61 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. Troll
    A memorial service is a somber occasion, particularly from such a terrible event. The odd time, it is a celebration of life, but in this case, such is not, and should not be the case.
    This was a creepy event, from the adolescent girls screeching, to the standing ovations……..just a total creepout, given the nature of the event.
    Basically, the narcissist took over, and madeit all about him, as did the crowd.
    I feel terrible for the families that had to endure the show business and political opportunism. Yet, you just knew it was going to happen, thanks to TOTUS

  2. Wonder if Obamba should go back to “Hope & Change” again for 2012? He he he.
    “Together we Thrive” sounds like a couple of tiny amoeba struggling on the edges of a scummy pond for survival.
    Poor Obamba, it’s hard to get the real pulse of the little people when you have so many extravagant global vacations to plan.

  3. As much as I’m not as conspiratorialist, this whole creepy affair almost looks likes its been scripted – from the shooting, right on down to the speechmaking and the GOP bashing… Eeeyewwwww….

  4. It hasn’t been reported yet,but I’ve heard that afterwards he fed the crowd with only a few loaves of bread and couple of fish.

  5. This may be twisted, but I’m thinking the icing on the cake for the memorial T-shirt graphic would be to include the outline of a human fetus and an approaching surgical evacuation apparatus.

  6. Turning a memorial services into a campaign opportunity, utterly despicable but totally predictable. No morals, none atall.

  7. First time in my life I witnessed BOOS and Clapping and Cheers at a #$%^&* memorial (funeral) type service.
    What is wrong with these people?

  8. FREE said: “What is wrong with these people?”
    Nothing. There’s nothing wrong with them, all quite healthy.
    Its just that they hate you, and everything you stand for. Everything you believe holy, they despise. And they never miss an opportunity to grind their hate into your face.
