarize people, with his comments about ‘we must not reject those who disagree with us’. Now wait a minute. His words are implying that ‘WE’ all think alike and those who disagree are not ‘we’ or ‘us’.” BINGO – bang on! It was like he was saying, forgive the right for they know not what they do. Be kind to them in their ignorance: very condescending.
    Knight99 – very perceptive comments in my view – yes, it did seem like a sacrifice of some sort.
    lookout: “Erik, it doesn’t matter whose idea it was: POTUS would have had to OK it. The buck stops there.” Exactly – It was an I’ll scratch your back, if you scratch mine agreement. Neither the Sheriff’s department nor the administration want the facts to come out on this one. Perhaps Jared will take the advice from one of the gamers he chatted with who, according to MSM reports, stated they would commit suicide rather than go to jail when asked by Jared what they would do if they committed murder. A handy explanation should his death occur. His purpose has been served.
    ABC news is acting so childish, displaying the mentality and intelligence of a kindergarten aged child. It is not my intention to insult kindergartners with the comparison – at least kindergartners do not politicize and can recite the ABC’s with some degree of accuracy.

  39. Much in the way a person regrets getting a tattoo to commemorate a night of drinking in Tijuana, Obama will wake up and regret handing out t-shirts at a memorial service.

  40. Feeling down are we?? I can understand why you whackos are upset. Not once did Obama praise Loughner! Back to the drawing board.
