The Hypocrisy of the CBC’s Mark Kelley

A comment in this earlier thread is well worth repeating here:

The other night I was watching Connect with Mark Kelley on CBC.
They pulled out the old Sarah Palin target map and talked about the
heightened rhetoric…days after the shooting. I thought it was too much
so I e-mailed the show with my concerns…
To his credit he replied back to me directly…
Thanks for the email. Blaming us for politicising the shooting is rich.
Have you followed anything that has happened in Arizona in the past
year? I don’t blame anyone but Loughner for the shooting. And no one has
said he is a Tea Partier on our show. But the Republicans own candidate-
a Tea Partier- was abandoned by the GOP because of his views. There’s a
context worth mining in Arizona- and to discuss it makes me a lefty?
Have we met?
As for your snide remarks about the technical problems, our system
crashed. Stuff happens. We don’t practice, nor preach perfection. We
just try our best. Maybe that approach reflects my own naivete.
Posted by: Jeff at January 13, 2011 2:22 PM

A huge problem for folks on the Left, even the Centre Left where Mark Kelley arguably sits politically, is their complete lack of self-awareness of the bias in their own views. Combine this predilection with someone who is a “journalist” and you have an individual who is convinced that they have no bias whatsoever. It’s a delusion, of course, because each & every one of us is chock full of different biases.
I have little doubt that Kelley writes off commenter Jeff and probably most every SDA regular as “right wing extremists”. But just imagine for a moment how he would view a situation if a conservative had been killed in Tucson and someone had pointed out that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had displayed a map with bullseyes across it. Oh wait, a conservative judge was killed and the DNC did display such a map! But drawing a connection there would be much too ridiculous according to the “enlightened” mind that is Mark Kelley.
And lest we forget, your tax dollars are paying his salary. 🙁
Update: Some have suggested that it’s unfair to publish Mark Kelley’s response without also posting the initial e-mail from Jeff. He has kindly sent it to me and here it is in full:

Dear Connect Folks,
Three days after a horrible shooting you’re still going on about the conservative rhetoric stuff?
Sarah Palin’s map? Feel free to read this link…
The jury is pretty much in about Jared as well.
Communist Manifesto…favourite YouTube video is a guy in a mask burning an American flag…backyard skull ceremony…friends indentify him as liberal (
This is hardly a Tea Party type dude.
I thought it was in poor taste to go down the road of politicizing a shooting rampage, but I suppose that’s a reflection of my naivete.
I don’t remember the same level of journalistic political investigation during the Fort Hood shootings and I doubt I have to get into explanations for why.
Anyway, we all have a bias, but the leftward bent is starting to be a bit much. Especially when it comes to horrible incidents like this shooting.
P.S- The technical difficulties are pretty amateur hour for a national show. I worked on a local cable talk show in Regina that was mostly staffed with volunteers and we could make a show run smoother.

94 Replies to “The Hypocrisy of the CBC’s Mark Kelley”

  1. Ah yes…Mark Kelley, the fellow who was laughing while giving a live report on the Swissair plane crash at Peggy’s Cove. That chap?
    Funny, at any other network, a stunt like that gets you sent to the affiliate in Flin Flon. At the CBC they promote you to the national team.

  2. Kim…
    “Sheep though, seem to believe that giving tax cuts to the rich (even though those companies that are American pay the difference back to the USA Treasury) is going to produce jobs. They are delusional!”
    Might I infer you never took Economics 101? Or have a smidgen of knowledge of cross-border taxation arrangements? I should like to see some references which support your statements – seeing that I have taken advanced economics and am a professional accountant, I live on facts, not fancy. It is a fundamental fact that lowering the cost of hiring increases employment. Raising payroll taxes decreases employment (as does raising the minimum wage, incidentally) since employers are interested in making a profit, and employers are not in business to provide a social service. May I suggest a perusal of Hayek?
    If you believe the CBC is the tool of Harper, than I might want to suggest you have failed to pay attention to their editorial bias.
    Can I ask on what you base your assertion that Canada should be left-biased (and what that even means!) and where you get your figure of 68%. If you could clarify the sentence in which said figure appears, it would be helpful seeing that it makes no sense as written.
    Facts are the basis of any discussion. I should like to read what facts underlie your assertions. Of course, if you are simply trolling then perhaps your time could be better used getting a basic education.

  3. Kim isn’t very bright, so ignore her.
    I would resent the CBC if it reflected every single opinion I had – as a right-wing swine, of course – and I were being obliged to pay for it. It isn’t really a question of ideology; it’s more that the thing just shouldn’t exist. Pay for your own bloody propaganda, and I’ll pay for mine, ‘kay, kimster? Really, it’s a simple concept, what’s tripping you up?

  4. Kimster is a progressive. In her mind it is a great plan to pay for a newsmedia that in turn tells you what to think. She has no problem with the likes of Kelly and Soloman.

  5. Li’l Kimmy thinks that the CBC is a tool for Harper, enough said. And that’s PM Harper to you kid.

  6. My dear Black Mamba, I must confess that I derive a certain amount of pleasure in provoking such individuals into proving the vacuity of their position. I rarely, if ever, get a reply addressing my direct questions and comments. Mostly such individuals either repeat themselves, ignore me or provide some vacuous response. It simply proves to anyone with a smidgen of critical thinking that they have little idea of which they speak or facts to back them up.
    Like I said, just a little guilty pleasure of mine to deflate the self-righteous and self-important, which seems to describe the group-think progressives to a “T”… and said progressives do not even realize I’m trying to make them look ridiculous – that is the full measure of their blindness.

  7. It looks more and more like a leftist hate crime to me. One relatively conervative Democrat, married to an astronaut,
    one conservative judge – yeah, leftist hate crime for sure.
    If Sarah Palin had been shot the best we would have heard from the left was “she deserved it”.
    And the crass, filthy jokes would have started …

  8. @9:08 – “The CBC becomes more Right wing everyday…”
    Yes! Oh Yes. Bollux, probably, but never mind. CBC is wicked and it must die! Come, Kim, join us here on the dark side…

  9. Kim: “p.s. Who wrote this blog? Is it even attributed to a writer?”
    ‘Can’t read, Kim? When you open the blog, check out the left sidebar at the top of the page. There’s a photo of Kate, whose blog this is, and it says About Kate.

  10. A few of CBC’s political leftwingers who no-doubt vote for the liberal/ndp/green parties: Mary Walsh, Peter Armstrong, Sook-Yin Lee, Sharon Lewis, Jian Ghomeshi, David Suzuki, Heather Mallick, Avi Lewis, Carol Off, Anna Maria Tremonti, Steven & Chris, Tony Burman, Rick Mercer, Peter Mansbridge, Frank Graves, Neil McDonald, Vince Carlin, Bob McDonald, Don Newman…
    The CBC’s political conservatives who no-doubt vote for the only option to lower Canada’s taxes (CPC): Don Cherry, Rex Murphy.
    ‘Nuff said.

  11. I wholeheartedly agree with tanker. Kim, like most on the left, make assertions based on their emotions. They also have a knack for conveniently omitting important facts from their memory when they form opinions. Since 68% would be in favour, i propose we change Canada’s national currency to the Left Wing Loonie

  12. CBC, 95% liberal, 5% conservative. It’s sort of like having a cigarette with vitamin C enhanced wrapping paper and calling it health food.

  13. Kim is a gutless wonder,like most lefties.If kim had any spine,kim would introduce her or him self to the host of this blog and tell all if he or she still lives at home or is employed or on government dole.Kates BIO is posted for all to see and her accomplishments are a matter of record.She like many other prairie people,was raised on a working farm,did her share of daily chores,started to drive farm machinery and trucks at a young age and got her artists training with NO help from the Canada Council or any other govt. program.She also raises some of the best Miniature Schnausers in North America if not the world.Now,its your turn Kim,pony up.

  14. I don’t know. I think Kim’s got a point. Jeff’s e-mail should have been posted as well as Mark Kelly’s reply. It would have given us some context.

  15. Folks, I reposted Jeff’s comment verbatim. Didn’t edit a thing. I have scanned the comments in this thread and he has not commented.
    If he wishes to post his original e-mail here he is welcome. He can also e-mail it to me via my blog and I’ll update the main posting.
    Frankly though, I think Mark Kelley’s response is very self-explanatory. Anyone who doesn’t think so would likely also not believe that the CBC is a Far Left publicly funded PR firm for the Liberals & Dippers. Oh wait…

  16. [Quote]For your Information, Canada is Left Biased! As it damned well should be! What private citizens see in Harper’s vision of Canada is a mystery to 68% of Canadians.[/quote] Kim
    OK Kim… what other type of Citizen other than “private” exists in Canada?….The 68% must be counting trees. Are you a tree?
    The left here in AZ are destroying themselves, a Campaign rally at a memorial. Major loads of drugs move through Pima County under that dim witted Sheriff. Why not a crazy?
    I don’t blame the MSM for pushing a story given to them by fools… more.. more, faster.. faster… Progressives will disappear up thier own rectums before 2012

  17. Kim Leaman >
    “The CBC becomes more Right wing everyday..”
    Ha ha ha ROFL!!!!
    Common Kim please tell us you are some sort of joking conservative playing the naive twit for a laugh. If not your going to make allot of people cry realizing what a pathetic place in Canadian history we now live. Give us some hope and use some / sarc tags.

  18. Brent Weston:I think all reasonable people are aware that even if Palin had used rifle crosshairs – which she did not – that it would be just a joke. An argument could then be made that it was a joke made in bad taste, but a reasonable person would not take it any further than that.
    I don’t think such an argument would be at all reasonable:
    1) If she had used actual rifle-scope crosshairs, it would have been as a joking reference to (and mockery of) the “liberals” attempts to smear her as a “gun nut.” Such an argument would be claiming that she doesn’t have the right to mock the leftists’ attempts to smear her.
    2) Such as argument implicitly takes as its premise with the false “liberal” narrative that her “violent language” (but not that of the Dems) is the cause of the psycho acting as a psycho. Thus, such as argument is invalid, or at best wholly unsupported, at its very premises.
    3) Such an argument is in the form of an ex post facto rationalization (which, again, implicitly takes as its premise with the false “liberal” narrative about Palin).

  19. Kim has an amusing post up about SDA with a nice screenshot of this thread included. Funny that the comments captured end at her first comment. She does include a link at the end of the post to this comments page . It would be interesting to see the referal count from the logs.

  20. Abe Froman (5:34pm). “When you go to work at the CBC or even tune in to the CBC you must leave your brain at the coat check in the lobby, just like when you go into a church.”
    I recommend you look for a different church.

  21. Kim appears to have some serious psychological projection issues… reading her screed on her blog is quite the education in polemics. I do note that having been challenged here to provide substantiation to her assertions, she retreated back to her blog and blasted away. That in itself is clear evidence of the weakness and inanity of her opinions. It is also the modus operandi of progressives. Those folks are so predictable – must be the tendency towards group-think that makes them polemicise like automatons.

  22. As I said earlier, within the context of answering the specific observations of bias, Kelly was oily and disingenuous.

  23. Kim Leaman@ 8:37 PM sez
    “For your Information, Canada is Left Biased! As it damned well should be!”
    From oily and disingenuous to obtuse and intolerant. The genetic imprint of left partisan delusion and incivility.
    BTW: Canada is NOT left; we have a long history of Conservative leadership federally and Provincially. The Nation was founded by a Conservative PM and it is now run by a Conservative PM.So how left are we. Maybe the media is left but the nation demonstrably isn’t.
    Although I’m not a partisan conservative by any stretch (I’m Libertarian), I can see the value of the Conservative party in the simple fact it is an alternative. I know you boorish left wing grease balls want a single party state but that won’t happen without a collapse of democracy and bloodshed.
    So, best get used to the fact there are other opinions and viewpoints besides yours and that inclusive democratic systems are meant to accommodate them.
    Perhaps it’s democracy you’re uncomfortable with.

  24. I must be be missing something here. An elected member of the United States federal government was outside in a public place. She was exercising her right as an American citizen, unarmed, when a whacko came along, killed and wounded 19 people in her entouraqge, not to mention the trauma that hundreds around them will suffer in the future.
    And now, somehow or another, the right is going to justify that past legislation allowing fools the constitutional right to own a firearm has absolutly nothing to do with this incident. And I do realize that the warped American mind believes that it’s normal to attend political gatherings wearing a 9MM or sporting a rifle on a sling, even when no one around them are armed. (Obviously, no one had a weapon that was able to stop the assailant, as is almost always the case.)
    As for Sarah Paulin she has the IQ of a grade four student. She appeals to every whacko in the states because she poses no mental or physical challenge to anyone with an IQ between 39 and 70. The amount of brains required to sport a gun in a public place, in a city that is overrun by unarmed seniors in walkers and wheelchairs at this time of the year. Opps forgot, the odd one has a cane. Could be a concealed 410.
    And I did watch Mark Kelly’s report. It was no different than the 100s that showed the Paulin target map all over American TV that day, except of course the few stations that believe that the USA will flourish if we pray to Jesus and kill all the opponents of medicare and income tax.

  25. I’m starting to like Kimmy. “Apparently it is Blindly following the rantings of a leader who would like to be the leader of the only political party left standing in Canadian Politics! It is strange and eerily Stalinesque but it is certainly not the first time there has been evidence of such a cult among his followers.”
    She’s not the most lucid of writers (although I do enjoy the random capitalization), and from her previous paragraph it’s not entirely clear whether it’s us here at SDA she’s calling a “Stalinesque… cult”, or some more generalized cabal of Stephen Harper worshippers, but at any rate I find the pojection cute. Personally, I can go weeks without thinking about Mr. Harper at all, but I don’t think Kim can. She clearly has a crush.

  26. “As for Sarah Paulin she has the IQ of a grade four student. She appeals to every whacko in the states because she poses no mental or physical challenge to anyone with an IQ between 39 and 70.”
    Then do explain why the left goes into such hysterics about her. You’d think the leftist intelligensia is terrified of her from the bile and vitriol dripping from every leftist voice.
    Kinda makes your own biliousness evident, no?
    Oh, and the second sentence in above makes no sense whatsoever. Can you rephrase in a way that it does – keeping in mind that she does seem to terrify folks who like to believe they have an above average IQ.
    Sunshine, if you’re going to troll effectively, you need to up your game.

  27. Mark Kelly and the Kelowna fires – just to clarify.
    It was in 2009 that Kelly was trying to induce panic. I suspect he was playing on the fears of the 2003 fires in Kelowna in which more than 200 homes were destroyed. In 2009, there were only three.

  28. Ilíon at January 14, 2011 5:08 AM,
    Ilion idiocy,
    You’re missing the point. Even if Sara Palin had put up a picture of Giffords and it stated: “We urge all Arizonans to kill this woman at the first opportunity. We urge them to shoot this woman — to assassinate her — to put a bullet in her head because Giffords is an escaped Nazi war criminal and must be shot on sight. I — Sara Palin — am offering a $100,000 reward for Giffords’ assassination”.
    Even if Sara Palin said and did all those things, it would not automatically connect her to the crime. It would not automatically speak to THE MOTIVES OF THE PERPETRATOR who could have his own reasons.
    Of course my hypothetical is stretching the imagination to its limits IN YOUR FAVOUR. Yet your argument still does not hold water.
    The Media reporting a false connection between Palin and this massacre is inexcusable no matter how you look at it. It’s “blood libel” and Palin could make a fortune suing each and every Media outlet that reported the story in that manner.

  29. In any debate, whether it be a discussion between neighbours over their backyard fence or between two presidential hopefuls in a nationally televised debate, the absolute, undeniable, internationally recognized signal that one side has lost is when they take issue with the other’s ‘rhetoric.’
    “Rhetoric is the use of language to communicate effectively and persuasively.”
    So Obama would like his right wing opponents to ‘lower the rhetoric?’ Well, of course he wants that, the right is making him look like a moron whenever he opens his mouth.
    It’s like saying in an argument, ‘Oh, hey, wait just a minute, stop being so intelligent, OK?’ or ‘There’s no need for you to state your facts so clearly, concisely, or in such a well articulated manner, your convincing too many people!’

  30. Mamba, are you calling me gay? Not that that would matter! Why would I have a C.R.U.S.H. on Stephen Harper, I am a straight guy and even if I were gay, he is not a great specimen and may just be the least sexy man I have ever seen. My wife even thinks he is a Clod. She says that He is clumsy, and plastic.
    Oh, he speaks as if he believes himself to be “all that” but he is not all that much really. I sure as hell would not want him on my hockey team. Although I might like to play against him. It would be great to stuff my puck in his net. (a little bit of humour there for your over-active imagination).
    And how can any adult of voting age go even a day without thinking about Harper. He is changing this country in ways that make life difficult for those at the lower end of the socio-economic scale, and is doing all he can to feed huge profits to the rich. Are you rich?
    And why, given the fact that simply clicking on my name above (unlike yours) opens up my entire life to inspection, would you guess about my gender and make such silly assumptions? Is Kim Brunhuber, the CBC news anchor, not a man?
    As far as Canada needing to be Left biased, that is all on my blog. It has primarily to do with latitude. We are far too far North to take the stance that each must fend for ourselves as a matter of course. Just get up and walk away from your keyboard, your credit cards, that nice warm coat and ll your cash, and spend a week or a winter living on the street.I am not saying that you need to in your circumstance, but do it as an experiment in humility. And rest assured, it will humble you. If it does not actually kill you, that is.
    And a final thought. What makes any of you think that Stephen Harper gives a rodent’s posterior about any of you? There is absolutely nothing on record that points to that conclusion. And you people think I am delusional? That is just part of the delusion that accompanies your comfortable self interested lives.
    Sorry that it took me so long to write back. I also posted a comment on another thread in which harper’s minions are protesting Way to much about a dollar a head to ensure that the grassroots are given a chance to support a new or a weaker party in the context of a healthy democracy.
    Have a great day, and please don’t look too closely at harper, you may not like what you see. And if you do think of C.R.U.S.H. and it will go away.

  31. Kim,
    Would you like to take a crack at answering my questions, or are you going to prove my points by walking away?
    Incidentally, when you look at the overall picture in terms of actions (rather than blather), Stephen Harper is a tad to the left of Obama, which distresses some of us, but obviously not for the same reasons Harper is causing you such angst. Any comments?
    Oh, and if you think taxpayers should fund every party that manages to garner a vote, do keep in mind that it does not just benefit the far left parties…. it could easily benefit parties further to the right than the CPC – which in the current climate of the collapse of the un-affordable welfare state will find traction if the major parties do not make the hard decisions. Any comments?
    Kim, I really don’t expect an answer. Every time I challenge a progressive to go beyond the polemics and the ad hominem, they mysteriously vanish.
    Oh, and you do know that social services are a provincial responsibility, right?

  32. “Is Kim Brunhuber, the CBC news anchor, not a man?”
    God, I dunno. I don’t even watch the good stations anymore. Kim is usually a chick’s name. There’s Kim Philby, I’ll grant you him.
    I like Harper about this much: He’s not Iggy. You seem obsessed. I’m not. Not thinking about politicians is remarkably easy; most of them are boring as hell and don’t have nearly as much real-world power as you seem to assume. Especially the ones with minority governments.
    This climate argument about socialism is a new one. How does it gel with Cuba, or Alaska, or… oh, I’m too sleepy. I do take comfort in knowing that once Global Warming finally kicks in the commies will vanish; silver lining, that.
    One thing, Kim. The homeless – and BTW I’m willing to bet I spend more energy and time trying to help them and actually being around them than you do, but thanks for assuming I need “an experiment in humility” – tend to be mentally ill and/or drug addicts, rather than, say, hard-working poor people who were mugged by Conservatives in an alley.
    Anyway, good night all.

  33. Black Mamba, I have to give Kim a pass on that one. He’s got the right word in his context. Longitude would only work if referring to a part of the country on an east-to-west or vice-versa basis.
    There was a fascinating documentary a few years back (on History Television I think) on the work to invent a way to calculate longitude – something which gave us Greenwich time, and accurate chronometers.

  34. Yeah, you’re right, Tanker. Like I said, sleepy. God, there was even that mini-series with Jeremy Irons about it. (I’m right about everything else, though).

  35. Well, Kim old chum… your silence to my questions speaks for you – the absence of answers shall have to be taken as evidence that you have none, and that your position is entirely based on emotion, in this case Harper Derangement Syndrome. Did you look up psychological projection, by the way?
    This thread is getting a tad stale, so I do look forward to your posting on a newer thread that attracts your interest and debating the issues of the day…. if you dare.
    Remember, we neanderthal conservatives work on facts – outmoded, I know, but that’s how you’ll get us to admit the errors of our ways.

  36. If you go to Kim’s blog (I did and I’m sorry I did, as I added to his meter count), you’ll discover that Kim is a guy.
    He’s got almost 6,000 hits (whoops, can I say that without being labeled a violent, vitriolic, conservative?) — or at least that’s what the count was 24 hours ago.
    Might I remind Mr. Kim that Kate has well over 2,000,000 hits on her blog: big league vs. mini-league.

  37. “the intrepid Mr. Kelley would no doubt face the prospects of long-term, if not permanent unemployment”
    You know I just can’t see a down side to that~
    Posted by: Joe at January 13, 2011 7:37 PM

    ONLY if it doesn’t become a reality, although hack journalism will have openings somewhere for this kind, so I hope not to see them ALL on welfare, although at would be more affordable.
    Kim = a CBC troll? I ask as usually a typical troll only spits out one or two snark rants and runs away leaving no internet crumbs.
    However the cognitive dissonance is weirdly fascinating with this one as it’s all pasted to his obsession of ‘hate Harper’. Oooo big bad boogie man, in his mind. Too funny.
    Proof what proof, conjecture, irrelevant thoughts, unsubstantiated opinion, unable to understand the difference between their navels and facts… typical of CBC and what is main stream journalism today -strong left on the political opinion/belief.
    And wow, just under 69,000 have joined this group of “FRIENDS of CBC victim-hood of losing their entitlements”?
    It’s laughable that they’re now their own appointed victim of the week.
    So hope it’s for a final time.
    Do not watch any of their ‘programs’ in years now – absolutely nothing.
    Wouldn’t a further drop of CBC viewers put these ‘feral elites’ on some libera endangered species list? Be good to get a firm target date on the defunding plan.
    Let the the left know in advance they need to now fully support them, not us exploited taxpayers.

  38. Mark Kelley’s e-mail to Jeff is the typical let-me-throw-sand-in-your-face-because-I-work-for-the-CBC response one has come to expect from this bloated, self-referential, self-important, “national broadcaster.”
    I was expecting a slightly nasty e-mail from Jeff given Kelley’s response but it wasn’t even a tiny bit mean. Kelley, as per usual with CBC staffers who are challenged, smugly bypassed Jeff’s factual points and didn’t acknowledge the proffered link to the Democrats’ 2004 map with bulls eyes targeting Republican states. Acknowledging it, of course, would invalidate one of the CBC’s main premises, that of Palin’s supposed culpability in Giffards’ shooting.
    The CBC makes up its own context, always leaving out facts pertinent to the issue, especially when those facts don’t bolster their left-lib, progressive view of things: anything to make conservatives/those on the right look bad.
    I’m sick of it. I barely watch the CBC anymore and I can hardly wait until its tendered to the highest bidder. The CBC is a millstone around the Canadian taxpayers’ neck.
